Where is the modern equivalent of E70!?

So what if it was brick-sized and just as heavy!
So what if it didn't sell that well then!
So what if anything, I still f***ing love this phone!
I love the style and I love the button arrangements, but most importantly, I LOVE the keyboard placement! (left and right of the screen for both thumbs is WIN!)
I'm still using one, bought it the day it came out, now I need a new one. The poor fella is missing 4 buttons .
Bring it back or I buy an Iphone! (very serious!)
Tha phone in all it's awesomeness.jpg ‏67 KB

I am with you. Loved the 6820 and I was one of the first to upgrade to the E70. I was on a business trip and had forgotten my iPhone charger so when I ran out of juice, I configured my old E70 with Mail4exchange. Some interesting observations:
+ There are still some good things about old Nokia E70. Great signal strength, much better voice quality than the iPhone, and let's not forget it a full keyboard with no emulated keys. Great.
+ The Mail4exchange client is not bad and has more functionality that the iPhone (3GS/iOS4) client. You can sort emails, you can save and forward any attachments types easily. Still Great.
+ You can install new applications like Google Maps with features not supported by the iPhone (latitude, traffic, layers, etc.)
However, there are a number of extremely frustrating things. Navigating the menus is very slow and nested 5x without reason. By the way, it is not a hardware problem, as when you move left/right it is very fast - it is just very bad coding.  The menu options are engineering driven, not customer driven. Certain shortcuts are missing, there is no dictionary, the .doc viewers are not update to .docx, switching between languages is a pain. Anyway, the list can go very long, that is not the point.
The point that Nokia is missing is that they should not crank out a zillion hardware models which are difficult to place in their product line but all have the same broken software. My suggestion would be to focus on a few proven hardware types and then continue to update and refine the software.  It is very frustrating because all the problems above could be solved with a little bit of software coding. Then, and only then would people come back to being loyal to Nokia... and they will purchase new hardware models if Nokia believes that hardware drives profits.
The way it is, no one cares about the hardware variety anymore, the innovation is on the software front. I share your pain that we love the E70 and if Nokia had come up with new software updates every 12 months, then we would naturally upgrade the hardware after 1-2 years (as it happens with the iPhone, you cannot stay forever on a 220 MHz processor, old bluetooth, etc.)
So what is the point of my post? I agree Nokia should bring back the E70 with updated software. Would they do it? Now! This will not change their profits, they are hurting bad and I hope they go under soon or later. They just do not get their customer. So I get the charger and go back to the iPhone. I would not even look at the ^3 ^4 phones. I do not believe this company has the guts to compete anymore... it has been like this since the 2005.

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    <br />Your adjusted files may be residing elsewhere. So, select one RAW image on which you are sure you've edited, and then reveal it in the Finder or the Windows equivalent. Look around there; there certainly should be .xmp files if you've run Export xmp on that folder.
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    Removed feature: Server Behavior, Bindings and Components Panels and Database feature
    There is a single extension to restore these features. Extension is available at:* Vista/Windows 7: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC\Configuration\DisabledFeatures* Mac OS X: /Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CC/Configuration/DisabledFeatures
    As seen on http://blogs.adobe.com/dreamweaver/2013/06/a-look-at-the-modernized-dreamweaver-cc.html
    Video instructions on how to install these back available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB2vmNfcq7A

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    1. I wish to grant control of the setup to anyone with a web browser, Is the remote monitoring feature compatible with both Netscape and IE?
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    Thanks, Troy

    > I am considering upgrading my LabView software from 6i to 6.1 for the
    > new "two click" remote front panel feature. I have already seen a demo
    > of this feature but have just a few questions before I get the
    > upgrade:
    > My setup consists of several pieces of equipment connected to Labview
    > via GPIB, to aid in the evaluation of a new microchip.
    > 1. I wish to grant control of the setup to anyone with a web browser,
    > Is the remote monitoring feature compatible with both Netscape and IE?
    Yes. Provided they are resonably modern versions.
    > 2. The VI which controls the setup is currently located on the PC
    > beside my setup. When I embed a VI in a remote front panel, where does
    > the processing take place, is the local VI still controlling the
    setup? and the remote panel just sending and receiving data from the
    > local VI.
    The computer which we refer to as the server, the one with the GPIB card
    in your case, will execute as it does now. In fact, its window will
    even be open. The remote client computer, the one with the web browser
    will be running the runtime engine and processing user events, value
    change and property/method events from the server. So in reality, both
    computers will be sharing the load a bit. This allows for very small
    packets to be sent between the computers. It is in fact quite similar
    to publishing the data between the computers using datasocket.
    One thing to keep in mind. Standard LV includes a license for one
    connection. If you want to allow for multiple web browsers to view at
    the same time, additional licenses are available. Also, only one user,
    remote or server may be in control of the panel at a time. That means
    that if you want to be able to operate the panel, changing kn
    obs or
    flipping switches, the others will become viewers only until you give up
    control. Hopefully this isn't a surprise, but I thought you might want
    to hear about it now.
    Greg McKaskle

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    In this modern day and age of integrated services software within mobile phones, are these N97 contact details for information only whilst other lesser makes of phones contacts can take you directly to a conversation, widget or service straight from this kind of contact detail. If this is all the functionality that N97 has then we are far behind the rest, unless of course I'm missing something. 
    It all points to poor implementation of the services within the N97 if this is the case.
    If the N97 and the N97mini remain like this then they seem to be real failed experiments in my opinion.

    About the site you sent, I think it’s a bad sql being executed, the error that I got was this
    MySQL Error - 1047: Unknown command
    #0 /homepages/35/d280850650/htdocs/auroragraphix/quotes/services/QuotesService.php(59): QuotesService->throwExceptionOnError()
    #1 : QuotesService->getAllQuotes()
    #2 : ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(QuotesService), Array)
    #3 /homepages/35/d280850650/htdocs/auroragraphix/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Server/Reflectio n/Function/Abstract.php(368): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #4 : Zend_Server_Reflection_Function_Abstract->__call('invokeArgs', Array)
    #5 /homepages/35/d280850650/htdocs/auroragraphix/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Amf/Server.php(3 56): Zend_Server_Reflection_Method->invokeArgs(Object(QuotesService), Array)
    #6 /homepages/35/d280850650/htdocs/auroragraphix/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Amf/Server.php(5 50): Zend_Amf_Server->_dispatch('getAllQuotes', Array, 'QuotesService')
    #7 /homepages/35/d280850650/htdocs/auroragraphix/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Amf/Server.php(6 26): Zend_Amf_Server->_handle(Object(Zend_Amf_Request_Http))
    #8 /homepages/35/d280850650/htdocs/auroragraphix/quotes/gateway.php(69): Zend_Amf_Server->handle()
    About the documentation, can you check this http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flashbuilder/using/WS6f97d7caa66ef6eb1e63e3d11b6c4d0d21-7f99.h tml#WSbde04e3d3e6474c4590ecaa71247398d84f-8000

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