What other software do I need from Acrobat?

I just purchased the formscentral package and want to take our existing pdf forms with text boxes, drop downs, signature lines and add them to formscentral.  It keeps telling me to save in Acrobat but what software from Acrobat does this?  

A few things.
Signatures are not supported by FormsCentral, if you distribute FormsCentral enabled version of your PDF form with Signature fields and users sign the PDF, that signature will not be submitted back to FormsCentral and you would not have any record of that signature.  Supporting signatures is a popular feature request but is not something that we support at this time.
What you see when you try to Import your PDFs:
is not very clear, saying it is an invalid format is extreme...  It is related to the PDF form having been created in a third-party PDF authoring application (not Adobe Acrobat) and the form is missing some "appearances" that, if we imported the PDF and allowed you to save a FormsCentral enabled version, would not look as you expect.  Saving the PDF in Acrobat fixes the appearances and the PDF can then be imported into FormsCentral.
In general you do not need any other software with FormsCentral, Acrobat is very useful for being able to further edit your PDF forms after saving from FormsCentral (careful edits, there is an FAQ that talks about editing a FormsCentral PDF), and for this case where the PDF needs to be repaired by Acrobat.
If you do determine you need Acrobat, there are a few options, you can purchase the desktop software or there is also a subscription available that includes both Acrobat, FormsCentral and some other paid Adobe services: https://www.acrobat.com/acrobatplus/en/home.html

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    This isn't the correct forum for this topic, but I may be
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    What sort of student you are ? I meant.. are you going to study DB administration or Development.?
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    Here is a link: https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/mplayerx/id421131143?mt=12
    I agree that VLC is also a good choice but MPlayerX is more user friendly.

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    Barry Karas

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    Update via '''Help '''| '''Check For Updates'''.
    You do however need to update Flash via http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
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    Hi there
    Speaking as one who regularly combines Captivate and RoboHelp...
    Unless you really want some functionality that Captivate alone simply does not provide, you really shouldn't need any additional software whatsoever. You record the eLearning bits in Captivate, then you use that content in your RoboHelp projects.
    Are you seeking to host things in a Learning Management System (LMS)? If so, you probably should abandon the thought of RoboHelp, as it serves a bit of the functionality the LMS would provide.
    Note that AIR is a functionality similar to the Flash Player or the PDF Reader. It is free for the taking by the end user. There is nothing one would need to purchase. Now if you want to *AUTHOR* something in AIR, that's a different story. RoboHelp HTML version 8 will produce an AIRHelp output. But it sounds to me that you may be somewhat unfamiliar with what AIR gives you. So here's the skinny.
    If you were to produce AIRHelp output from RoboHelp, you end up with a .AIR file that each of your end users must *INSTALL* just as they would have to install an application. That's just to view the help. Prior to installing your AIR output, they would also need to first *INSTALL* the AIR viewer. So if they had no AIR capability whatsoever, they would need to perform two different installs. One of the AIR runtime, and a second of your AIR output. Additionally, creating the AIR output will also require a digital certificate. Now RoboHelp will allow you to create one, but it's an untrusted certificate and the end user will be forced to acknowledge whether they wish to continue installing with an untrusted certificate.
    Anyhoo, hopefully that helps you with at least some of what you were looking for.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Adobe Certified Captivate Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    Captivate eBooks

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    Regular_grind the return period has unfortunately expired for Acrobat 10.  You can qualify the upgrade pricing for Acrobat 11 however.  You can find more details regarding the upgrade pricing at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobatpro/buying-guide-upgrade-pricing.html.
    If you feel there is a problem with your installation media then I would encourage you to copy the contents of the DVD to your Desktop.  If you do not receive any write errors then it is likely your installation media is good and valid. 
    If you do need to download a fresh copy of the Acrobat 10 installation files then please see http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-acrobat-x-10-pro-reader-suite-direct-download-links-ddl.ht ml.  Please make sure that you complete the Very Important Instructions prior to scrolling down the page and clicking on the download link.
    Finally if you do receive errors during your Acrobat installation then I would recommend posting the specifics to the Acrobat Installation & Updates Issues forum  -http://forums.adobe.com/community/acrobat/installation_and_update_installation.

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    SPECIFICS:  Would like to present with interactivity capable to rotate objects.
    CURRENT SOFTWARE:  entire CC Master Collection
         Photoshop CC (Advanced)
         Illustrator CC (Advanced)
         InDesign & Copy CC (Advanced)
         Dreamweaver CC (Advanced)
         Flash with ActionScripting CC (10 years ago -- still retain some knowledge but would need a Refresher Learning Curve)
         Premiere Pro CC     (Beginning)
         After Effects CC      (Beginning)
         Audition CC            (Beginning)
         Speed Grade CC     (Beginning)
    QUESTION:   What integrated media software will allow me to accomplish GOAL?   . . . currently strategizing learning curve for production plan.
    Please, advice.  Sincerely, Idaglia Florez

    you could do that with javascript and html.
    but it would be more work unless you used a tool like flash to create those files.  i'm not sure what the security issues with flash are, but i can't see any security issues with javascript and html either whether created by flash or done without a tool (like flash or edge etc).

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    After a bunch of reading, it seems like FCE is right for me. I just want to make simple movies with clean transitions and good looking titles. On my old editor, I had to launch a separate program to create a DVD menu, render the movie, and burn the DVD. I think I actually had to pay again for the software to make the physical DVD on top of the editing software which was in the machine when you buy it.
    Is FCE the same way? Once I make a movie, do I need a separate program to create a DVD menu, render the movie, and burn the DVD?
    Or is that a part of FCE's abilities?
    ps. And I guess I should ask ... is there any software I'll "inevitably" end up buying within a year? These are not Hollywood movies I'm making ... just low-budget corporate videos that still need to look good enough to grab attention in a boardroom.

    +in addendum+ to Meg's excellent advice:
    for me, it is essentiell to have some kind of 'painting'-app for usage of movie and disk-creation.
    the many presets, templates, 'boiler plates' FC/e and iDVD come with are excellent designed ...- but perhaps you want a special pointer in your movie, your very own title-'chart', some home-brewn background for a title-animation, a hand-made 'cut out' mask ...
    no need for the huge and complete Adobe Suite, Photoshop/elements, or, my favorite, Pixelmator do superb jobs for the video-maker.
    and may I recommend one of my sites
    the title says it all ...

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    I'm not going to be much help, but I'll try.
    First, Adobe's first effort at supporting SCCM by providing a SCUP catalog is only in prerelease. There's no public info available at the moment. It sounds like some of you issues are SCCM specific.
    However, I did ping high level support and got this response:
    If he has a volume license, he should be transferred to a different queue in Customer Support. You might see if that happened when he called customer support.
    There's nothing specific to version 9 in the KBs, but it looks like it sometimes happens if someone has installed Acrobat previously with a suite.
    There are third-party discussions on this if you google it with SCCM or SMS.
    I wish I could be more helpful.

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    Can I buy airport express and use it as a stand alone system?
    Yes, but its primary design is to operate as a wireless Internet router. However, you can use it to create a wireless network without any access to the Internet.
    On the set up page it said to connect to a DSL network and I don't have one of them.  Will airport express still work?
    The AirPort will work with any Ethernet-capable Broadband Internet modem provided by most ISPs. It will work with a number of Internet access type services, including: ADSL, DSL, Cable, Satellite, etc.

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