Whats takeing so long to fix my iTunes

For to many weeks I have been talking to Apple so called techs about this Itunes fiasco
where it does not play my songs in order of any shape or form
It quits in some and then jumps to another only to find its the end of another song or even
the middle of one and then it also is skipping over many and not playing them.I have done whats required to fix this
Problem told to do this or that by Tech's on the phone.
then when that does not work they say wait a moment I will get some one to help the only to find out that person doesnt have a clue to fix Itunes in my Ipod shuffle. I began to think that might be my fault for my shuffle is a little old
so I went out to apple store and bought a new one only to find out that when i used it after a full download as required and all my music it does exactly the same thing as my other. 
I am told again by another tech we will send your request to some one in I O S who handles Itunes Ha Ha Ha
they tell me all the same things do this and that. of which I have already done Factory settings reinstall all music etc.  you know what I am saying then a tech says oh wait two days for it to come together
no way i think he wanted to get away and have me think he would help.
I am passed on to one tech to another and now I am Mad as **** I get a email telling me tell them what is going on with Itunes screwing up (My Words not His) I send a reply to him telling all Thinking he is knowledgeable only to get a reply from him telling me he cant do anything to help he is turning it over to applecare support team. See its all over again go here do that etc. etc.
All thats needed is to totally uninstall Itunes and then reinstall it hoping it will be better for the ones who designed it
cant seem to pour water out of a boot even with the instructions on the bottom of it.

Your post jumps  a bit so it isn't clear to me, is this only happening on the Shuffle or is it happening when you play songs in iTunes too?
"iTunes" is not "on" your Shuffle, it is an application on your computer and what you are playing are music tracks as seen in iTunes and the files they indicate on your computer which get transferred to the Shuffle when you sync.  You therefore need to break this down into stages to determine if it is an issue with the Shuffle, the syncing process, how iTunes behaves, or the files themselves.

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    Unfortunately you cannot re-download rentals, allow it to finish and enjoy it and consider the situation for further rentals.
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    The problem is with version 10.4.1.  I had to reload 10.3 to get it to work.  The recommendation from a previous poster worked for me.  Here was their list of steps:
    Go to Control Panel>Programs>Uninstall
    2.  Uninstall the following Apple programs in the following order:
         a. iTunes
         b. QuickTime
         c. Apple Software Update
         d. Apple Mobile Devices Support
         e. Bonjour
         f.  Apple Appllcation Support
    3.  Reboot PC
    4.  Find, Download and Install iTunes 10.3 (you can find it at FileHippo.com)
    If you start iTunes now you will get an error message saying that the current iTunes library was created by a newer version of iTunes.  To correct this:
    5.  Go to your Music>iTunes folder and delete the "iTunes Library.itl" database file
    6.  Within this iTunes folder find and open the "Previous iTunes Libraries" folder and locate the most recently dated "iTunes Library (date).itl" database file.
    7.  Copy and Paste this file back into the iTunes folder
    8.  Rename this "iTunes Library (date).itl" file by removing the date.  It should say "iTunes Library.itl"
    9.  Reboot PC

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    1. You have changed the iTunes preferences so that when importing a song the file is not copied into the iTunes media library - doing so is the default.
    2. You have subsequently moved the original file, which iTunes has been using to play your song, and so of course it's lost contact with it.
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