Where is sys.v_$parameters view?

I have installed a designer6i, and then i click the button in Repository Administration utility to create objects for designer.
a error appeared: you have not select privilege for view sys.v_$parameters view, but i can not found this view in sys user, i just found v_$parameter and v_$parameter2, my oracle is oracle817 for linux. who can help me . thanks


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    Cathrin wrote:
    Hi ,
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    what should i do?First, indent your code to show the extent of structures that extend over several lines, such as subqueries, CASE expressions, or function calls that have nexted arguments.
    Make parentheses line up so that, if a ) has to be lines away from its matching (, then are indented the same amount, with nothing except white space between them.
    When posting code (or any formatted text) on this site, type these 6 characters:
    \(small letters only, inside curly brackets) before and after sections of formatted text, to preserve spacing.
    Note that "ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis" doesn't always mean you have unbalanced parentheses.  Often, it just means that something (such as an Oracle keyword) appears at a point where it doesn't make sense, but where a ) would make sense.
    Second, develop code in very small increments.  Take baby steps. Start with a very small, simple query, test it, then add one or two more lines.  When you get a mysterious error like "ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis", chances are there was a mistake in the one or two lines you just added.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    user12985447 wrote:
    I have a big query with nesting and left join and Ineed to create a view out of it so as not to run it from the application. The issue is I need the date range and some other fields as input parameters since it will vary from the front end for each request. I just looked up and saw some posts referring to using SYS_CONTEXT for parameterized views and need to know exactly how do I create the view for example with 2 parameters - fromdate, todate and how I invoke the view from the application.
    Just for info I am using grails/groovy for developing the application. and here is the query I want to create view out of..
    d.dateInRange as dateval,
    nvl(td.dist_ucnt, 0) as dist_ucnt
    from (
    to_date(fromdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') + rownum - 1 as dateInRange
    from all_objects
    where rownum <= to_date(fromdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') - to_date(todate,'dd-mon-yyyy') + 1
    ) d
    left join (
    to_char(user_transaction.transdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') as currentdate,
    count(distinct(grauser_id)) as dist_ucnt,
    gratransaction, user_transaction
    where gratransaction.id = user_transaction.trans_id and
    user_transaction.transdate between to_date(fromdate,'dd-mon-yyyy') and to_date(todate,'dd-mon-yyyy')
    group by to_char(user_transaction.transdate, 'dd-mon-yyyy'), eventdesc
    ) td on td.currentdate = d.dateInRange order by d.dateInRange ascAre you dead set on creating a view? If so ... why?
    I'd recommend creating a stored procedure / function (in a package) that returns a ref cursor before i'd recommend what you're going for (unless there is some extremely compelling reason why only a view will work).

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    I met CSI at a kongress a few weeks ago and pressed them a bit on how this works. Eventually they fezzed up about the table read but mentioned that in the next release being developed it would be different...
    Problems with this is that the FM has a couple of limitations, so you cannot read all tables correctly... so you end up reading some of the wrong ones or taking the easy ones.
    Another option is to let the database itself do the hard work, to get back to the performance aspect.
    Anyway, for neither of these two do you need any tcode, so indeed we are drifting off topic...

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    ERROR at line 1:
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    This two views are synonyms.
    SQL> grant select on sys.V$TEMPSTAT to scott;
    grant select on sys.V$TEMPSTAT to scott
    ERREUR à la ligne 1 :
    ORA-02030: une sélection n'est autorisée que depuis des tables fixes/vues
    SQL> grant select on sys.V$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER to scott;
    grant select on sys.V$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER to scott
    ERREUR à la ligne 1 :
    ORA-02030: une sélection n'est autorisée que depuis des tables fixes/vues
    SQL> select synonym_name,table_name
    2 from dba_synonyms
    3 where synonym_name in ('V$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER','V$TEMPSTAT');
    SQL> grant select on sys.V_$TEMPSTAT to scott;
    Autorisation de privilèges (GRANT) acceptée.
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    Autorisation de privilèges (GRANT) acceptée.

  • Parameterized views

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    Heya all!
    I think this solutions wont perform because they involve PL/SQL.
    I had the same problem some time ago and the point is that
    .) the PL/SQL engine will be called a really often
    .) the optimizer wont recognize the constant value (i think you will need it for the start-with-clause), i tested this issue with an early 10g version btw
    My Solution, create a system context. I am working with this solution for some years and did not notice any disadvantages.
    You can find a example here [sys_context example|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28286/statements_5002.htm#sthref5947] (scroll down to the examples.
    What you need to do is to define a package that controls the context (put thingies in), after creating context and packager your code would look like that:
    WHERE 1=1
    START WITH E.EMPLOYEE_NO = SYS_CONTEXT('myContext','Employee')
    Package Call:
    I had to translate the view-names and columns and so i also could not test it, so apologize any typos or errors.
    If you have any questions just ask!

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    Well, running on a 2006 model.  I did not have a startup disc.  Initially, it booted up on original software in 2006.  Since then, I've upgraded to 10.6 via a box set.  And, since then I think I popped it up to lion. 
    All I have on a disc is snow leopard.  And, I can't get farther than the setup screen due to hard drive.  I'm taking to a apple authorized repair store right now.  We'll see what they tell me .  I'm just going to weigh the cost of repair vs. buying new.
    Another bad, stupid thing is I had no means of backing up my stuff.  So, I might have lost things like music, vids, etc.  we'll see if they can recover.  If the cost is too much for repair I might just forget it and start over with a new system.  Just not sure at this point.

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    Where has the "Show Duplicates" view gone in iTunes 11? I want to delete all duplicated songs.

    It's gone but this post might help:
    turingtest2 London, UK
    Re: iTunes 11 removed Display duplicates option     Dec 2, 2012 1:41 AM    (in response to mdnolton2) 
    Two Windows scripts to make playlists of Duplicates and Exact Duplicates. Use shift-delete to remove selected tracks from the library as well as the playlist.
    There is also my DeDuper script if you don't want to do it by hand. Please take note of the warning to backup your library before deduping.
    Link: https://discussions.apple.com/message/20454991#20454991

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    This report relies on the XLA Trial Balance data.
    Please check whether you have created any Report Definitions or not.
    Otherwise check the SLA Implementation Guide.
    Chapter: Open Account Balances Listing
    Section: Creating Open Account Balances Listing Definitions

  • Restricting SYS user to View other schema's Tables

    Hi All,
    Oracle DB Version - 10R2
    O/S - UNIX
    Could anyone share docs or steps to prevent SYS user to view other schema's tables;

    Dear Deepak_DBA,
    If you revoke every privilege and role from the SYS user i presume the SYS will continue to select any table from the relevant schema. SYS is a special user and not like the others.
    For instance if you want to revoke the SYSDBA and the SYSOPER from the SYS user;
    SQL> revoke sysdba, sysoper from sys;
    revoke sysdba, sysoper from sys
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01998: REVOKE failed: user SYS always has SYSOPER and SYSDBAI have never seen such documentation that describes how to revoke everything or at least the SELECT ANY TABLE privilege from the SYS user.
    Please see more about the SYS and the SYSTEM users;
    SYS and SYSTEM Users;

  • Where can I download smart view

    Please let me know from where can I download smart view
    Any link or URL?
    thanks in advance.

    I take it you mean :-
    It is available at "My Oracle Support" - "Patch 7432840: Hyperion Smart View for Office Service Fix"

  • Trigger on SYS owned tables/views

    Hello DBA's,
    I need to achive something.. for which I have to write a trigger on SYS owned tables/views.
    My question is, IS IT POSSIBLE TO WRITE A TRIGGER ON SYS OWNED OBJECTS?. If so please provide me simple example.
    Depending on the value which will be inserted or updated into to this sys.views/sys.tables, I have to submit "job" which will inturn does some operation depending on the "value" which was inserted or updated on this view/table.
    Thankz in advance..

    I will give some simple example...
    User-1 is created procedure... it will be in valid state.. after some time this procedure will be invalidated...(due to some other procedure creation, etc)..
    Stage1, during successful creation of procedure the status will be VALID (in DBA_OBJECTS)
    Stage2, the status will be INVALID..
    I need to write a trigger for this status change in dba_objects.. The status change will be caused due to some other operation..
    Is it possible to write a trigger at the point of status change? if so how?.
    This is the simple example I have remembered.
    Let me about this..

  • TABLE function to simulate parameterized view

    Hi all,
    Since view can not have parameters, I tried to used stored procedure to return ref cursor then used TABLE function in select statement to simulate a view with parameters, since it's easy to pass parameters to a stored procedure.
    The idea is like this
    function foo (p1 int, p2 int)
    return sys_ref_cursor
    c sys_ref_cursor -- sorry, i forgot the buildin ref cursor name, just used
    this as pseudo code
    open c for select * from table_a where col1=:p1 and col2=p2 using p1, p2;
    return c;
    select * from table(foo(1,2)) does not work, I know that I can iterate throught
    the cursor and pipe it out to a SQL type in function foo, then use TABLE
    function in SELECT statement. However, it seems so much coding work. Is it the
    only way or do you have better idea?
    Thanks in advance.

    It is just not correct that you cannot parameterize views.
    Nicolas gave you a link above which has an example using a context.
    Even before Oracle supported contexts you could have parameterize views using package variables.
    SQL> create or replace package pkg_vars as
      2    function get_job return emp.job%type;
      3    procedure set_job (p_job in emp.job%type)
      4  end pkg_vars;
      5  /
    Package created.
    SQL> create or replace package body pkg_vars as
      2    g_job emp.job%type;
      4    function get_job return emp.job%type)
      5    is
      6    begin
      7      return g_job;
      8    end get_job;
    10    procedure set_job (p_job in emp.job%type
    11    is
    12    begin
    13      g_job := p_job;
    14    end set_job;
    15  end pkg_vars;
    16  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> create or replace view view_emp1 as
      2  select deptno, count(empno) cnt
      3  from emp
      4  where job = pkg_vars.get_job
      5  group by deptno
      6  ;
    View created.
    SQL> select distinct job from emp;
    5 rows selected.
    SQL> exec pkg_vars.set_job('CLERK');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from view_emp1;
        DEPTNO        CNT
            30          1
            20          2
            10          1
    SQL> exec pkg_vars.set_job('MANAGER');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from view_emp1;
        DEPTNO        CNT
            30          1
            20          1
            10          1

  • Where to set query parameters

    If I have a View that has a sql query with parameters in the where clause, where is the proper place(s) to set the value of the parameter? Presently, I am overriding the prepareModel method of the AppModule to do this, but is there another place this can be done?

    Hi Brad,
    there are a number of places to set it based on what you are doing at the time. If the clause will apply for the whole session then set it in the view object implementation class. If specific to a particular page (the norm) then i normally set it in the prepareModel of the dataForwardAction of that page.

Maybe you are looking for