When is creative labs going to get to work on a new driv

This sh|t is insane. All these complaints with xfi and vista 64, no new driver, not even a beta.
Time to take the donuts out of your mouths and get to work. chop chop!

Well there is one good thing that has come from all this and that is that almost every review you read of the new cards from other brands highlight everyones complaints about the total crap drivers and lack of communication from Creative. They are one step away from losing the total monopoly on PC sound. Without that, they would be out of business. Logitech kicks their ass in speakers/mice and now we just need someone to hit a homerun on the sound opportunity that Creative has given them. It's not like EAX 5.0 is worth a **bleep** anyway - only a few games support it and those are only ones where Creative has gone in and written it for the game, and paid for they splash logo. I turn off EAX in every game for stability. Gee, wonder why that's unstable too?

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    I can understand your frustration, although I am one of the seeming lucky minority of Charge owners that have relatively few problems with the phone.  I live in a 3G only area, but occasionally travel into 4G-NYC for meetings and have not experienced the switching/dropping problems that many others complain of.  Based on your location, I am guessing you have 4G in your area, but can't take full advantage because of the switching/dropping problem.
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    BAgodmode wrote:
    If I am not mistaken, your 5.1 came with 3 plugs that are meant to go into a regular PC. If that's the case, you should have received a Y like cable, that connects any none channeled sound source, like an iMac, and helps distribute it as 5.1. But they also make a curious USB device to help connect it.
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    For you to see them in iMovie, the Events need to be in a folder called iMovie Events. This folder must be at the top level of the drive.
    Move it there and restart iMovie, and you should see them.

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    Stockholm wrote:
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    The MBP Retina 13" (which is what I assume you have) comes with a special build of OS X 10.8.1 installed. At the moment, an update to 10.8.2 is not available. Supposedly, Apple is working on one. Until it's released, you can't install FCP.
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    Time to rip this post apart.
    <<I'll hand it to you for persistence, although I don't know why you CONTINUALLY try to disrupt a tech forum for Creative with pro-Apple BS.>>
    Pro-Apple BS? How was pointing out that AAC is an open format pro-Apple? It's not. Don't make up things. All I did was point out that AAC is open and that it can be played on any OS, or any MPEG-4 compatible software or hardware.
    <<AAC is a proprietary format. It is, as you should know, based on the audio specification for MPG4, which came out over 6 years ago. Dolby Labs controls the licensing of this format, the codec and the chips to decode and encode it. The fees are substantially higher than those for WMA, and of course, than MP3.>>
    Stop getting your information from that post on Napster that I debunked MONTHS ago. I proved that wrong and you know very well that it's wrong. Anyway, Dolby does control the licensing for MPEG-4 AAC, yes. However, licensing fees are not anything like you or that Napster post said. I provided information back then, so you can go back and look for yourself, if you're still choosing to throw your money away on Napster. If licensing fees are so bad, then why are there so many freeware players that play AAC files? MPEG-4 AAC files! Why? Why can I download a FREE operating system (Linux), and use completely free software to rip and play AAC files? Exactly. iTunes is freeware you know. Why can I download it for free and rip and play AAC files? Surely Apple isn't going to front the bill for millions of people to use iTunes to just rip, organize, and play their music.
    <<AAC is not the logical successor to MP3. If only WMA or AAC are considered, then WMA is the clear winner in that race. >>
    How is WMA the clear winner? Besides the fact that WMA sounds noticably inferior at any bitrate.... Even HE-AAC mops the floor with WMA9 Pro at low bitrates. Anyway, how is WMA the clear winner? AAC compatible digital audio players control *90%* of the hard dri've market, 43% of the flash market, and a combined total of over *70%* of the entire market. Let's not forget that the number one online music store, which controls over 70% of the market, uses AAC as it's format of choice, and the next biggest online store behind very distant number 2 Napster is using AAC as well. Soon Napster will be launching a "music to go" rental service that targets ALL platforms. Can you guess the file format of choice? AAC
    <<In fact, WMA9 Pro is under consideration for the next generation "CD" compression. This, along with DVD-A and SACD. Note there is nothing from Dolby under consideration at all. >>
    hahahaha says who? Actually, since MPEG-4 is part of the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray specs, AAC is already part of the deal And, right now, SACD has the same market penetration that CD at the same point in it's lifetime. So SACD is well on it's way to becoming the "next CD". As it looks right now, SACD will become the CD format of "tomorrow", while the iTunes Music Store is handling the current "CD quality" music business just fine. As it stands though, honestly, it will be a combination of two things. SACDs for audiophiles, and iTunes-like downloads for everyone else.
    Also, Dolby only handles the licensing portion of AAC. AAC was developed by a number of companies, including Sony. Sony has a stake in SACD, blu-ray, and any optical disc technology that comes out. So I can guarantee you that they will not let AAC die, even if it kills their precious atrac3/atrac3plus format.
    And another thing to consider is that the recording industry wants a standard across all platforms for digtial music downloads. And considering 70% of the market is AAC compatible, and by the end of this year, a certain online music store will have passed over $b in total revenue, you can imagine which format will win.
    <<Even assuming the original poster meant he wants to load non-DRM ("Fairplay") tracks on his Creative player, it will not likely happen so long as Apple is intent on blocking 3rd parties from using purchased iTunes songs on any other player.>>
    What does iTunes purchased songs have to do with AAC files ripped from anyother source? Exactly. Using Apple is an excuse for companies to not support AAC. It's their loss though. If Creative would support AAC, they would have opened themselves up to the market of millions of people who do use iTunes and Real Player 0+ to rip their CDs.
    <<It is unlikely Creative will spend the license money for a purpose so limited as self-ripped AAC files when there are other free alternati'ves to somebody ripping their own CD's.>>
    How are AAC files limited? AAC files can be played and ripped on any platform. If you want to talk about limited, you have to look at WMA. It only works under one OS and only certain players can play it. And what free alternati'ves are there? MP3 licensing isn't free. WMA licensing isn't free. If you're selling a player for profit, you HAVE to pay for WMA and MP3 decoding capabilities.
    <<AAC is a good-sounding compressed format, but for mass acceptance it will always remain a niche unless Apple opens things up and Dolby lightens up on their expesi've licensing.>>
    Mass acceptance? AAC has already been accepted by the masses. Over 350 million songs sold in AAC, and 70% of the digital audio player market is AAC compatible. I think players that DON'T support AAC are currently in the niche market
    <<Something good like Oog Voorbis has a better chance of becoming the successor to MP3, I think, and even that remains a niche at this point. >>
    Ogg Vorbis will never replace MP3s. First off, the sound quality isn't as good as AAC. Secondly, Ogg Vorbis requires a processor with a FPU. FPU require more battery power, so battery life is affected significantly. And most importantly, there are no CONVENIENT Ogg Vorbis encoders. Not to mention Ogg Vorbis still has a lot of bugs that need worked out. They only recently worked out a bug that was causing significant high end distortion that greatly affected the sound quality of the files. Plus Ogg Vorbis has no DRM container.
    Also, transcoding a file degrades the sound quality significantly.

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    First let me tell you: I don't like it when people are?talking about Creative in such?an uncivil manner. So, I understand why you closed the first thread: 'Get a clue creative'?But I can't understand why you closed the second one as the author just quotet the frist one and transcribed his points into a somewhat more civil manner. You wrote: 'dsikic: When a thread is locked, it's not open for further discussion, including new threads. If you want to discuss a thread being locked, private message the moderator in question'?That's kind of unlogical, because the thread was closed because of the author beeing rude and attacking your company. But the points he wanted to discuss should be open for discussion in another thread if they are discussed without attacks or blames. As you often say: [color="#ff0000"]These forums are primarily intended for user interaction?So where's the problem with just letting the community react to such posts? By just closing these threads you won't make these people feel better or stop them from posting insults or other things like that against your company and your mod-team. Thanks for reading,?Stormblade?P.S.: I know beeing a mod isn't easy. I'm one myself

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    Have you tried iMovie HD6, the much better precursor to the lame iMovie 08? It is a free download to iLife 08 owners, you know. Then you can go and buy third party software from GeeThree (Slick) and have hundreds of different transitions, titles and effects.
    You will never look back (or is it forward) to iMovie 08.

  • When is Creative Cloud going to be avaliable on the Domincan Republic?

    I've been waiting to update to adobe CC almost a year an still nothing. Is there anything stopping Adobe from giving support on the country?

    Hi IndustriasVyP,
    Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, I don't have an ETA when Creative Cloud would be available in Colombia. I know we are working to make it available in more locations over time but don't have any kind of timeline or info about specific countries. For Muse we do have subscriptions for by itself already, so hopefully when Creative Cloud is available for you Muse would be too.

  • When are we (15") going to get the double click like the 17" and MacBook?

    Thew new 17" and the MacBook have an option to double click by using two fingers on the trackpad. I would be EXTREMELY surprised if they used a new piece of trackpad for this. Where's our software update?
    Completely unacceptable if us 15" owners are left in the dark.

    Just got back from the store because this issue is
    important to me.
    Bitttch pleeezzzz.....
    You mean to tell me that you actually went to the store because having a right click feature is "important" to you?
    Now, I've seen a fair share of pathetic quotes here in these posts....but I'm not sure I've seen a more anal retentive, spoiled stoopid, "I can't get laid so I'll look for small issues to bittch about"-lame *** quote!
    It used to be a pleasure to get on these posts to pick up a tip or two. Too bad people like you are bringing the content of these post down to the point where I no longer feel like reading any posts. I mean, if you have a problem, then post and someone will gladly help you. But taking the time to show the world just what kind of bittch you are only makes it harder to read posts without feeling like pile driving something to the ground. Jesus, it's not even 9am and I already feel like kicking your a s s.
    If your goal was to irritate and **** off people, then you've succeded! Good job A-hole, now why don't you just die.

  • When will creative cloud sync with adobe ideas work again?

    worked fine a few days ago...

    Not an answer - just support for the questioner! I can't get ideas to sync files to CC anymore either. What's happening?

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    cacplate wrote:
    you can use
    pacman -Qqet > packages.txt
    to list packages that are explicitely installed and are not required by any other packages and make a file of this list.
    Generaly, this list contains everything that you want to keep and more.
    After that, you can script something to pipe every line to pacman and adding --needed to avoid reinstalling anything.
    Explicitly installed packages which are dependencies of others will not appear in that list and thus lead to a different set of install reasons. The command should be pacman -Qqe instead. The safest way to do this is as follows:
    old system
    pacman -Qqen > explicit_native_pkgs.txt
    pacman -Qqem > explicit_foreign_pkgs.txt
    new system
    pacman -Syu - < explicit_native_pkgs.txt
    random_aur_helper ... $(cat explicit_foreign_pkgs.txt)

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