Whats up with fuzzy logic 4

This utility doesn't do any of the things that it says it will do. I'm runnung xp pro on the 850 pro5. Why doesn't it work????????????

Originally posted by Venom_IL
Guys, guys.. youre missing the point here - we dont need fuzzy logic.
That program is, and has always been , useless. it cant do half the things you can easily do in the BIOS. what we DO need (us 645 users anyway) is a BIOS upgrade which will enable us to get at least 1.65V Vcore. thats the only thing stopping us from overclocking, not the Fuzzy Logic. so if you want to complain about something, thats that.
(Hint: [email protected] - the more ppl ask for the update, the more chaces it comes out  :D )
eric1223 - if you know what to do in the BIOS for your overclock, simply do it - dont wait for a fuzzy logic fix or something, you have no use for it whatsoever. if youre not sure exactly what to do - just write the details here and im sure many ppl (me included 8) ) would be glad to help

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    Bug Fuzzy Controller Design.JPG ‏68 KB

    Hello all
    The PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit 2009 was completely redesigned.
    There are new API VIs and a more intuitive user interface for creating controllers.
    You can create MIMO controllers with unlimited inputs and outputs, and also modify the controller on-the-fly.
    Check it out the new features and let us know your needs on Fuzzy control.
    LabVIEW PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit User Manual
    Bruno Cesar
    National Instruments

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    define wrote:
    for(int i = start; i <= end; i++)
    That should probably be "i < end". This program seems very fragile btw. No checking if indexOf() return numbers less than zero, and ambiguous data..
    To improve your code, you should use better variable names. Also, it's better to use String.valueOf(i) instead of "" + i
    Edited by: paul.miner on Dec 7, 2007 8:53 PM - Typos

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    Have a look at,
    You can find there the Search Engine implementation using servlets. The best I think is OSSearch at,
    You can download the documents and go thru them to get an Idea.
    Hope this helps.

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    CCC is excellent. If it doesn't work then sure, just always have a safety net of your system that is untouched.
    Also, after a clean install, CLONE it!
    And then use Setup Assistant. Migration Assistant.
    Clone of the system can go on sparse disk images too so you don't have to partition (should have at least one though) and you can have clone from different stages and versions: 10.9.4, without Setup Assistant, migrated, full loaded with all your apps. Multiple versions.
    CCC is designed to make a working bootable copy of a system so you can move the system to another boot device like hdd and SSDs without the worry.
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    I found an entry in the registry that was mis-directed.
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    Dear AdamB,
    I am just wondering if you could help me a bit. I have two problems. The first one is, I'm working with the fuzzy logic toolbox from matlab. I created a .fis file with some rules from the fuzzy editor in the fuzzy logic toolbox from matlab, wich I want to run in labview, with the matlab script. How can load the fis file? I tried with the examples attached, but it didn't work.
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    And method: prod
    Or method: max
    Implication: Prod
    Aggregation: Sum
    Defuzzification: Centroid
    The FIS properties in Labview has been made:
    Defuzzification Method: Center of Gravitiy (which is another name for Centroid)
    If no rule is active: Take last value
    Inference Method: Max-Min
    Select form of rulebase: Normal rulebase
    For instance, if the input to FIS is Matlab is -3.51, the output is 0.202. However, with the same input, the output from FIS in Labview is 0.30.
    Perhaps you could help me?
    fuzzy_test.zip ‏7 KB
    deltaR5.zip ‏2 KB

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    I would NOT use Core-Center Either with your Board, as since it is a 845 Series, I dont Believe that you even have the "Core-Cell" Chip on your Motherboard ..I suggest that you use "Speed-Fan" as this seems to be the Utility that Most of the Members have Success with, and if you want a Utility to Overclock your FSB with, Download Clock-Generator, at http://www.cpuid.com  .....Sean REILLY875

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    I did it! Both programs are working now! Well, they start and give info   . I uninstalled both applications. After that I removed every line in the registry that had anything to do with the programs.
    I then installed the versions downloaded from the MSI site and after a restart the errors are gone.
    I have to agree with mistawiskas. Fuzzy Logic is a bad piece of software. Trying out other FSB settings in the CMOS works faster and easier. After the lockups created by FL (and very often no reboot as is meant to happen) the settings it suggested are gone.
    PC alert just does what it's meant to do. Though I've seen better programs for that.

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    Can my idea be fulfilled?

    To work with fuzzy logic does not require any transfer function as it is a fully descriptive, the disadvantage is that you have to know very well the operation of the plant and has something to do with trial and error, but when setting the rules correctly, your system is completely stable.
    Jonathan Cruz
    K U D O S __ B I E N V E N I D O S

  • Is to possible to control a motor by using fuzzy logic toolbox in Labview and motor interfaced with PIC microcontroller

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    Please help sir me whether  it is possible to do that ,if not tell me do i require any interfacing device  ,I am very new to labview 

    Now for this problem, Fuzzy can be easily used to control the plant. Here is the softwares that would help in this task:
    - LabVIEW Full Development System (FDS) 2009 or later - The is the LV version that allow you accessing the latest Fuzzy Logic develoment
    - LabVIEW PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit 2009 - This has PID and Fuzzy Logic functions available for you to develop your controller
    - LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module 2009 - This is a complete set of functions that allow you to simulate and develop advanced control applications. In your case, you probably will be using this module for simulation of the DC motor.
    Now, you also will need a way to read the encoder and control the voltage applied to the motor. You have several options from NI for that process. Probably a multi-function Board could help since they have digital counters and Analog Output signals. However, I can't recommend what would be best for this application, but the ideal platform is the CompactRIO platform for your application. They have a Real-Time controller and integrated Input/Output modules with signal conditioning that could allow you to directly drive the DC motor. I would advice to go to our webside (http://www.ni.com/compactrio/) and verify what this platform does. For this platform, you will also need the following sofrware:
    - LabVIEW Real-Time Module 2009 - Allow you to develop you application in Real-Time for deployment.
    Hope this helps.
    Barp - Control and Simulation Group - LabVIEW R&D - National Instruments

  • Fuzzy logic 4 doesn't work with the KT4-SR!

    why ;( ?!

    I also have problems running Fuzzy Logic.
    I do not run any other utilities, and I have the latest version of it. When I run the program, it sits in the system tray, if I try to click on it, nothing happens. Taskmanager shows FL4 uses around 99% of the CPU. Aslo, when I shut down after running FL4, Win XP can take upto 10 mins to kill the app.
    Does anyone have a fix, re-installing or upgrading FL4 doesn't work.
    Alternativly, is there another program that can be used?
    I have:
    KT4 Ultra with AMD XP 2400+
    Windows XP Pro / SP1

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    Thank you.

    Warm regards,
    Karunya R
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer
    Easy example851.vi ‏29 KB
    App example one851.vi ‏15 KB
    App example two851.vi ‏20 KB

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    I want to minimise heat output for a HTPC

    Fuzzy Logic
    --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzy_logic
    Fuzzy logic is a form of multi-valued logic derived from fuzzy set theory to deal with reasoning that is approximate rather than precise. In contrast with "crisp logic", where binary sets have binary logic, the fuzzy logic variables may have a membership value of not only 0 or 1 – that is, the degree of truth of a statement can range between 0 and 1 and is not constrained to the two truth values of classic propositional logic.[1] Furthermore, when linguistic variables are used, these degrees may be managed by specific functions.
    I suppose you mean something else.  Can you be more specific?

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