Where is "Import Data" in v3?

I can't seem to locate the V2 "Import Data" section in V3 UI. Can someone tell me where it is?
V3 will not have a centralized page for imports. Instead, the import functions/screens will be distributed to their corresponding areas (contacts, products, etc).

evnafets thanks for your reply.
I think I should have been more clear - I am able to get the form data programmatically using the req.getParameter("paramName") method. What I want to know is, when debugging, e.g. using Eclipse, how do I actually find the parameter and its value in the request. Presumably it must be stored in the request object as a variable somewhere?
E.g. when debugging I have in the variables window:
request = CoyoteRequestFacade (id=315)
+request (RequestFacade)=PECoyoteRequest (id=328)
+request (CoyoteRequestFacade)=PECoyoteRequest (id=328)
I expected I would be able to expand one of the request objects (not sure why there are 2, that is another question!) and then find the posted form data in the parameterMap. However the parameterMap appears to be empty - all null values.

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    ----> I have put the data that way:
    insert into gl_interface (status,set_of_books_id,accounting_date, currency_code,date_created,
    created_by, actual_flag, user_je_category_name, user_je_source_name, segment1,segment2,segment3,
    entered_dr, entered_cr,transaction_date,reference1 )
    values ('NEW', '1609', sysdate, 'FRF', sysdate,1008009, 'A', 'xx jab payroll', 'xx jab payroll', '01','002','4004',111.11,0,
    insert into gl_interface (status,set_of_books_id,accounting_date, currency_code,date_created,
    created_by, actual_flag, user_je_category_name, user_je_source_name, segment1,segment2,segment3,
    entered_dr, entered_cr,transaction_date,reference1 )
    values ('NEW', '1609', sysdate, 'FRF', sysdate,1008009, 'A', 'xx jab payroll', 'xx jab payroll', '01','002','1005',0,111.11,
    ------------> Oracle send me that message:
    General Ledger: Version : 11.5.0 - Development
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    GLLEZL module: Journal Import
    Current system time is 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
    Running in Debug Mode
    gllsob() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25sob_id = 124
    sob_name = Vision France
    coa_id = 50569
    num_segments = 6
    delim = '.'
    segments =
    index segment is SEGMENT2
    balancing segment is SEGMENT1
    currency = EUR
    sus_flag = Y
    ic_flag = Y
    latest_opened_encumbrance_year = 2006
    pd_type = Month
    << gllsob() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
    gllsys() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25fnd_user_id = 1008009
    fnd_user_name = JAB-DEVELOPPEUR
    fnd_login_id = 2675718
    con_request_id = 2918896
    sus_on = 0
    from_date =
    to_date =
    create_summary = 0
    archive = 0
    num_rec = 1000
    num_flex = 2500
    run_id = 55578
    << gllsys() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
    SHRD0108: Retrieved 51 records from fnd_currencies
    gllcsa() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25<< gllcsa() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
    gllcnt() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25SHRD0118: Updated 1 record(s) in table: gl_interface_control
    source name = xx jab payroll
    group id = -1
    LEZL0001: Found 1 sources to process.
    glluch() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25<< glluch() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:25
    gl_import_hook_pkg.pre_module_hook() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26<< gl_import_hook_pkg.pre_module_hook() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26
    glusbe() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26<< glusbe() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26
    << gllcnt() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26
    gllpst() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:26SHRD0108: Retrieved 110 records from gl_period_statuses
    << gllpst() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    glldat() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27Successfully built decode fragment for period_name and period_year
    gllbud() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27SHRD0108: Retrieved 10 records from the budget tables
    << gllbud() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    gllenc() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27SHRD0108: Retrieved 15 records from gl_encumbrance_types
    << gllenc() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    glldlc() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27<< glldlc() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    gllcvr() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27SHRD0108: Retrieved 6 records from gl_daily_conversion_types
    << gllcvr() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    gllfss() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27LEZL0005: Successfully finished building dynamic SQL statement.
    << gllfss() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    gllcje() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27main_stmt:
    select int.rowid
    decode(int.SEGMENT1|| int.SEGMENT2|| int.SEGMENT3|| int.SEGMENT4|| int.SEGMENT5|| int.SEGMENT6
    , '', replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT2,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT1,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT3,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT4,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT5,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(ccid_cc.SEGMENT6,'.','
    , replace(int.SEGMENT2,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT1,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT3,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT4,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT5,'.','
    ') || '.' || replace(int.SEGMENT6,'.','
    ') ) flexfield , nvl(flex_cc.code_combination_id,
    nvl(int.code_combination_id, -4))
    , decode(int.SEGMENT1|| int.SEGMENT2|| int.SEGMENT3|| int.SEGMENT4|| int.SEGMENT5|| int.SEGMENT6
    , '', decode(ccid_cc.code_combination_id,
    null, decode(int.code_combination_id, null, -4, -5),
    decode(sign(nvl(ccid_cc.start_date_active, int.accounting_date-1)
    - int.accounting_date),
    1, -1,
    decode(sign(nvl(ccid_cc.end_date_active, int.accounting_date +1)
    - int.accounting_date),
    -1, -1, 0)) +
    'N', -10, 0) +
    decode(ccid_cc.summary_flag, 'Y', -100,
    'B', decode(ccid_cc.detail_budgeting_allowed_flag,
    'N', -100, 0),
    'N', -100, 0)))),
    null, -4,
    decode(sign(nvl(flex_cc.start_date_active, int.accounting_date-1)
    - int.accounting_date),
    1, -1,
    decode(sign(nvl(flex_cc.end_date_active, int.accounting_date +1)
    - int.accounting_date),
    -1, -1, 0)) +
    'N', -10, 0) +
    decode(flex_cc.summary_flag, 'Y', -100,
    'B', decode(flex_cc.detail_budgeting_allowed_flag,
    'N', -100, 0),
    'N', -100, 0)))))
    , int.user_je_category_name
    , int.user_je_category_name
    , 'UNKNOWN' period_name
    , decode(actual_flag, 'B'
         , decode(period_name, NULL, '-1' ,period_name), nvl(period_name, '0')) period_name2
    , currency_code
    , decode(actual_flag
         , 'A', actual_flag
         , 'B', decode(budget_version_id
         , 1210, actual_flag
         , 1211, actual_flag
         , 1212, actual_flag
         , 1331, actual_flag
         , 1657, actual_flag
         , 1658, actual_flag
         , NULL, '1', '6')
         , 'E', decode(encumbrance_type_id
         , 1000, actual_flag
         , 1001, actual_flag
         , 1022, actual_flag
         , 1023, actual_flag
         , 1024, actual_flag
         , 1048, actual_flag
         , 1049, actual_flag
         , 1050, actual_flag
         , 1025, actual_flag
         , 999, actual_flag
         , 1045, actual_flag
         , 1046, actual_flag
         , 1047, actual_flag
         , 1068, actual_flag
         , 1088, actual_flag
         , NULL, '3', '4'), '5') actual_flag
    , '0' exception_rate
    , decode(currency_code
         , 'EUR', 1
         , 'STAT', 1
         , decode(actual_flag, 'E', -8, 'B', 1
         , decode(user_currency_conversion_type
         , 'User', decode(currency_conversion_rate, NULL, -1, currency_conversion_rate)
         , NULL, decode(currency_conversion_rate,NULL,
         decode(decode(nvl(to_char(entered_cr),'X'),'X',1,2),decode(nvl(to_char(accounted_cr),'X'),'X',1,2),-20,-3),-3),-9),-9))) currency_conversion_rate
    , to_number(to_char(nvl(int.currency_conversion_date, int.accounting_date), 'J'))
    , decode(int.actual_flag
         , 'A', decode(int.currency_code
              , 'EUR', 'User'
         , 'STAT', 'User'
              , nvl(int.user_currency_conversion_type, 'User'))
         , 'B', 'User', 'E', 'User'
         , nvl(int.user_currency_conversion_type, 'User')) user_currency_conversion_type
    , ltrim(rtrim(substrb(rtrim(substrb(int.reference1, 1, 50)) || ' ' || int.user_je_source_name || ' 2918896: ' || int.actual_flag || ' ' || int.group_id, 1, 100)))
    , rtrim(substrb(nvl(rtrim(int.reference2), 'Journal Import ' || int.user_je_source_name || ' 2918896:'), 1, 240))
    , ltrim(rtrim(substrb(rtrim(rtrim(substrb(int.reference4, 1, 25)) || ' ' || int.user_je_category_name || ' ' || int.currency_code || decode(int.actual_flag, 'E', ' ' || int.encumbrance_type_id, 'B', ' ' || int.budget_version_id, '') || ' ' || int.user_currency_conversion_type || ' ' || decode(int.user_currency_conversion_type, NULL, '', 'User', to_char(int.currency_conversion_rate), to_char(int.currency_conversion_date))) || ' ' || substrb(int.reference8, 1, 15) || int.originating_bal_seg_value, 1, 100)))
    , rtrim(nvl(rtrim(int.reference5), 'Journal Import 2918896:'))
    , rtrim(substrb(nvl(rtrim(int.reference6), 'Journal Import Created'), 1, 80))
    , rtrim(decode(upper(substrb(nvl(rtrim(int.reference7), 'N'), 1, 1)),'Y','Y', 'N'))
    , decode(upper(substrb(int.reference7, 1, 1)), 'Y', decode(rtrim(reference8), NULL, '-1', rtrim(substrb(reference8, 1, 15))), NULL)
    , rtrim(upper(substrb(int.reference9, 1, 1)))
    , rtrim(nvl(rtrim(int.reference10), nvl(to_char(int.subledger_doc_sequence_value), 'Journal Import Created')))
    , int.entered_dr
    , int.entered_cr
    , to_number(to_char(int.accounting_date,'J'))
    , to_char(int.accounting_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD')
    , int.user_je_source_name
    , nvl(int.encumbrance_type_id, -1)
    , nvl(int.budget_version_id, -1)
    , NULL
    , int.stat_amount
    , decode(int.actual_flag
    , 'E', decode(int.currency_code, 'STAT', '1', '0'), '0')
    , decode(int.actual_flag
    , 'A', decode(int.budget_version_id
    , NULL, decode(int.encumbrance_type_id, NULL, '0', '1')
    , decode(int.encumbrance_type_id, NULL, '2', '3'))
    , 'B', decode(int.encumbrance_type_id
    , NULL, '0', '4')
    , 'E', decode(int.budget_version_id
    , NULL, '0', '5'), '0')
    , int.accounted_dr
    , int.accounted_cr
    , nvl(int.group_id, -1)
    , nvl(int.average_journal_flag, 'N')
    , int.originating_bal_seg_value
    from GL_INTERFACE int,
    gl_code_combinations flex_cc,
    gl_code_combinations ccid_cc
    where int.set_of_books_id = 124
    and int.status != 'PROCESSED'
    and (int.user_je_source_name,nvl(int.group_id,-1)) in (('xx jab payroll', -1))
    and flex_cc.SEGMENT1(+) = int.SEGMENT1
    and flex_cc.SEGMENT2(+) = int.SEGMENT2
    and flex_cc.SEGMENT3(+) = int.SEGMENT3
    and flex_cc.SEGMENT4(+) = int.SEGMENT4
    and flex_cc.SEGMENT5(+) = int.SEGMENT5
    and flex_cc.SEGMENT6(+) = int.SEGMENT6
    and flex_cc.chart_of_accounts_id(+) = 50569
    and flex_cc.template_id(+) is NULL
    and ccid_cc.code_combination_id(+) = int.code_combination_id
    and ccid_cc.chart_of_accounts_id(+) = 50569
    and ccid_cc.template_id(+) is NULL
    order by decode(int.SEGMENT1|| int.SEGMENT2|| int.SEGMENT3|| int.SEGMENT4|| int.SEGMENT5|| int.SEGMENT6
    , rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT2,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT1,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT3,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT4,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT5,30) || '.' || rpad(ccid_cc.SEGMENT6,30)
    , rpad(int.SEGMENT2,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT1,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT3,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT4,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT5,30) || '.' || rpad(int.SEGMENT6,30)
    ) , int.entered_dr, int.accounted_dr, int.entered_cr, int.accounted_cr, int.accounting_date
    control->len_mainsql = 16402
    length of main_stmt = 7428
    update GL_INTERFACE
    set status = :status
    , status_description = :description
    , je_batch_id = :batch_id
    , je_header_id = :header_id
    , je_line_num = :line_num
    , code_combination_id = decode(:ccid, '-1', code_combination_id, :ccid)
    , accounted_dr = :acc_dr
    , accounted_cr = :acc_cr
    , descr_flex_error_message = :descr_description
    , request_id = to_number(:req_id)
    where rowid = :row_id
    upd_stmt.len: 394
    insert into gl_je_lines
    ( je_header_id, je_line_num, last_update_date, creation_date, last_updated_by, created_by , set_of_books_id, code_combination_id ,period_name, effective_date , status , entered_dr , entered_cr , accounted_dr , accounted_cr , reference_1 , reference_2
    , reference_3 , reference_4 , reference_5 , reference_6 , reference_7 , reference_8 , reference_9 , reference_10 , description
    , stat_amount , attribute1 , attribute2 , attribute3 , attribute4 , attribute5 , attribute6 ,attribute7 , attribute8
    , attribute9 , attribute10 , attribute11 , attribute12 , attribute13 , attribute14, attribute15, attribute16, attribute17
    , attribute18 , attribute19 , attribute20 , context , context2 , context3 , invoice_amount , invoice_date , invoice_identifier
    , tax_code , no1 , ussgl_transaction_code , gl_sl_link_id , gl_sl_link_table , subledger_doc_sequence_id , subledger_doc_sequence_value
    , jgzz_recon_ref , ignore_rate_flag)
    :je_header_id , :je_line_num , sysdate , sysdate , 1008009 , 1008009 , 124 , :ccid , :period_name
    , decode(substr(:account_date, 1, 1), '-', trunc(sysdate), to_date(:account_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD'))
    , 'U' , :entered_dr , :entered_cr , :accounted_dr , :accounted_cr
    , reference21, reference22, reference23, reference24, reference25, reference26, reference27, reference28, reference29
    , reference30, :description, :stat_amt, '' , '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' , '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
    , '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', gl_sl_link_id
    , gl_sl_link_table
    , subledger_doc_sequence_id
    , subledger_doc_sequence_value
    , jgzz_recon_ref
    , null
    where rowid = :row_id
    ins_stmt.len: 1818
    glluch() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27<< glluch() 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27
    LEZL0008: Found no interface records to process.
    LEZL0009: Check SET_OF_BOOKS_ID, GROUP_ID, and USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME of interface records.
    If no GROUP_ID is specified, then only data with no GROUP_ID will be retrieved. Note that most data
    from the Oracle subledgers has a GROUP_ID, and will not be retrieved if no GROUP_ID is specified.
    SHRD0119: Deleted 1 record(s) from gl_interface_control.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    Finished executing request completion options.
    No data was found in the GL_INTERFACE table.
    Concurrent request completed
    Current system time is 14-MAR-2007 15:39:27

    As per the error message said, you need to specify a group id.
    as per documentation :
    GROUP_ID: Enter a unique group number to distinguish import data within a
    source. You can run Journal Import in parallel for the same source if you specify a
    unique group number for each request.
    For example if you put data for payables and receivables, you need to put different group id to separate payables and receivables data.

  • How can I import data in an interactive PDF?

    Hello everyone,
    I'm trying to import data (in this case, price lists created in Excel) in a PDF that needs be interactive; The goal is to actually make up a document (in InDesign) using form fields, and then have that data imported in the form fields, but the generated PDF has to be interactive. What I'm trying to achieve is that my sales people have a pdf, where they can generate a price estimate based on the number of products they wanna order. Is this achievable at all?

    Yes, very much so. The form fields can be added in InDesign or in Acrobat
    (I prefer the latter), and the data can be imported in Acrobat as well. The
    Excel file needs to have the following structure for it to work: Fields
    names in the first row and their data in the second. Then you save it as a
    tab-delimited text file and import it in Acrobat via Tools - Forms - More
    Form Options - Import Data.

  • Best way to Import Data from a SQL Server Table?

    Firstly thanks for looking at this question.
    We need to import data into SAP BPC 5.1 on a twice daily basis and have chosen not to export to a .CSV file but instead to hold all data in a SQL table and import it directly from there.  As part of the import we wish to run the default logic, however only over the data which is imported as opposed to having to running default logic over the entire database after every import.
    We did some research on this topic and the only thing we could find that would work as described above is using the "Import SQL" package.  However we keep experiencing problems with it and have not yet been able to run it successfully; the errors it gives are not consistent from run to run which makes it difficult to start a thread, though we are getting help from the helpdesk at the moment.
    My question here though is - is there another way that someone knows of to import data into SAP BPC from a SQL table, and being able to run default logic over just the data being imported, or is our only hope getting the "Import SQL" package working?
    Any help much appreciated.
    Forgot to mention details of our environment:
    SAP BPC v5.0.495, 2 server environment -
    Server 1 (DB/AS/SSIS/File server) = 64bit Windows 2k3 server with 64bit SQL Server Enterprise Edition
    Server 2 (IIS/App server) = 32bit Windows 2k3 server
    Edited by: Iain Hambleton on Jun 17, 2008 3:25 PM

    I recently created SSIS packages that need to work with a staging table that does all kind of manipulations of that data before it is loading into SAP BPC, because it also has to load the data in the drillthrough table within the same package. From one point in my package the data is also in a SQL table so basically the same as in your situation. This also works with an export to CSV within the DTSX file like Alwin said, because in this case you can use the standard transformation and conversion stuff during the load.
    I also needed to limit the data region for logic to the data region that is in the load for currency conversion purposes. This is not very much of a problem. I had a situation where I have an Accounts receivable cube containing a daily time dimension for keyduedates and a datasrc dimension containing weeks. Every week has a complete overview of the open AR items in that week and need to be converted for that week (datasrc) only and not for the whole database every time we load. But by default data would be converted based on the Keyduedates dimension while I wanted the Week dimension to be used as the data region. I solved it by using these rows in the logic:
    *xdim_memberset weeks=%weeks_set%
    *xdim_memberset version = %version_set%
    I can send you the SSIS package and logic if you want. Just send me your details then.
    Edited by: Joost Hoppenbrouwers on Jun 17, 2008 4:25 PM

  • How do I import data from external hard drive onto new iMac?

    How do I import data from an external hard drive onto my new iMac?

    If you think about it logically if you want to move something from one place to another well do just exactly that
    Drag & Drop its as simple as that click on the file/folder keep it pressed down & move the file/folder to where you want it on your Mac
    If its photo's drag them onto the iPhoto icon on the dock if its music drag it onto the iTunes icon documents into guess what documents
    Hope this helps

  • Error in import data

    in oracle enterprise console(login to the Oracle Management Server), when I use the wizard to import data, there is error in reading the import file(I use csv file).
    the error msg is:
    VNI-2015: The Node preferred credentials for the target node are either invalid or do not have sufficient privileges to complete the operation.
    On Windows platforms, the Node credentials specified for the Windows target should have the "Logon as a batch job" privilege.
    I don't know where to set the "Logon as a batch job", I only see the "Preferred Credentials" Tab in the menu of Configuration\preferences.
    anybody can help me? thanks in advance

    What you can do is to check that the OS user submitting the job through OEM console is a local user on the database server and not a domain user. If the user is a domain user then your job submission will fail with VNI-2015 Authentication Failure. I have encountered this situation many times because of the same reason: the credentials for the node user were wrong.
    When adding local user on the database server - it has to be nodename\username and not domain_name\username. Assign log on as batch job and Administrator rights to the local user. This should fix the problem. May be you can check file permissions for the backup directories too
    Hope this helps
    Thank You

  • Import data in dmp-files

    i have some problems with the import of data in dmp-files. As a reference i have the book "pro oracle spatial" and there i try to do the sample in chapter 11 and view the sample-data with mapviewer. i have downloaded the demodata on harddisc, created the user "spatial2" (i have already a user spatial) and now i can't get further. i have never imported data with this command (imp ...). where do i have do save the dump-files? and where are the dump-files that are listed in the book? i am really a little bit confused. maybe somebody can help. i have oracle database on a sles9.
    with kind regards

    Go to the directory where you've downloaded the dump files.
    Assuming you have a user called spatial2 with password spatial2, and your dumpfile is foo.dmp, something like this would work:
    imp spatial2/spatial2 file=foo.dmp full=y
    See the oracle utilities guide for more information about import/export.

  • Is there a way to import data from excel -when one of the columns in excel is hyperlink column?

     Is there a way to import data from excel  - so if a column is hyperlink - the whole data will move to the list (text + link of the hyperlink column)?
    keren tsur

    According to your description, you want to export excel which contains a hyperlink column to SharePoint list.
    Refer to the following steps:
    Open the Excel, insert/create the table. 
    Now click on any cell of table and go to the ‘Design Tools’.
    Click on the Export and then ‘Export table to SharePoint List’.
    You will see a popup where you need to provide the URL of SharePoint site, list name and description.
    Then click on next, On the next screen you will see columns with data types which are going to create in SharePoint list.
    Now click finish and wait until the operation gets finished. You will see that list gets created in SharePoint site with the records.
    Here are two links, you can use as a reference:
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    Lisa Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Excel Import data

    I'm using SQL Developer 1.2 and trying to Import data into a table using Excel. I select my .XLS file, but I get an error with these details:
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.importdata.ExcelImportDialog.getStringValue(ExcelImportDialog.java:291)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.importdata.ExcelImportDialog.populateModel(ExcelImportDialog.java:347)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.importdata.ExcelImportDialog.displayExcelDialog(ExcelImportDialog.java:148)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.importdata.ExcelImportUtil.insertExcelToTable(ExcelImportUtil.java:41)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.importdata.ExcelImportEditor.importExcelToTable(ExcelImportEditor.java:79)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.importdata.ExcelImportEditor.importExcel(ExcelImportEditor.java:50)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.actions.ExcelImport.launch(ExcelImport.java:11)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.controls.sqldialog.ObjectActionController.handleEvent(ObjectActionController.java:127)
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction.performAction(IdeAction.java:551)
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction$2.run(IdeAction.java:804)
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction.actionPerformedImpl(IdeAction.java:823)
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction.actionPerformed(IdeAction.java:521)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1849)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2169)
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:420)
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:258)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(AbstractButton.java:302)
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(BasicMenuItemUI.java:1000)
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(BasicMenuItemUI.java:1041)
         at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:5488)
         at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(JComponent.java:3126)
         at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Component.java:5253)
         at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Container.java:1966)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:3955)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2024)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3803)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:4212)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:3892)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:3822)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2010)
         at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:1774)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3803)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:463)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:242)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:163)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:157)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:149)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:110)
    Can anybody help????

    I am getting the following Exception when I try this as well.
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.importdata.ExcelImportDialog.populateModel(ExcelImportDialog.java:359)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.importdata.ExcelImportDialog.displayExcelDialog(ExcelImportDialog.java:148)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.importdata.ExcelImportUtil.insertExcelToTable(ExcelImportUtil.java:41)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.importdata.ExcelImportEditor.importExcelToTable(ExcelImportEditor.java:79)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.importdata.ExcelImportEditor.importExcel(ExcelImportEditor.java:50)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.dialogs.actions.ExcelImport.launch(ExcelImport.java:11)
         at oracle.dbtools.raptor.controls.sqldialog.ObjectActionController.handleEvent(ObjectActionController.java:127)
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction.performAction(IdeAction.java:551)
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction$2.run(IdeAction.java:804)
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction.actionPerformedImpl(IdeAction.java:823)
         at oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction.actionPerformed(IdeAction.java:521)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:1849)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2169)
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(DefaultButtonModel.java:420)
         at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(DefaultButtonModel.java:258)
         at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(AbstractButton.java:302)
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(BasicMenuItemUI.java:1000)
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(BasicMenuItemUI.java:1041)
         at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Component.java:5488)
         at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(JComponent.java:3126)
         at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Component.java:5253)
         at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Container.java:1966)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:3955)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2024)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3803)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Container.java:4212)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Container.java:3892)
         at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Container.java:3822)
         at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2010)
         at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Window.java:1774)
         at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:3803)
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:463)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:242)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:163)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:157)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:149)
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:110)
    Does the directory where the spreadsheet is located need to be in the Start in directory?

  • Is it possible to import data into an existing table?

    Hi.. everyone.
    Is it possible to import data into an existing table
    by using import utility?
    The exported table and the existing table have the same name
    and table schema.
    I want to append "new data(exported from oracle8.0.5)" to
    "an existing partitioned-table" by using "oracle 9i import utility".
    Thanks in advance.
    Have a nice day.

    SQL> select index_name
    2 from user_indexes
    3 where table_name = 'IMPORTPK';
    SQL> create view importpk_view as select * from importpk;
    View created.
    SQL> disconn
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Pr
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> exit
    C:\>exp userid=oracle/oracle tables=importpk
    Export: Release - Production on Tue Sep 5 08:30:50 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Produc
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    Export done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    About to export specified tables via Conventional Path ...
    . . exporting table IMPORTPK 10 rows exported
    Export terminated successfully without warnings.
    C:\>imp userid=oracle/oracle tables=importpk ignore=y
    Import: Release - Production on Tue Sep 5 08:31:12 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Produc
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    Export file created by EXPORT:V10.01.00 via conventional path
    import done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    . importing ORACLE's objects into ORACLE
    . . importing table "IMPORTPK"
    IMP-00019: row rejected due to ORACLE error 1
    IMP-00003: ORACLE error 1 encountered
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (ORACLE.SYS_C007610) violated
    Column 1 1
    Import terminated successfully with warnings.
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Sep 5 08:33:20 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Note : if table content primary key and index.
    SQL> conn oracle/oracle
    SQL> create table withoutcons ( no number);
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into withoutcons select * from importpk;
    10 rows created.
    SQL> create view withoutcons_view as select * from withoutcons;
    View created.
    SQL> disconn
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Pr
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> exit
    C:\>exp userid=oracle/oracle tables=withoutcons
    Export: Release - Production on Tue Sep 5 08:36:05 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Produc
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    Export done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    About to export specified tables via Conventional Path ...
    . . exporting table WITHOUTCONS 10 rows exported
    Export terminated successfully without warnings.
    C:\>imp userid=oracle/oracle tables=withoutcons ignore=y
    Import: Release - Production on Tue Sep 5 08:37:17 2006
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Produc
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    Export file created by EXPORT:V10.01.00 via conventional path
    import done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    . importing ORACLE's objects into ORACLE
    . . importing table "WITHOUTCONS" 10 rows imported
    Import terminated successfully without warnings.
    2. Yes
    If table content no unique constraints
    Message was edited by:

  • Import data from excel

    Hi, I am using Jdeveloper 11g and I want to import data from excel in my table through the jsf page and commit it to database. How can I implement it. Its urgent please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Unless you are importing Excel data to save a dying patient in the operating theatre, it's not, by definition, urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and I must be right, because I used 22 exclamation points, where you only used 21).
    Have you looked at ADF Desktop Integration to see if that would work for you? If not, you could:
    1). Use an af:inputFile to upload the Excel file
    2). Using something like Apache POI to read the file
    3). Create rows, set the attributes, insert them, and commit them (if you're using ADF BC, you'd use a View Object to do this)

  • Import Data From Excel Into PDF

    I have made a PDF in Acrobat 9 that has form fields in it, such as Last Name, First Name, Social Security Number, Address, Birth Date, Email, etc.  I want to import data from an Excel Spreadsheet into these form fields.  I have Excel 2010 and created an .XML file that includes this information.  I went back to my PDF file and clicked on Forms, Manage Form Data, Import Data, browsed and selected my .XML file and nothing happens.  I am at a loss and not sure what or where to go from here.  Any input would be very helpful at this point.
    Thank you in advance.

    The XML structure used by Acrobat is not the same as used by Excel.
    You can try exporting your spreadsheet as a CSV file and then import it
    that file in Acrobat. If the field names match the column names, it should

  • Importing Data into Sql Server 2012 from Excel Data

    I got errors like this when i am doing import data into sql server from excel Data. Can you please help us?
    - Executing (Error)
    Error 0xc020901c: Data Flow Task 1: There was an error with Source - demotable$.Outputs[Excel Source Output].Columns[Comment] on Source - demotable$.Outputs[Excel Source Output]. The column status returned was: "Text was truncated or one
    or more characters had no match in the target code page.".
     (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
    Error 0xc020902a: Data Flow Task 1: The "Source - demotable$.Outputs[Excel Source Output].Columns[Comment]" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "Source - demotable$.Outputs[Excel Source Output].Columns[Comment]"
    specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.
     (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
    Error 0xc0047038: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED.  The PrimeOutput method on Source - demotable$ returned error code 0xC020902A.  The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput().
    The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
     (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

    Are you attempting to import into a newly made table or into an existing table? It looks like it's trying to insert data where it cannot be inserted (invalid column or lack of data size in your column).
    Try the following:
    1). In your excel sheet, highlight the whole sheet and make sure the cells are in 'text' form and try re-importing
    2). save the document as ms dos TEXT and import as a text document.
    3). double check your columns are correct for the data, for example if you have a column that has a string of 100 characters and your column is 'NvarChar(90)' - that might cause the error? Or just correct data type in your column
    3). If that doesn't work and you're inserting into a new table, try importing it as string first and writing a query to insert columns that should be float/integer or whatever. You may want to convert float texts to a 'bigint' first rather than string
    > float as that can cause problems if I remember correctly.

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