Which function is used for  adding days to given month

which function is used for  adding days to given month

Hi Jagrut,
Good ... Check out the following examples
<b>Get a date</b>
DATE_GET_WEEK Returns week for a date
WEEK_GET_FIRST_DAY Returns first day for a week
RP_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS Returns last day of month
FIRST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET Get first day of a period
LAST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET Get last day of a period
RP_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTHS Determine last day of month
<b>Date calculations</b>
DATE_COMPUTE_DAY Returns a number indicating what day of the week the date falls on. Monday is returned as a 1, Tuesday as 2, etc.
DATE_IN_FUTURE Calculate a date N days in the future.
RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL Add days/months to a date
RP_CALC_DATE_IN_INTERVAL Add/subtract years/months/days from a date
SD_DATETIME_DIFFERENCE Give the difference in Days and Time for 2 dates
MONTH_PLUS_DETERMINE Add or subtract months from a date. To subtract a month, enter a negative value for the 'months' parameter.
DATE_CREATE Calculates a date from the input parameters:
   anzahl_jahre  = 1
   anzahl_monate = 2
   anzahl_tage   = 3
   datum_ein     = '20010101'
   datum_aus     = l_new_date.
   l_new_date = 20020304
data: new_date type d.
months = -5 " Negative to subtract from old date, positive to add
olddate = sy-datum
NEWDATE = new_date.
write: / new_date.
HOLIDAY_GET Provides a table of all the holidays based upon a Factory Calendar &/ Holiday Calendar.
HOLIDAY_CHECK_AND_GET_INFO Useful for determining whether or not a date is a holiday. Give the function a date, and a holiday calendar, and you can determine if the
date is a holiday by checking the parameter HOLIDAY_FOUND.
data: ld_date                 like scal-datum  default sy-datum,
      lc_holiday_cal_id       like scal-hcalid default 'CA',
      ltab_holiday_attributes like thol occurs 0 with header line,
      lc_holiday_found        like scal-indicator.
    date                               = ld_date
    holiday_calendar_id                = lc_holiday_cal_id
    WITH_HOLIDAY_ATTRIBUTES            = 'X'
    HOLIDAY_FOUND                      = lc_holiday_found
    holiday_attributes                 = ltab_holiday_attributes
    DATE_AFTER_RANGE                   = 2
    DATE_BEFORE_RANGE                  = 3
    DATE_INVALID                       = 4
    OTHERS                             = 7.
if sy-subrc = 0 and
   lc_holiday_found = 'X'.
  write: / ld_date, 'is a holiday'.
  write: / ld_date, 'is not a holiday, or there was an error calling the function'.
Checking dates
DATE_CHECK_PLAUSIBILITY Check to see if a date is in a valid format for SAP. Works well when validating dates being passed in from other systems.
Converting dates
DATE_CONV_EXT_TO_INT Conversion of dates to SAP internal format e.g. '28.03.2000' -> 20000328 Can also be used to check if a date is valid ( sy-subrc <> 0 )
Function to return literal for month
he table you want to use is T247. You can also use the function MONTH_NAMES_GET.
You can also try table T015M. It has the month number in it's key.
DATUMSAUFBEREITUNG Format date as the user settings
MONTH_NAMES_GET It returns all the month and names in repective language.
Good Luck and thanks

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                       23 days unused of Family Plan is : $3.46 x 23= $79.58
    I still expect missing credits into my account: $79.58-$9.99= $69.59.
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    verizonloyal wrote:
    You left out the next important sentence ..... If it is your intention to fool all other members, please correct it.
    This is the path for the whole thing:"Customer Agreement"
    I am not a Prepaid customer and I will be entitled to a refund of unused charge from an advanced month charge. Any cancellation should honor that..I called the customer representative to ask in advance what happened when I plan to keep only one line and change to individual plan ,she assured me that I will get credits for any unused of Family Plan of the advanced month, the new Individual Plan charge will take over and I would not get double charge at all.
    I am the customer with Verizon very long time, more than 5 years and I can not believe that you charged me double like that.
    Please return me back my money.
    I am NOT trying to fool anyone. As with the sentence you highlighted, if what I highlighted ONLY pertained to prepaid customers, it would have indicated it in the sentence. Since it did not, it DOES NOT. Postpaid customers are NOT mentioned at all within the section about porting numbers. Are you saying since they are not mentioned that postpaid customers CANNOT port their numbers? Didn't think so. The entire paragraph is about ALL Verizon customers EXCEPT the sentence which specifically singles out prepaid customers. You are responsible for all charges until the end of the billing cycle from the point of porting, not from when you asked to be ported. Therefore you are responsible for the charges for the "Family Plan" until the end of the billing cycle.
    Unfortunately, you only left ONE phone on the account when you ported out your numbers. Therefore the single line could NOT have been left on a Family Plan, and was therefore migrated to an Individual Plan. AT MOST, you would be entitled to a prorated refund of the $9.99 access fee FOR THAT ONE LINE, since that line was not canceled due to the porting. However, you should ONLY be responsible for Individual Plan charges from the point your single line was migrated until the end of the billing cycle, NOT for an entire month of service. Of course, your bill would show that the following month was being charged, too, since Verizon charges a month in advance.
    While Verizon may refund you more money just to placate you, according to the CUSTOMER AGREEMENT, you are not entitled to it.
    Good luck.

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    You can create 3D comments linked to the geometry within Acrobat Pro Extended 9
    - Import your 3D model
    - Activate 3D then right click and select Tools/Add 3D comment
    - Pick an element on your 3D Part (insert your text) then press ok
    Hope it helps
    Best Regards
    William Gallego

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    RETURNS @temp_error TABLE (
    id int identity(1,1),
    procedure_name varchar(255),
    line_number int,
    error_number int,
    error_message varchar(max),
    error_state int,
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    procedure_name varchar(255),
    line_number int,
    error_number int,
    error_message varchar(max),
    error_state int,
    error_severity int,
    occurence_datetime datetime default current_timestamp,
    user_name sysname default suser_name(),
    login_name sysname default suser_name()
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    @test_type AS test_type READONLY
    begin try
    select 1/0
    end try
    begin catch
    select * from testfunction1(@test_type)
    end catch

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    Thanking you in advance ,
    Samir Gandhi
    Edited by: Rui Pereira on May 1, 2009 1:28 PM

    Hi Gordon,
    Please note the function of the SP is to bring selected data from tables, for example to bring Purchase details (I have copy pasted the SP at bottom of this message).
    These are not SP_notif...
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    ALTER Procedure [dbo].[pGetPurchaseRegister]
         @StartDate datetime,
         @EndDate  datetime
    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tmpPurchaseReg1]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
         drop table tmpPurchaseReg1
    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[tmpPurchaseReg2]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
         drop table tmpPurchaseReg2
    SELECT T1.LineNum,T0.DocNum AS 'Document Number', T0.DocDate AS 'Posting Date', T0.CardCode AS 'Vendor Code',
           T0.CardName AS 'Vendor Name', T0.NumAtCard as 'Vendor Ref. No', T0.VatSum AS 'Total Tax', T0.DocTotal AS 'Document Total' ,
           T1.AcctCode AS 'Account Code',T1.LineTotal AS 'Basic Amount', T1.ItemCode AS 'Item No.', T1.Dscription AS 'Item/Service Description',
           T2.SuppCatNum, T1.INMPrice AS 'Item Cost', T1.Quantity AS 'Quantity',T3.ItmsGrpNam AS'ItemGroup'
    into tmpPurchaseReg1
    FROM  [dbo].[OPCH] T0
          INNER  JOIN [dbo].[PCH1] T1  ON  T1.DocEntry = T0.DocEntry
          INNER  JOIN [dbo].[OITM] T2  ON  T1.ItemCode = T2.ItemCode
          INNER  JOIN [dbo].[OITB] T3  ON  T2.ItmsGrpCod = T3.ItmsGrpCod
          --WHERE T0.DocDate >= CONVERT(DATETIME, [%0], 112)   AND  T0.DocDate <= CONVERT(DATETIME, [%1], 112)  
         WHERE T0.DocDate >=@StartDate  AND  T0.DocDate <=@EndDate
    ORDER BY T0.DocNum
    select  * into tmpPurchaseReg2 from tmpPurchaseReg1
    declare @Total int
    declare @TmpCardCode varchar(200)
    declare @DocNum int
    declare  PurchseRegister_Cursor cursor LOCAL for
         select  [Document Number] from tmpPurchaseReg1 group by [Document Number] having count([Document Number]) > 1 order by [Document Number]
    open PurchseRegister_Cursor
                            fetch next from PurchseRegister_Cursor into @DocNum
                            while @@fetch_status = 0
                                drop table tmpPurchaseRegTemp
                                 select top 1 * into tmpPurchaseRegTemp from tmpPurchaseReg2 where [Document Number] = @DocNum 
                             select @TmpCardCode =[LineNum]  from tmpPurchaseRegTemp     
                             update tmpPurchaseReg2 set [Vendor Name] = '',[Total Tax] = 0,[Document Total] = 0
                                                   where  [Document Number] = @DocNum  and [LineNum] <> @TmpCardCode
                                       fetch next from PurchseRegister_Cursor into @DocNum   
    close PurchseRegister_Cursor
    deallocate PurchseRegister_Cursor
    Samir Gandhi

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    Thanks in

    Hi Sahu,
    I dont think they have used the Function module or change document or any other kind of methods to trigger the workflow. This is because RELEASESTEPCREATED method is a standard method and it will be triggered by standard SAP. They can not make changes in standard sap saying RELEASESTEPCREATED should be triggered for this Purchase Org .
    Istead what i think is, they might have given the Event Condition for each workflow.
    In SWDD>> basic settings>> Start Events, we can give condition on triggering the workflow.
    Please check this.

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    The names 'ENQUEUE_EIQMEL' and 'DEQUEUE_EIQMEL ' you have mentioned are itself the function modules. Which other FM's you need i didnt understand.
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    please reframe your question in case of further issues.

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    To show your tables with pk and fk and all.

    I am using ERwin® Data Modeler r7.1 ( It supports most new features of Oracle 10g such as hash, list, composite hash, setting LOB storage properties etc.
    We just upgraded from version 4 recently. In the old version, I had to manually modify the generated scripts.
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    With the purge option, you don't need to purge the recycle bin after the forward engineering.
    SQL> purge recyclebin;
    My favorite is Oracle Designer.

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    Yes. The people at Sun change the static fields every day to reflect the current prices on the world currency markets at GMT 12:00. Then every day all the java programmers around the world reinstall a new JDK that contains the updated class. The class is called:
    To access the Euro-Dollar exchange rate, you write:

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    The DocumentListener implements:
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    Please let me know Which CKM is used for moving data from Oracle to delimited file ?
    Also is there need of defining each columns before hand in target datastore. Cant ODI take it from the oracle table itself ?

    A CKM is a Check KM which is used to validate data and log errors. It is not going to assist you in data movement. You will need an LKM SQL to File append as answered in another thread.
    Assuming that you have a one to one mapping, to make things simpler you can duplicate the Oracle based model and create a file based model. This will take all the column definitions from the Oracle based model.
    Alternatively, you can also use an ODI tool odiSQLUnload to dump the data to a file

  • I have an email account causes the machine to hang up after being in use for a day.  It only occurs on my Macbook Pro and only one particular account.  The problem account works fine on my iMac and Windows Machines.  Any ideas what is causing this?

    I have an email account causes the machine to hang up after being in use for a day.  It only occurs on my Macbook Pro and only one particular account.  The problem account works fine on my iMac and Windows Machines.  I have been to the local Genius bar and through trial and error we have determined that Mail is working ok but somehow the account is causing the problem.  I have used this account for years.  Any ideas what is causing this?

    No idea why, but one thing you may try if you have the time, is create a new user, and set up the problem mail account in the new user space. See if it causes your MBP to hang as well.  That will tell you if it is something wrong with your main User, or something wrong with MBP.
    Assuming this works, I'd nuke the problem account in your main user space, re-start, and reinititate the account and see if that helps.
    Depening on how many email accounts you have setup, it may be necessary to nuke the whole Mail folder in your User/Library....   Hard way to get it to work, but just my idea.

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    No, this is not possible due to limitations of the underlying protocols.
    HTTP requests are sent over TCP connections which deal with IP addresses and port numbers (i.e. hardware virtual server properties), not hostnames (i.e. software virtual server properties). The HTTP protocol adds software virtual server support by allowing a client to identify the hostname (e.g. "www.iplanet.com") of the server it wishes to communicate with. This is achieved by including a "Host:" header with each HTTP request.
    Unfortunately, the SSL/TLS protocols require that the web server present its SSL/TLS certificate BEFORE the client sends its HTTP request. Since the software virtual server information is contained in the HTTP request, it is not possible for the server to select different certificates for different software virtual servers.
    You will need to use hardware virtual servers (i.e. virtual servers that have different IP addresses and/or port numbers) if you wish to use distinct SSL/TLS certificates.

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    Hi Nerva,
    Thank you for your question, there is a add on I have been recommended to custom set up of opening windows in new monitors. It's called [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/monitor-master/ Monitor Master].
    However, in regards to the session remembering which monitor the window was open in, in the profile folder there is a file that stores window positions and dimensions. It is called localstore.rdf.
    Please stay tuned for more investigation, as there are definitely bugs on file for similar issues. Pinpointing it is the hard part.

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