When i reverse engineer CSV file into datastore It is not diplaying coloums

Hi All,
When am trying to do reverse engineer the CSV file in the datastore it is not displaying all the Coloums at a time.
Can anyone suggest me , how to do it
Thanks & Regards:

Unfortunately there is no way of changing the delimiter from within DM. It's comma and that's it. I've logged a bug on that.
Here is a workaround though. Open CSV file with text editor and use Replace functionality.For search mode you have to select Regular Expression, Type this:
search string : (?![^(]+\)),
replace string : ;
This will replace all commas with semicolons, except those in brackets.
I've tested it with Notepad++ (it's free). I think it can be used for all opened files at same time.
Hope it helps
When exporting, could you check that null pointer exception in log file and post stack trace here? Not entire file of course, just first 20-30 lines. Thanks
Edited by: Dimitar Slavov on Mar 25, 2013 2:40 AM

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    Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
    $host.Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"
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    $spData = $spWeb.GetList($SPAppList)
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    } else {
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    "Upload Complete"
    Please 'propose as answer' if it helped you, also 'vote helpful' if you like this reply.

  • How to read/write .CSV file into CLOB column in a table of Oracle 10g

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    create table emp_data (empid number, report clob)
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    If I understand you right, you want each row in your table to contain an emp_id and the complete text of a multi-record .csv file.
    It's not clear how you relate emp_id to the appropriate file to be read. Is the emp_id stored in the csv file?
    To read the file, you can use functions from [UTL_FILE|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14258/u_file.htm#BABGGEDF] (as long as the file is in a directory accessible to the Oracle server):
        lt_report_clob CLOB;
        l_max_line_length integer := 1024;   -- set as high as the longest line in your file
        l_infile UTL_FILE.file_type;
        l_buffer varchar2(1024);
        l_emp_id report_table.emp_id%type := 123; -- not clear where emp_id comes from
        l_filename varchar2(200) := 'my_file_name.csv';   -- get this from somewhere
       -- open the file; we assume an Oracle directory has already been created
        l_infile := utl_file.fopen('CSV_DIRECTORY', l_filename, 'r', l_max_line_length);
        -- initialise the empty clob
        dbms_lob.createtemporary(lt_report_clob, TRUE, DBMS_LOB.session);
             utl_file.get_line(l_infile, l_buffer);
             dbms_lob.append(lt_report_clob, l_buffer);
             when no_data_found then
        end loop;
        insert into report_table (emp_id, report)
        values (l_emp_id, lt_report_clob);
        -- free the temporary lob
       -- close the file
    end;This simple line-by-line approach is easy to understand, and gives you an opportunity (if you want) to take each line in the file and transform it (for example, you could transform it into a nested table, or into XML). However it can be rather slow if there are many records in the csv file - the lob_append operation is not particularly efficient. I was able to improve the efficiency by caching the lines in a VARCHAR2 up to a maximum cache size, and only then appending to the LOB - see [three posts on my blog|http://preferisco.blogspot.com/search/label/lob].
    There is at least one other possibility:
    - you could use [DBMS_LOB.loadclobfromfile|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14258/d_lob.htm#i998978]. I've not tried this before myself, but I think the procedure is described [here in the 9i docs|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10501_01/appdev.920/a96591/adl12bfl.htm#879711]. This is likely to be faster than UTL_FILE (because it is all happening in the underlying DBMS_LOB package, possibly in a native way).
    That's all for now. I haven't yet answered your question on how to report data back out of the CLOB. I would like to know how you associate employees with files; what happens if there is > 1 file per employee, etc.
    Regards Nigel
    Edited by: nthomas on Mar 2, 2009 11:22 AM - don't forget to fclose the file...

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    Hi Tx Tar Heel,
    I've been using Office2HD: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/office2-hd/id364361728?mt=8
    Its cheaper than Numbers and it also works for Word and PowerPoint files too. I like the Dropbox integration. I can start on my Office docs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) in the office and then edit those files with Office2HD when I'm out of the office. Files saves right back to Dropbox so that when I get back to the office the files are already updated. Not bad for a $7.99 app!
    Hope this helps!

  • Uploading csv file into database using apex

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    I am using apex 4 and oracle express 10g, i need to upload .csv file into the database for one of my appls, i have referred discussion forum for solutions, i found also, but some how its not working for me.
    below mentioned is error and the code
    ORA-06550: line 38, column 8: PLS-00221: 'V_DATA_ARRAY' is not a procedure or is undefined ORA-06550: line 38, column 8: PL/SQL: Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 39, column 8: PLS-00221: 'V_DATA_ARRAY' is not a procedure or is undefined ORA-06550: line 39, column 8: PL/SQL: Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 40, column 8: PLS-00221: 'V_DATA_ARRAY' is not a procedure or is undefined ORA-06550: line 40, column 8: PL/SQL: Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 41, column 8: PLS-00221: 'V_DATA_ARRAY' is not a proc
    v_blob_data BLOB;
    v_blob_len NUMBER;
    v_position NUMBER;
    v_raw_chunk RAW(10000);
    v_char CHAR(1);
    c_chunk_len number := 1;
    v_line VARCHAR2 (32767) := NULL;
    v_data_array wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2;
    -- Read data from wwv_flow_files
    select blob_content into v_blob_data
    from wwv_flow_files where filename = 'DDNEW.csv';
    v_blob_len := dbms_lob.getlength(v_blob_data);
    v_position := 1;
    -- Read and convert binary to char
    WHILE ( v_position <= v_blob_len ) LOOP
    v_raw_chunk := dbms_lob.substr(v_blob_data,c_chunk_len,v_position);
    v_char := chr(hex_to_decimal(rawtohex(v_raw_chunk)));
    v_line := v_line || v_char;
    v_position := v_position + c_chunk_len;
    -- When a whole line is retrieved
    IF v_char = CHR(10) THEN
    -- Convert comma to : to use wwv_flow_utilities
    v_line := REPLACE (v_line, ',', ':');
    -- Convert each column separated by : into array of data
    v_data_array := wwv_flow_utilities.string_to_table (v_line);
    -- Insert data into target table
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into TABLE_X (v1, v2, v3, v4 ,v5, v6, v7,v8 ,v9, v10, v11)
    values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11)'
    -- Clear out
    v_line := NULL;
    END IF;
    what i understand from this is system does not identify v_data_array as array for some reasons, please help me.
    initially system was giving error for hex_to_decimal, but i managed to get this function on discussion forum and now it seems to be ok. but v_data_array problem is still there.
    thanks in advance

    Mistakes in your sample I did correct
    Problem 1
    select blob_content into v_blob_data
    from wwv_flow_files where filename = 'DDNEW.csv'; to
    select blob_content into v_blob_data
    from wwv_flow_files where name = :P1_FILE;Problem 2
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into TABLE_X (v1, v2, v3, v4 ,v5, v6, v7,v8 ,v9, v10, v11)
    values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11)'
    v_data_array(11);  to
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'insert into TABLE_X (v1, v2, v3, v4 ,v5, v6, v7,v8 ,v9, v10, v11)
    values (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10,:11)'
    v_data_array(11);  And I did create missing table
        v1  VARCHAR2(255),
        v2  VARCHAR2(255),
        v3  VARCHAR2(255),
        v4  VARCHAR2(255),
        v5  VARCHAR2(255),
        v6  VARCHAR2(255),
        v7  VARCHAR2(255),
        v8  VARCHAR2(255),
        v9  VARCHAR2(255),
        v10 VARCHAR2(255),
        v11 VARCHAR2(255)
    Edited by: jarola on Nov 19, 2010 3:03 PM

  • Can we strore .CSV file into CLOB datatype

    can we strore .CSV file into CLOB datatype
    its giving me error ot hexa coonversion?
    can anyone provide sample code...
    when i m sending mail from oracle database when i send as blob object then nope but when i send attachment stored in table with clob column it gives me hex to raw conversion error
    folllowing is my code--
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE com_maildata_prc1( pi_sender IN com_batch_contact_dtl.strreceivername%TYPE,
    pi_recipients IN com_batch_contact_dtl.stremailaddr%TYPE,
    pi_subject IN VARCHAR2 ,
    pi_text IN VARCHAR2 ,
    pi_filename IN VARCHAR2 ,
    pi_blob IN cLOB
    conn utl_smtp.connection;
    i NUMBER;
    len NUMBER;
    conn := demo_mail.begin_mail( sender => pi_sender,
    recipients => pi_recipients,
    subject => pi_subject,
    mime_type => demo_mail.MULTIPART_MIME_TYPE
    demo_mail.begin_attachment(conn => conn,
    mime_type => 'application/csv',
    inline => TRUE,
    filename => pi_filename,
    transfer_enc => 'base64'
    -- split the Base64 encoded attachment into multiple lines
    i := 1;
    len := DBMS_LOB.getLength(pi_blob);
    WHILE (i < len) LOOP
    IF(i + demo_mail.MAX_BASE64_LINE_WIDTH < len)THEN
    UTL_SMTP.Write_raw_Data (conn
    , UTL_ENCODE.Base64_Encode(
    DBMS_LOB.Substr(pi_blob, demo_mail.MAX_BASE64_LINE_WIDTH, i)));
    UTL_SMTP.Write_raw_Data (conn
    , UTL_ENCODE.Base64_Encode(
    DBMS_LOB.Substr(pi_blob, (len - i)+1, i)));
    END IF;
    UTL_SMTP.Write_Data(conn, UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    i := i + demo_mail.MAX_BASE64_LINE_WIDTH;
    demo_mail.end_attachment(conn => conn);
    conn => conn,
    data => pi_text,
    mime_type => 'text/csv');
    demo_mail.end_mail( conn => conn );
    Thanx in advance...
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    Ignore "SQL*Loader-292: ROWS parameter ignored when an XML, LOB or VARRAY column is loaded" error
    after importing your csv file just change length CHAR(100000).
    ex: your column col1 CHAR(1000) to change CHAR(100000).
    and deploy your mapping and execute

  • Importing a csv file into addressbook

    So I did a search & found this question has come up quite often, but with the person having a slightly different problem, so here goes.
    I am trying to import a csv file into address book, when I go import -> text tile it comes up like it should do and I pick the file, if I select ok at this point, it will quite happily import all of the data no trouble (but in the wrong categories). So I make the changes to what I want ie. Phone other --> Phone (work). Then when I click ok, the button goes from blue to white but nothing happens.
    When I open the csv file in textedit I can see all the values separated by commas.
    Any Ideas?

    I too just had this problem. To clarify all fields work and you can map them. I found that the Outlook CSV file had two problems which were tripping up the AddressBook import function. Note these were both in street address fields so I suspect the poster who said that addresses don't work may have been having that problem.
    The CSV load program does not work if you have commas "," in your data. In my case this was very common for some European addresses as well as some company names. And then the second problem was if there was a carriage return or new line character in a field. This later one was a problem with the address fields. I suspect an AddressBook export to CSV might have this same issue. Specifically, when there were multiple lines to the street address, they had been entered as multiple lines in street address one, as opposed to entering them in multiple fields such as "street 1", "street 2", etc.
    To solve the problem I opened the CSV file using Numbers and did a global find and replace on: commas, substituting the string --- and on the newline character "¶" (ALT+Rreturn) with *.
    Note to reduce some of the remapping I also changed all of the labels with "business" in the header row of the CSV file to "work". This made it a little easier for the AddressBook import function to map fields more correctly.
    After these set of changes rather than the alternating blue then white with nothing behavior it cleanly loaded all of my names. I could then search for "---" and "*" in addressbook's search field to identify all addresses which I had to clean up.
    I hope that is helpful to someone else. The import function really does work. However, it is not robust enough to deal with certain oddities in one's data.

  • Loading data from .csv file into Oracle Table

    I have a requirement where I need to populate data from .csv file into oracle table.
    Is there any mechanism so that i can follow the same?
    Any help will be fruitful.
    Thanks and regards

    You can use Sql Loader or External tables for your requirement
    Missed Karthick's post ...alredy there :)
    Edited by: Rajneesh Kumar on Dec 4, 2008 10:54 AM

  • Loading data from .csv file into existing table

    I have taken a look at several threads which talk about loading data from .csv file into existing /new table. Also checked out Vikas's application regarding the same. I am trying to explain my requirement with an example.
    I have a .csv file and I want the data to be loaded into an existing table. The timesheet table columns are -
    timesheet_entry_id,time_worked,timesheet_date,project_key .
    The csv columns are :
    project,utilization,project_key,timesheet_category,employee,timesheet_date , hours_worked etc.
    What I needed to know is that before the csv data is loaded into the timesheet table is there any way of validating the project key ( which is the primary key of the projects table) with the projects table . I need to perform similar validations with other columns like customer_id from customers table. Basically the loading should be done after validating if the data exists in the parent table. Has anyone done this kind of loading through the APEX utility-data load.Or is there another method of accomplishing the same.
    Does Vikas's application do what the utility does ( i am assuming that the code being from 2005 the utility was not incorporated in APEX at that time). Any helpful advise is greatly appreciated.

    Hi Anjali,
    Take a look at these threads which might outline different ways to do it -
    File Browse, File Upload
    Loading CSV file using external table
    Loading a CSV file into a table
    you can create hidden items in the page to validate previous records before insert data.
    Hope this helps,
    M Tajuddin

  • Getting error when try to upload xml file into Data Template

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    Anybody Help Plzzzzzz.

  • Getting Issue while uploading CSV file into internal table

    CSV file Data format as below
         a             b               c              d           e               f
    2.01E14     29-Sep-08     13:44:19     2.01E14     SELL     T+1
    actual values of column   A is 201000000000000
                     and  columen D is 201000000035690
    I am uploading above said CSV file into internal table using
    the below coding:
          I_FILENAME      = P_FILE
          I_SEPARATOR     = ','
          E_INTERN        = T_INTERN
          UPLOAD_CSV      = 1
          UPLOAD_FILETYPE = 2
          OTHERS          = 3.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
    am getting all columns data into internal table,
    getting problem is columan A & D. am getting values into internal table for both; 2.01E+14. How to get actual values without modifying the csv file format.
    waiting for your reply...
    thanks & regards,

    Hi Saurabh,
    Thanks for your reply.
    even i can't double click on those columns.
    b'se the program needs be executed in background there can lot of csv file in one folder. No manual interaction on those csv files.

  • How to create power shell script to upload all termset csv files into the SharePoint2013 local taxonomy ?

    Hi Everyone,
    I want to create a powershell script file
    1) Check a directory and upload all termset csv files into the SharePoint local taxonomy.
    2) Input paramaters - directory that containss termset csv files, Local Termstore to import to,
    3) Prior to updating get a backup of the existing termstore (for rollback/recovery purposes)
    4) Parameters should be passed in via XML file.
    Please let me know how to do it.

    Please check this link
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you

  • Read CSV file into a 1-D array

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    My cluster contains a typedef, a double, a boolean, and another typedef.
    Basically it could be seen as:
    Bob Runs, 4, T, Bob
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    Mary Runs, 9, T, Mary
    (keeps growing)
    Are there any good examples for what I am trying to put together that I could leverage, or is it better to use a different input file than a csv. I am trying to make my program more flexable and easier to make adjustments even after the executable is created.  My line items seem to be growing exponentially and is getting difficult to manage in the LV window.
    Go to Solution.

    Unless your CSV file is huge, I'd use "Read from Spreadsheet File" with the delimiter set as "," and the type as string.  This will give you a 2D array of strings.  You could then separate out each column of the array, convert to the appropriate data type, and use Index & Bundle Cluster Array to build your array of clusters.  Something like this (except I'm using a string constant in place of reading from the file).

  • How to import old iPhone SMS.CSV file into new iPhone?

    Hey everyone,
    So I've spent a couple days on this as I just upgraded to the iPhone5S from my 4S.  Long story short, my backup restore didn't work after multiple tries (gave me the file is corrupt or not compatible with the iPhone error). 
    I tried:
    -reinstalling itunes
    -updating itunes
    -combining the 5S backup with the old 4S backup
    and a few of other things as I've forgot now.
    The most important things I needed was the contact list and SMS history.  I've got the contact list from extracting is successfully from the iTunes backup folder and using iCloud, but cannot figure out how to import the SMS.CSV file into my iPhone5S.
    Any suggestions on how I can get my SMS messages from my iPhone4s into my 5S?
    If anyone has any other suggestions on getting my Backup Restore to work that would be awesome too!

    A word on SMS text messages. It is pracitcally impossible to import an SMS text-messages file to a new iPhone and have the Messages app on the new device read the messages.
    You can transfer, however contacts and other individual data (such as calendars and notes) from one iphone to the next. I had my old Nokia which whose contacts I exported to a CSV file. I then imported the file to my iphone which converted the file into multiple contacts in the Contacts app on the iphone. You can use a contact management app such as this one in order to import the contact file to the new iPhone.

  • How can I import data from a csv file into databse using utl_file?

    I have two machines (os is windows and database is oracle 10g) that are not connected to each other and both are having the same database schema but data is all different.
    Now on one machine, I want to take dump of all the tables into csv files. e.g. if my table name is test then the exported file is test.csv and if the table name is sample then csv file name is sample.csv and so on.
    Now I want to import the data from these csv files into the tables on second machine. if I've 50 such csv files, then data should be written to 50 tables.
    I am new to this. Could anyone please let me know how can I import data back into tables. i can't use sqlloader as I've to satisfy a few conditions while loading the data into tables. I am stuck and not able to proceed.
    Please let me know how can I do this.

    Why you want to export into .csv file.Why not export/import? What is your oracle version?
    Read http://www.oracle-base.com/articles/10g/oracle-data-pump-10g.php

Maybe you are looking for

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