Which collection shall I use ?

Hi every one,
I am just stuck with one problem , I want to have elements which can avoid duplicate and also maintain order. I am not able to find the solution...
Thanks in advance..

I am just stuck with one problem , I want to have elements which can avoid duplicate and also maintain order. I am not able to find the solution...Avoid duplicates => you want a set (mathematical concept), represented in the JDK standard API as interface <TT>java.util.Set</TT> (http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Set.html)
"maintain order" => you probably merely want a <TT>SortedSet</TT> (http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/SortedSet.html)
Then browse the Javadoc to find one of the multiple classes that implement those interfaces.

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    Edited by: radiatejava on Feb 27, 2009 11:52 AM

    1. Yes, normal queue semantics are followed (ie data always removed from head and added at the end only).
    2. Saying that only BlockingQueue is the option is not correct. I can also opt for normal LinkedList and ArrayList with my own sync implementation like this :
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    LinkedList Queue_ = new LinkedList();
    synchronized (Queue_) {
    while(Queue_.size() >= 10000) {
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    Thanks in advance
    Message was edited by: Adie Hughes

    There's more to this than meets the eye.
    Biggest factor apart from cost is whether or not a network gives reasonable coverage in most places you'd want to use it regularly on the go, otherwise it's useless.
    I went with O2 as I get reasonable coverage on 3G for my iPhone and while not the best value, 3GB for £15 rolling monthly renewal with ability to cancel 24 hrs before seemed ok.
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    BBC iPlayer does not work on O2 3G currently.
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    I am just stuck with one problem , I want to have elements which can avoid duplicate and also maintain order. I am not able to find the solution...Avoid duplicates => you want a set (mathematical concept), represented in the JDK standard API as interface <TT>java.util.Set</TT> (http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Set.html)
    "maintain order" => you probably merely want a <TT>SortedSet</TT> (http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/SortedSet.html)
    Then browse the Javadoc to find one of the multiple classes that implement those interfaces.

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    Hello Irene,
    MI 2.5 Server Component is shipped with WEBAS 6.40.
    You have to install ABAP and Java Stack. MI Server Part does not have to be deployed seperately. After installtion of WebAS 6.40 a few steps are nescessary. You will find them here:
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    I am just stuck with one problem , I want to have elements which can avoid duplicate and also maintain order. I am not able to find the solution...Avoid duplicates => you want a set (mathematical concept), represented in the JDK standard API as interface <TT>java.util.Set</TT> (http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Set.html)
    "maintain order" => you probably merely want a <TT>SortedSet</TT> (http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/SortedSet.html)
    Then browse the Javadoc to find one of the multiple classes that implement those interfaces.

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    so which collection should i use to perform it..
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    plz send me the logic....

    > so which collection should i use to perform it..
    so that performance is best......
    Program to interfaces. That way, you can switch out implementations and test for yourself which performance is best in an actual production context. But first, write your program so that it works. Worry about refactoring for performance once your program is written and it works.
    > plz send me the logic....
    Give it a shot on your own first; we can help if you get stuck.

  • Report in which collect statement .

    report in which collect statement  is used and also its purpose.

    Basic form
    COLLECT [wa INTO] itab.
    ... SORTED BY f
    COLLECT is used to create unique or compressed datsets. The key fields are the default key fields of the internal table itab .
    If you use only COLLECT to fill an internal table, COLLECT makes sure that the internal table does not contain two entries with the same default key fields.
    If, besides its default key fields, the internal table contains number fields (see also ABAP/4 number types ), the contents of these number fields are added together if the internal table already contains an entry with the same key fields.
    If the default key of an internal table processed with COLLECT is blank, all the values are added up in the first table line.
    If you specify wa INTO , the entry to be processed is taken from the explicitly specified work area wa . If not, it comes from the header line of the internal table itab .
    After COLLECT , the system field SY-TABIX contains the index of the - existing or new - table entry with default key fields which match those of the entry to be processed.
    COLLECT can create unique or compressed datasets and should be used precisely for this purpose. If uniqueness or compression are unimportant, or two values with identical default key field values could not possibly occur in your particular task, you should use APPEND instead. However, for a unique or compressed dataset which is also efficient, COLLECT is the statement to use.
    If you process a table with COLLECT , you should also use COLLECT to fill it. Only by doing this can you guarantee that
    the internal table will actually be unique or compressed, as described above and
    COLLECT will run very efficiently.
    If you use COLLECT with an explicitly specified work area, it must be compatible with the line type of the internal table.
    Compressed sales figures for each company
    The table COMPANIES now has the following appearance:
    Duck 40
    Tiger 20
    ... SORTED BY f
    COLLECT ... SORTED BY f is obsolete and should no longer be used. Use APPEND ... SORTED BY f which has the same meaning.
    The cost of a COLLECT in terms of performance increases with the width of the default key needed in the search for table entries and the number of numeric fields with values which have to be added up, if an entry is found in the internal table to match the default key fields.
    If no such entry is found, the cost is reduced to that required to append a new entry to the end of the table.
    A COLLECT statement used on a table which is 100 bytes wide and has a key which is 60 bytes wide and seven numeric fields is about approx. 50 msn (standardized microseconds).
    Runtime errors
    COLLECT_OVERFLOW : Overflow in integer field when calculating totals.
    COLLECT_OVERFLOW_TYPE_P : Overflow in type P field when calculating totals.

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    I would like to know which Order Types (transaction types) get collected into ASCP (appear as demand) and which Order Types are used for forecast consumption.
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    2. decide which order types consume forecast or not
    Anyone any advices?
    Big thanks in advance,

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    The organizer doesn't care where you send your photos when you download them via the downloader or where they happen to be when you first bring them in if you use the Get Photos command, but once your pics are in the Organizer, you *must* move them from within organizer or it can't find them. You don't have to use My Pictures at all if you don't want to, but regardless of the folder where you put your photos, if you want them someplace else, you use organizer to do it.

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