Where are the big capacity MP3 playe

I have a 26 month old Zen xtra. It's 60Gb and it is completely full. I really, really want a MUCH big capacity player. At least double. But where are they? I know there are 2.5" hard dri'ves that would do the job, but no one is putting them in MP3 players. At best they are going in video players, with lousy battery life and unecessarily large screens for music replay.
So a plea to Creative - I want an MP3 player with serious capacity. It can be big, it can be ugly, it can have clumsy ergonomics (it wouldn't be Creative without these loveable attributes) but it's got to have adequate battery life and use a database to manage files (none of this "drag and drop" file stuff that is useless above ~000 files). And above all it should cope with at least 20,000 files.
I got the cash waiting!

Creative's not gonna put out some big, ugly player with a 2.5", you may want to look at another brand. I know Wolverine has some big ugly players with 2.5" hard dri'ves, they go up to 20GB in capacity, you may want to look into that. I have over 70GB of music, so a 60GB Vision:M would be nice, don't know if Creative's gonna do that thugh.Message Edited by HHS on 04-06-2006 03: PM

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    The thumbnail cache is separate and lives in the system files.
    You could try a new catalog - it doesn’t involve any duplication.
    Click: File >> Catalog
    Click the New button
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    created by A.T. Romano in Premiere Elements - View the full discussion 
    Thanks for the update.
    What was the problem...the length of time for the download or just getting any download at all?
    If necessary, I will go step by step with you through the tryout download from Adobe. But, the purchase of a USB external DVD/CD burner for your computer is a good idea and investment.
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    Please let us know how we can help. But, your mentioned place of purchase has a squad who should be able to help your with the purchase.
    Thanks. Please update us on your progress when your schedule permits.
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    Start a new discussion in Premiere Elements by email or at Adobe Community
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    You can find this in the following path.
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    Hope this helps.
    Rewards pls
    Message was edited by:
            Navaneetha Krishnan

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    To ToddAndMargo,
    RE : Is there a way to manually go to Windows Updates and manually download a particular file
    No. All updates will be downloaded and installed automatically. You don't get to choose which to install and which to decline.
    RE : And I can't find 10049's ISO either (from Microsoft). 
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    RE: ESD file. How?
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    You download and install the entire build 10049 via Windows Update. When it is done, you can then find its Installed.esd file from RecoveryImage folder and use it to manually create an ISO fie. You will need a specific program to create an ISO from Esd.
    You might ask " why do I need an ISO fie if the operating system is already installed ?"
    Some users are advocates of "clean install". They prefer clean install over upgrade install. Clean install can be done by burning the ISO file into a bootable DVD or an USB with at least 4 GB capacity and use it to install.
    You can also use the same media and install in another compatible computer.
    It can also serve as an emergency backup incase you need to reinstall.

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    Article from Apple :
    Photos saves disk space by sharing images with your iPhoto or Aperture libraries
    Learn how Photos stores images when you migrate your iPhoto or Aperture library and saves disk space by sharing images.
    When you migrate a photo library from iPhoto or Aperture, the Photos app creates a new library structure but doesn't duplicate your images. Instead, Photos saves disk space by creating links to the original and preview versions of your images.When Finder reports the file size of your Photos library, it includes all your originals and previews. It may look like your remaining iPhoto or Aperture library is taking up twice the space on your hard drive, but it isn't—your images exist only in one location, even though you may have more than one photo library.After you migrate your iPhoto or Aperture library to Photos, you might feel tempted to delete your original iPhoto or Aperture library. Because the migrated library takes little additional space, you don't need to delete the original library.

    They're in both libraries; a hard link to a file is indistinguishable from the original file, and either one can be deleted without affecting the other.

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    Where are the other ten gigs?
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    CS5.5 is now 4 versions behind CS6, CC and CC2014.
    This tutorial was written for CS5 and it works with CS5.5. You'll find the supporting files for it under Sample Files on the right.
    Building your first dynamic website – Part 1: Setting up the site and database | Adobe Developer Connection
    Nancy O.

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