Where is my mail stored???

Hi everyone!
I am using Gmail IMAP on my iPhone. I would just like to know is the mail I have accessed stored on my phone so I can read it offline as well? Or am I just seeing it if I have internet access?

Mail in the Inbox is partially cached on the iPhone and this can be 'sort of' viewed offline. But, you cannot view attachments, and HTML emails are not fully cached (thus, not viewable offline). Simple, short text emails are cached in their entirety, and those can be viewed offline.
On the whole, though, offline email use is not optimal on the iPhone.

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    Dipti Lavya

    Hi Dipti, the directory on your hard drive where mail stores it's data is home/Library/Mail. Home is your home user directory.
    With that said, deleting messages from this folder is not the proper way to delete them. Use the mail.app and delete them there, then empty the trash in mail. I'm not sure of the problems caused from deleting them via Finder, but it's probably not good.
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    Mail that you send is stored in the Sent Messages.mbox folder for the account, in your Library/Mail folder. It is not stored on the server.

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    Did you ever figure out what happened?
    I had the same experience as you did, but in my case it was a big fat pdf that Mail insisted I had to download before I could view it. As happened with you, I saw the file actually downloading, and after a time I was able to view the pdf. It's been my assumption that the pdf is still somewhere on my iPad, but I have no idea where, nor how to delete it if it is still there.

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    No doubt others will give their opnions on what and how to back up as well as what to use.
    Briefly Mail is stored in either an outgoing queue awaiting transfer to a remote server or in a local mail store accessible by local mail users. Outgoing mail messages are stored, by default, in the following spool directory on the  startup disk: /var/spool/postfix. This location is temporary and the mail is stored until its transferred out. These locations can be moved to any accessible volume, either local or NFS mounted and symlinked to by the mail administrator. The Mail Service keeps track of incoming mail messages with a database, but the database doesn’t contain the messages themselves; the Mail Service stores each message as a separate file in a mail folder for each user. Incoming mail is stored on the startup disk in the following directory: /var/spool/imap/user/whatever the user name is. Cyrus puts a database index file in the folder of user messages. You can change the location of any or all of the mail folders and database indexes to another folder, disk, or disk partition. You can even specify a shared volume on another server as the location of the mail folder and database. Be careful if you decide to use a shared volume as things can slow down a bit. You should not use NFS for remotely mounted filesystems. Incoming mail remains on the server until its deleted.
    You could also enable IMAP for all users that have their accounts enabled for mail. This way all mail is kept on the server until its deleted by the administrator or by the users, if you decide to go for this option as well then /var/imap is the database and /var/spool/imap is the mail store.
    As for backup it depends on what you want to spend. Retrospect is a cheap solution that will do the incremental backup that you seem to want. Its been around for a long time and for most people its the first thing they turn to especially on the Mac platform. However its not perfect its slightly limited in its functions and there are problems with it running on the Intel platform, specifically Xserves. It can be ran remotely and supports a variety of devices. There are numerous others which others I’m sure will mention.

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    B B1
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    Welcome to the discussions, Denise.
    The messages are stored in the various account folders in the Mail folder in your Library (~/Library/Mail). Attachments are in ~/Library/Mail Downloads.

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    It did work!
    Thank You.
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    Hmm - out of curiosity - would the User Library be part of the System deep down in the file hierarchy?
    @ ReidMac:
    Not sure if excluding the System (or Applications for that matter) would be wise - it may prevent you from being able to restore from Time Machine in case your system is borked? If size is of concern - and since Time Machine keeps making backups until the disk/partition is full - have you considered a different backup strategy, such as a bootable clone which needs exactly the same amount of space as your system currently uses?

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    Firefox has remberd a password to a website ... chessatwork and I get loged in to my main page and when I click on any link it takes me right back to my log in page, where it has it stored.... password and user name,,, whats up and how do I turn that off? chessatwork has ran great for me for many yrs, then one day I down loaded firefox and went to play chess on this site chessatwork.com, well the window popped up asking to remember the log in and pass word and so I said ok, and it did, but now when I click log in and I go to my main page (home) and click on any link, say to play game I return right back to log in

    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Deleting_autocomplete_entries<br />
    Remove a saved password here: Tools > Options > Security: Passwords: "Saved Passwords" > "Show Passwords"
    You may also need to remove the cookies from that website.<br />
    * Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"

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    I know the driver is part of the Epson driver software package that is installed with OS 10.8. I would like to select it manually. My question is where are printer drivers stored? How do I select a driver?
    Thanks in advance!

    While a bit of a stretch, you can download the entire Epson printer package from Apple and install it. This will include all drivers for all Epson devices as opposed to the one just for your system. The package is 1GB in size, but will include everything supported.
    The package can be downloaded here: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1398
    This following knowledgebase article says your printer is definitely supported, so the driver should be in that package: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3669#epson

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    where else is ical storing calendar information?
    in a folder in usr/library/syncservices/local. You will have to look in the clientname.txt file in each of the folders to find which one is for iCal.

  • Where the table is stored.,temp tablespace is not freed .

    I have created one table in oracle 8.1.7 containing 500 mega records .
    my question is
    1. where the table is stored as the size of users.dbf is just 20 mb and is used upto only 2 MB.
    so it must not be there.
    2. the size of tools.dbf in tools tablespce is somewhere around 13GB. is it there?
    if yes then why?
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    4. can i manually delete the data files in temp.
    will it affect my database????
    thanksin adv.

    I have created one table in oracle 8.1.7 containing 500 mega records .
    my question is
    1. where the table is stored as the size of users.dbf is just 20 mb and is used upto only 2 MB.
    so it must not be there.
    2. the size of tools.dbf in tools tablespce is somewhere around 13GB. is it there?
    if yes then why?
    3. also the size of temp01.dbf+temp02.dbf + temp03.dbf in temp table space is somewhere around 14 gb and it is going on increasing. say when i give command to create index it after running for some 8 hrs gives error that disk space is full . when i again run he command after adding more file and space the command runs but the space earlier utilised in temp is not released .
    i have tried restrating the oracle service . but it does not release the space utilised by temp.Also the table space is temp not permanent.
    4. can i manually delete the data files in temp.
    will it affect my database????
    thanksin adv. Query user_segments as the table owner. This will tell you which tablespace (also the size of you table allocation).
    Query dba_data_files, may need to be a DBA account (e.g. system). This will relate files to tablespaces.
    The files in dba_data_files and in v$logfile and the control files listed in init<sid>.ora comprise your database.
    Hope this helps

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