Which Company is Best on Ruby on Rails Developement in India?

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    I had an idea for a ruby on rails application. Basically it is an online classroom. Teachers sign up and can make courses online, similar to moogle, but the data itself is also made by the teachers or other volunteers instead of it jsut being a course administration tool, with other resources needed for it to work, like textbooks, etc... e.g.: a full year math course, complete with tests and quizes and self check homework. It could feature a gradebook, forums, calendar of course events and such, schedules for work, interactive tutor pages for different aspects of subjects, online lessons, chat sessions, etc...
    Anyways, I thought this would be a cool idea to develop, and perhaps eventually even make.

    Dusty wrote:I'm sure you can justify such statements iphitus.
    Yeah I can, but i had to go out earlier
    Most of the teachers at my school are utterly clueless when it comes to computers, and to them it seems a big steep learning curve. Others just dont trust them. While they have an effective and working system in place, teachers won't want to switch to a computer based setup. Adding computers in adds even more room for disruption. When you have a class of thirty, all using computers, something *will* go wrong.
    In year 10, it is a requirement for everyone to have a laptop computer. And teachers did let us use them, to take notes, do work, etc. But the reality is, that students will be distracted. Games of counterstrike, gameboy emulators, tetris was popular, were common.
    Students could easily access webpages and such too when they desired.
    The teachers were simply incapable of policing it.
    A handful didnt realise you could minimise, and for those that did, some students discovered 'double desktop', aka multiple desktops. One keypress and battlefield is gone, your word document is on screen.
    Dont say training, it's just not practical, no matter what, teachers will be one step behind students, and once one student finds away around something, it spreads.
    And dont even consider locking computers down. With windows? pssh, good luck. It'd be easier to find a needle in a haystack than lock windows down. Linux? It's simply not ready. Linux didnt support my wireless driver for at least 6 months. Linux wireless sucks imho. Linux doesnt support many programs that the teachers and students are used to either. Dont say wine. More work, and it doesnt always provide the most consistent results.
    Which leads me to another point, what real benefits does a computer provide? the ability to use Comic Sans MS?
    Sure you can use programs like OneNote (windows oriented school ) or other things to take well organised notes, but I betcha, I could find anything in my handwritten notes faster than any computer note taker.
    Essays are best done on paper. You dont have spell check, grammar check and the ability to chop and paste in an exam.
    I suppose you could do research on the computers, but then, when the school has three full class computer rooms, why bother with laptops just for research when you could go to those rooms?
    Computers break down, computers stop working. Viruses, Infections, Spyware, Trojans, Adware (hey that spells Vista!). One student I know had at least 5 new hard drives, in 2 years. And each one interrupted his schoolwork in some way. I had one new one myself.
    The benefits of computers in the classroom do not outweigh the distractions and effects of them.
    If it aint broke, dont fix it. It's easier, and more productive to learn by paper and pen. I find i take more in if I write it by hand too.
    put simply. it doesnt work
    phew... ok, rant over.
    slightly more on topic: having a system with the things mentioned above would be terrible to maintain. It's extra work for teachers (they hate that), and it would need to be kept up to date. Curriculum changes. You couldnt share between different schools either, as many teach things differently. Online lessons? Man I have a text book! Chat sessions? I'd rather talk face to face, it's soo much quicker and effective. I know that my teachers are happy to field any questions, in or out of class time.
    secondary rant over.....

  • Goodbye Flex, Hello Ruby on Rails

    Adobe announced it is halting development of Flash Player for mobile in the browser, but it will continue support for AIR on mobile devices.
    Will Flex survive long term? I have my doubts.
    I'll still develop my skills in Flex and see what happens with Flex 5, but I'll also start studying Ruby on Rails, which I actually dislike because it seems so obscure, but there are more jobs in RoR and I hear the pay rates are better.
    Good job Adobe. Glad to see you're able to get the job done! Not.

    Today has been tough on all of us, first Heavy D dies, then Joepa retires from my alma mater, now this.
    I understand your angst, I'm a little worried too.  But I do have this to say, Adobe has shown a sense of urgency in adapting to the changing sands.  For instance, they released Adobe Edge for free which I feel was a feeler for HTML 5. They have stepped up the release cycle going from Flex sdk 4.0->4.5->4.5.1, each step along the way incorporating more items making mobile development easier.  They realize that the landscape is changing, and theat the tech world doesn't have alot of time for people who insist on doing things the old way. 
    Does Flash have some "issues", yeah, it does and quite a few even disregarding security issues.  I dodge some websites (I'm looking at you CNN) like the cops because I know that my browser will lock up like a big block chevy at 6000 rpm with no oil.
    Now lets look at Adobe as a company, what advantages does it have.  The first is that is has a headlock on the creative side of things.  It doesn't matter whether the software is pirated, borrowed, or stolen, if you want to do design work, you are going to get a CS family piece of software.  This gives them a very firm launching point for other technologies and a market place presence.  So even if Flex/Flash does become a technological ghost, there will still be other technologies and frameworks to avenge it.
    My last point is, who on earth is doing well in this new world software or hardware ?  Can we all bow our heads while we do a casualty count:
    JavaFX:  Didn't even make it to the battlefield.  They couldn't transition from the Swing/AWT wars of the late 90's. Such a bad taste was left in developers mouths, they swore to never work with any frontend tech from Sun where the designers were replaced with engineers.
    Silverlight: Managed to coerce, beat, threaten , extort Netflix into using their tech.  They weren't really able to expand past that and are expected to be put down like Old Yeller.
    Blackberry Playbook:  They didn't stock their first tablet offering with email and calendar. For their insolence, they were rewarded with 3.3% market share.  It doesn't help that as of late, their products have been met with the same excitement one would find at a wake.
    HP Touchpad:  No one really knows what is going on with HP, not even the Board of Directors.  I got a Touchpad, threw Cyanogenmod on it and went to work, was a great deal for the price.  An also ran in the big scheme of things, especially since they are playing musical chairs with their CEO position and business plans.
    So when we compare the techs that left the gate, it appears that getting to today and still having a pulse puts you in elite company.
    Message was edited by: UbuntuPenguin

  • Arch is currently not ideal as a Ruby on Rails server

    Hi all.  This is my first post.  I hope I am posting in the right place.  I have just started using Arch, and I love it!  I have used many server distros in the past, have real experience in production environments, and I'd love to use Arch for any servers I need in the future.
    There's a problem, though.  Best as I can tell, the only version of Ruby available on Arch right now is version 1.9.1.  While that's the latest stable, for certain reasons it is not the recommended version on which to run the popular web framework, Ruby on Rails, which I make my living developing in.  You can see that for yourself here:
    http://rubyonrails.org/download - "We recommend Ruby 1.8.7 for use with Rails."
    I'm sure this isn't the first time there have been popular versions of software despite there being later releases.  People are often slow to adapt in production environments.  However, I couldn't even find a ruby18 package, or anything like that.
    I'm not requesting years-old stability or anything absurd like that.  In general, I like having the newest software.  But in practice, it's sometimes prudent to prefer the next-to-newest software.
    In addition, the ruby package installs "rubygems", a separate package management system for Ruby analogous to CPAN in Perl.  The problem is, it installs an old version of rubygems, 1.3.1, which is so old it doesn't work.  The latest stable version of this is 1.3.7, and version 1.3.2 is required for Rails.  I was able to upgrade it using the special rubygems updater ("gem update --system") but I worry this will conflict with pacman, and it shouldn't be necessary.
    In short: please upgrade rubygems, and please provide a 1.8 version of the ruby package.
    All of the packages I'm discussing were based on the present pacman versions as of this post.  Thanks for your help and for the great distro!
    Last edited by heatdeath (2010-05-31 04:27:58)

    tomk wrote:heatdeath - you're not getting the point. If there is something you want from Arch that is not available in the official packages, you become part of the community and do it yourself. It may end up being just for you, or others may also find it useful and help you out, but either way you get what you want, and Arch gets the "community support which it does not have". There have been numerous examples of this over the years.
    I understand your point, but using the AUR dramatically diminishes the ease of use from the whole setup.  I have to manually download the PKGBUILD and any patch files, build it, install it, and then manually keep track of updates, manually delete the installed files (there is no uninstall) and then repeat the process.  While it's great that the AUR is there for specialized interests, it seems that things from the AUR should be incorporated into the official packages if they have enough support.  My problem is mainly in the selection of "official packages", and the deference to the AUR anything that doesn't meet the strict and dare I say impractical requirements for inclusion therein.  There needs to be more respect for widely-used earlier branches, and there needs to be respect for upstream packaging problems such as the rubygems one.  And I am here, in the community, voicing my opinion on this issue, but I cannot change the official packages or the philosophy by sheer force of individual will.  It's going to require that people consider what I have to say, and consider what Arch should be.
    Ruby 1.8, as with many other major releases, continued in its development and had point releases even after Ruby 1.9 came out.  Despite being official, these releases are not available via pacman.  It remains the dominant form of Ruby in use today, and probably will be for another year or so.
    Consider the release of MySQL 5.0.  Would you expect everyone to switch from 4.1 immediately to 5.0 once they released their first stable?  Or shouldn't it be possible to stay on the prior major version branch and make the conscious decision to switch?  At some point, the keyword "mysql" should switch to the newer branch, and the old one should be maintained as mysql4.1 for legacy support for a while; but this should be a while in, after the tide has turned in its favor.  I'm certain something like this is already the policy for the Linux kernel, for instance.  I'm just asking it also be applied to Ruby.
    Instead, I'm relegated as a minority interest to the AUR ghetto.  I think Rails and its philosophy has a lot in common with Arch Linux, and I've heard other Rails people speaking of it favorably.  They are both focused on ease of use.  They could be compatriots, and Arch could benefit from the friendship.  Both communities are often interested in using brand new software, when appropriate.  Rails is ruthless with its deprecation.  But the community for Arch Linux needs to decide whether it can be useful as a young, innovative new server distro for practical use, or whether it's beleaguered by the philosophy that "true" "critical" server distros use "stable" archaic software and sacrifice maintainability, bug fixes, new features, and simple pleasure in the process, and therefore Arch has no place amongst their anachronistic pantheon, doomed to dwell underground forever with Gentoo and the other thoughtful playthings.
    I was surprised to find myself being criticized for suggesting I would use Arch as a production server.  I think it has the chops, it just needs to commit to the purpose.  Don't be defeatist, there are a wide variety of possible production scenarios, many which use fresh new software; let server admins make the decision whether or not Arch is capable of the job.
    As for variations on upstream releases (such as fixing this rubygems version problem), I think the best solution is that pacman should have something that allows automatic building, installing, upgrading and uninstalling of community packages -- maybe even binary variants -- so that users can have the ease of use, but also realize they are using something that differs from the official upstream releases.  A convention to install in /opt or /usr/local/ would further the mental divide and diminish the risk.
    Please understand my criticism comes with respect, and a desire to use Arch.  I ache every time I check the replies, knowing I've likely offended people.  I apologize for the length of this post.  The truth is, if I can't use Arch as a production server, I don't see any point to it.  I am an outsider looking in, sharing my thoughts, and I don't expect they will be received warmly, but it would be great if they were.  However, so far the impression I get from this thread is that Arch has no interest in being a production server, sees it as a sideline, implausible interest in conflict with its theory.

  • Ruby on rails in archlinux bootstrap instalation

    I have 6 servers that were migrated from CentOS to Archlinux. They run apache with ruby on rails. The installations were done via bootstrap with one exception. In all they had to have them installed via bootstrap error "invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII ". I created a debug to see what is happening because the whole application runs on UTF-8. I noticed that the servers installed with bootstrap changed the environment variables, these changes occurred with the application running.
    before the error
    ENV inspect {"XDG_DATA_HOME"=>"/root/.local/share", "GEM_HOME"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1", "TERM"=>"xterm", "SHELL"=>"/bin/bash", "SSH_CLIENT"=>"***.**.** 45873 22", "OLDPWD"=>"/home/fusion-apps/minika.objectdata.com.br/rails", "SSH_TTY"=>"/dev/pts/0", "USER"=>"mongrel", "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS"=>"/etc/xdg", "MAIL"=>"/var/mail/root", "PATH"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin/core_perl", "PWD"=>"/home/fusion-apps/minika.objectdata.com.br/rails", "LANG"=>"pt_BR.UTF-8", "PS3"=>"> ", "SHLVL"=>"3", "PS4"=>"+ ", "HOME"=>"/home/mongrel", "XDG_CONFIG_HOME"=>"/root/.config", "BUNDLE_GEMFILE"=>"/home/fusion-apps/minika.objectdata.com.br/rails/Gemfile", "XDG_CACHE_HOME"=>"/root/.cache", "LOGNAME"=>"mongrel", "XDG_DATA_DIRS"=>"/usr/share/:/usr/local/share/", "SSH_CONNECTION"=>" 45873 22", "GEM_PATH"=>"", "PROMPT_COMMAND"=>"echo -ne \"\\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/$HOME/~}\\007\"", "RUBYOPT"=>"-I/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bundler-1.0.10/lib -rbundler/setup", "BUNDLE_BIN_PATH"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bundler-1.0.10/bin/bundle", "G_BROKEN_FILENAMES"=>"1", "_"=>"/usr/bin/bundle", "RAILS_ENV"=>"production"}
    $LANG => pt_BR.UTF-8
    after error
    ENV inspect {"GEM_HOME"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1", "SHELL"=>"/bin/bash", "SSH_CLIENT"=>"***.**.** 12975 22", "OLDPWD"=>"/home/fusion-apps/minika.objectdata.com.br/rails", "USER"=>"mongrel", "MAIL"=>"/var/mail/root", "PATH"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", "PWD"=>"/home/fusion-apps/minika.objectdata.com.br/rails", "SHLVL"=>"3", "HOME"=>"/home/mongrel", "BUNDLE_GEMFILE"=>"/home/fusion-apps/minika.objectdata.com.br/rails/Gemfile", "LOGNAME"=>"mongrel", "SSH_CONNECTION"=>" 12975 22", "GEM_PATH"=>"", "RUBYOPT"=>"-I/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bundler-1.0.10/lib -rbundler/setup", "BUNDLE_BIN_PATH"=>"/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/bundler-1.0.10/bin/bundle", "_"=>"/usr/bin/bundle", "RAILS_ENV"=>"production"}
    $LANG =>
    The frequency of the error is one of the servers is 30 in 30 minutes, which made me disable syslog and crontab, but still not resolved, the others are one time during the day or at night.
    As I said, the facilities with Centos or Arch with CD do not present problems.
    Last edited by ariveira (2011-05-20 13:26:14)

    One topic, bootstrap install usage http://arm.konnichi.com/2010/10/18/ repo because limit of Centos, after pacman -Suy

  • Launching Edge code thru terminal for Ruby on Rails

    i am studying ruby on rails programming.  i just started and I am new to alot things about it.
    The tutorials im watching say to use sublime text or some other one.  if it makes sense i would like to use edge code because i come from a design background and i trust adobe have the best features by the end of the game.
    so in the tutorials they used this command to conect the terminal work we've been studying to sublime text
    ln -s /Aplplications/Sublime\ Text\ 2.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl usr/local/bin/subl
    and allowed him the edit his .bash_profile in sublime text simply by typing
    subl .bash_profile
    Im curious to see if there is an equivalent to this for edge code.  or am i trying to use the wrong app for ruby on rails?

    There is not a way to open a file via the command line with Edge Code (or
    Brackets) yet, but you can at least right click on a file and do Open With.
    In terms of 'does it make sense to write Ruby code with Edge Code', I can't
    answer that. I use Brackets for all my front end code, and Node.js stuff on
    the back, but not for any ColdFusion work I do. Best I can suggest is just
    to try it out and let us know how it works.

  • New wiki page on Ruby on Rails

    Just wanted to let you know that I created a Ruby on Rails page on the
    wiki. It's not really long but the basis is there to quickly set up a
    rails application.
    As always, please feel free to comment and edit the wiki.

    It is a really nice idea. Maybe the page ought to serve as a hub for other articles.
    A couple of comments on sharing medias:
    * I have not been very happy with upnp. I used it for a while when I had a Synology NAS, but the fact that it seemed to rely on some kind of index made it less attractive. Samba has treated me nice; it always works (as oppose to "real" Windows shares which is a drag to setup).  I use samba for sharing videos and pictures to XMBC4Xbox.
    * For streaming live audio output, i.e. what is playing *right now* on my laptop to my stero, I have found a combo of icecast, pulseaudio and gstream to work nice. For serving static audio files I use squeezeboxserver. Had I used a Sonos sound system I would have used Samba again.
    * For PS3, which is a somewhat limited device, there is a nice java application that takes care of everything.
    * What I really miss is some way to preserve metatags when downloading video podcasts. To me it does not matter much at the moment as xbmc does not support local rss feeds. . . 
    I could add some comments on some of the above if you think it fits into your article.

  • How find out which user is using which company code?

    Hi Gurus,
    I am having more than 500 users in Production System.I need to find out which user is using which company code?I can get the roles and users separately from two different SAP tables.
    Is it possible to get it from a single table or Tcode?
    Best Regards,

    Thanks for the update.Yes I tried with SUIM.But I was unable to find any clue.

  • Which is the best iOS for iPhone 3G? I am currently on 3.1.3 !

    Which is the best iOS for iPhone 3G?
    Should i update it to the latest 4.2.1 or let it be on my current firmware 3.1.3?
    I have heard that 3G is best on 3.1.3?

    If I may, I agree that version 3.1.3 is the best for the iPhone 3G, however, I am currently travelling in Europe and I have a SIM card from a local mobile company. I discovered the hard way that there is an option missing: Settings > General > Network > Cellular Data (on/off). This option is not present in iOS 3.1.3. So basically, you disable 3G but it is impossible to block EDGE, and your phone will automatically revert to it if 3G is not available, and you will occur cellular data fees anyway.
    I am sure of what I am saying because with the local service I use, I have unlimited data for $4 per day, but it is debited as soon as I consume one byte of data, then it is free until midnight the same day. Event if I have set Enable 3G = off, Data Roaming = off, for two days in a row, I was still charged the $4 a day because the Cellular Data was not off!
    I compared with my wife's iPhone 3GS with iOS 5.1, there is the three options, Enable 3G (on/off), Data Roaming (on/off), Cellular Data (on/off). The option to turn it off simply doesn't exists on iOS 3.1.3!
    With some research, I found that it is possible to block it anyway if you change your APN (Access Point Name) to an invalid setting. The easiest way to do this is to connect to the Internet using WiFi, then access this web site with Safari: http://unlockit.co.nz/ (from your iPhone).
    This online tool allows you to change your APN, it is very useful when you travel abroad and you use local SIMs. On the first screen press Continue, on the second screen press Custom APN to create an APN for a local mobile company, or press Disable Data (FakeAPN) to disable 3G and Edge for good. When creating a Custom APN, you will be asked to choose a Country and a Provider, then press Create Profile. Then, either way, press Install and "Install Now" or "Replace", then press Done. This will add two things to your phone: first, an app-like icon for quick access to the website http://unlockit.co.nz/, second, a new menu in Settings > General, labelled "Profile", that contains your new APN. Note that it is possible to add several profile information, and some may conflict with each other. Remove those you don't need. Don't remove them if you are not sure!
    I hope this works for you!

  • Ruby on Rails environment

    I have tried the Apple tutorial and Adam Blackbourne's book and website and still cannot get a functional environment started so that I can develop using Ruby on Rails. I get Ruby installed, Textmate installed, and then seem to get bogged down with Textmate and sql. I seem not to have mysql properly installed but I can't figure out what's wrong. Both these sources above refer to some great package call Locomotive that is "the golden path..." but it has been withdrawn by its author. Any ideas on how to proceed? What sources are available?

    I'm not sure what your stated problem is here? It seems you are describing problems with Ruby on Rails on Leopard and coincidentally with mysql based on the Apple tutorial; are these one problem or two? Please note that the tutorial is describing running mysql on server which is part of the 10.5 server package.
    I have been running Rails 2.0.2 on Leopard client which I loaded following the tutorial (once I loaded Xcode 3 on the client as well). Since Rails 2.0 comes with sqlite3 as its default database, you can be up and running on 10.5 client in short order and save your mysql for deployment. In my case I also have 10.5 Server and have been testing with Rails and reverse proxies while operating in development mode (with sqlite3). When I start porting over to Server, mysql is a service on server and has a unique configuration. So the tutorial may not be applicable if you are using it with a mysql standard type install. You can read about the server install environment of mysql at
    Actually, Ruby on Rails 2.0.2, TextMate and Ruby-Debug form a great environment for development. Not quite an IDE on 10.5 but almost there.
    Hope this helps,

  • Which is the best free Java Obfuscator?

    I am planning to deploy my application using Java Webstart and to protect my code from reverse engineering wondered - which is the best free Java Obfuscator?

    Thanks for your insight. With your explanation, I have more respect for your approach. I am a (struggling) one-man startup trying to get this thing off the ground. Yes, my idea can be learned by seeing it in action. That is why, advisors have told me to yank the demo from the web site (http://juwo.com)
    I would hate to see someone else steal what I have done with a lot of trouble and even worse, use my own source code to do so. In short, I dont want to be a fool.
    I know the Proguard product, as well as several other
    obfuscation tools. I know obfuscated stacktraces can
    be reversed (as long as you go through the extra
    trouble of maintaining the obfuscation mappings for
    each version of the software you release). That was
    not my point.
    I work for (and am part owner of) a small software
    development company. We have invested 9 years into
    writing enterprise-quality software that is provided
    to customers all over the world. We used to think we
    needed to obfuscate our software too. However, we
    have found that the source code is by far the
    least important aspect of what we do as far as
    most of the outside world is concerned. Which
    is why we have been developing a major part of our
    software as Open Source since 1999. Which is why we
    have switched completely to an Open Source strategy
    earlier this year. That's right: all of our code is
    (or soon will be) freely available to anyone,
    We have learned over the years that the most
    important aspect of our work is not the code, but the
    idea behind it. Obviously, this idea can not be
    obfuscated without defeating the entire purpose of
    the software. This means others are able to learn
    about the idea just by seeing the software in action.
    That alone enables them to implement that same idea.
    The fact that they might use our source code to do it
    is largely irrelevant.
    Going one step further, the most important aspect of
    our work is actually the way we - the people who
    made the software - use that idea solve the real
    problems of our customers. It is that knowledge our
    customers ultimately pay for, not the code.
    With very, very few exceptions the basic idea of your
    code will not be unique on a global market like the
    Internet: sooner or later (and from our experience,
    it's always sooner) someone will have the same idea.
    Their implementation of that idea might be better
    than yours, or it might be worse. What ultimately
    matters, though, is wether or not you are able to
    convince customers that the idea itself is sound.
    Customers buy solutions, not code.

  • Filter or Restrict on? Which is the best way to put it?

    Hello Experts,
    If there is a Characteristic/Key figure on a report in BEx, and I right click on it and find another data element say, 0FISPER it I EDIT. On right click on 0FISPER I a variable.
    My question is this, do we way that the key figure is RESTRICTED ON 0FISPER
    or, key figure is FILTERED by 0FISPER
    When do we use Filter or Restrict on? Which is the best way to put it? How best is it read, please include the variable in your discussion.
    I will appreciate this clarification.
    e.g. Company code EDIT shows Company codes ZPPTcomp: with nodes  8000, 9000

    Hi Amanda,
    as per my understanding,
    you are checking the structure field, you have selected edit then you are viewing a key figure and 0fiscper restricted by varaible. am I right?
    if this is the case this is local selection and the key figure is restricted by fiscper variable means the restriction value user can enter in selection screen. if you select 0fiscper and select restrict there you can see single values, value range and you can also see varaible tab. by using varaible tab you can restrict to variable value.
    hope this gives you some understanding.

  • Ruby on Rails + RFC

    Is there a way to call RFC using Ruby on Rails?!
    I want to list all purchase order waiting approval calling BAPI_PO_GET_LIST. And also I want to use the approval BAPI for both PO and Requests.
    Thanks in advance,
    Guilherme Costa

    This is the code I've used for testing:
    require 'sapnwrfc'
    start = Time.now
    startGlobal = Time.now
    # Connect SAP
    print "[" + (Time.now - startGlobal).to_s + "s][" + (Time.now - start).to_s + "s] Connecting SAP...\n"
    rfc = SAPNW::RFC::Connection.new(:ashost => "spsapbw", :sysnr => "60", :client => "210", :user => "<YOUR_USER>", :passwd => "<YOUR_PASSWORD>", :lang => "PT", :destination => "RC3", :trace => "0")
    print "[" + (Time.now - startGlobal).to_s + "s][" + (Time.now - start).to_s + "s] SAP is connected!\n"
    start = Time.now
    # Get function information
    print "[" + (Time.now - startGlobal).to_s + "s][" + (Time.now - start).to_s + "s] Getting function...\n"
    fun = rfc.discover("BAPI_REQUISITION_RELEASE_GEN")
    print "[" + (Time.now - startGlobal).to_s + "s][" + (Time.now - start).to_s + "s] Function ready!\n"
    start = Time.now
    times = 10
    for i in (1..times)
        # Create a function call
        funCall = fun.new_function_call
        # Set some parameters
        funCall.NUMBER = i.to_s
        funCall.REL_CODE = "AC"
        # Invoke function
        # Get RETURN Type
        #print "TYPE: " + funCall.RETURN[0].values_at("TYPE")[0] + "\n"
        # Get Message
        #print "MESSAGE: " + funCall.RETURN[0].values_at("MESSAGE")[0] + "\n"
    print "[" + (Time.now - startGlobal).to_s + "s][" + (Time.now - start).to_s + "s] Function called " + times.to_s + " times!\n"
    print "[" + (Time.now - startGlobal).to_s + "s] Done!\n"
    Best regards,
    Guilherme Costa

  • Which WiFi is best for Macbook running 10.5.8 in Los Angeles?

    I HATE ATT and I hate paying for their DSL line into my office. I run a non-profit therapy center in Los Angeles for Alzheimers and ATT charges me as a business so I pay through the nose. Therefore I'm looking into dropping the ATT DSL line and going instead with a Wifi card into my laptop to get an internet connection from the cyber heavens.
    Which company (not ATT please) do you think is best to provide a reliable service in West LA with speeds at least equal to DSL and how much do you think it will cost?

    Oh yes, Skype alone uses a significant amount of data before adding your video conference usage. Skype uses a peer to peer (P2P) network design to handle it's calls, so your computer and connection are helping the network by passing calls on. This means even when you are not making a call (audio only, instant messaging, or video conference) you are still using your bandwidth. For most cable and DSL users with effectively if not actually unlimited usage, this is trivial. For a cellular based user, this has a huge impact.
    What do you call 'expensive' in terms of just your internet connection? DSL is usually the more affordable connection type in terms of raw cost. Cable usually delivers more total speed per dollar, but normally requires a higher minimum service cost. You may have more than one DSL and/or cable provider available in your area, so shopping around is a good idea.

  • Flash Builder 4 and Ruby on Rails

    Currently I am using Flex Builder 3 and RestfulX framework to integrate with Ruby on Rails. Now with Builder 4 adding data centric features there may be an alternative way.
    I wonder what it would take and how one would add support for Ruby on Rails to data centric services of Flash Builder 4
    Here it talks about a possibility of  extending it for Ruby on Rails but provides no link to relevant info.
    http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/gumbo/html/WSbde04e3d3e6474c417f95e9b120d4172ac1-7fff.html# WSbde04e3d3e6474c4-49529de3120edf1cd4e-8000
    thank you,

    FB4 DCD supports extensibility through which additional server technologies could be supported. Unfortunately, we have not yet added documentation on this. If you would be interested in building ruby on rails support to FB DCD, please drop me a note at rkrishnaATadobeDOTcom.

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