What's the difference in "back ups"

Here is a side question: What's the difference, if any, in the files that result from a) an iCal "Back up Database...", b) a sync of iCal to .Mac, and c) a backup created via "Backup"
Austin's comment about keeping a backup made me wonder. I sync and let "Backup" save a file on an external HD so I never consider using iCal's built-in "Back up Database..." to make a regular back up.

The comment on keeping a backup was intended as a reminder that computer data is fragile, and you should have a backup of EVERYTHING - on a different medium. I use Carbon Copy Cloner once a week to a firewire disk, so I can boot from it if necessary.
Some documents are not adequately protected by this - work in progress, typically - and I generally take a copy of such docs to a memory stick at the end of a session working on them.
Some applications - iCal in particular - seem particularly fragile, though I must say it has never lost any data on me. Because I often put little reminders and memos in the events and todos, I could loose a lot of casual stuff if iCal went belly-up, so I make a copy of the calendar files automatically every night (unless I've shut down the computer first!).
I don't use sync and seeing all the problems that people have with it, I am very glad. I suspect that a lot of the problems we see with iCal are in fact caused by calendar files corrupted by syncing, but I have no hard evidence for that.
If you ask iCal to make a backup it lets you choose where to put it, tnen creates a "package" containing a copy of the files from the iCal directory in Application Support. You can see what is in it using the terminal, or by control-click and choose show contents. If you double click on the package it launches iCal to do a restore.
So, I don't know what you get with syncing to .mac; iCal's backup gives an easily-restorable copy of the database (and is probably the best option for novices) and routine backups of your hard disk will give you a copy of, inter alia, iCal's files that can be copied back. If someone doesn't want to automate the process, and doesn't want to take a full disk backup every day, they should at least be letting iCal do a backup every day (or couple of days, depending on activity)
Sorry about the long reply, but with so many people having problems I really think we should emphasise the importance of backup more often.

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    ## I know that the poster has already found a solution, but the following is a possible answer for others that have similar issues.
    For Winebottler, just go to their website and download it. Run the program. Choose .wine as your prefix (best choice) or whatever suits you best. You'll need a functional X11. If you can't use the one that comes with your mac, download the latest one from the website.
    If your issue is one with Winebottler's Wine not running correctly due to X11, then you have a pretty ugly problem, although a simple upgrade is the best solution (Upgrade XQuartz.app).
    The above website is the easiest way to get REAL wine on your computer. First of all, Wineskin WInery, etc. are NOT WINE. They are 3rd party apps that may use Wine or may have originally part of Wine, but they are no longer up to date with Wine. WineBottler is currently up to date with the stable releases of Wine (but not the maintenence releases).
    For the website tutorial and to run Wine on your mac without using a thrid party app, you will need to know a few things.
    First, you will need to know basic control of the command line. That means, sudo (you must know the administrator password to your computer), and the forms of cd (change directory).
    Second, you will need Xcode. Download 4.2 (stable) or whatever other versions you want, but beware: It is over 1 GB, and you will need time for it to work.
    Third, you will need to get MacPorts and configure it. The tutorial should have this data.
    When you download wine (use sudo port install wine-devel for the latest development release of wine), it will first download a lot of dependencies. This will take a while. After that, it will download wine itself.
    After obtaining wine, to run a program, open the terminal.app window.
    cd desktop/XYZ/ZYZ\ WRQ
    The above will first enter the desktop, then folder XYZ, then folder ZYZ WRQ. From here,
    wine th11e.exe
    Or whatever executable you are trying to open. (Using Subterranean Animism as my example).
    It should, in theory, run the program. Watch the terminal for errors. If there is an X11 problem, then it's not wine acting up. If the app crashes or has other issues, check the Wine Application Database to see if your app is compatible with wine.
    If you have any further questions or other things, feel free to reply; I may or may not get back to you, but there's a good chance that someone will come in eventually. Otherwise, the Wine Wiki should have some information.

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    Chucky-Tiger wrote:
    Both routes launch a screen saying Camera Raw 8.3 - Canon EOS 5D Mark III?
    If you are opening a raw file (.CR2), both routes are identical, because you have to convert raw files in ACR anyway.
    If you are opening a jpeg file, you can open the file directly in the Elements Editor (Open),
    you can open it the the ACR module. The dialog is the same (or nearly) as for raw files, with the same sliders and features, including some you don't find in the editor : clarity, advanced denoising...
    There are advantages in opening jpegs in ACR, especially because ACR works internally in 16 bits and in a wider color gamut. Very important for me is the fact that the ACR modules saves its edits as 'recipees' in the metadata section of the jpeg files, without changing any pixel value of the original.
    Likewise on this screen there is 'Cancel' and 'Done' Buttons', what is the difference both close that screen.
    I am assuming the 'Done' Buttons saves any manipulation of exposure or colours you may have made? and the 'Cancel' just forgets them?
    Cancel does cancel every edit you have started. You are back to the original file.
    'Done' saves your edits, as you rightly assume.
    'Open' saves the edits and send them to the editor for further editing if you want, for local retouch or using layers for instance.
    'Alt Open' does not saves the edits, but sends the edited result to the editor.
    'Save' is only used if you wish to convert the raw files to the DNG format.

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    Edited by: dinhtuan on Jun 28, 2010 3:10 PM

    Maybe have a look at the SAP Help for further information (http://help.sap.com) : e.g. 'Posting Credit Memos Integrated with Vendor'  or 'Posting a Credit Memo Offset Against a Clearing Account' 
    Transaction type 105 for credit memo on current acquisition made in the current year, posting key 75. Or transaction type 160 for credit memo on acquisitions from prior years. posting key 75.
    Note: determine if the asset was acquired in the current fiscal year or in a closed fiscal year (Display asset values).
    If the asset was acquired in a fiscal year that is now closed, correct the past depreciation using a write-up (in that case check out and refer to Posting Write-Ups).
    I hope this helps.
    Kind regards,

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    What's the difference?

    Thanks for posting the screenshots, that's helpful.  I didn't realize that you were looking at your groups.
    "All Contacts" include (as the name implies) all of your contacts.  Below that are any contact groups that you may have defined.  These would normally be such things as "Work", "Personal", "Doctors", etc.; any groups that you find useful to define.  These contain subsets of the "All Contacts" group.
    At some point, perhaps inadvertently, you must have created a group called "My Contacts", or imported it to iCloud from your computer.  At the time this may have contained all of your contacts and would have had the same number of contacts as the "All Contacts" group.  Then over time you probably added 433 additional contacts that were never part of the original "My Contacts" group, resulting in an "All Contacts" group that contained 1465 contacts.
    If you don't have any use for the "My Contacts" group, you can delete it by clicking on it on the left sidebar, click the gear icon on the lower left and choose Delete.  If you're concerned about doing this, you can make a backup of this group first by selecting it on the left sidebar, clicking on a single contact within the group, pressing Control-A to select them all (they should all be highlighted), then clicking the gear icon and choosing Export vCard.  This will create a .vcf file that can later be imported back to iCloud if you ever need to (by clicking the gear icon again and choosing Import vCard).

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    Hi folks,
    I am wondering what's the difference betewwen "Export" and "Publish" to the local Disk?
    Greetings from Germany

    Export is a one-way process, no connection back to the original images.
    Publish creates a connection that allows you to see what images have changed (in LR) since they were first published. Very useful for on-going projects such as images for a book that you may still be editing.

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    Both mp4 and mp4v plays fine in QT but only the latter plays on ATV.
    What's the difference? Do I loose any quality when converting from mp4 to mp4v using QT. Does anyone know?

    m4v is a raw mpeg4/10 format (otherwise known as AVC or h264) and provided the file specifications such as bitrate, resolution, profile etc, fit those required by the tv they will play without a problem.
    mp4 is an mpeg container that contains either mpeg4/10 or mpeg4/2 (generally just refered to as mpeg4), again provided the file specifications such as bitrate, resolution, profile etc, fit those required by the tv they will play without a problem.
    The difference between mpeg4/10 and mpeg4/2 is mainly to do with compression, essentially mpeg4/10 files are more efficiently compressed resulting in smaller files of equal quality, or indeed similar size files with higher quality.
    In terms of the tv the main difference to remember is that mpeg4/2 files should have a datarate of 3 Mbps or less wheras meg4/10 files should be 5 Mbps or less.
    What you really need to know is why those files that wont play, wont play. You may find that simply selecting the file in itunes and choosing advanced/create Apple tv version from the itunes menu will do the trick without you having to understand why at all. If this doesn't work take a look at the specifications for the file and post them back here where we can give further advice.
    See This

  • So what's the difference in

    I bought my X-fi xtreme gamer a few days after?I got vista so i've never used it on XP. So what's the difference?I've got 7. speakers (creative) and i was using a crappy Audigy SE 7. card before but now in vista... i wouldnt be able to tell the difference - except games i guess.. Im thinking of going back to XP, but is the sound quality when playing music better? CMSS-3D x-pand is cool... but it just doesnt always seem that good in vista - for example the side side speakers are pretty much silent.... what's it like in XP?Cheers.

    Scheduling through process chain involves lot of other things as well, like if you want to update target from source infoprovider or suring the load you come across any kind of error then user should be notified with this. If you want to give any speicifc condition or if you want to run ABAP program before starting the load then it can be done through process chain. Lot of things can be automated using process chain. But with InfoPackage scheduling options you can only limit it to that particular InfoPackage. Also, with process chain, if required, you can do multiple loads to different targets from one variant. It all depends on the requirement.
    Hope this helps.

  • What are the differences between Cartweaver CF and PHP?

    I am on my final step of finishing the webpage that I am building and saw Cartweaver for a shopping cart that is compatible with dreamweaver. But I looked into the site and hey didnt give an explanation between the CF and PHP version. So I would like to know the differences and which one would work best with Dreamweaver Cs6.

    Hi Kendall,
    As far as application differences, functionality wise, there is no difference. Both Cartweaver 4 CF and Cartweaver 4 PHP function and present themselves exactly the same. As far as implementation there are very subtle differences due the the way CF and PHP work, but they both are very close and use "includes" to place the Cartweaver functionality in your site penetration pages.  The web based store admins work exactly the same for both.  So you get the same results no matter which direction you go.
    Now what is the difference between PHP and ColdFusion?  That is a very important question as it will impact what platform you use from now on - for this site, and possably future sites you build so this is worth taking a little time to consider.
    Which is best?  Well this could lead to a discussion like which is best Mac or PC?  There are evangelists and zealots on both sides. The real truth of the matter is both are good choices, you just need to decide which is best, for you.  One poster said "what does your host support"  -  good point, but if you are new to working with dynamic web sites and are deciding what platform you want to go with there are more important factors to consider than what your current host supports. You can always select a different host.
    The biggest difference between CF and PHP is they way they are written - PHP is script pasted, much like JavaScript, CFML is tag based much like html. Because of this CFML is often a little easier to learn because it's a bit easier to look at something and figure out what it's doing.  So you may want to take a little time looking at this aspect. 
    Fact is though, with either one because Cartweaver does the vast majority of anything to do with code for you, learning the language is something you may not choose to do anyway.  An advantage to PHP is that it has much wider support, so finding developers to help out, or hosts can easier with PHP. So if you don't have any desire to dig in and learn code as you go and only want to learn what's necessary to get your shopping cart site up, then the steps and learning curve are pretty much the same and PHP may be a good way to go.  If this raises more questions than it answerers, let me know I'd be happy to discuss this more with you offline.
    So, back to the basics - from a functionality point, they are both the same. You only need to choose which platform you think will work best for you and go from there.
    I hope this helps. If you have any other questions at all, ask away.
    Lawrence Cramer - *Adobe Community Professional*
    PHP & ColdFusion Shopping Cart for Adobe Dreamweaver
    Stay updated:

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    A1181 is any of the seventeen models of the white or black MacBooks with the removable battery.
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