What to do when report content span to the next page?

Hi gurus,
I have a report with its content extending to the next page. If
i expand my main frame to the next page, the upper half of the
second page is empty. Only the lower half is filled. I tried
changing the "Verical Elasticity" from Variable to Expand. But
gives an error "FRM-1814 Report cannot be formatted.
Object 'vertically' can never fit within 'R_INVOLVED'". The
report does not have any object with name 'vertically'
and 'R_INVOLVED' is a frame within the basic main frame
Thanks in advance. Please help.

Thanks for the reply
But R_INVOLVED frame is already set with 'Expand' Vertical
Initially R_INVOLVED also had the same problem when its property
was set to 'Variable'. It was okay when i changed it
to 'Expand'. But i couldn't do the same to the main Frame.
Thanks again for the help.

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  • Web CrystalReportViewer error when trying to go to the next page or search

    Recently I've updated my solution to CrystalReports for VS2010 (now I have 13.0.2000.0 version along with .NET 4.0 and C#). When I used CrystalReports 10.5.3700.0 CrystalReportViewer was situated inside an UpdatePanel and controlled with my own toolbar and everything worked fine. After an update this stuff refused to work at all (CrystalReportViewer was simply blank) and I according to advices on this board removed all UpdatePanels and ScriptManager from my page and began to use native CrystalReportViewer toolbar. Now first page of the report is rendering properly and Print and Export buttons of the native toolbar are working fine but when i'm trying to go to the next page of a report, I see only word "Error" in the report's area.
    Fiddler log for this request:
    POST HTTP/1.1
    Connection: keep-alive
    Referer: http://ipv4.fiddler:56507/reportview.aspx?report=forms_graph&from_d=01.12.2007+00%3A00%3A00&to_d=22.03.2010+23%3A59%3A59&s%5B%5D=74%2C95%2C112%2C97%2C139%2C96%2C125%2C113%2C98%2C128%2C144%2C90%2C141%2C80%2C75%2C118%2C109%2C71%2C72%2C94%2C73%2C3%2C2%2C81%2C133%2C82%2C117%2C140%2C127%2C137%2C131%2C143%2C116%2C129%2C111%2C87%2C88%2C120%2C110%2C124%2C145%2C146%2C134%2C135%2C138%2C108%2C101%2C136%2C142%2C76%2C6%2C47%2C10%2C4%2C53%2C102%2C91%2C11%2C99%2C50%2C114%2C132%2C115
    __EVENTARGUMENT={"0":{"rptViewLabel":"u0413u043Bu0430u0432u043Du044Bu0439 u043Eu0442u0447u0435u0442", "gpTreeCurrentExpandedPaths":{}, "vCtxt":"/wEXAwUVSXNMYXN0UGFnZU51bWJlcktub3duaAUOTGFzdFBhZ2VOdW1iZXICAQUKUGFnZU51bWJlcgIB", "pageNum":1}, "common":{"width":"350px", "Height":"", "enableDrillDown":false, "drillDownTarget":"_self", "printMode":"Pdf", "displayToolbar":true, "pageToTreeRatio":6, "pdfOCP":true, "promptingType":"html", "viewerState":"...(HUGE VIEWSTATE STUFF)...", "rptAlbumOrder":["0"], "toolPanelType":"None", "toolPanelWidth":200, "toolPanelWidthUnit":"px", "iactParams":[], "paramOpts":{"numberFormat":{"groupSeperator":" ", "decimalSeperator":","}, "dateFormat":"dd.MM.yyyy", "timeFormat":"H:mm:ss", "dateTimeFormat":"dd.MM.yyyy H:mm:ss", "booleanFormat":{"true":"u0438u0441u0442u0438u043Du0430", "false":"u043Bu043Eu0436u044C"}, "maxNumParameterDefaultValues":"200", "canOpenAdvancedDialog":true}, "zoom":100, "zoomFromUI":false, "lastRefresh":"01.09.2011 15:14:03"}, "curViewId":"0"}
    text_StatReportViewer_toptoolbar_selectPg=1 of 1+
    On a reloaded page I see just a text "Error" in CrystalReportViewer area and the following stack trace in html markup:
    Inner Stack Trace:
       at CrystalDecisions.Shared.Json.JsonArray..ctor(JsonTokener x)
       at CrystalDecisions.Shared.Json.JsonTokener.NextValue()
       at CrystalDecisions.Shared.Json.JsonObject..ctor(JsonTokener x)
    Stack Trace:
       at CrystalDecisions.Shared.Json.JsonObject..ctor(JsonTokener x)
       at CrystalDecisions.Shared.Json.JsonTokener.NextValue()
       at CrystalDecisions.Shared.Json.JsonArray..ctor(JsonTokener x)
       at CrystalDecisions.Shared.Json.JsonArray..ctor(String string_Renamed)
       at CrystalDecisions.Web.ReportAgentBase.LoadViewState(Object viewState, Boolean bRptSourceChangedByNavigation)
       at CrystalDecisions.Web.ReportAgent.LoadViewState(Object viewState, Boolean bRptSourceChangedByNavigation)
       at CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewerBase.LoadViewState(Object viewState)
       at CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer.LoadViewState(Object viewState)
    I don't know what additional information about this issue will be helpful. Any kind of help will be highly appreciated.

    Tried with attached allinone.js with out any luck.
    It seems that the GetLayer function returns null for the Crystal reports viewer Id
    below are fields values in function Widget_init()
    A.id= "RptViewer_BeamRptViewer__UI"
        id: "RptViewer_BeamRptViewer__UI"
        layer: null
        css: null
        getHTML: function(){var B=bobj.html;var C={overflow:"hidden",position:"relative",left:this.visualStyle.left,top:this.visualStyle.top};var A=B.DIV({dir:"ltr",id:this.id,style:C,"class":"dialogzone"},this._topToolbar?this._topToolbar.getHTML():"",this._separator?this
        beginHTML: function Widget_getHTML(){return""}
        endHTML: function Widget_getHTML(){return""}
        write: function Widget_write(A){_curDoc.write(this.getHTML(A))}
        begin: function Widget_begin(){_curDoc.write(this.beginHTML())}
        end: function Widget_end(){_curDoc.write(this.endHTML())}
        init: function(){this.initOld();this._initSignals();if(this._reportAlbum){this._reportAlbum.init()}if(this._topToolbar){this._topToolbar.init()}if(this._leftPanel){this._leftPanel.init()}if(this._statusbar){this._statusbar.init()}if(this._leftPanelResizeGrabber)
        move: function Widget_move(A,C){var B=this.css;if(A!=null){if(_moz){B.left=""+A+"px"}else{B.pixelLeft=A}}if(C!=null){if(_moz){B.top=""+C+"px"}else{B.pixelTop=C}}}
        resize: function(A,B){if(bobj.isNumber(A)){A=A+"px"}if(bobj.isNumber(B)){B=B+"px"}this.visualStyle.width=A;this.visualStyle.height=B;this._doLayout()}
        setBgColor: function Widget_setBgColor(A){this.css.backgroundColor=A}
        show: function Widget_show(A){this.css.visibility=A?_show:_hide}
        getWidth: function Widget_getWidth(){return this.layer.offsetWidth}
        getHeight: function Widget_getHeight(){return this.layer.offsetHeight}
        setHTML: function Widget_setHTML(A){var B=this;if(B.layer){B.layer.innerHTML=A}else{B.initialHTML=A}}
        setDisabled: function Widget_setDisabled(A){if(this.layer){this.layer.disabled=A}}
        focus: function Widget_focus(){safeSetFocus(this.layer)}
        setDisplay: function Widget_setDisplay(A){if(this.css){this.css.display=A?"":"none"}}
        isDisplayed: function Widget_isDisplayed(){if(this.css.display=="none"){return false}else{return true}}
        appendHTML: function Widget_appendHTML(){append(_curDoc.body,this.getHTML())}
        setTooltip: function Widget_setTooltip(A){this.layer.title=A}
        initialized: function Widget_initialized(){return this.layer!=null}
        widx: 64
        isDisplayModalBG: false
        isLoadContentOnInit: false
        layoutType: "fitReport"
        visualStyle: {...}
        widgetType: "Viewer"
        _topToolbar: {...}
        _reportAlbum: {...}
        _leftPanel: {...}
        _separator: {...}
        _print: {...}
        _export: {...}
        _promptDlg: null
        _reportProcessing: {...}
        _eventListeners: []
        _statusbar: {...}
        _leftPanelResizeGrabber: {...}
        initOld: function Widget_init(){var A=this;A.layer=getLayer(A.id);A.css=A.layer.style;A.layer._widget=A.widx;if(A.initialHTML){A.setHTML(A.initialHTML)}}
        _boundaryControl: {...}
        _modalBackground: {...}
        LayoutTypes: {...}
        PromptingTypes: {...}
        onGrabberMove: function(A){if(this._leftPanel){this._leftPanel.resize(A,null);this._doLayout()}}
        keepFocus: function(){var A=bobj.crv.params.FlexParameterBridge.getSWF(this.id);if(A){A.focus()}}
        addChild: function(A){if(A.widgetType=="ReportAlbum"){this._reportAlbum=A}else{if(A.widgetType=="Toolbar"){this._topToolbar=A;this._separator=bobj.crv.newSeparator()}else{if(A.widgetType=="Statusbar"){this._statusbar=A}else{if(A.widgetType=="PrintUI"){this._print=A}
        _onWindowResize: function(){if(this._currWinSize.w!=winWidth()||this._currWinSize.h!=winHeight()){this._doLayout();this._currWinSize.w=winWidth();this._currWinSize.h=winHeight()}}
        _initSignals: function(){var B=MochiKit.Base.partial;var D=MochiKit.Signal.signal;var A=MochiKit.Signal.connect;var C=MochiKit.Iter.forEach;if(this._topToolbar){C(["zoom","drillUp","firstPage","prevPage","nextPage","lastPage","selectPage","refresh","search","export","pr
        getLeftPanel: function(){return this._leftPanel}
        _initLeftPanelSignals: function(){var B=MochiKit.Base.partial;var D=MochiKit.Signal.signal;var A=MochiKit.Signal.connect;var C=MochiKit.Iter.forEach;if(this._leftPanel){C(["grpDrilldown","grpNodeRetrieveChildren","grpNodeCollapse","grpNodeExpand","resetParamPanel","resizeToolPan
        _isMainReportViewSelected: function(){var A=this._reportAlbum.getSelectedView();return A&&A.isMainReport()}
        _doLayoutOnLoad: function(){this.css.visibility=this._oldCssVisibility;this._doLayout()}
        _doLayout: function(){var H=this._topToolbar?this._topToolbar.getHeight():0;var D=this._topToolbar?this._topToolbar.getWidth():0;var K=this._separator?this._separator.getHeight():0;var M=this._statusbar?this._statusbar.getHeight():0;var R=this._leftPanel?this._leftPa
        _onSwitchPanel: function(A){var B=bobj.crv.ToolPanelType;if(B.GroupTree==A){MochiKit.Signal.signal(this,"showGroupTree")}else{if(B.ParameterPanel==A){MochiKit.Signal.signal(this,"showParamPanel")}else{if(B.None==A){MochiKit.Signal.signal(this,"hideToolPanel")}}}this._left
        setPageNumber: function(B,A){if(this._topToolbar){this._topToolbar.setPageNumber(B,A)}}
        showPromptDialog: function(B,A){if(!this._promptDlg){var C=MochiKit.Base.bind(this._onShowPromptDialog,this);var D=MochiKit.Base.bind(this._onHidePromptDialog,this);this._promptDlg=bobj.crv.params.newParameterDialog({id:this.id+"_promptDlg",showCB:C,hideCB:D})}this._promptD
        updatePromptDialog: function(A){A=A||"";var B=function(C,D){return function(){C.updateHtmlAndDisplay(D)}};bobj.loadJSResourceAndExecCallBack(bobj.crv.config.resources.HTMLPromptingSDK,B(this._promptDlg,A));if(bobj.isParentWindowTestRunner()){setTimeout(MochiKit.Base.partial(M
        showFlexPromptDialog: function(G,M){var B=bobj.crv.params.FlexParameterBridge;var C=bobj.crv.params.ViewerFlexParameterAdapter;if(!B.checkFlashPlayer()){var E=L_bobj_crv_FlashRequired;this.showError(E.substr(0,E.indexOf("{0}")),B.getInstallHTML());return }C.setViewerLayoutType(
        sendPromptingAsyncRequest: function(A){MochiKit.Signal.signal(this,"crprompt_asyncrequest",A)}
        setDisplayModalBackground: function(A){A=this.isDisplayModalBG||A;if(this._modalBackground){this._modalBackground.show(A)}}
        _onShowPromptDialog: function(){this._adjustWindowScrollBars();this.setDisplayModalBackground(true)}
        _onHidePromptDialog: function(){this._adjustWindowScrollBars();document.onkeypress=this._originalDocumentOnKeyPress;this.setDisplayModalBackground(false)}
        isPromptDialogVisible: function(){return this._promptDlg&&this._promptDlg.isVisible&&this._promptDlg.isVisible()}
        hidePromptDialog: function(){if(this.isPromptDialogVisible()){this._promptDlg.show(false)}}
        hideFlexPromptDialog: function(){if(this._promptDlg){if(_ie){this._promptDlg.focus()}this._promptDlg.style.visibility="hidden";this._promptDlg.style.display="none";this.setDisplayModalBackground(false);if(this._promptDlg.closeCB){this._promptDlg.closeCB()}}}
        _adjustWindowScrollBars: function(){if(_ie&&this.layoutType==bobj.crv.Viewer.LayoutTypes.CLIENT&&this._promptDlg&&this._promptDlg.layer&&MochiKit.DOM.currentDocument().body){var E,B;var A=MochiKit.DOM.currentDocument().body;var D=this._promptDlg.layer;if(this.getReportPage()&&this
        showError: function(C,A){var B=bobj.crv.ErrorDialog.getInstance();B.setText(C,A);B.setTitle(L_bobj_crv_Error);B.show(true)}
        update: function(C){if(!C||C.cons!="bobj.crv.newViewer"){return }if(C.args){this.isDisplayModalBG=C.args.isDisplayModalBG}this.hidePromptDialog();for(var A in C.children){var B=C.children[A];if(B){switch(B.cons){case"bobj.crv.newReportAlbum":if(this._reportAlbum){
        getToolPanel: function(){if(this._leftPanel){return this._leftPanel.getToolPanel()}return null}
        getParameterPanel: function(){var A=this.getToolPanel();if(A){return A.getParameterPanel()}return null}
        getReportPage: function(){if(this._reportAlbum){var A=this._reportAlbum.getSelectedView();if(A){return A.reportPage}}return null}
        scrollToHighlighted: function(){if(!this._reportAlbum){return }var A=this._reportAlbum.getSelectedView();if(A){A.scrollToHighlighted(this.layoutType.toLowerCase()==bobj.crv.Viewer.LayoutTypes.FITREPORT)}}
        addViewerEventListener: function(C,B){var A=this._eventListeners[C];if(!A){this._eventListeners[C]=[B];return }A[A.length]=B}
        removeViewerEventListener: function(E,B){var A=this._eventListeners[E];if(A){for(var D=0,C=A.length;D<C;D++){if(A[D]==B){A.splice(D,1);return }}}}
        getEventListeners: function(A){return this._eventListeners[A]}

  • On Facebook when I post a comment it shows up twice. Also on Ebay when I click "Buy It" the next page shows 2 separate entries for the item I bought.

    On Facebook I'm able to delete 1 of the duplicate posts.
    On Ebay after I click "buy now" & go to the next page I find I have 2 of the same item to pay for separately.
    This happens about 50% of the time.

    I believe that insufficient RAM may be the source of some of your problems. If you have a RAM of somewhere 4 to 8GB, you will experience smoother computing. 3GB doesn't seem right, so you might want to learn more by going to this site:
    I don't know what know what's happening with your optical drive, but it seems you use your drive quite a bit. In that case, look into a lens cleaner for your machine. It's inexpensive, works quite well.
    I hope you'll post here with your results!

  • How do I customize my "view" permanently? When changed, the view is reset the next page.

    How can I change the "view" permanently? When changed, it is reset the next page.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Today

    Make sure that you not run Firefox in [[Private Browsing]] mode.
    In Private Browsing mode some menu items are disabled (grayed) and some features like visited links and others are disabled and not working.
    You are in Private Browsing mode if you see "Tools > Stop Private Browsing".
    See [[Private Browsing]] and http://kb.mozillazine.org/Issues_related_to_Private_Browsing
    You enter Private Browsing mode if you select: Tools > Options > Privacy > History: Firefox will: "Never Remember History"
    To see all History settings, choose: Tools > Options > Privacy, choose the setting '''Firefox will: Use custom settings for history'''
    UnCheck: [[ ] "Automatically start Firefox in a private browsing session"
    If you need to increase (or decrease) the font size on websites then look at:
    Default FullZoom Level - https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/6965
    NoSquint - https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/2592
    See also http://kb.mozillazine.org/Zoom_text_of_web_pages

  • How to add the rows formatted as table headings, Tables headings are repeated when a table spans more than one page.

    Hi all,
    i am facing problem while generating Test Result word document after successful execution of TestStand.
    The Problem is :
    i want to add rows Formatted as table headings, table headings are repeated when a table spans more than one page(marked as Red).
    Page  No. 1
    |     Test case Number  |  Test Step number      |
    |      100                         |            100                   |
    Page  No. 2
    |     Test case Number  |  Test Step number      |
    |      200                         |            300                   |
    Test Result word document should generate with Table headings(marked as Red) in every pages of the document, but i am not getting as per above example.
    Please through light on this.

    Hi Santiago,
    Thank you very much for your valuable reply.
    i want to generate MS-word report for TestStand after successful testing using MS-word2000.
    Test report contains Actual values, Expected values and Pass/Fail status.
    In my program i have customized all  fields i can able to generate test report which contains Verification engineer name , test mode, test date, start time, end time Actual values, Expected values and Pass/Fail status.etc....
    To put all values of test case number, Test step number, Actual values, Expected values and Pass/Fail status in to table for each time, i will
    insert a row into table every time values arrives, once the table exceedes its page size it moves to the next page, next page should start with table row header  but it start with  values of above said parameters.
    so i'm not able to repeat table row header for each page.
    Please find the attached file for your reference.
    Attched file expected.doc  :   This file contains what i wanted to generate MS-word report. Here table row header "Test Case Number and Test Step Number " is repeated in second page.
    Attached file Actual output from source code.doc   :  This report generated from the source code. Here table row header "Test Case Number and Test Step Number" is not repeated in second page.
    Do you know any property to set "repeat as header row at the top of each page" using MS-word ActiveX in CVI/Labwindows.
    i think this information is sufficient for you,
    Still if you need some information please ask me.
    Actual output from source code.doc ‏25 KB
    expected.doc ‏26 KB

  • After doing a Google search, I click on a link and go to the searched web page.  When I go back to the Google page using the back button the links I originally clicked on no longer show as "greyed out".  Any idea what is going on with the browser?

    After doing a Google search, I click on a link and go to the searched web page.  When I go back to the Google page using the back button the links I originally clicked on no longer show as "greyed out".  Any idea what is going on with the browser?

    Type '''about:config''' in the Location (address) bar and press the "Enter" key. When you see a warning, click '''I'll be careful, I promise!''' button.
    * Preferences that have been modified are shown as '''bold (user set)'''.
    * Preferences can be '''Reset to the default''' or changed via the right-click context menu.
    -> In the '''Filter bar''', type '''browser.sessionhistory.max_entries'''
    * Right click the preference '''browser.sessionhistory.max_entries''' and click '''Modify'''
    * Change value from 0 to whatever you want over 0 (Default value is 50)
    * click OK
    -> Close the '''about:config''' tab and then Restart Firefox.
    See this post:
    * https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/860894#answer-229574
    Check and tell if its working.

  • When I try to activate facetime,after i sign in and go to the next page and click next it keeps going back to the sign in.What do I do?

    When i try to activaye facetime after i sign in and go over to the next page it kept goin back to the sign in what do i do?

    1. Make sure software is up to date
    2. Make sure FaceTime is enabled; Settings>FaceTime
    3. Make sure Date and Time is correctly set; Settings>General>Date and Time>Set Automatically>On
    4. Make sure Push Notification is enabled
    5. Make sure phone number or email address is correct
    6. Hold the Sleep and Home button down (together) until you see the Apple Logo

  • HT201210 What to do when an error occurs after the restoring process? my phone wont turn on anymore

    What to do when an error occurs after the restoring process? my phone wont turn on anymore

    The phone is telling you to plug in your phone to your computer. Do that then let it sit for a few minutes and then try it again and make sure itunes is open when you do

  • What to do when iphoto gets this window "The email server didn't recognize your username/password combination"?

    What to do when iphoto gets this window "The email server didn’t recognize your username/password combination"?

    Hi ...
    If you are trying to "Share" photos via email, quit iPhoto then launch the Mail app.
    From the Mail menu bar click Mail > Preferences then select the General tab.
    Select your Mail client from the pop up menu next to:  Default email reader
    Now select the Accounts tab then the Account Information tab.
    Select the account on the left that you want to use with iPhoto.
    Type in your User name and password
    Relaunch iPhoto. Click Share from the menu bar > Email

  • Table Problem x2 within Pages: 1) In the Header; 2) Maintaining a table's starting point when carrying over to the next page.

    Pages '09 v4.1
    Problem 1:
         I am working with a 2-column Page document. Its my goal to have three items listed in a header in particular positions. Far left shows the paragraph number the page starts with, in the center is a title of the contents of the page, and on the far left is the last paragraph number to appear. To place these three items in the desired positions requires the insertion of a lot of spacing on both sides of the 'centered' title along with counting the characters of the title to find its center to alighn with the center of the page. 253 pages of this to will qualify me to be labled with a severe case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I don't want OCD.
         However, by installing a one row/3 column table in the header my task was made a lot easier in alighnments. But, another problem reared up. Within the header underneath the table is a vertical space remaining. This vertical 'tallness' is equivalent to the font size of 10. Its taking up too much space between the header and the text. It needs to be reduced or eliminated.
         On the left-hand page I am able to reduce the font as far down as '1'. I've settled on using '3'. However, on the right-hand page the font will not accept any size selections be they less or more and remains stubbornly at font 10. Within a Header that does not have a table, I am able to change the font of both left and right pages.
         Is there a another way to approach what I desire for the header other than installing a table in it? Is there a way to alter the font on the right hand pages?
    Problem 2:
         Whenever I create a table following text already on a page all is right until the table's growth in construction laps over to the next page. At that point the first row snaps to the top of the following page leaving an undesired area (space) between the last line of the text on the preceding page. Whenever I attempt to drag the table to the desired position it snaps back. This only happens when the table is larger than the remaining area of the page. If the table is started at the top of an unused page and runs beyond the confines of that page than it continues as expected onto the next page duplicating the table header. But to do this it must begin at the top of an unused page. Is there a means to have a table placed in the remaining space of a page and what does not fit continues to the next page in effect having a partial of the table on each page?
    So there you have it. Christmas is over and its back to work. Thank-you for your attention.

    Regards re-positioning a table:
    I went to Inspector>Wrap>Object Placement/Inline (moves with text) and found that the inline option was selected. Some of the rows within the table have two lines of text. Again, I dragged the table to the desired position on a page that is partially composed with text and got the same results as before -  the table snapping back to the top of the following page where it initially resided. In this current position the 2-page table does break as it should on the following 3rd page. Below is a schematic of the appearance of the 2-pages involved.
    Page 1 left side.
    TEXT 1-line as 1-column
    TABLE (5-rows)
    TEXT (2-columns) 14-lines left column and 13-lines right column.
    [Layout Break] otherwise the above textual columns would be all on the left side of the page.
    TEXT 1-line as 1-column
    * The desired insertion point for a two page table on a page that is 40% filled with the above descriptions.
    Page 2 right side.
    A 2-page table flowing or breaking into a 3rd page.
    Page 3 left side.
    The overflow of the subject table.
    [Layout Break]
    [Section Break]
    Is there some other way to anchor a table to the text other than Inspector>Wrap>Object Placement/Inline (moves with text)?

  • SelectedItem return null when hit the NEXT page or Submit

    Hello All,
    I try to add the paging to the open source Alfresco content management. We need to process a large dataset (e.g. > 50K files) so after we gather a list of data files we display them with the checkbox and each checkbox has default checked status.
    If the value="#{FixItemList.selectedItems} is omitted in the <h:selectManyCheckbox> then the paging is fine when hitting the NEXT page or Submit button. If we set the value in the selectManyCheckbox then it returns null for selectedItems.
    Would please point out what I have done wrong? Appreciate for all yours helps.
    This is the managed bean object.
    public class ToolsContext
         private FixItemList fixItemList;
         private ToolsContext()
              this.fixItemList = new FixItemList();
         public void addFix(Fix fix) {
              if(fix != null) {               
                   fixItemList.addFixItem(new SelectItem(fix, fix.getPath(), fix.getDetails(), false));
                   fixItemList.addFixSelectedItems("" + fix + "");
    public class FixItemList implements Serializable
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 123784764562L;          
         private List<SelectItem> items;
         private List<String> selectedItems;
         private int displayItemPerPage;
         public FixItemList() {
              displayItemPerPage = 100;
              items = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
              selectedItems = new ArrayList<String>();
         public void setItems(List<SelectItem> items) {
              this.items = items;
         public List<SelectItem> getItems() {
              return this.items;          
         public int getItemsSize() {
              return this.items.size();
         public int getDisplayItemPerPage() {
              return this.displayItemPerPage;
         public void setDisplayItemPerPage(int displayItemPerPage) {
              this.displayItemPerPage = displayItemPerPage;
         public void addFixItem(SelectItem selectItem) {          
         public List<String> getSelectedItems() {
              return selectedItems;
         public void setSelectedItems(List<String> selectedItems) {
              this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
         public void addFixSelectedItems(String selectedItem) {          
    }My faces-config.xml
            This bean is to display in the Web Project tool as the pagination. HOPEFULLY SO
        </managed-bean>The JSP page.
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/alfresco.tld" prefix="a" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/repo.tld" prefix="r" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/wcm.tld" prefix="w" %>
    <w:avmList id="files-list" viewMode="details" pageSize="#{FixItemList.displayItemPerPage}" styleClass="recordSet"
    headerStyleClass="recordSetHeader" rowStyleClass="recordSetRow" altRowStyleClass="recordSetRowAlt" width="100%"
    value="#{FixItemList.items}" var="row">
    <%-- checkbox column --%>
    <a:column id="col1" primary="true" width="5" style="padding:2px;text-align:left">
       <h:selectManyCheckbox id="wpt" value="#{FixItemList.selectedItems}">
            <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{row.label}" itemValue="#{row.value}" />
    <%-- file name column --%>
    <a:column id="col2" primary="true" width="50%" style="padding:2px;text-align:left">
         <h:outputText value="#{row.description}" />
    <a:dataPager id="pager1" styleClass="pager" />
    </w:avmList>When I hit the NEXT page the #FixItemList.selectedItem return null. We use myface version 1.1.5. And below is the stack error
    SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception
         at javax.faces.component._SelectItemsIterator.hasNext(_SelectItemsIterator.java:73)
         at javax.faces.component.UISelectMany.validateValue(UISelectMany.java:268)
         at javax.faces.component.UIInput.validate(UIInput.java:354)
         at javax.faces.component.UISelectMany.validate(UISelectMany.java:297)
         at javax.faces.component.UIInput.processValidators(UIInput.java:184)
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.processValidators(UIComponentBase.java:627)
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.processValidators(UIComponentBase.java:627)
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.processValidators(UIComponentBase.java:627)
         at javax.faces.component.UIForm.processValidators(UIForm.java:73)
         at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.processValidators(UIComponentBase.java:627)
         at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.processValidators(UIViewRoot.java:149)
         at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsExecutor.execute(ProcessValidationsExecutor.java:32)
         at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.executePhase(LifecycleImpl.java:95)
         at org.apache.myfaces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(LifecycleImpl.java:70)
         at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(FacesServlet.java:139)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:290)
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:206)
         at org.alfresco.web.app.servlet.AuthenticationFilter.doFilter(AuthenticationFilter.java:104)Appreciate for all yours helps,

    I put the print out statement in the _SelectItemsIterator and found out that the selected item's value doesn't binding. How would I be able to select an item? Attached is the code with debug print out in the SelectItemsIterator.
    Would some one please point me a direction? Appreciate.
        public boolean hasNext()
            if(_nextItem != null)
                return true;
            if(_nestedItems != null)
                    return true;
                _nestedItems = null;
                UIComponent child = (UIComponent)_childs.next();
                getLogger().debug("-----_SelectItemsIterator---child is UIComponent---" + child.getChildCount());
                getLogger().debug("-----_SelectItemsIterator---child is UIComponent---" + child.getAttributes());
                Map m = child.getAttributes();
                Set s = m.keySet();
                Iterator i= s.iterator();
                while (i.hasNext()) {                 
                     getLogger().debug("value  = " + m.get(i.next()));
                if(child instanceof UISelectItem)
                     UISelectItem uiSelectItem = (UISelectItem)child;
                    Object item = uiSelectItem.getValue();
                    getLogger().debug("-----_SelectItemsIterator---child is UISelectItem---getValue()--" + item);
                    if(item == null)
                        Object itemValue = ((UISelectItem)child).getItemValue();
                        String label = ((UISelectItem)child).getItemLabel();
                        String description = ((UISelectItem)child).getItemDescription();
                        boolean disabled = ((UISelectItem)child).isItemDisabled();
                        if(label == null)
                            label = itemValue.toString(); //////////////////////IT THROWS THE EXCEPTION HERE, BECAUSE THE
                                                                 ///itemValue is null
                        item = new SelectItem(itemValue, label, description, disabled);
                        getLogger().debug("-----_SelectItemsIterator---create item - label---" + label);
                        getLogger().debug("-----_SelectItemsIterator---create item - descp---" + description);
                        getLogger().debug("-----_SelectItemsIterator---create item - disable---" + disabled);
                        getLogger().debug("-----_SelectItemsIterator---create item - itemValue--" + itemValue);

  • Why is it that when I go to Yahoo mail, I can't delete any messages or move to the next page? Stays stuck on page 1..

    Lately, when I log on to my yahoo mail while using firefox, it no longer shows the DELETE option at the top of the email page. So, I cannot delete any emails that I might wish to delete. Also, I cannot get past the first page of my emails. Every time I click on the NEXT PAGE button, it does not move from page 1. This does not happen when I log onto yahoo mail using Internet Explorer. Please advise as to what I can do to correct this. Could it be that I'm not using the latest version of Firefox? I don't know...

    Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache. In order to try to fix these problems, the first step is to clear both cookies and the cache.
    Note: ''This will temporarily log you out of all sites you're logged in to.''
    To clear cache and cookies do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > History > Clear recent history or (if no Firefox button is shown) go to Tools > Clear recent history.
    #Under "Time range to clear", select "Everything".
    #Now, click the arrow next to Details to toggle the Details list active.
    #From the details list, check ''Cache'' and ''Cookies'' and uncheck everything else.
    #Now click the ''Clear now'' button.
    Further information can be found in the [[Clear your cache, history and other personal information in Firefox]] article.
    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * You can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or open the Help menu and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''
    Thank you.

  • In MS Word, it is possible to prevent tables from breaking at page breaks.  So, if a table, when populated with data gets too big for the spae allotted on one page, the table will move in its entirety, to the next page. Can this be done in "Pages"?

    I am trying to figure out ow to prevent tables from breaking along a row when there is a page break in "Pages".  This is done in MS Word by going under Table properties under "Rows".   I have a document with small three row tables and I want to keep the tables together and move to the next page in its entirety when there is a page break.  Help!

    The table that I don't want to break between rows looks like this, except it fits the width of the page:
    quilt name
    picture of quilt      
    Size: XX; Difficulty Level: 3
    I inserted a Inline Text box into the document, copied the table inside the text box, then pasted it through the document (which lists quilting projects).  When the table spans a page break, even when in an inline text box, the picture which is in the right hand column splits, as well as the information pertaining to the particular quilt.
    Jerry - thank you for your help.  I tried to give you a "solved my problem" rating, but I am adjusting to the Mac slowly after 20+ years on a PC.

  • How to split table in the report so it shows on the next page?

    How to split table in the report so it shows on the next page? Im trying to fit long (many columns) table into my report page. It is too long however. I want it to wrap and show the rest on the next page. What I get now is table cut at the page end and rest is not visible.

    Yes, this might be that the amount of data will cause table to grow and exceed 1, 2, 3.. pages. In that case I would probably want to have, lets say , one half of columns on 1st page then the other on the 2nd page and then repeatedly the same sequence down across all pages. Is there a way to achieve this?

  • Problems when trying to move a paragraph with a heading to the next page

    When i try to move a paragraph with a heading (generally style 2) to the next page by pressing the enter key, rather than the whole paragraph moving to the top of the next page it moves to pretty well every where but the top. i have attached a video because im sure what i have said doesn't make much sense.
    i have talked to an apple technician through apple care and we came to the conclusion after reseting iwork to default settings still with no changes all i could do was completely remove iwork from my computer and try to start over. Or come to the forums to see if there is a work around.

    Hi Jared,
    Without commentary, or other explanation, it's difficult to determine what actions you are taking to produce the results in the video.
    In the first instance, it appears that you have placed the insertion point at the beginning of the line following the header, then pressed and held return. this action pushes that line (and anything below it) down until it crosses the page boundary and jumps to a second page. That's expected behaviour.
    At approximately 0:57, you have deleted the return characters, returning the first and second lines after the header to a position immediately following the header. The insertion point is then moved to the point at the beginning of the header line, and returns are inserted as before. About 1:04, a number of unreadable alert boxes appear. At 1:07, the second line below the heading moves to the second page, followed by the first line, then by the heading itself at about 1:10. Again this is expected behaviour.
    Only after that are there any 'odd' behaviours, and without knowing what actions you are taking to produce those oddities, it's (at least) difficult to say what is causing the results you see.

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