What the hell is wrong with my n86???

hi, i started a contract on december 23rd 09, had my n86 a few weeks, earpiece went, no volume, distorting etc, virgin send me a brand new phone, a few weeks later the same thing, this time they told me to keep everything except the battery and handset, and they supply me with a reconditioned phone (i know this as there was all links to some girls facebook page in the web history).
so now after 2 days ive got more problems than before, when its left overnight to charge its switched its self off by morning, it regularly freezes then reboots, and today its been extremely warmer than i think it should be with hardly any use and no apps open and more or less discharged a full battery in 7 hours, is there anything that i can do myself to sort out any of these problems?? if i have to phone virgin for a 4th replacement i think i'll just ask for a different handset, either that or tell them where to stick the other 15 months of the contract. thanks for any advice

What you could try:
1. Update the fw if possible: http://europe.nokia.com/support/download-software/device-software-update/can-i-update
2. Soft reset and format of mass memory. (remember to back up your content - contacts, messages, pics etc..)
 - If this does not fix it, I would do as you wrote - try to get it replaced with some other device perhaps...?

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            try {
             //returns -1, so I can't use it     
                int rowCount = dataTable1Model.getRowCount();          
             //get affected row     
                com.sun.jsfcl.data.DataCache.Row row =
                try {
                    //New RowSet for getting FK of affected line
                    JdbcRowSetXImpl pkRowSet = new JdbcRowSetXImpl();
                    pkRowSet.setCommand("SELECT fk_idrelease FROM kunden " +
                    "where fk_idrelease = ?");
                    //Convert Row into string
                    String myRow = row.toString();
                    //Getting the index of the first "=" (it's before the FK)
                    int index = myRow.indexOf("=")+1;
                    //Getting the number (FK) out of the string an casting it to int
                    int fk = Integer.parseInt(myRow.substring(index,(index+1)));
                    //Saving the FK in SessionBean1, so I can use it a parameter of
              //the setObject(int, Object)-method
                    //this will give me a RowSet of all lines containing the FK of
              //the affected row
              pkRowSet.setObject(1, getSessionBean1().getFk());
                    int numRow = pkRowSet.getRow();
              //If the numRow (numbers of rows) is 1, go to cascade_delte
              //and delte the entry with primary key as well
                    if (numRow == 1) {
                        cascade_delete(); //not implemented yet
                }catch (Exception ex) {
                    error("Error counting affected rows: " + ex);
                info("Deleting row OK!");
            }catch (Exception e) {
                log("Page 1: Row delete exception: ", e);
                error("Error during deleting: " + e);
            } // end try catch
          return null;

    just a guess - perhaps call pkRowSet.close() at the end of your try/catch?

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    I am using Version 2.0 (412) which came with my Powerbook G4 12" mac (current model). It seems to freeze or quit all the time, especially with ebay.
    I used to always send the 'report' to Apple. What exactly does Apple do with these anyway? I'm not sure what my problem is? I have 512Mb of RAM and 80Gb HD. I don't have many other programs open - just itunes and iphoto.
    Can anyone help or suggest anything? Many thanks.

    Livia, in addition to Jwall's great advice
    there are a few other things I'd suggest:
    1. Trash your Icons Folder:
    HD>Users>Home>YourName>Library>Safari -->Icons
    Restart Safari and a new folder will be automatically regenerated.
    (This folder saves favicons of all the sites you visit. Needs cleaning periodically -- or you can change that file's preferences to "Read Only"
    rather than "Read & Write." This will keep it from growing in size.)
    2. You might want to check all three "auto" preferences in Safari. Sometimes those lists gets very long and need pruning. (I turned all autofill boxes off, and have no problems.)
    3. If it's been a while since you've shut everything down . . .Shut down your computer . . . unplug the computer, modem, and router, if you have one. Let everything sit for 2-3 minutes. Plug everything back in, start up your modem & router, then restart your computer.
    Hope this helps

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    I see your point, you're looking at it from score to MIDI. instead of MIDI to score. Mapped instruments DON'T change the note that is played they change the designation on the left side of the hyper editor from a key # to a drum name.. And on page 435 they say it is ideal for custom drum kits.
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    You can't change any notes on the DRUM MIDI track , because BFD2 or Superior drums will not play the correct articulation anymore. BFD hats have 9 articulations (different midi note for each hit). Yet you want to still display those in standard drum score as two different note heads on the line of the staff. And a lot of the other kits have a lot of articulations also. The point of it for me was that I could look at the score and fix things from there as song was playing.. And a drummer could look at it and see an accurate drum representation of what the file is playing.
    You can easily edit regular instruments from score page, by sliding bass notes, cutting out grace notes etc. But with the drums you have to go back to the midi edit page.. Looking at a drum performance on the piano roll is hard (it's spread out over 5 or 6 octaves). A lot of times they create variations by using a lot of different articulations.
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    Another great reason to understand and use Drum Hypersets, is that you could switch drums midstream. Say you start with BFD drums but then want to move over to Addictive Drums.
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    If anyone else has worked this out, please jump in..

  • What the heck is wrong with AS 3.0?

    I'm having a whale of a time with rollovers in AS 3.0. In
    this app:
    The bottom buttons are simple movieclips with an up and over
    When you rollover and out of them they are very buggy. They
    have listeners and that is is. myButton.gotoAndPlay("over");
    The button to the left of the one with the green arrow. This
    is for the visible elements on the application. When the pop-up
    comes up, "MOUSE_OVER" doesn't work at all!!!! Why?
    "ROLL_OVER" is extremely buggy. Try it, works maybe half the
    I've been programming in AS for 5 years and 2.0 was perfect
    with the rollovers of movieclips. Should I be doing something
    different, or is this AS 3.0, for now?

    > I tried using the mouseEnabled and the mouseChildren
    > to improve performance of the highest buttons when the
    > pop-up is up. The "ok" and "cancel" buttons still work
    > like crap.
    I may not have understood what you were after at first. In
    my initial
    reply, I was thinking you wanted the icon buttons along the
    bottom to
    continue to respond when the blue swatch was obscuring them.
    At this point, I can see what you mean about the OK and
    Cancel buttons:
    it's easy to fool them by rapidly shaking the mouse. From
    what I'm seeing,
    I have the following thoughts: your events may be firing more
    than once,
    because the interior elements of your buttons (the lettering,
    the curve
    shape) may be active child objects of the buttons themselves
    -- for example,
    if your text fields are dynamic or of the shapes are movie
    clips. So you
    may want to set those buttons' mouseChildren properties to
    false ...
    elementsPopup.boxMC.okBTN.mouseChildren = false;
    I realize you just said you did that -- and I believe you --
    but since
    your earlier code samples don't show as much, I wanted to
    cover all the
    bases. I'm also noticing that the hit area of these buttons
    seems to extend
    past the edge of the button artwork itself (just for the
    OK/Cancel). That
    might be another mouse child culprit.
    The overall framerate of your movie may be an issue here,
    Since these buttons don't seem to tween, by not bypass movie
    clips for
    the time being and use button symbols? That may rescue you a
    few headaches
    for the moment and buy you time to experiment with movie clip
    event handlers
    Your code looks fine, so I'm interested to know if the same
    succeeds for you in cases where the artwork is flat-out dull.
    Start a new
    FLA and whip up a quick movie clip-based button whose artwork
    is simply
    comprised of identical squares (graphics or simply shapes).
    Use the
    MOUSE_OVER event. Should work as expected. Now introduce text
    (dynamic and
    static) to see how the event handling changes unless you
    mouseChildren = false (use trace() to test). If mouseChildren
    is true
    (default), you'll see your trace() get triggered every time
    you mouse away
    from the dynamic text "back on" to the simple square
    background. This isn't
    the case for ROLL_OVER, regardless of the mouseChildren
    So you can see that granularity and subtlety have increased,
    at least in
    this scenario. Conceptually, event handling is still the
    same, but some of
    the finer details have changed a bit.
    Chin up! :)
    David Stiller
    Contributor, How to Cheat in Flash CS3
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

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    Unlike the other browsers, Firefox is mostly volunteer- driven, so having someone always sitting on the other end of the phone is unlikely. If you want help live, try the irc channel: irc://moznet/firefox.
    Which website is causing the problem?

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    Hi Guys,
    I maybe posted this to the wrong forum - appreciate it if you would take a look and let me know what you think.
    What the hell is going on with my MERGE statement

    The problem exists in the statement in bold. The inline view of the merge
    returns 11808 rows and should only perform 11808 lookups on the index
    on TBL_INSTRUMENT to determine whether or not to insert a row. It is
    doing 1393981363 !!Do you have accurate statistics on these tables? Have you got histograms on skewed columns?
    Also, given that you are only acting on WHEN NOT MATCHED are you sure MERGE is the way to go? A straightforward insert driving off a NOT EXISTS sub-query or an anti-join might be a much better approach.
    Cheers, APC
    Blog : http://radiofreetooting.blogspot.com/

  • What the hell is going on with flash lately!?!?

    I'm using firefox on Windows 8 x64 and even after the updates i can't watch a video without going nuts! IMDB trailers no longer work without freezing my browsers, youtube videos won't allow to change quality without freezing or stutering as hell, so WHAT THE HELL ADOBE!??

    If I go to Mozilla support/forum page and search 'Windows 8' there are many issues listed there:
    There might be some information about a workaround in FF option setting there. I personally don't have any info specific for Windows 8 + FireFox + Flash Player compatibility issue but it I hear something, I'll bring it here. Meanwhile please try to use other browsers to see if same issue can be seen.

  • What the hell i can not download anything because of my adobe reader

    this is what it keeps showing me no matter what i download, what the hell is going on?(Adobe Reader could not open ').exe' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded). I am going right thru the website trying to download this ???????????????????????????? I am running a mac os x 10.5 pc & adobe reader 9  I have no idea what i am doing wrong someone anyone please HELP

    Probably you need to check your file associations. Probably mistakenly .exe file is associated with Adobe Reader which is meant to open only PDF files and not an .exe. Thus when you download an .exe, due to its association to Adobe Reader, it tries to open it and throws that message. Just search on the net and you will find how to change file associations on MAC.

  • What the hell went wro

    I have never had any problems with my Zen Xtra 30 gig. Turned on last night, nothing, no tracks nothing. Hooked it up to download the tracks again, nothing, the MP3 links up and shows it's coupled to the PC and will autosync. but when I try to down load, I get the error message
    Unable to create file, restart player and start again.
    I have tried this, resetting the player, uncouple and recouple but still the same problem.
    What the hells going on?

    First of all, relax & don't say bad words on this forum
    Try to access Rescue Mode on Your player & perform the "Cleanup" function. This is the best thing to do in this situation. Don't worry, cleanup will not delete songs on your player if they still ali've. Go to the Caterina's thread at the very top of the thread list to figure out how to do that. Good luck

  • What the hell bt

    Why are bt not sorting out the exchanges In THE MIDDLE of big towns cities like ipswich who cant even get up to 8meg "just about 1 meg here" And upgrading everyone to fibre.
    I live on one side of ipswich connected to a exchange that is 2km away when there are 2 exchanges within 700 metres of me which are both enabled for fibre what is the bloody logic in this.
    What the hell!

    Not sure where you got the info on Fibre from, I don't think any of the Ipswich exchanges have been enabled for fibre and last time I checked none are even in the list of planned upgrades yet.
    I think one or two have been upgraded for the upto 20M (ADSL2+) broadband, though most are in the list to be done during the next 12 months.
    From what you've said in other threads I'm guessing you are in one of the blocks of new flats near to the train station. I'd suspect the problem with connecting that area to the central Ipswich exchange is the River Orwell. To get across the river BT (Openreach) would have very limited options, the usual route being in the ducts in one of the bridges. The number of new lines needed for the level of development around you means the cables will be large and it is quite likely that there simply wasn't the capacity in the ducts to get the cable over the river.
    If the ducts were full then Openreach would have had to look at other options on how to get service from an exchange, a tunnel would probably not be possible, which would leave looking for an exchange on your side of the river, which appears to be what they have done. If you look at the Openreach plans then they are trialling using fibre to each house/flat for new builds to avoid this sort of issue in future.
    So I'd take a guess that the river is the reason you are connected to Belstead exchange. Belstead is due to be upgraded to the upto 20M broadband early next year, but I don't know if that would help your speed much.

  • Have purchased an E-book, but cannot download. Keep getting URLLink-2.acsm. What the hell is that

    Have purchased an E-book. but cannot download. Keep getting URLLink-2.acsm. What the hell is that

    Downloading to the ereader depends a little on the eReader.
    Some very basic eReaders, and Kindles, do not support Adobe DRM, in which case you cannot read such books on that reader.
    Most dedicated eReaders should show up in the left panel of ADE when they are plugged in to the USB.
    You might need a special driver, eg for Sony eReaders a driver is installed with the Sony Reader software.
    Some don't work correctly on ADE2.0, in which case try using the older but more reliable ADE 1.7.2 instead (see bottom of post).
    Once the eReader does show up in ADE, you will need to authorize the eReader (menu-Library-Authorize Device on 1.7.2, setting to the left of the device in 2.0).
    You should then be able to drag-drop books onto the device from within ADE.
    For tablets uses as eReaders you need an appropriate eReader app.
    Post again if your ereader is a tablet.
    Version 1.7.2, it is a little difficult to find, available on Adobe site for Windows and for Mac.
    The forum software is sometimes corrupting the link above.  There shouldn't be a blank in 'editio ns.html'.  The following redirects to the same page: http://tinyurl.com/diged172

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