When_window_closed trigger based on selected window

I'm using forms6i.
In my form i have 3 windows. Is it possible to execute the code ( in when_window_closed) based on which window user tried to close?
Like is there any option to get the window name, which user tried to close?

You will get the window name from the system variable EVENT_WINDOW.
   <your code>
   <your code>
END IF;Regards,
If my response or the response of another was helpful or Correct, please mark it accordingly

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    I haven't used my slow HDD with windows 7 on it in a while, but today my SDD with windows 8 on it died. I have kept my old OS in a dual boot setup exactly for this rare possibility. I in fact successfully revived my SSD from windows 7.
    During the restore procedure I had to boot into both OSes (7 and 8) several times before I managed to get 8 working. I tried a lot of things before one of them struck. (Is that how the phrase goes?
    Me Hungary, no good speak English some times...) I am surprised to have found the following unexpected behavior of the new windows 8 branded boot loader:
    The new windows boot manager boots almost fully into windows 8 before letting me select an OS.
    If I select windows 7, it reboots my computer and loads windows 7, wasting a lot of time... on the windows 8 portion of the boot process, which is simply thrown away if I happen need windows 7 and not 8.
    "This is highly inefficient!" — I almost exclaimed aloud... A boot manager should load just enough of itself so that a simple OS selection menu can be presented to the user with minimal keyboard interaction. Only when a selection is made should
    it load an OS. I have no use for the new boot manager's mouse control support, and having it appear on the second screen in my dual screen setup is just plain scary. Use the main laptop monitor where the BIOS messages were displaying, and keep the secondary
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    Yes, I only noticed this problem now because I haven't booted into windows 7 for a long time. (300 MB worth of Windows updates were waiting for me indeed.) My boot selection menu timeout is set to 3 seconds instead of 30 so I don't have to pick windows 8
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    I am going to wait at least a week for the forum's input before I switch on my own to a faster, minimalist boot manager. I don't know what to use, I'm familiar with:
    some minimalist bootstrap loaders
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    syslinux/isolinux (Linux only, I think)
    old Windows bootmgr
    more recent Windows ntldr
    then this new "inefficient for dual booting" Windows 8 boot manager
    and finally grub
    Grub feels like the best option as it keeps the windows boot manager intact and supports mac, windows, and linux. All 3 of which will at one point — or has already — come up as a subject or prerequisite in my university.
    I don't know how or why I was able to access windows 8's boot loader while my SSD was dead. Was it installed on the HDD, overwriting the windows 7 boot loader? That too is inefficient. I want to completely boot from my SSD. Don't spin up my HDD while I'm
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    In summary:
    How can I stop windows 8 from almost fully booting before offering the dual boot OS selection menu? Do I need a better Boot loader?
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    Daniel "3ICE" Berezvai
    p.s.: For windows 7 I only have a repair disk and hidden RECOVERY partition which I kept (came with the laptop, would rather not use it.) The Windows 8 pro DVD (purchased last year) is fine, but I had it moved to a bootable pendrive so I could remove my
    optical drive and replace it with an SSD on which windows 8 is installed now. (I also have a vista ultimate DVD, as they were giving them away for free on a Microsoft conference. Funny story.)
    p.p.s.: I am subscribed (☑ Alert me) to this topic and will respond to all questions and try all recommended actions right away.

    Thank you for your post.
    From your description, I see the issue you are facing is there is no menu to choose OS when booting dual boot(Windows 7 & Windows 8). Please let me know if I have misunderstood anything.
    It seems that the Windows 7 entry is missing, currently, we can use a tool –
    EasyBCD to get it back. After downloading it, choose the Add/Edit panel item, select the OS you're missing and let the program detect it. Then simply click the Add button to add the missing OS entry.
    At the meantime, here is a related link which demonstrates how to keep Windows 7 as the default OS in dual boot, you may use it for a reference.
    How to Dual-Boot Windows 8 While Keeping Windows 7 As Your Default OS
    [Please Note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy
    of this information.]
    Regarding your second questions in your first post, you can refer to the following link to know more about dual boot.
    Booting Explained: How You Can Have Multiple Operating Systems on Your Computer
    [Please Note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy
    of this information.]
    Hopefully the information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your time.
    Best Regards,
    Sophia Sun
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Trigger based approach to capture changes in OLTP DB

    I have this scenario where we need to capture changes (updates/deletes) to transaction tables in our OLTP database. The changes will be populated to temp tables and then moved to Hadoop for analysis. The OLTP table record huge volume of data on a daily basis, some tables having thousands of updates every day and some having a few million.
    We have thought of using a trigger-based approach, where a trigger in the OLTP tables will take care of inserting records in the temp tables. It will be a "After Update and Delete" trigger as:
    IF updating THEN
           insert into temp table // insert statement here
             WHEN others THEN
           insert into temp table //insert statement here
             WHEN others THEN
       END IF;
    END;Please let me know if this is an acceptable approach. Are there any better ways of doing the same?
    I am using Oracle 11g r1.

    So, as a test, I created a table called test, with a PK on col1.
    Then, I created a MV on it,
    Next, I inserted 2 records, committed, and deleted 1 record, and did commit.
    The RUPD$_TEST is empty, but the MLOG$_TEST has data.
    The RUPD$_TEST is a temporary table that Oracle creates and uses with primary key based MV logs. As a temporary table you won't see data in it unless your session puts data there.
    But how do I read this data?
    What data? You didn't log any data to read.
    Here is an example that doesn't even use a primary key - just a plain old table with familiar data.
    create table emp_copy as select * from emp
    create materialized view log on emp_copy
    with rowid, sequence (empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno)
    including new values;
    insert into emp_copy (empno, ename) values (9999, 'test')
    delete from  emp_copy where empno = 7369
    update emp_copy set job = 'NEW JOB' where empno = 7499
    select * from mlog$_emp_copy
    EMPNO     ENAME     JOB     MGR     HIREDATE     SAL     COMM     DEPTNO     M_ROW$$     SEQUENCE$$     SNAPTIME$$     DMLTYPE$$     OLD_NEW$$     CHANGE_VECTOR$$     XID$$
    9999     test                                   AAAUayAAEAAAAJVAAO     1     1/1/4000     I     N     FEFF     844454994905658
    7369     SMITH     CLERK     7902     12/17/1980     30          20     AAAUayAAEAAAAJVAAA     2     1/1/4000     D     O     0000     844454994905658
    7499     ALLEN     SALESMAN     7698     2/20/1981     1600     300     30     AAAUayAAEAAAAJVAAB     3     1/1/4000     U     U     0800     844454994905658
    7499     ALLEN     NEW JOB     7698     2/20/1981     1600     300     30     AAAUayAAEAAAAJVAAB     4     1/1/4000     U     N     0800     844454994905658SNAPTIME$$ shows the SEQUENCE of events.
    XID$$ shows the transaction id
    DMLTYPE$$ I/D/U for Insert/Update/Delete
    For the Insert you can see the new EMPNO and ENAME
    For the Delete you can see the values that were in the deleted row
    For the Update you can see the old job 'SALESMAN' in sequence #3 and the new job 'NEW JOB' in sequence #4
    Just pull the data that you haven't mined/processed yet based on SNAPTIME$$ and then delete those rows when you are done with them.
    It took a few minutes to create that example and start collecting change data. Oracle will collect the changes automatically. All the user needs to do is manage the MV Log to keep it from growing indefinitely.
    For some uses you may not need the actual column values; maybe you just want to know what ROWS in the table changed. This modified example uses ROWID but you could use primary key instead.
    create materialized view log on emp_copy
    with rowid, sequence;
    insert into emp_copy (empno, ename) values (9999, 'test')
    delete from  emp_copy where empno = 7369
    update emp_copy set job = 'NEW JOB' where empno = 7499
    select * from mlog$_emp_copy
    M_ROW$$     SEQUENCE$$     SNAPTIME$$     DMLTYPE$$     OLD_NEW$$     CHANGE_VECTOR$$     XID$$
    AAAUa3AAEAAAR+mAAA     5     1/1/4000     I     N     FEFF     1.68898729922029E15
    AAAUa3AAEAAAR+jAAA     6     1/1/4000     D     O     0000     1.68898729922029E15
    AAAUa3AAEAAAR+jAAB     7     1/1/4000     U     U     0800     1.68898729922029E15There are the ROWIDs for the rows that have changed. The row for the delete MAY not be in the table anymore. The original row with that ROWID was deleted (SNAPTIME$$ = 6) but there could be a later INSERT whose row now has that ROWID. And if ROW MOVEMENT is enabled the rowid of a row could change.
    For that last example you would access the MASTER table (emp_copy) and pull rows based on ROWID. Those are the rows that have 'changed' since the last time you mined the MV log.
    I don't know how it can get any simpler than that! ;)

  • Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications in Windows 8 doesn't install

    Trying to install the package and well into the process I get an error message saying that my processor isn't supported and to contact my vendor..  I have a Lenovo U 410 LT with Win 8 Pro.  It has an Intel Core i7 processor.   I also tried the AMD version thinking they may have been swapped but it also does not install.  How to get it installed?  I really need the NFS in it.

    Hi stewartmcadoo,
    Welcome back to Lenovo Community Forums!
    I’m sorry to hear that there is an error message displayed in your U410 Laptop while installing “Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications in Windows 8”, make sure you are installing this application as an Administrator User, if the issue is same even in this user account, I suggest you to download the package again and right click in the downloaded file select “Run as administrator” to get it installed in administrator mode, below is the link to download the SDK package:
    Utilities and SDK for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications in Windows 8
    Hope this helps!!!
    Do post us back if the issue still persists.
    Best Regards
    Shiva Kumar
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • Depreciated Terms influences select window when editing?

    In a termset I have a huge number of terms which are depreciated. In my metadata column which is bound to that term set I have the issue that if I edit a list item and edit the metadata column, then I see the selection window with a different count of items
    on the pages. That means in this window on page 1 I see 4 items, next page only one item, next page 3 items. I recognized that between those terms there are a different number of depreciated terms.
    How to fix this? Thanks!

    Hi Dominik,
    Yes, based on your description, I could understand your concern. However, it seems to be a by design issue. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused for you.
    When we deprecate a term, this action makes any instances of this term in any term set to which it belongs unavailable for tagging. Any child terms of the term are not deprecated.If the deprecated terms are not shown completely, there would be no position
    to show its child terms.More information, please refer to:
    As a workaround, you can try to export terms into Excel, and sort them in Excel, or manage the depreciated terms with PowerShell, and put them into a separate set.
    You can also open a ticket from Microsoft to confirm this issue:
    In addition, I will report this issue internally, and thanks for your help for improving Microsoft product.
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    itunes and windows 8 compatability
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  • How to create a report  based on selected item from Select list?

    I have created a tables_LOV based on:
    select table_name d, table_name r from user_tab_cols
    where column_name like '%_type%'
    Then I created a page item ListOfTables,  Display as select list and pointing to tables_LOV.
    I run the page, and i can select the table i want from the drop down list.
    How to create a report  based on the selected item? (ex: select * from selected_table)
    many thanks in advance

    Hi Salah,
    Allright, have a look at this page: http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=vincentdeelen:collection_report
    I think that simulates what you're trying to accomplish. I've set up the simplest method I could think of.
    The report is based on an apex collection. If you are not familiar with that, you should study the documentation: APEX_COLLECTION
    To recreate my example you should:
    1) create an (interactive) report on your collection
    SELECT *
       FROM APEX_collections
    WHERE collection_name = 'MY_COLLECTION'
    2) create a page_item select list for the tables you want to display (in my case this is called "P38_TABLES" )
    3) create a dynamic action that triggers on change of your select list page_item. The dynamic action must be a PL/SQL procedure perfoming the following code:
      l_query varchar2(4000);
      l_query := 'select * from '||:P38_TABLES;
      if apex_collection.collection_exists
            ( p_collection_name => 'MY_COLLECTION' )
          ( p_collection_name => 'MY_COLLECTION' );
      end if;
        ( p_collection_name => 'MY_COLLECTION'
        , p_query           => l_query
    Make sure you add your page_item to the "Page Items to Submit" section.
    4) Add an extra true action that does a refresh of the report region.
    Here are two pictures describing the da:
    Good luck and regards,

  • Taking Long Time To Show Printer Selection Window

    Hi experts,
    When users are taking printout through SAP,it's taking long time to show printer selection window(Local Printer Selection Windows)
    present i am using sap ehp7 on sybase in windows.
    Thanks in advance..

    Have you tried by reinstalling of printer with patch updation of printer as well as of windows also ? If possible try to uninstall the printer & check again by reselection.
    Addition to it could you please share SAP GUI version on the system & confirm for, are you getting this issue on every system ( OS ) ?

  • How to get value in Second Drop Down based on selection made in first dropd

    Hi All,
    I have a table with first two columns as dropdown.
    The values in first drop down are fixed. However the value in second dropdown should be populated based on selection made in first .
    First Column had different departments say IT, SALES, HR.
    Based on department selected I have to populate employee of that department.
    For first dropdown I have taken Drop down by index.
    What should I select for second drop down and achieve desired functionality? Please guide.

    Use drop down by key for fixed values IT, SALES, HR. create on_select action for that drop down.
    in on_select method code like this..
      DATA lo_nd_segment1 TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
      DATA lo_el_segment1 TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element.
      DATA ls_segment1 TYPE wd_this->Element_segment1.
      data lt_segment1 type wd_this->elements_segment1.
      DATA lv_segment TYPE wd_this->Element_segment1-segment.
      data lr_column type ref to cl_wd_table_column.
    navigate from <CONTEXT> to <SEGMENT1> via lead selection
      lo_nd_segment1 = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_segment1 ).
    get element via lead selection
      lo_el_segment1 = lo_nd_segment1->get_element( ).
    get all declared attributes
          static_attributes = ls_segment1 ).
    now ls_segment1 contains your first drop down selection value.
      DATA : lv_dropdown type string .
      lv_dropdown =  ls_segment1-segment.
      if lv_dropdown = 'IT'.
    // here fill your second drop down based on IT value.
    Hope it solves.

  • Macbook Pro 17" Black screen when selecting Windows 7

    I got a Macbook Pro 17", late 2010 that has been experiencing an issue when selecting Windows 7 as my Boot OS. This is an intermittent issue. It happens like once every 8 or 10 usage. I already took it 2 the Apple Geniuses twice and I was turn around because, They say, They don't do Windows.
    At this point, I'm hoping that Apple will come out with a Firmware Update or anything that will fix this issue. I know There are other users in the same boat as me or worst waiting for Apple to come out with a remedy.

    You might want to reformat and re-read what you had.
    Apple Boot Camp Support
    Black Screen iMac
    I recommend buying Paragon NTFS if you really need to write to Windows (you shouldn't, I never have but had used NTFS driver at one time).
    PARAGON Software
    Camp Tune Paragon-Software

  • How to hide PNP selection windows and set default values for PNP.

    Hi expert,
         I am using HR logical database PNP, but I don't want to display selection windoes for running program on PNP, whereas I want to set default value for some selection items in the program. could you please tell me how to get those two targets?
    Many Thanks,

    You have mentioned 2 things.
    1. Don't want selection windows for running program for PNP - this can be achieved using the HR Report category - You can get more details on HR Report Category on
    HR Report Category
    2.  I want to set default value for some selection items - This you need to achieve in initialization event of your program.
    How you can get this can be explained by INITIALIZATION (SAP Library - ABAP Programming (BC-ABA))

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    BTW, I have already gone through the Five R's, which did nothing to help.

    Personally I use Subler to tag all these shows and then send them to Itunes. In subler you have the option of setting the Media Type and also the HD option of 720 or 1080p if applicable. Save it then use the file, Send to itunes and they show up in the right place.

  • LMS 4.2 sub-interface not available in the instance selection window creating poller

    Hi All,
    I have sub-interfaces created on the switch and are in active(up/up) state,but these sub-interface not available for selection in the instance window while creating the poller, and am not able to monitor the traffic on these sub interface in the performance management.
    LMS will not display the interfaces in the instance selection window if they are not active,but here the sub-interface are in active state but these are
    not available. can anyboody help me out ??

    Any Idea..??

  • I have a mac pro wich will not open windows in boot camp i get to the two options select windows but iyt will not load can you help please

    i have a mack pro which will not open in windows from boot camp get to the two options and select windows drive but it will not open can you help Please

    Hi there, Well, i thing i might have had the same problem (if you dont mean the selecting part, then try keyboad with usb and without if u dont have a macbook pro or so), i did the same and after selecting windows it said "No bootable disk" or " no boot disk" or something like that and the installer wont start when i was trying to install via CD/DVD.
    The sulution is to use 2 usb-drives, one for the support drivers from apple and one for the windows it self after burning the CD/DVD to the usb on a PC using the windows own tools and creating a ISO file.
    (there might be problems whit CD/DVD install sometimes)
    The ISO file on a own USB is the most importat thing!! (and even apple and windows didnt know that but me and a technikal support guy from the store i bought it managed to fix it after like 4 days )
    Hope it work now mate!

  • Chart based on Select list with submit Lov problem

    I have one page with interactive report showing username with links, date and
    database actions.
    Another page contains one region having flash chart based on select list with submit Lov.
    The lov is created by dynamic query.
    Every time when i click the 1st page report link, the 2nd page lov is populating the value automatically. But the problem is chart displays NO DATA FOUND message though the LOV has many values.
    I don't want to display any null values so set to NO for LOV
    I tried to write Before header computation (PL/SQL Function Body) to set the lov value, but the query is displayed as such.
    I don't want to assign any static default value also as the values are dynamic for every link.
    The following is my Before header computation of Select list with submit (Item name is p11_schema). (PLSQL Function Body)
    if :p11_schema is null then
    return 'select distinct owner schema1, owner schema2 from auditing
    where access_date=' || :p11_access_date
    || ' and username=' || :p11_username
    || ' order by owner';
    end if;
    This is my chart query.
    select null link, obj_name label, sum(sel_count) "Select", sum(ins_count) "Insert", sum(upd_count) "Update", sum(del_count) "Delete" from auditing
    where username=:p11_username
    and access_date=:p11_access_date
    and owner=NVL(:p11_schema, OWNER)
    group by owner, obj_name
    Example: If there more than one records in the lov, the graph should display the 1st record. When i select another record, the chart accordingly display the selected values. But inially it should not display "NO DATA FOUND" message.
    I tried using all the combinations of computation type for the lov, SQL query ( I could not use if conditon then), PLSQL expression, PLSQL function body. But it does not work out.
    Can anyone please help me out.

    Hi Scott,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I found out the solution for this problem as below.
    But i did it in different way to tackle the dynamic query wich returns more than one record using rownum always the 1st record when it is empty instead of assigning constant (static) value like '1'. And i am returning LOV itself for both null or not null condition as below.
    q varchar2(4000);
    if :p11_schema is null then
    q:='select distinct owner schema from auditing';
    q:=q || ' where username=:p11_username ';
    q:=q || ' and access_date=:p11_access_date ';
    q:=q || ' and rownum<2 order by owner';
    Execute immediate q into :p11_schema USING :p11_username, :p11_access_date;
    end if;
    return :P11_SCHEMA;

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