Where is my additional content?

I have been struggling this for a while. I Wish to move the additional content I just downloaded from LPX to another HD, with a method explained several times in this forum (Symlink)
I am told that the content is supposed to be in /library/application support/logic. However the only file I can find there is one small file and nothing else. LPX states that the content is downloaded and installed, but it is simply impossible for me to locate its placement. Please help, anyone!
Mavericks 10.9.2 btw

Also, I am trying to re install from 'download additional content' content that says 'installed' already, but if this doesn't give me all of the instruments etc...I need a final solution to get everything installed that is supposed to come with the program....HELP!!!!

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    I've installed Mainstage and all the free additional content, everything seemed to go perfectly.  But I don't seem to have any of the patches I expect to see - no french horn, no reeds, only a couple of bizarre horn patches, etc.
    It appears that the Orcestral Jam Pack installed properly, but the Patch Inspector and Patch Library don't show any of these patches as being availble.
    Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.

    Most of the additional content is not patches, but channel strip settings. Add a patch and then a channel strip. The browser for the channel strip settings will contain all these sounds.

  • Logic Pro X: Install additional content on external hard drive?

    Hi all,
    I'm just wondering if there are any new, official ways to ask Logic Pro X to store the additional content that is downloaded to a different location (e.g., an external hard drive). So far I haven't found anything in the documentation (though maybe I missed it).

    I got it working with symbolic link.
    It's very easy and this is how I did it:
    1. Download this for free:
    2. Copy original 'Logic' Folder located in /Volumes/"DRIVE NAME"/Application Support/ on the desired external drive and location.This is the location where all your additional content is beeing installed to.
    3. You can delete the original folder or rename it and use it as a backup.
    4. Use the symbolic link tool to create a symbolic link from the 'Logic' file which has been copied to your external drive.
    Place the link (which looks like an alias) to its previous destination (/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Application Support/) and rename it to 'Logic'.
    5. After this you will be able to download additional content.
    6. Be aware if you want to download 30 GB of content and your SSD has just 20GB free space, it will show you the same error message because it stores the download file still on your SSD until installation is done. The solution for this is to download everything part by part.
    Maybe there is a simpler solution. This was very quick and easy for me. Logic 9 and 10 both work still.
    Hope this helps.

  • Can I transfer MainStage additional content form one mac to another

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    i installed GarageBand on my main account on my MBP, but created another account dedicated to music — with a lot of conveniences like Reminders and WiFi and Spotlight  turned off for efficiency.  i had to download the extra content again.  i even moved it over from my iMac which was downloaded under the same Apple ID. i ended up deleting that account and created a new one and had to do it all over again.  ***** since i am on satellite and can only use that amount of bandwidth between 2-8am.
    i'd like to know if it ia possible as well.

  • Logic's 'Additional Content' to external hard drive?

    'Additional Content' to external hard drive, is it possible? Will I have an option somewhere to put all the samples and presets somewhere other than my internal drive?

    I got it working with symbolic link.
    It's very easy and this is how I did it:
    1. Download this for free:
    2. Copy original 'Logic' Folder located in /Volumes/"DRIVE NAME"/Application Support/ on the desired external drive and location.This is the location where all your additional content is beeing installed to.
    3. You can delete the original folder or rename it and use it as a backup.
    4. Use the symbolic link tool to create a symbolic link from the 'Logic' file which has been copied to your external drive.
    Place the link (which looks like an alias) to its previous destination (/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Application Support/) and rename it to 'Logic'.
    5. After this you will be able to download additional content.
    6. Be aware if you want to download 30 GB of content and your SSD has just 20GB free space, it will show you the same error message because it stores the download file still on your SSD until installation is done. The solution for this is to download everything part by part.
    Maybe there is a simpler solution. This was very quick and easy for me. Logic 9 and 10 both work still.
    Hope this helps.

  • Logic Pro x - additional content downloads and installs but it won't show up in my Logic Pro X. Where is the add'l content downloaded and how do I activate on Logic Pro X?

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    similar problem that I'm hoping revives this thread. Took over 24hrs to dload additional content (after another full day for the actual problem) due to a bad dload rate. so quitted, and relocated closer to my wifi router. Restart, open logic x, Menu bar:  Logic Pro/ Download Additional content ...Tells me i have no internet connection.... Ahh... I do, I'm using it right now! Tried restarting and relaunching. same thing every time.
    Any clues?
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    Try Drum Machine
    ....and also the Logic Studio 2 Compatibility Sounds and Instruments found under the Legacy entry.... along with the GB 11 Sounds and instruments.. and finally the Instruments found under Jam pack 1, Jam Pack Remix and Jam Pack Rhythm,
    Also make sure the Essential Sounds and Instruments set has downloaded completely too...
    Personally, if you have the space, I'd download all the content...  as there is so much on offer for free... that you may find useful in the future.

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    There should be an extra disk that came with FCS3 that has all the content.  There isn't a seperate download for Motion 4.

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    Additional content for the most recent versions of Premiere Elements can be downloaded from this page.

    I would post over in the Premiere Pro forum here http://forums.adobe.com/community/premiere. They should be able to help you.

  • Downloading and Installing 'Additional' Content

    Hi There,
    So I managed to download the 'additional content' - I entered my password to install it and the window popped up saying installing... Then I swiped to a different 'desktop' - I was in full screen mode in Lion - when I returned the installing progress bar window had dissappeard and nothing seemed to be installed. When trying to download it again, it started from 0kb! This kinda ***. It also doesn't say 'installed' in the 'Download Additional Content' window
    Anyone know how to solve this? Or what went wrong in the first place?
    Also does anyone know where the temporary file or 'installer' or whatever get's downloaded? In NZ we still get charged by the gigabyte (yes I know) so I don't wanna have to download 5Gb 7 times until I get it working. So it would be nice to save that file somewhere if that helps at all.
    Thanks guys. Any help GREATLY appreciated.
    - Malik

    Maljay909 wrote:
    Ok this is sorted. I think watching and waiting and making sure it installed did the trick. So I guess DO NOT minimize Logic while this is going on is the lesson learned from this??
    Watching and waiting to see what happens is always a handy tip.
    Minimising the window isn't the problem - you can quit Logic and it'll ask you if you want to continue the download.
    And answering one's own question is something that we all have to master.

  • Logic Pro X additional content will download but won't install

    I have Logic Pro X (10.0.1) installed on my 2012 Macbook Pro i7 2.6Ghz 8Gb Ram. I am able download the addition content but now just hangs & it has only installed the producer patches, surrond reverbs, garage band 11 sounds & instruments & the jam packs which I believe were there from my Logic Pro 9.
    I have read support forum threads where peiople have downloaded it in smaller sections 1 or 2GB at a time with success, I have tried this & in smaller sections with no success.....it just still hangs saying "installing Orchestra" or whatever section I'm trying to install.
    Can anyone help?
    I went through **** to install the program itself as the initial installion just hung too on the "Essential Sounds and Instruments for Logic Pro & Mainstage", I finally installed after getting the content download link from a support thread.
    Apple support is s***, I emailed about them about the download (after spending my £139.99) only to wait 24 hours for them to say delete it & try again (like we wouldn't have though of & done that already). After repling to say that & waiting another 24 hours they said here is an email address to our Tech support or a premium number to call WFT!!!!
    Now the additional content won't install, between my Macbook Pro & Logic Pro X the money I've spent - Apple are taking the ****.
    Please can some one help?

    Install on my Core2Duo 17" MacBook Pro went flawlessly, but install on my 8 Core Mac Pro suffered this problem.  Many thanks for the solution Don, it worked for me ;-)
    I am trying hard to supress an ironic chuckle though, reading other posts in this thread .... suggesting that people should call Apple Tech Support and expressing incredulity that people weren't doing this as their first option.
    Well I can say say that after several calls to Apple Tech Support, amounting to several hours on the phone, and well over an hour on the phone with them today, I was informed that this problem is a known bug, and that Apple are working on a solution.  They couldn't tell me what the bug is, what machines are affected, or what else might trigger it, or when a bug release might be due.
    Their troubleshooting steps basically involved various reboots, repairing disc permissions, reseting the user home directory via terminal, booting up in recovery mode (but not safe mode as per this solution) trashing various preferences files, and, as a final step, uninstalling and reinstalling from scratch.
    Only when all that failed was I told that there is a known bug that Apple are working on.
    I came here to see what the community was saying, as the Tech Support guy did say there was likely to be some info on the forums.  Lo and behold, a solution is posted and it works.
    Why are Apple's Tech Support (in the UK at least) not aware of this?
    Oh well, at least I'm up and running on my Mac Pro now.
    Thanks again Don,

  • How to relocate additional content files?

    I have a MacBook Pro 15" late 2011. Mac OS 10.8.2 is installed on the 128 Gb SSD drive, and my "Home" directory and all files needed for my work, I placed on 1TB HDD in OptiBay.
    I have a problem with Logic Pro 9.1.8 Installation process.
    Can I install additional content from Logic Pro to HDD or relocate content files after installation? I'm using many "heavy" software and plug-ins in my work, and very important to me how much free space is left on the system drive.

    Thanks for the quick reply.
    CCTM wrote:
    The download installers will not let you install anywhere except the OS drive.
    Whilst you could move *most* of the content to another drive, it is probably easiest to start with the AppleLoops themselves:
    Library:Audio:Apple Loops:Apple.
    When you move them, you will need to re-index the Loop Browser: simply drag the new (moved) folders in the Finder on top of the Loop Browser in Logic.
    It might be best to leave the 'basic' Garageband loops where they are.
    If you need to make even more room on your boot drive, you could think about moving the JamPack sampler instruments (around 14G), but this could cause some issues with the EXS not finding the samples in  their new location. Similarly, you could move the Factory EXS samples (4G), with the same caveat.
    Reindex database happen automatically? Will there files be duplicated?

  • "Additional Content" downloads can be continued!

    Here's something I wasn't aware of until I just happened to fumble into it:
    The other day, while downloading some of Logic Pro X's "Additional Content" instruments at a place that had free Wi-Fi (I have a limited montly allowance of 5Gb through Verizon), I had to stop about halfway through since it was time to leave. Since there's no way of actually pausing these downloads, I just went offline to force-stop it and figured I'd have to start all over again on a future occasion. ...
    Surprise! The next time I went online (which was at another place with free Wi-Fi) and opened Logic Pro, a "Resume Content Download?" window popped up, giving a choice to either continue, "decide later" or cancel. Of course, I selected to continue and then the download finished from where it had left off! Nice!
    So, apparently, though there appears to be no actual, official (as far as I can tell), obvious way of doing it:
    The Logic Pro X "Additional Content" downloads can be continued later!
    By the way, I've now done this several times, so it appears to not just be a fluke, though it is kind of scary every time I try it.  :-)
    Hopefully, this can be helpful for others who have trouble finding the time or accessability to download some of the larger instruments all at once. Also, hope this works for everyone the way it has worked for me.

    Thanks.Thats big help for sure.Time for a download break now.

  • Can't find "additional content" folders

    I am in the process of trying to move my Logic Pro X content over from my internal SSD to another HD. I have seen the other posts on how to do this.
    However, when I look in the directories supposedly containing the samples and loops content that the other posts refer to (namely .../library/application support/logic and /library/audio/apple loops) I don't see any of the folders that others are referring to. In .../application support/logic I only see one 5.5MB file called LoopsDatabaseV08.db and in the loops folder I only see the single directory /apple loops/user loops/single files/hiphopkit.aif
    I know that the "additional content" did indeed install onto my SSD by checking my storage, but where is it? I have "display library" on and completed installation of the additional content. I am running Mavericks.
    Appreciate your help,

    Sounds like you are looking in the wrong library:
    Go to Macintosh HD:Library:
    Application Support

  • Copy and paste additional content from one computer to another

    I recently installed Logic pro on my macbook, I already have it installed on my iMac.
    I am facing problems in downloading and installing the additional audio content from Apple website.
    is it possible that I can copy additional content from my iMac and paste in Macbook.
    If yes, where the additional content is saved on iMac and where should I paste on my macbook.
    any solutions.
    I. P. Singh

    The Art Of Sound wrote:
    some people have reported issues trying this with content not being found etc...
    On a sidenote: I am pretty sure that in some of those cases what actually happened was that people opened Logic immediately after installing or copying content, and then expecting Logic to find this, but the Spotlight index (which EXS24 and NI's Kontakt use to find samples) was probably still busy updating.
    This can take a few minutes up to half an hour or more (e.g. after installing big sample ibraries).
    A pulsating dot inside the magnifying glass Spotlight symbol, on the top right corner of the screen, indicates that the Spotlight Index is being rebuilt or updated. Other indications are active MDS and/or MDWorker processes; those can be seen in Activity Monitor.
    (these processes are usually open, the CPU % is what matters)

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