Where is the drawing/designing/cut and pasting program???

Ive got a new Macbook Pro... and I wanted to just design somethings, draw, cut and paste, type....
but I realise surprisingly... there is no program included??
What is a basic program, I can do the above things, that is (should be...) FREE and most recommended, easy to use with a MAC?

AppleWorks http://www.apple.com/support/appleworks/ is what you're looking for, but it's no longer includeds. You'll have to find someone that has it or you can search the web for a copy. Alternatively, http://en.softonic.com/s/drawing-application:mac/free or see the hits from this google search: *drawing programs mac*

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    I'm new to Mac and just wondering how I cut and paste, I know how to copy and paste.

    To elaborate on the other answer:
    1) The inability to cut and paste is a protection against cutting an "icon" - the file or folder - and then getting distracted and not pasting it, thereby effectively erasing it.
    2) If you have both the source window (where the item is) and the target window (where the item's going) you can just drag it from one spot to another. That's obvious, and the problem is that you don't usually have the target window open. But you can use "spring-loaded folders" to make this work without having the target window open:
    - In Finder preferences, General tab, check "Spring-loaded folders and windows" on - leave the Delay setting at Medium, or set it closer to Long till you get used to the feel of this.
    - Back in the Finder, grab the icon you want to "cut and paste" and drag it to the folder that holds the target folder (even if the target folder is nested a few levels deeper). DON'T LET GO of the icon! Hover over the folder and it springs open - this works even if you're hovering over a folder in the sidebar; drag the icon over the next folder you need opened, let it spring open, and so on. When you get to where you want it to go, drop the icon there. (Drop it in the wrong place - Undo moves it back to the original location).

  • Cut and Paste not working for specific client?

    Gui Gurus,
    I have recently upgraded some users to Gui 710 Patch 8.  However on one users install, she cannot copy and paste the entire content of a cell.  For example:
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    Any ideas where to look?
    Jeff Martens
    Basis Admin.

    Thanks for the reply.  I did try the cut & paste option in the expert tab and that did not work.
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    For security you can't do this.

  • Cut and paste bitmap, this is killing me

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    help it just tells you to make a marquee selection, cut, and paste.
    this works sometimes, most of the time it doesn't though. A lot of
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    i'm doing this multiple times, i'll cut and paste sucessfully, and
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    It might be helpful for you too look at the Layers Panel
    while doing all
    t-bone678765 wrote:
    > Okay so here's the deal, i'm just trying to figure out
    how to cut and paste
    > bitmap selections. I realize that in the fireworks help
    it just tells you to
    > make a marquee selection, cut, and paste. this works
    sometimes, most of the
    > time it doesn't though. A lot of the time it cuts and
    pasts a marquee
    > selection that's free floating, so when i move it it
    just moves on top of the
    > bitmap, and doesn't move the pixels within the
    selection. Also, sometime when
    > i'm doing this multiple times, i'll cut and paste
    sucessfully, and then try it
    > again, cut, and when i paste it pastes the previous
    selection even though i
    > just supposedly cut a new one, AHHH. Then also someitmes
    when i paste, i just
    > get the marquee line pasted, and i can't do anything
    with other tools until i
    > hit escape, though i don't know why.
    > Also when i try to reshape it with the distort or skew
    tool, there's no
    > telling what will happen. Sometimes the selection
    reshapes, sometimes just the
    > marquee line, who knows. there is no help in the
    fireworks help i've read the
    > whole thing. Someone who knows please give me a rundown
    on how to do this
    > sucessfully .

  • Cut and Paste into JTextPane of Applet

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    Bingo! It is applet security at work. You can not access the system clipboard from an applet. You must sign the applet and then accept the signature when you run the applet or change your policy file (doing the second has many security risks and is not recommended).
    If the applet is signed you will not have to add a key listener, just focus on the text field and type ctrl+v and it will paste for you.

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    Perhaps you could build a copy to clipboard link that strings
    together all of the pieces and pastes the text to the clipboard?
    There is an example on the Flex Style Explorer
    Export All CSS (lower left of the screen)

  • Cut and paste of commented block loses indentation

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         internal function test():void{
    and pasting it to a new location, becomes:
    internal function test():void{
    Blocks with multiple levels of indent also lose all indentation.
    A simple workaround, of course, is to copy the contents of the comment (without the /* and */) and to then turn that into a comment but, for the final version of the product, it would be nice if it could work properly.

    Hi Eduardo,
    Thanks for reporting the issue, I have logged the bug http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FB-33450.
    Please vote for it.

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    Is there some setting I have inadvertently changed?
    Thanks for any help.
    David W

    As you know, type sizes are uniform - unless you use cut-and-paste. The resulting text will sometimes be smaller, larger, or different than the type-style you began with.
    Personally, I'd ignore it. But if you want to fix the font size, you can alter it in the Format Bar on the top of the Mail program. This allows you to change the type, size, and even alter special characters. To make the text uniform, highlight the text you want to alter, open the Format Bar, and change the settings.

  • I would like to cut and paste information from a word file onto a pdf file, as well as draw lines onto the pdf file.  How can I accomplish that task?  Is there software I can purchase?

    I would like to cut and paste information from a word file onto a pdf file, as well as draw lines onto the pdf file.  How can I accomplish that task?  Is there software I can purchase?

    Hi jgallu7382,
    The latter is easily accomplished using the Drawing Markup tools, which are available in both the free Adobe Reader, and in Acrobat. Copying/pasting text into the PDF is something that you could do using the editing tools that are available only in Acrobat. Note, however, that Acrobat isn't intended to be a text-editing application, so editing there won't be as robust as in an application designed specifically for that purpose. (It's also worth mentioning that you won't be able to alter a PDF if it has document permissions applied that would prevent you from doing so.)
    I hope that answers your questions.

  • Hi Everyone.  I have an old Mac Book.  I have saved a ton of emails in my inbox 'On My Mac'.  There are so many it is slowing down my computer.  Where do I find the folder with all the emails so I can cut and paste them to an external hard drive?Pls.help.

    Hi Everyone.  I have an old Mac Book with software updated to 10.6.8.  I have saved a ton of emails in my inbox 'On My Mac'.  There are so many it is slowing down my computer.  Where do I find the folder with all the emails so I can cut and paste them to an external hard drive? Pls.help.  Tks.

    Depending on which email client software you use
    the files should be in 'your home folder' library, esp.
    if you use Mail application.... ~/Library/Mail
    Since you don't specify what mail application,
    that would most be associated with the file.
    I notice there are some items to the right of your post
    where it says "more like this' so that may be worth a
    look to see if similar issues were answered. Also, the
    Help viewer in your system is a searchable database.
    Seems that google also brings up fair information, too.
    Do you have a complete bootable clone of your entire
    Mac system on an externally enclosed hard disk drive?
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Lost 2500 photos last night. Mt wife cut and paste a photo into power point for editing. then saved it as a photo. Now in iphoto there is just this one photo and the other 2500 have gone. Where have they gone???????

    Lost 2500 photos last night. Mt wife cut and paste a photo into power point for editing. then saved it as a photo. Now in iphoto there is just this one photo and the other 2500 have gone. Where have they gone???????

    To answer some basic questions posted to aid people in helping me. These are
    I believe it is version 11 of iphoto as i tried to update but it says it has the latest update and Mac is 2 weeks old from new.
    OS is Lion.
    I have just tried to look everywhere on the Mac to see where the photos might be.
    There are no error messages showing on screen and it was fine before my wife did what she did. Even though we have back -ups of 95% of the pictures. I would like to know what happened so that it won't happen again.

  • Help the Noobie-Cut and Paste

    Im new to Logic, coming from a protools/dp backround. Why is cut and paste so difficult for me?
    Lets say I have a guitar part where the first verse is a better performace than the second verse. I want to cut a p[aste the 12st verse on top of the second verse.
    I go to snap bar mode , highlight , copy , go to beginning of second verse , paste (in overlap mode). And everything seems fine. But once i click somewhere else in the track. The pasted region is hidden behind the longer original recorded region. What gives? Ive looked in the manual and cant find an answer. This is slowing down my work so much, please help!

    *You can either select drag-mode "Crossfade" (next to the Snap mode menue) - L8 will then automatically perform crossfades between the region or you use overlap mode and draw the crossfade in by yourself with the "crossfade tool" from the toolbox.
    *You can choose "tie Regions by length change" from the Region menue (that´s probably a poor translation from my german menue), L8 will then shorten your first region so it doesn´t overlap anymore (setup a keycommand for it if you wish). Anyway, L8 will give priority to the second region so the first region will be cut off from the Audio output when Region 2 enters as you can´t play two regions from one Audio object at the same time. If Region1 already has the exact lenght you want and fits with the lenght of your first verse you can also use the command "perform multiple copies of region" (you find that in the Region menue also, setup a key command for this too if you wish).
    *You can just press alt+click on region (which copies it) and drag it to the point you want it.
    Message was edited by: Sampleconstruct

  • The MacBook Pro will not allow me to cut-and-paste to and from or to click-and-drag to the external drive. I can copy-and-paste, but then I must send the original to the trash, which doubles the time and effort. Is there any way to cut-and-paste?

    I have recently switched from a PC to a MacBook Pro.
    I have a large number of documents and photographs on a multiterrabite external drive, backed up on a second multiterrabite external drive.
    Both external drives are formatted for MacIntosh. This has been verified by agents at an Apple store and also at Best Buy in two different cities.
    This is the problem:
    The MacBook Pro will not allow me to cut-and-paste to and from or to click-and-drag to the external drive. I can copy-and-paste, but then I must send the original to the trash, which doubles the time and effort. Is there any way to cut-and-paste?
    Also, the MacBook Pro will not allow me to rename multiple documents or photographs. I can click-and-rename a single one, but this is impossibly time consuming. I can batch-rename in iPhoto, but when I transfer the photographs to the external drive, the rename does not transfer.
    I’m reduced to using my wife’s Toshiba to cut-and-past, rename, and transfer documents. It works perfectly. Is there any way to do this on the MacBook Pro?
    Roderick Guerry
    [email protected]

    Roderick Guerry wrote:
    The MacBook Pro will not allow me to cut-and-paste to and from or to click-and-drag to the external drive. I can copy-and-paste, but then I must send the original to the trash, which doubles the time and effort. Is there any way to cut-and-paste?
    No, this is a philosophical difference between Apple and Microsoft. Apple believes that it's dangerous to cut a file in case the user never pastes it; in that case the file is lost. Microsoft seems to not have this problem (if I remember Windows correctly) because they don't delete the originating file if it's cut but never pasted.
    Even though Macs have a lot of keyboard shortcuts, philosophically Macs have traditionally been mouse-first. This applies to file copy operations. In your case, what a Mac user would do is open the source window, open the destination window (on your second drive), and then Command-drag the selected files from the source to destination window. This is because a normal drag would leave the originals behind, while adding the Command modifier key tells OS X that this is a Move, not a Copy, so don't leave the originals behind.
    (In addition there are different rules for drag-copying within the same volume or between different volumes. If you drag between two folders on the same volume, the files are moved. If you drag between different volumes, the files are copied unless you hold down Command to delete the copies on the source volume.)
    Roderick Guerry wrote:
    Also, the MacBook Pro will not allow me to rename multiple documents or photographs. I can click-and-rename a single one, but this is impossibly time consuming. I can batch-rename in iPhoto, but when I transfer the photographs to the external drive, the rename does not transfer.
    Two problems in this case. First, batch file renaming is not built into OS X unless you build something with Automator. However, there are many utilities that can do batch file renaming which you can find at macupdate.com or on the App Store. Since I work with media I often batch rename using one of the media managers I have lying around like Media Pro or Adobe Bridge (comes with Photoshop).
    iPhoto is a database front end designed to shield the file system from the consumer and let them concentrate on creativity and sharing. As such it is often a poor choice for managing files directly. When you "transferred the photographs" chances are you moved the originals, not the ones iPhoto edited which are stored in a hidden folder.
    Roderick Guerry wrote:
    I’m reduced to using my wife’s Toshiba to cut-and-past, rename, and transfer documents. It works perfectly. Is there any way to do this on the MacBook Pro?
    There will not be a way to do it exactly like Windows. As described above, there are ways to do it "the Mac way." If it is possible to remove judgment on which way is "better" you might find the Mac way to be acceptable, but of course sometimes we simply prefer what we're used to.

  • SQL query works in the SQLPlus, but fires parse error after being cut and pasted into

    One of our client has a SQL query like this:
    2 QUOTA/12,
    5 CDATE BETWEEN '01-JAN-2001' AND '31-JAN-2001') AS SUM,
    8 CDATE BETWEEN '01-JAN-2001' AND '31-JAN-2001') -
    QUOTA/12 AS PL
    Running the above query in the SQLPlus returns appropriate resultsets to the
    user. After the same SQL being cut and pasted into a portal report
    component, running the report component fires the following error:
    Failed to parse query
    Error:ORA-00911: invalid character (WWV-11230)
    Failed to parse as XXX - SELECT LNAME, QUOTA/12, (SELECT SUM(CAMT) FROM
    BETWEEN '01-JAN-2001' AND '31-JAN-2001') - QUOTA/12 AS PL FROM PERSONNEL P
    ORDER BY LNAME; (WWV-08300)
    Cursor is not open
    Is this because of the multi-table queries, or something else? Is there any
    way around this? Any information regarding this will be highly appreciated.

    From the error message that you posted it seems that you are putting a semicolon ";" at the end of your query. I checked the query that you have posted. It is working fine for me. (I am using 3.0.8) but I feel it will work in your version also. I tried the query without a ";" at the end --It worked.
    I tried with ";" at the end -- It gave the error that you have posted. So remove the ";" at the end and it should work. If you are still getting the same error then pls write down the version you are using. I will check in that version.

Maybe you are looking for