Which profile parameter name

Hi Gurus,
What is the profile parameter name which is used to increase the character length of user name?
Thanks in advance.

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  • Profile parameter name

    Hi Gurus,
    What is the profile parameter name which is used to increase the character length of user name?
    Thanks in advance.

    There is NO such profile parameter exists to control the character length of User Name.
    You can change the character length of this field in the following way ONLY.
    Go to TCode:  SE11 and Change the character length of the field " BNAME " (Data Element:  XUBNAME) in the USR* tables. Basically you need to change the Data element character length from default 12 to your desired value.
    But the main heads up is that you need a Developer Access key, as this is "Modifiation" and Not customization.
    Please let me know if these information is helpful.

  • Profile parameter.....activate

    Dear all,
    After Ecc 6.0 installation......we want to activate one profile parameter na  in RZ10, RZ11. Can anyone guide me how to activate that profile parameter, give the profile parameter name also..... Thanks in advance

    Hi Harish,
    To activate the profiles please do the foll:
    Go to t.code RZ10 and enter the profile name you want to activate, use the pushbutton to display profiles that are available then choose the profile and activate it. Stop and restart the SAP instance for the profile through CCMS.
    ABAP program RSPARAM helps you to find out the Parameters which are active for a given SAP instance.
    Hope it helps.

  • Procedure or function expects parameter name which was not supplied

    SQL 2008R2 - BIDS
    I added an additional parameter to my SSRS Report.  I set it up identical to a couple other parameters already in the report.  I added the parameter to the dataset.  I added the parameter to the stored procedure and verified that it functions
    correctly in SSMS.
    When I Preview the report I get the Procedure expects parameter error even though the parameter is in the parameter list with a value (0) assigned.
    How can I make this work???

    Hi John,
    The most likely is the parameter name on the dataset , doesnt match the parameter you created ,the best was is to delete the parameters related to the dataset   and apply the stored procedure again  to a dataset it willl create the parameters  automatically,i
     have replicated the logic  below is  an example
    Create Procedure testp
    @Country Varchar(max),
    @Year Int
    SELECT     DimSalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryCountry, DimDate.CalendarYear, FactInternetSales.SalesAmount
    FROM         FactInternetSales INNER JOIN
                          DimDate ON FactInternetSales.OrderDateKey = DimDate.DateKey INNER JOIN
                          DimSalesTerritory ON FactInternetSales.SalesTerritoryKey = DimSalesTerritory.SalesTerritoryKey
    where SalesTerritoryCountry =@Country
    And DimDate.CalendarYear=@Year
    I have just renamed one of the parameter  for year to YYear and it throws an error similar to yours 
    Many Thanks
    Please mark as answered If this helps to solve your issue.

  • Profile parameter icm/host_name_full is not set correctly

    Hi All,
    I am  working on Solution Manager 4.0. When I execute TCODE "SOLUTION_MANAGER", it gives the following error:
    Profile parameter icm/host_name_full is not set correctly (see long text)
    When I click on "Long Text", it gives me the following message widow:
    Message Number: SOL_GRAPHIC002
    The graphic cannot be displayed, since the profile parameter icm/host_name_full is not set correctly.
    Set the profile parameter icm/host_name_full correctly.
    For more information, see SAP Notes 434918 and 677118.
    I have referred to both the notes above. In note# 434918, it says that I need latest kernel patch (which is 150).Also the icm/host_name_full parameter parameter was not there in Solution Manager, so I created in the following manner:
    Parameter Name =icm/host_name_full
    Parameter Value=smgdcs1s.example.com
    But however, the error continues to be the same.
    Kindly help me asap.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Markus,
    Earlier the profile was activated and server was also restarted. However, it was not efffective.
    Now once again i have activated the profile and restared the server. Now I am able to see the profile and it value in
    Thanks a alot for your valuable inputs
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Profile Parameter required

    One of our new password policy's requirement is to have
    " The new password may have no more than 1 pair(s) of repeating
    Could anyone please provide me the profile parameter by which we can set this rule?
    I had given some examples for the same in attached doc.

    Hi Jan,
    The new password mechanisms allow you to use "pass-phrases" in stead of "passwords". Too many entries in USR40 only weaken the password by excluding patterns for a dictionary attack.
    For example, you can now use a pass-phrase such as:
    "This passw0rd is easy to guess!"
    "Do keep the kitch3n clean?"
    "1 2 3 4...Goalllllllll!!!!!!!!!!"
    If all words with paîrs of ASCII characters or patterns were forbidden, then the pass-phrase is weakened.
    Rather throw in a special character and a digit and train the users to use pass-phrases. This can be hard though with folks who have been around for a long time and have a mental block at the 8th character of the SAPGui logon screen. I count myself to that league as well
    In my opinion only company names, SID's, months and seasons are still usefull in USR40, along with swearwords...

  • Deleted User recreation - Connected Profile Parameter

    When I try to create a user which was deleted I get a pop-up message "old sapoffice data found for this user name. do you want to copy this data to the new user? " 
    1. I get this message only in some systems but not in all systems. What controls this pop-up message ? Is there a profile parameter or a system setting which controls this?
    2. In CUA setup, would this message pop-up ?

    When you try to create a user which existed in the system in past and was deleted, then SAP automatically prompts you to check if you want to copy the old settings for that user. User history is stored in USH* tables.
    So you will not have this message everywhere in your landscape, only if that user id existed in the system in past.
    Cheers !!

  • The parameter name [...] in the query's selection criteria does not match..

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to pratice EJB 3 (which I learnt at school), with JSF and JPA, but i'm really stuck with that error :
    Exception [TOPLINK-6094] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.0 (Build b41-beta2 (03/30/2007))): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.QueryException
    Exception Description: The parameter name [departmentID] in the query's selection criteria does not match any parameter name defined in the query.
    Query: ReadAllQuery(oracle.datamodel.Employees)
    I will try to explain clearly what i'm trying to do :
    In fact, i'm following that tutorial :
    But, as i didn't have any oracle database, but had a mysql one on my machine, i decided to use that DB instead of the the oracle DB... So i created a set of example data (to replace the oracle example set) ...so i created the tables EMPLOYEE, and DEPARTMENT... with the correct relations (FK) and PK)
    All was ok, i choose my "mysql-connector" (jdbc) instead of the oracle jdbc connector... so i could follow the tutorial.
    My problem appears at the step 12 (of "Creating a Master-Detail JavaServer Faces Page"), when i run the file deptEmployees.jspx.
    The information of the first departement displays correctly :
    departmentID 1
    departmentName ... etc
    but it can't display the employees belonging to that department !
    the error is :
    JBO-29000: Exception Description: The parameter name [departmentID] in the query's selection criteria does not match any parameter name defined in the query. Query: ReadAllQuery(oracle.datamodel.Employees)
    I think i understand what is the problem... I think that the query in charge of gathering the data of a specific departement need a parameter, but couldn't find it. But i don't know why :-/ I have tried many things and read the topics talking about that error... but it didn't solved the problem. I don't know anymore where to investigate.
    I have created a Zip file of my work (it's an EJB/JSF Application.. with jdev
    (available here : http://dl.free.fr/mQ5esdQuS/EJB_appli.zip)
    I would be glad if someone could take few minutes to help me.
    Thank you in advance,
    Thomas B (student)

    This is a common mistake. Java string comparisons in TopLink are case sensitive by default, and since column names are uppercase when defaulted, TopLink cannot find the "departmentID" column name. In this case, Departments ID column defaults to "DEPARTMENTID" as required by the JPA specification.
    Either change Departments id annotation to     @Id
        @Column(name="departmentID", nullable = false)
        private Integer departmentID;or change Employees' ManytoOne annotation to:
        @JoinColumn(name = "departmentID", referencedColumnName = "DEPARTMENTID")
        private Departments departments;Best Regards,

  • [XI 3.1] Publications with Personalization (Profiles) - Document name

    We have a question with regard to Publications with Web Intelligence reports in XI 3.1.
    We would like to know if it's possible to put the "profile value" (or something equivalent) in the name of the output document?
    For example, we want to deliver 3 versions of a WebI report to 3 user profiles:
    - 1 user profile can see all countries
    - 1 user profile can only see region X
    - 1 user profile can only see region Y
    Name of the output document going to the destination should have an indication for which profile value it ran, output name should contain eg.:
    - All
    - Region_X
    - Region_Y
    There are several placeholders that can be used in the "Use a specific name" option of the destination:
    Title (SI_NAME)
    ID (SI_ID)
    Owner (SI_OWNER)
    DateTime (SI_STARTTIME)
    Email address (SI_EMAIL_ADDRESS)
    Userfullname (SI_USERFULLNAME)
    Viewer hyperlink (SI_VIEWER_URL)
    DocumentName (SI_DOCUMENT_NAME)
    None of these seem to help us for our purposes.
    Is there a way we can get the above functionality? Can placeholders be add somehow? eg. with the name of the group used in the profile values

    Thanks for the feedback!
    No, we weren't intending on using dynamic recipients. We intended to use profiles. However, dyn recipients will do if we can get it to work that way.
    Did you by any chance implement or test this?
    Reason for asking: we had kind of the same idea. We did a small test (we just replaced the email address or full name in the dyn rec Excel with region X, etc...). Result we got was: all 3 file names contained the user who ran the publication and its email address (coming from the users credentials in the BO repo). Not the desired result.
    We used a file server as destination.

  • How to retrieve the parameter names from a JSP page ? Urgent Please

    Can anybody tell me how to retrieve the parameter names from the JSP
    page. (without using getParameterNames() method.)
    The problem with the getParameterNames() method is I get the Jumbled output.
    I need it very badly
    With regards
    Ananth R
    email:[email protected]
    [email protected]

    Dear duffymo,
    My primary intention is to convert the JSP form information into a XML file.
    If I do not get the Parameter names in the correct order how can I maintain
    tag order in XML file.
    For ex: (JSP PAGE VIEW)
    &so on
    (XML File to be generated)
    & so on
    If I use getParameterNames() to get all the parameter names(Which form the tag names in the XML file ) the Enumeration object it returns will not be in the same order as the text fields in JSP.From this I can not construct a meaningful XML file.
    order means: Order of entry on the page, from top to bottom
    That's it
    Waiting for your responses

  • Which Profile to select in SCCL

    Hi I have created a new client 275 in ECC.
    I have given the source client 000 and now i have to select the PROFILE.
    I am using a trial ecc I want to practice with all the data in the tables ( for extractors and abap etc.)
    Which profile to choose?
    If I use sap_all I get this error now when i copy
    RFC destination for client copy in systems with Financials Basis
    (FINBASIS) component.
    The system could not find any suitable RFC destination for processing
    for client 000.
    This note also appears if an RFC destination was found but this does not
    o   RFC destination: FINB_TR_DEST
    o   Error text: Name or password is incorrect (repeat logon)
    Proceed as follows to eliminate this error:
    1.  Start the wizard to create a new RFC connection
    or perform the following steps manually:
    1.  Create an RFC destination with the target ZK>source client of client
         copy (in this case 000)....
    please elaborate the steops
    Edited by: max.sap on Apr 29, 2011 1:23 PM

    > If I use sap_all I get this error now when i copy
    >  Proceed as follows to eliminate this error:
    >  1.  Start the wizard to create a new RFC connection
    >  or perform the following steps manually:
    >  1.  Create an RFC destination with the target ZK>source client of client
    >      copy (in this case 000)....
    > please elaborate the steops
    I don't know what you're asking here - the system clearly tells you what to do, it even offers to start a wizard to guide you through the process...

  • Parameter name / value length issue

    i do know that there is a length limit of the url (255 chars), so i can't use GET, because i have to pass a high number of parameters, which names are 9 chars long and values are 21 chars long.
    i'm wondering if there are any limits on the parameter name/value length, or a total length/size of parameters that can be passed without being truncated by server, or something like this....
    i can't find in api that there is any limit, but still, if my app designed the way it needs to pass a lot of parameters with long names (9 chars) and long values (21 chars).
    can this cause problems?
    if not, is it a good taste to build app that can use POST request only?

    i'm wondering if there are any limits on the parameter
    name/value length, or a total length/size of
    parameters that can be passed without being truncated
    by server, or something like this....Not that I recall. As far as I know there are none.

  • How to read a Oracle Forms PARAMLIST without knowing parameter names

    Hi All,
    Is there a way to read a Oracle Forms Paramlist on Oracle Forms (I mean read all parameters on it) without knowing any names of the parameters?
    I´d like to create a command line at run time and put on this command line all the parameters and its values, but I will never know the quantity of parameters and its names and values.
    Example of the command line I want to create:
    rwrun.sh batch=yes destype=file desname=/tmp/cmx_objetos.pdf desformat=pdf userid=***/***@*** module=/d01/oracle/VIS/apps/apps_st/appl/ecomex/fmx/cmx_objetos.rep parameter1=value1, parameter2=value2 ... paramaterN=valueN

    As Francois said it is not clear if you are talking about Forms or Reports here. If Reports: check Get parameter name and type at runtime thread.
    But if you have no idea of the number or names of the parameters? How do you know which values to assign at all?
    Edited by: InoL on Jan 7, 2010 12:34 PM

  • Profile Parameter to execute Abap Program at user logon.

    Hi Experts
    I've written a small printer selection program to change the users profile parameter.
    Is there another profile parameter that can be given to execute this program automatically
    when the user logs on.....The reason why I'm looking for a profile parameter to do this is, that only
    certain users need to have this happen at logon.
    Kind Regards

    Hi Javi,
    I don't think you need a custom process chain for this. You can use delivered Process Chain for logic and hard-code your script name in the package. In that script you can call BADI that has your ABAP program inside.
    You can find guides how to build BADI here:[How to Pass Parameters to Custom Logic BADI using START_BADI|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/20f4252d-98ca-2b10-e689-f85085ae2d12] or here [Creating Custom Script Logic Keyword BADI's - BPC NW|Creating Custom Script Logic Keyword BADI's - BPC NW;.
    Method IF_UJ_CUSTOM_LOGIC~EXECUTE has IT_CV as one of parameters. In your script you probably have to use *XDIM_MEMBERSET to get parameters from DM prompt. IT_CV will have all XDIM members.
    Please let me know if you have any other questions.

  • User Profile Parameter ID KVS not work

    I've got some troubles with parameter id KVS. I set it in my user profile,
    parameter = KVS    
    value = B2   
    description = Version (CO)
    when I call report GPCQE53LSADXCC16KZ1R96N5156001, there are two fields with this parameter,
    and their value remain "0" instead of "B2".
    I need to put the parameter value on one of this two fields, how can I do?
    Could someone help me?
    thank you in advance,

    You can run Incremental Sync from user profile 3-4 times. This will delete the user profile from SharePoint UPA.
    Now, we need to run UPA clean job timer job available in Job Definition inside central administration.
    This is a by design issue which you have raised. But, to get it done on the same day you need to follow above mentioned steps. This would be done in some hour and cannot be achieved in 4-5 minutes. So, your original request is a by design issue and can be
    done i some hours.
    Thank You, Pallav S. Srivastav ----- If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered.

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