White Bordered Text Frame

Of three text frames in my document, after PDF export, one is showing a thin white border at the frame boundary.
Not sure if that is the cause, but I noticed a + sign next to my text frame style label. Would like to get rid of that.
Would you please show me how to get rid of the white border.

Jack wrote:
No, I think iD was "slapping my hand", virtually, for increasing type size the quick-and-easy way instead using a style. With a new style created and applied, all is well, with no more white borders in the PDF.
Seems unlikely, but OK.
OP = Original Poster = you.

Similar Messages

  • How to select a text frame that has been "Sent to Back"?

    Hi Framers,
    In FM 7.2 (all patches up to date, running on Windows XP Pro), I added a note inside a text frame next to an anchored frame holding an image. I nudged the text frame close to the image but it blocked out a tiny portion of the image. So I selected the text frame and from the Graphics menu clicked Send to Back.  Solved that problem, of course. Now I want to change the wording in the note but can't do it because the entire text frame has been sent to back -- how can I select it to Bring to Front so I can edit its contents???
    This MUST be something totally obvious, right?  Can I plead pre-holiday brain freeze?

    galson wrote:
    Hello again, Sheila ;~)
    I selected all and moved my cursor all around the page (around various pages, actually, since Ctrl+A selects the entire chapter), and I see what you mean by the color of the arrow's head changing between black and white. Is it significant that the ONLY time it's black is when I'm outside the frame of the page itself? (That is, in the white, non-editable space around the actual frame borders on the page.) Clicking anywhere, whether inside or outside the active area, deselects everything.
    HOLD THE PRESSES!  Even though I *knew* I hadn't grouped my text frame with anything else, after reading your suggestion, I selected the page frame to make sure I hadn't somehow grouped it with my text frame: I hadn't -- but then, on a hunch, I sent IT (the page frame) to the back -- now I can select the text frame!
    I'm marking your response as answering my question and I'm also going to try to mark Peter's the same way, because each of you in your own way, helped me resolve this problem.
    Thank you both and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!  (Gee, and I didn't get either of you anything... maybe next year  ;~))
    Hi, Gay:
    The "I-Beam" pointer tool is called the Smart Pointer, because it changes to an I-beam when it's over text, and to the Graphics Pointer tool when over a graphic, or part of a graphic, or when you press Ctrl. It's easy to select the main text frame when you Ctrl+click on its interior text area inadvertently, when you're trying to select an anchored frame edge, or when you use Ctrl+A to select all. It's frustrating to have some of these unintended events happen when you're not expecting them. Always work with View > Borders ON, to display the edges of objects and reduce confusion, and always watch where you click. You can zoom iin to large magnification to see things better.
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Set top and bottom inset spacing values in Text Frame Options via jsx script

    I am looking for a way to set the top and bottom inset spacing values only to 2 points in Text Frame Options via a .jsx scrpt.
    For years, I have used a script that sets Preferences, such as:
        opticalMarginAlignment = false;
        opticalMarginSize = 12;                // pts
    I would like to add the code to this same script that would make Top = 0p2 and Bottom 0p2 but leave Left and Right as 0p0.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Here is the full .jsx file that we now use to set preferences.
    Ideally, this could be modified to include setting any text frame created to have 0p2 inset Top and Bottom, but 0p0 Left and Right:
    //An InDesign CS2 JavaScript
    //Sets the application text defaults, which will become the text defaults for all
    //new documents. Existing documents will remain unchanged.
        alignToBaseline = false;        // align to baseline grid
        try {
    //        appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Times New Roman");
            appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Helvetica");
        catch (e) {}
        try {
            fontStyle = "Medium";
        catch (e) {}
        autoleading = 100;
        balanceRaggedLines = false;
        baselineShift = 0;
        capitalization = Capitalization.normal;
        composer = "Adobe Paragraph Composer";
        desiredGlyphScaling = 100;
        desiredLetterSpacing = 0;
        desiredWordSpacing = 100;
        dropCapCharacters = 0;
        if (dropCapCharacters != 0) {
            dropCapLines = 3;
            //Assumes that the application has a default character style named "myDropCap"
            //dropCapStyle = app.characterStyles.item("myDropCap");
        fillColor = app.colors.item("Black");
        fillTint = 100;
        firstLineIndent = "0pt";
    //    firstLineIndent = "14pt";
        gridAlignFirstLineOnly = false;
        horizontalScale = 100;
        hyphenateAfterFirst = 3;
        hyphenateBeforeLast = 4;
        hyphenateCapitalizedWords = false;
        hyphenateLadderLimit = 1;
        hyphenateWordsLongerThan = 5;
        hyphenation = true;
        hyphenationZone = "3p";
        hyphenWeight = 9;
        justification = Justification.leftAlign;
        keepAllLinesTogether = false;
        keepLinesTogether = true;
        keepFirstLines = 2;
        keepLastLines = 2;
        keepWithNext = 0;
        kerningMethod = "Optical";
        kerningValue = 0;
        leading = 6.3;
    //    leading = 14;
        leftIndent = 0;
        ligatures = true;
        maximumGlyphScaling = 100;
        maximumLetterSpacing = 0;
        maximumWordSpacing = 160;
        minimumGlyphScaling = 100;
        minimumLetterSpacing = 0;
        minimumWordSpacing = 80;
        noBreak = false;
        otfContextualAlternate = true;
        otfDiscretionaryLigature = true;
        otfFigureStyle = OTFFigureStyle.proportionalOldstyle;
        otfFraction = true;
        otfHistorical = true;
        otfOrdinal = false;
        otfSlashedZero = true;
        otfSwash = false;
        otfTitling = false;
        overprintFill = false;
        overprintStroke = false;
        pointSize = 6.3;
    //    pointSize = 11;
        position = Position.normal;
        rightIndent = 0;
        ruleAbove = false;
        if(ruleAbove == true){
            ruleAboveColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            ruleAboveGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            ruleAboveGapOverprint = false;
            ruleAboveGapTint = 100;
            ruleAboveLeftIndent = 0;
            ruleAboveLineWeight = .25;
            ruleAboveOffset = 14;
            ruleAboveOverprint = false;
            ruleAboveRightIndent = 0;
            ruleAboveTint = 100;
            ruleAboveType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            ruleAboveWidth = RuleWidth.columnWidth;
        ruleBelow = false;
        if(ruleBelow == true){
            ruleBelowColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            ruleBelowGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            ruleBelowGapOverprint = false;
            ruleBelowGapTint = 100;
            ruleBelowLeftIndent = 0;
            ruleBelowLineWeight = .25;
            ruleBelowOffset = 0;
            ruleBelowOverprint = false;
            ruleBelowRightIndent = 0;
            ruleBelowTint = 100;
            ruleBelowType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            ruleBelowWidth = RuleWidth.columnWidth;
        singleWordJustification = SingleWordJustification.leftAlign;
        skew = 0;
        spaceAfter = 0;
        spaceBefore = 0;
        startParagraph = StartParagraph.anywhere;
        strikeThru = false;
        if(strikeThru == true){
            strikeThroughColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            strikeThroughGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            strikeThroughGapOverprint = false;
            strikeThroughGapTint = 100;
            strikeThroughOffset = 3;
            strikeThroughOverprint = false;
            strikeThroughTint = 100;
            strikeThroughType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            strikeThroughWeight = .25;
        strokeColor = app.swatches.item("None");
        strokeTint = 100;
        strokeWeight = 0;
        tracking = 0;
        underline = false;
        if(underline == true){
            underlineColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            underlineGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            underlineGapOverprint = false;
            underlineGapTint = 100;
            underlineOffset = 3;
            underlineOverprint = false;
            underlineTint = 100;
            underlineType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            underlineWeight = .25
        verticalScale = 100;
    //Units & Increments preference panel
    //Must do this to make sure our units that we set are in points. The vert and horiz
    //units that get set default to the current measurement unit. We set it to points
    //so we can be sure of the value. We'll reset it later to the desired setting.
        horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
        verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;        // Ruler Units, vertical
    //General preference panel
        pageNumbering = PageNumberingOptions.section;    // Page Numbering, View
        toolTips = ToolTipOptions.normal;                    // Tool Tips
    // Not supported in CS4
    //    toolsPalette = ToolsPaletteOptions.doubleColumn;    // Floating Tool Palette
        completeFontDownloadGlyphLimit = 2000;                // Always Subset Fonts...
        try {
            //Wrapped in try/catch in case it is run with CS4 and earlier to avoid the error
            preventSelectingLockedItems = false;                // Needed for CS5+
        catch (e) {}
    //Type preference panel
    with (app.textEditingPreferences){
        tripleClickSelectsLine = true;    // Triple Click to Select a Line
        smartCutAndPaste = true;        // Adjust Spacing Automatically when Cutting and Pasting Words
        dragAndDropTextInLayout = false;    // Enable in Layout View
        allowDragAndDropTextInStory = true;    // Enable in Story Editor
        typographersQuotes = true;            // Use Typographer's Quotes
        useOpticalSize = true;                // Automatically Use Correct Optical Size
        scalingAdjustsText = true;            // Adjust Text Attributes when Scaling
        useParagraphLeading = false;    // Apply Leading to Entire Paragraphs
        linkTextFilesWhenImporting = false;    // Create Links when Placing Text and Spreadsheet Files
    // Missing following (Font Preview Size, Past All Information/Text Only)
    //Advanced Type preference panel
        superscriptSize = 58.3;                // Superscript, size
        superscriptPosition = 33.3;            // Superscript, position
        subscriptSize = 58.3;                // Subscript, size
        subscriptPosition = 33.3;            // Subscript, position
        smallCap = 70;                        // Smallcap
        inlineInput = false;                // Use Inline Input for Non-Latin Text
    //Composition preference panel
        highlightKeeps = false;                    // Keep Violations
        highlightHjViolations = false;            // H&J Violations
        highlightCustomSpacing = false;            // Custom Tracking/Kerning
        highlightSubstitutedFonts = true;    // Substituted Fonts
        highlightSubstitutedGlyphs = false;    // Substituted Glyphs
        justifyTextWraps = false;                // Justify Text Next to an Object
        abutTextToTextWrap = true;                // Skip by Leading
        zOrderTextWrap = false;                    // Text Wrap Only Affects Text Beneath
    //Units & Increments preference panel
        rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.spreadOrigin;                    // Ruler Units, origin
    //    These are set at the end of the script after all the changes have been made
    //    horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
    //    verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;        // Ruler Units, vertical
        pointsPerInch = 72;                    // Point/Pica Size, Points/Inch
        cursorKeyIncrement = 1;                // Keyboard Increment, Cursor Key
        baselineShiftKeyIncrement = 2;    // Keyboard Increment, Baseline Shift
        leadingKeyIncrement = 2;        // Keyboard Increment, Size/Leading
        kerningKeyIncrement = 20;            // Keyboard Increment, Kerning
    //Grids preference panel
        baselineColor = UIColors.lightBlue;    // Baseline Grid, Color
        baselineStart = 48;                        // Baseline Grid, Start
        baselineDivision = 6;                    // Baseline Grid, Increment Every
        baselineViewThreshold = 50;                // Baseline Grid, View Threshold
        baselineGridRelativeOption = BaselineGridRelativeOption.topOfPageOfBaselineGridRelativeOption;    // Baseline Grid, Relative To
        gridColor = UIColors.lightGray;            // Document Grid, Color
        horizontalGridlineDivision = 12;    // Document Grid, Horizontal, Gridline Every
        horizontalGridSubdivision = 12;            // Document Grid, Horizontal, Subdivisions
        verticalGridlineDivision = 12;            // Document Gird, Vertical, Gridline Every
        verticalGridSubdivision = 12;            // Document Grid, Vertical, Subdivisions
        gridsInBack = true;                        // Grids in Back
        documentGridSnapto = false;                // snap to grid or not
        documentGridShown = false;                // show document grid
    //Guides & Pasteboard preference panel
        marginGuideColor = UIColors.violet;                // Color, Margins
        columnGuideColor = UIColors.magenta;            // Color, Columns
        bleedGuideColor = UIColors.fiesta;                // Color, Bleed
        slugGuideColor = UIColors.gridBlue;                // Color, Slug
        previewBackgroundColor = UIColors.lightGray;    // Color, Preview Background
        minimumSpaceAboveAndBelow = 72;                    // Minimum Vertical Offset
        guideSnaptoZone = 4;                            // Snap to Zone
        guidesInBack = false;                            // Guides in Back
    //Dictionary preference panel
        composition = ComposeUsing.both;    // Hyphenatin Exceptions, Compose Using
        mergeUserDictionary = false;    // Merge User Dictionary into Document
        recomposeWhenChanged = true;    // Recompose All Stories When Modified
    // Missing (Lang, Hyph, Spelling, Double Quotes, Single Quotes)
    //Spelling preference panel
        checkMisspelledWords = true;                    // Find, Misspelled Words
        checkRepeatedWords = true;                        // Find, Repeated Words
        checkCapitalizedWords = true;                    // Find, Uncapitalized Words
        checkCapitalizedSentences = true;                // Find, Uncapitalized Sentences
        dynamicSpellCheck = true;                        // Enable Dynamic Spelling
        misspelledWordColor = UIColors.red;                // Color, Misspelled Words
        repeatedWordColor = UIColors.green;                // Color, Repeated Words
        uncapitalizedWordColor = UIColors.green;    // Color, Uncapitalized Words
        uncapitalizedSentenceColor = UIColors.green;    // Color, Uncapitalized Sentences
    //Autocorrect preference panel
        autoCorrect = true;                            // Enable Autocorrect
        autoCorrectCapitalizationErrors = false;    // Autocorrect Capitalization
    // Missing (Language, Misspelled word pairs)
    //Display Performance preference panel
        defaultDisplaySettings = ViewDisplaySettings.typical;    // Preserve Object-Level
        persistLocalSettings = false;
    // Missing (antialiasiing, greek below
    //Story Editor Display preference panel
        textColor = InCopyUIColors.black;                // Text Color
        backgroundColor = InCopyUIColors.white;            // Background
        smoothText = true;                                // Enable Anti-Aliasing
        antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.grayAntialiasing;    // Type
        cursorType = CursorTypes.standardCursor;    // Cursor Type
        blinkCursor = true;                                // Blink
    // Missing (Font, Size, Line Spacing & Theme)
    //File Handling preference panel
        includePreview = true;                        // Always Save Preview Images with Doc
        previewSize = PreviewSizeOptions.medium;    // Preview Size
        preferPDFWhenPasting = false;                // Prefer PDF When Pasting
        copyPDFToClipboard = true;                    // Copy PDF to Clipboard
        preservePdfClipboardAtQuit = false;            // Preserve PDF Data at Quit
    // Missing (Enable Version Cue)
    //    Optical margin (hanging punctuation, outside margins)
        opticalMarginAlignment = false;
        opticalMarginSize = 12;                // pts
    //Wrap Up (do at end of script)
    //Units & Increments preference panel
    //Must do this to make sure our units that we set are in points. The vert and horiz
    //units that get set default to the current measurement unit. We set it to points
    //so we can be sure of the value. We'll reset it later to the desired setting.
        horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.picas;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
        verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;    // Ruler Units, vertical
    //    These two flags are turned off to avoid the error message about
    //    missing image links when InDesign opens an ad. This can especially
    //    be a problem when doing batch processes.
        checkLinksAtOpen = false;            // checkbox: true/false
        findMissingLinksAtOpen = false;        // checkbox: true/false

  • What is the best way to import a graphic? & How do I create a text frame for a figure caption?

    Hello all! I've been working from the FM book for almost 2 hrs trying to figure this out, so now I need your help. I am almost to this point:
    Problem I: Importing a graphic
    First of all, which is the best way?
    -Insert an anchor frame and then import the graphic into the frame OR
    -Just insert the graphic and get the anchor frame by default
    Here’s my importing and sizing problem:
    I hit ENTER to make a new paragraph line (side note: the book says make a new paragraph by hitting ENTER, import the graphic, and then ESC m+p to shrink wrap so that you can avoid the graphic overlapping the above text. I do exactly this (I believe), but my graphic still overlaps the above text when I shrink wrap. What the...?)
    I insert an anchored frame with position Below Current Line and alignment CENTER (I chose to the insert anchor frame, since this way I have control over its alignment, correct?)
    Anchor frame is selected when I import my image file
    In the Imported Graphic Scaling box, what do I select if my file is HUGE (3072x2304)?
    -Fit in selected rectangle (when I choose this the image imports small and fits in the anchored frame with lots of white space around it)
    -72 dpi
    -75 dpi
    -150 dpi
    -300 dpi
    -Custom dpi: 96 (I’ve tried changing this to a smaller number (20) and I get a message that says “cannot handle a bitmap of that size.”)
    I’ve had the best luck with selecting FIT IN SELECTED RECTANGLE, and then I just scale the image with my shift+click. If I choose 72 dpi or Custom, my image imports HUGE, and I just can’t manage it. I don’t have a method for resizing these images outside of FM.
    Problem II: Creating a text frame for a caption
    Once I have chosen FIT IN SELECTED RECTANGLE, I try to insert a text box underneath the image (and inside the anchor frame) to type a caption in it.
    In Create New Text Frame box, the default is Number 1 and Gap 0.25. I click SET.
    Next, I double-click inside the text frame to begin typing, but the cursor is OUTSIDE and UNDERNEATH the text frame! What the heck??? I’ve done this before and it has worked just fine. Then I had another problem where when I did get the text inside the text frame, I would select the text frame to move it, and it left the text behind! (I moved the frame but the text was separated from it and left behind.)
    THANK YOU in advance for your help. I hope I wrote this out clearly enough. I appreciate those who respond. P.S. I'm in FM 10.

    My favorite method is to use a one-cell table for graphics and captions.
    Import the graphic by reference into the table cell. Create a "Caption"
    paragraph tag and assign it to the table title. (The title can be set
    for above or below the table cell. I prefer below.) Now, whenever you
    insert this table, it will be ready for graphic and caption. Another
    advantage of this method is that graphic and caption always stay
    together at page/column breaks.
    When you create the table format above, assign it to have a -2.0 space
    above. Then, create a paragraph tag, such as "TableAnchor" and assign it
    -2.0 pt font size and -2.0 space below. (You can substitute a different
    point size, but it must be the same in all three places. The TableAnchor
    paragraph will hold the table and these settings let tables fit against
    the top margin where necessary. Otherwise, they dip down a bit.
    I wrote this from memory, so I hope I remembered all the steps!

  • How to resize margins / text frames for a whole book?

    Hello, I am new to InDesign, but not Adobe software. I am trying to use InDesign to produce a book I have written for a university course I teach. I have 33 documents all together as an InDesign book. After I printed out some test pages I thought there should be more white space on all sides. I changed the margins by 5mm in the master page on the master document and then synced the book. Now the MARGINS have changed on all the documents, but the TEXT FRAMES remain unchanged. I know that I can change text frame sizes, by hand, but that would take forever. I can't find how I can automatically resize a whole book. Is this not possible?

    Before synching, you need to enable layout adjustment in each document (Layout > Layout adjustment). Since you have 33 documents, you might want to run this little script to do it for you:
    for (i = 0; i < app.documents.length; i++)
    app.documents[i].layoutAdjustmentPreferences.enableLayoutAdjustment = true;
    Open all the documents where Layout adjustment should be enabled and run the script.

  • To group images with created text frame and apply label for it...

    Hi Everyone,
    We are currently working in auto figure placements for CS3. I have placing the figures into the document. Then i am creating figure caption text frames below the images. Here the concern is i need to group these image and the text box. After this i have to place these images with captions into corresponding pages where the figures have been cited. Also suggest me how to place these images in center of the page as well as in top or bottom of the page margin.
    Can anyone help me for this. Your help will be much appreciated.
    Below is my modified script,
    var myPage;
    function main(){
        var myFilteredFiles;
        app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
        myExtensions = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".eps", ".ps", ".pdf", ".tif", ".tiff", ".gif", ".psd", ".ai"]
        var myFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select the folder containing the images", "");
        if(myFolder != null){
                if(File.fs == "Macintosh"){
                    myFilteredFiles = myMacOSFileFilter(myFolder);
                    myFilteredFiles = myWinOSFileFilter(myFolder);
                if(myFilteredFiles.length != 0){
                    for (j=0; j<myFilteredFiles.length; j++){
                        var myImages = myFilteredFiles[j];
    function myMacOSFileFilter(myFolder){
        var myFilteredFiles = myFolder.getFiles(myFileFilter);
        return myFilteredFiles;
    function myFileFilter(myFile){
        var myFileType = myFile.type;
        switch (myFileType){
            case "JPEG":
            case "EPSF":
            case "PICT":
            case "TIFF":
            case "8BPS":
            case "GIFf":
            case "PDF ":
                return true;
            for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter<myExtensions.length; myCounter++){
                var myExtension = myExtensions[myCounter];    
                    return true;
        return false;   
    //To find cited pages
    function citePage(myInst){
        app.findGrepPreferences = app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.NOTHING;
        app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat="(?<=Figure \\d\\.)\\d";
        var myFind=app.findGrep(false);
        myPage = myFind[myInst].characters.item(0).parentTextFrames[0].parent;
        return myPage.name;
    Thanks Regards

    The shadow effect has to have something to be applied on, but by default text frames borders and fills are invisible.
    If you set the border of your frame to a color & thickness, you'll see it gets a shadow of its own, independent of the text. (Try it with dotted and dashed lines!)
    Additionally, if you set the fill of your text frame to a solid color, you'll see the single solid shadow you were expecting.

  • Scrollable Text Frame bug?

    Hello fellow DPS users,
    I seem to have activated a weird bug with the Scrollable Text Frame but I hope I can solve it with your help.
    I've tried everything I can think of already but without good success.
    Here is the problem. I have a page that looks like this:
    So this is how it should look like and how it does look like. The red square in the left upper corner with the white text is actually a scrollable text frame which  you can pull down to get more text within a white square. The problem is, the text is above the red square and I want it to come down when you pull. So I can't set the "Initial Content Position" to "Upper Left". That's why I'm using "Use Document Position". But for it to show like I want (like in the image above) my InDesign document looks like this:
    No problem, you think, I solved it. Well, not exactly. Since when I go to the real thing and test it, it initially looks good, but when I go into story view I get this:
    So in story view it still shows the exact position like in the InDesign document... But in the page itself it does show well. The real problem though, is that it doesn't use the exact document position but apparantly 10 to 20 pixels below it. So it actually shows incorrectly in the page, and in story view it shows the real thing.
    Can anyone help me? Is this a known issue or am I forgetting something?
    Thanks, Julien.

    Well here is an update: In stead of pulling the red square down and using the "Use Document Position" as a starting position, I tried pulling it up so I CAN use the "Upper Left" for starting position.
    It works like a charm, but still I rather want to pull down. But now I at least know it's the "Use Document Position" that's not working correctly.
    Anyone know a workaround? Or else Adobe can put it on their todo list
    Another thing for Adobe Developers to put on their todo list if they happen to read this:
    If you upload your own table of contents preview you cannot undo this.
    And you cannot upload your own storyview previews.
    Maybe for in the future

  • Assign text to a text frame Indesign CS4 JC

    I have a little challenge. I assigned text to a text frame many times, but the line wouldn't work now. Could you help me with it:
    var myNumber = app.activeDocument.selection[0];
    if (myNumber instanceof Rectangle){
        myNumber.fillColor = "White";
    catch (e){
    alert ("Please create and select Rectangle");
    myNumber.contentType = ContentType.TEXT_TYPE;
    //myNumber = String ();
    myNumber.contents = "mamma";
    It wouldn't input my value into the frame (the pink line).
    Thank you very much for your help.

    //Try this
        var myNumber = app.selection[0];
            if (myNumber instanceof Rectangle){
                myNumber.fillColor = "Paper";
        catch (e){
            alert ("Please create and select Rectangle");
        myNumber.contentType = 1952412773;
        //Seems to have lost the reference to the Rectangle
        app.selection[0].texts[0].contents = "Test";
    } else {
        alert("No items selected");

  • Can't See Text or Select Text Frame

    I'm formatting a book in InDesign. On one of my two-page spreads, the text and its text frames have disappeared. I can see and select these objects in the Layers panel, so I can verify that the text frames are still there and are positioned correctly on the pages... but on the spread itself, I'm unable to see the text or click the frames to select anything. The rest of the pages in the book look fine...

    This is after having right-clicked on those objects in the layers panel and choosing "Select Item(s)" ... if I were to go over now and click inside one of the text frames in the spread, it would disappear, leaving me with only the pink-purple page margin lines directly beneath the text frame's borders.

  • Hairline between adjacent text frames

    The attached Indesign CS4 document has two text frames with a black background that touch near the bottom of the document.  When I look at this document in preview mode in InDesign, there is a horizontal hairline between the two text frames.  When I export this document as a pdf the hairline is not present.
    Does anyone know what is causing this?

    I thnink this is a display anomaly. That white line is really the graphic behind the upper frame showing through, which will become much more apparent if you remove the stroke from the two frames. It seems to disappear if you zoom in.

  • Need to convert all text frames to intinal caps.

    Hi All,
    I need to convert all text frames in the eps files the text should be first letter to be caps.
    " The Example Text In The Discussion"   to be " The example text in the discussion "
    I am manually converting around 350 Eps files daily,
    Any help!!!

    Hi Larry,
    Thanks for the reply.
    Yes, excatly we do manually by Type>Change Case>Sentence Case
    But i need this to be done in scripting. My Knowledge in scripting is not good.
    Could you please help me regarding this issue.

  • Text will NOT align to top of text frame

    The text is low in the text frame even though the vertical justification is set to align TOP in the text frame options and the first baseline offset is set to Ascent in baseline options. There is no baseline shift or inset set and align to baseline grid is NOT selected. Any ideas how to fix it so the text is at the top of the box? Thanks!

    @gtingley – did you try:
    1. Copy/Paste the text frame to a fresh document?
    2. Export as IDMS (snippet) file and place it again?
    Just out of fun, did you try to copy/paste the text to a new text frame? Is a object format applied to the text frame? (Just fishing in the dark.)

  • Some pages use master text frame, others don't. Fix?

    It turns out in my document, some of my pages have a master text frame and others don't. Many don't. It must be the way I created the frames, accidentally creating independent frames. Is there a fool proof way not to accieentally create independent frames and is there a good way to make sure all these pages with independent frames are turned back into master text frames?
    What I can do is delete the independent frame, then link the previous frame to the inside of the master text frame (I think I used to drop the link on a ruler too often and that creates an independent frame that is in most cases indistinguishable from a master text frame). This is tedious to do for the entire document. Is there an easier way?

    It sounds like you understand what happened. Clicking the place gun cusror on any type of guide will ignore your master frames. Overriding a master text frame before placing the text and Shift-clicking in the overridden frame will also ignore the master frames on subsequent pages.
    The bes thing you can do is keep your eyse open to watch the shape of the cursor. If ID is going to use an existing frame the cursor will be surrounded by parentheses and a new frame will use a cursor with a square upper left corner. You should also develop the habit of clicking in empty areas away from guides if you are using existing frames -- you don't need to click at the top of these frames.
    It's also possible that you did everything correctly and you are working in a facing pages file and at some point added or deleted a single page somewhere other than the end. That would cause all following pages to switch sides and master objects would be reapplied behind any overridden frames.
    There is no easy way to deal with extra frames. If they are not causing a problem you may be able to simply ignore them.

  • InDesign Text frame options - how to reset?

    Working in InDesign CC 2014.
    I have somehow set my text frame options so that when I use the type tool to create a text frame, columns are added as I make the box wider.
    I know that I want Columns - Fixed number of 1, because I  have found the settings I want by opening a new doc and creating a basic text frame and looking at the settings.
    In my working doc, when I change the text frame option settings, they will not "stick" and I can only create text frames with columns, and the width increases incrementally.
    Only way I can make the basic text frames I want is to copy a basic empty frame from a new doc and paste into my working doc.
    How can I get the settings I make to "stick"?

    Open the Basic Text Frame Object Style, and fix your column settings there. Your new text boxes are based on those settings.

  • Object - Text Frame Options

    Why do my Object, text frame options, inset spacing settings change when I close and open my document.I set my inset spacing to 0.125 an all and when I close the document and open it later it is all set back to 0.  Any suggestions?  My defalut settings are 0.125

    I did this.  I open in design but no doc's set inset to .125 and  then open a doc and it is set to 0.125.  I use it and save it when I open it again it is set at 0.  But the pages I created previously are set to 0.125.  Could it be something else in a default somewhere?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Error While attaching LE to OU(

    Hi all, While attaching LE to Operating unit in HRMS i am getting dis error. Appln is "ID & ID for the flexfield segment Legal Entity does not exist in the value set HR_ORGDDF_OUI_LEGAL_ENTITY. (VALUE=112) Thanks Dinesh

  • Itunes upgrade killed my sound, music scroll bar doesn't move

    After upgrading to on 1/30/2011 all sound ceased on my system. Updated the sound card driver to no avail. No conflict in compatability mode. When song selected in iTunes, the play bar doesn't move nor do movies have audio in quicktime. Ther

  • Time Machine and File Transfer to a new hard drive -- Permissions

    24May2011 Apple Discussions:         I have a 2 TByte external hard drive that I use to back up a 1TB internal hard drive.  I use time machine.         I got a serious warning that my 2 TB drive is going bad and i need to reformat the disk AFTER I st

  • Photoshop CC 2014 doesn't recognize my ATI 4870

    Hello guys, I have just installed Windows 8.1 + all updates. After that of course the Photoshop CC 2014 was installed cause I work a lot with my photos. Earlier I had win 7 64bit and now win 8.1 64bit. I have a problem cause PS CC doesn't recognize m

  • JDBC Receiver INSET & UPDATE

    Hi All: How can we do INSERT and UPDATE in tables from XI. Like I have on JDBC receiver MT.(with one action field) Now if later I need to do INSERT or UPDATE how can I achive UPDATE at that time. Can some one explain me with concrete concepts or exam