InDesign Text frame options - how to reset?

Working in InDesign CC 2014.
I have somehow set my text frame options so that when I use the type tool to create a text frame, columns are added as I make the box wider.
I know that I want Columns - Fixed number of 1, because I  have found the settings I want by opening a new doc and creating a basic text frame and looking at the settings.
In my working doc, when I change the text frame option settings, they will not "stick" and I can only create text frames with columns, and the width increases incrementally.
Only way I can make the basic text frames I want is to copy a basic empty frame from a new doc and paste into my working doc.
How can I get the settings I make to "stick"?

Open the Basic Text Frame Object Style, and fix your column settings there. Your new text boxes are based on those settings.

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  • Set top and bottom inset spacing values in Text Frame Options via jsx script

    I am looking for a way to set the top and bottom inset spacing values only to 2 points in Text Frame Options via a .jsx scrpt.
    For years, I have used a script that sets Preferences, such as:
        opticalMarginAlignment = false;
        opticalMarginSize = 12;                // pts
    I would like to add the code to this same script that would make Top = 0p2 and Bottom 0p2 but leave Left and Right as 0p0.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Here is the full .jsx file that we now use to set preferences.
    Ideally, this could be modified to include setting any text frame created to have 0p2 inset Top and Bottom, but 0p0 Left and Right:
    //An InDesign CS2 JavaScript
    //Sets the application text defaults, which will become the text defaults for all
    //new documents. Existing documents will remain unchanged.
        alignToBaseline = false;        // align to baseline grid
        try {
    //        appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Times New Roman");
            appliedFont = app.fonts.item("Helvetica");
        catch (e) {}
        try {
            fontStyle = "Medium";
        catch (e) {}
        autoleading = 100;
        balanceRaggedLines = false;
        baselineShift = 0;
        capitalization = Capitalization.normal;
        composer = "Adobe Paragraph Composer";
        desiredGlyphScaling = 100;
        desiredLetterSpacing = 0;
        desiredWordSpacing = 100;
        dropCapCharacters = 0;
        if (dropCapCharacters != 0) {
            dropCapLines = 3;
            //Assumes that the application has a default character style named "myDropCap"
            //dropCapStyle = app.characterStyles.item("myDropCap");
        fillColor = app.colors.item("Black");
        fillTint = 100;
        firstLineIndent = "0pt";
    //    firstLineIndent = "14pt";
        gridAlignFirstLineOnly = false;
        horizontalScale = 100;
        hyphenateAfterFirst = 3;
        hyphenateBeforeLast = 4;
        hyphenateCapitalizedWords = false;
        hyphenateLadderLimit = 1;
        hyphenateWordsLongerThan = 5;
        hyphenation = true;
        hyphenationZone = "3p";
        hyphenWeight = 9;
        justification = Justification.leftAlign;
        keepAllLinesTogether = false;
        keepLinesTogether = true;
        keepFirstLines = 2;
        keepLastLines = 2;
        keepWithNext = 0;
        kerningMethod = "Optical";
        kerningValue = 0;
        leading = 6.3;
    //    leading = 14;
        leftIndent = 0;
        ligatures = true;
        maximumGlyphScaling = 100;
        maximumLetterSpacing = 0;
        maximumWordSpacing = 160;
        minimumGlyphScaling = 100;
        minimumLetterSpacing = 0;
        minimumWordSpacing = 80;
        noBreak = false;
        otfContextualAlternate = true;
        otfDiscretionaryLigature = true;
        otfFigureStyle = OTFFigureStyle.proportionalOldstyle;
        otfFraction = true;
        otfHistorical = true;
        otfOrdinal = false;
        otfSlashedZero = true;
        otfSwash = false;
        otfTitling = false;
        overprintFill = false;
        overprintStroke = false;
        pointSize = 6.3;
    //    pointSize = 11;
        position = Position.normal;
        rightIndent = 0;
        ruleAbove = false;
        if(ruleAbove == true){
            ruleAboveColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            ruleAboveGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            ruleAboveGapOverprint = false;
            ruleAboveGapTint = 100;
            ruleAboveLeftIndent = 0;
            ruleAboveLineWeight = .25;
            ruleAboveOffset = 14;
            ruleAboveOverprint = false;
            ruleAboveRightIndent = 0;
            ruleAboveTint = 100;
            ruleAboveType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            ruleAboveWidth = RuleWidth.columnWidth;
        ruleBelow = false;
        if(ruleBelow == true){
            ruleBelowColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            ruleBelowGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            ruleBelowGapOverprint = false;
            ruleBelowGapTint = 100;
            ruleBelowLeftIndent = 0;
            ruleBelowLineWeight = .25;
            ruleBelowOffset = 0;
            ruleBelowOverprint = false;
            ruleBelowRightIndent = 0;
            ruleBelowTint = 100;
            ruleBelowType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            ruleBelowWidth = RuleWidth.columnWidth;
        singleWordJustification = SingleWordJustification.leftAlign;
        skew = 0;
        spaceAfter = 0;
        spaceBefore = 0;
        startParagraph = StartParagraph.anywhere;
        strikeThru = false;
        if(strikeThru == true){
            strikeThroughColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            strikeThroughGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            strikeThroughGapOverprint = false;
            strikeThroughGapTint = 100;
            strikeThroughOffset = 3;
            strikeThroughOverprint = false;
            strikeThroughTint = 100;
            strikeThroughType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            strikeThroughWeight = .25;
        strokeColor = app.swatches.item("None");
        strokeTint = 100;
        strokeWeight = 0;
        tracking = 0;
        underline = false;
        if(underline == true){
            underlineColor = app.colors.item("Black");
            underlineGapColor = app.swatches.item("None");
            underlineGapOverprint = false;
            underlineGapTint = 100;
            underlineOffset = 3;
            underlineOverprint = false;
            underlineTint = 100;
            underlineType = app.strokeStyles.item("Solid");
            underlineWeight = .25
        verticalScale = 100;
    //Units & Increments preference panel
    //Must do this to make sure our units that we set are in points. The vert and horiz
    //units that get set default to the current measurement unit. We set it to points
    //so we can be sure of the value. We'll reset it later to the desired setting.
        horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
        verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;        // Ruler Units, vertical
    //General preference panel
        pageNumbering = PageNumberingOptions.section;    // Page Numbering, View
        toolTips = ToolTipOptions.normal;                    // Tool Tips
    // Not supported in CS4
    //    toolsPalette = ToolsPaletteOptions.doubleColumn;    // Floating Tool Palette
        completeFontDownloadGlyphLimit = 2000;                // Always Subset Fonts...
        try {
            //Wrapped in try/catch in case it is run with CS4 and earlier to avoid the error
            preventSelectingLockedItems = false;                // Needed for CS5+
        catch (e) {}
    //Type preference panel
    with (app.textEditingPreferences){
        tripleClickSelectsLine = true;    // Triple Click to Select a Line
        smartCutAndPaste = true;        // Adjust Spacing Automatically when Cutting and Pasting Words
        dragAndDropTextInLayout = false;    // Enable in Layout View
        allowDragAndDropTextInStory = true;    // Enable in Story Editor
        typographersQuotes = true;            // Use Typographer's Quotes
        useOpticalSize = true;                // Automatically Use Correct Optical Size
        scalingAdjustsText = true;            // Adjust Text Attributes when Scaling
        useParagraphLeading = false;    // Apply Leading to Entire Paragraphs
        linkTextFilesWhenImporting = false;    // Create Links when Placing Text and Spreadsheet Files
    // Missing following (Font Preview Size, Past All Information/Text Only)
    //Advanced Type preference panel
        superscriptSize = 58.3;                // Superscript, size
        superscriptPosition = 33.3;            // Superscript, position
        subscriptSize = 58.3;                // Subscript, size
        subscriptPosition = 33.3;            // Subscript, position
        smallCap = 70;                        // Smallcap
        inlineInput = false;                // Use Inline Input for Non-Latin Text
    //Composition preference panel
        highlightKeeps = false;                    // Keep Violations
        highlightHjViolations = false;            // H&J Violations
        highlightCustomSpacing = false;            // Custom Tracking/Kerning
        highlightSubstitutedFonts = true;    // Substituted Fonts
        highlightSubstitutedGlyphs = false;    // Substituted Glyphs
        justifyTextWraps = false;                // Justify Text Next to an Object
        abutTextToTextWrap = true;                // Skip by Leading
        zOrderTextWrap = false;                    // Text Wrap Only Affects Text Beneath
    //Units & Increments preference panel
        rulerOrigin = RulerOrigin.spreadOrigin;                    // Ruler Units, origin
    //    These are set at the end of the script after all the changes have been made
    //    horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
    //    verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;        // Ruler Units, vertical
        pointsPerInch = 72;                    // Point/Pica Size, Points/Inch
        cursorKeyIncrement = 1;                // Keyboard Increment, Cursor Key
        baselineShiftKeyIncrement = 2;    // Keyboard Increment, Baseline Shift
        leadingKeyIncrement = 2;        // Keyboard Increment, Size/Leading
        kerningKeyIncrement = 20;            // Keyboard Increment, Kerning
    //Grids preference panel
        baselineColor = UIColors.lightBlue;    // Baseline Grid, Color
        baselineStart = 48;                        // Baseline Grid, Start
        baselineDivision = 6;                    // Baseline Grid, Increment Every
        baselineViewThreshold = 50;                // Baseline Grid, View Threshold
        baselineGridRelativeOption = BaselineGridRelativeOption.topOfPageOfBaselineGridRelativeOption;    // Baseline Grid, Relative To
        gridColor = UIColors.lightGray;            // Document Grid, Color
        horizontalGridlineDivision = 12;    // Document Grid, Horizontal, Gridline Every
        horizontalGridSubdivision = 12;            // Document Grid, Horizontal, Subdivisions
        verticalGridlineDivision = 12;            // Document Gird, Vertical, Gridline Every
        verticalGridSubdivision = 12;            // Document Grid, Vertical, Subdivisions
        gridsInBack = true;                        // Grids in Back
        documentGridSnapto = false;                // snap to grid or not
        documentGridShown = false;                // show document grid
    //Guides & Pasteboard preference panel
        marginGuideColor = UIColors.violet;                // Color, Margins
        columnGuideColor = UIColors.magenta;            // Color, Columns
        bleedGuideColor = UIColors.fiesta;                // Color, Bleed
        slugGuideColor = UIColors.gridBlue;                // Color, Slug
        previewBackgroundColor = UIColors.lightGray;    // Color, Preview Background
        minimumSpaceAboveAndBelow = 72;                    // Minimum Vertical Offset
        guideSnaptoZone = 4;                            // Snap to Zone
        guidesInBack = false;                            // Guides in Back
    //Dictionary preference panel
        composition = ComposeUsing.both;    // Hyphenatin Exceptions, Compose Using
        mergeUserDictionary = false;    // Merge User Dictionary into Document
        recomposeWhenChanged = true;    // Recompose All Stories When Modified
    // Missing (Lang, Hyph, Spelling, Double Quotes, Single Quotes)
    //Spelling preference panel
        checkMisspelledWords = true;                    // Find, Misspelled Words
        checkRepeatedWords = true;                        // Find, Repeated Words
        checkCapitalizedWords = true;                    // Find, Uncapitalized Words
        checkCapitalizedSentences = true;                // Find, Uncapitalized Sentences
        dynamicSpellCheck = true;                        // Enable Dynamic Spelling
        misspelledWordColor =;                // Color, Misspelled Words
        repeatedWordColor =;                // Color, Repeated Words
        uncapitalizedWordColor =;    // Color, Uncapitalized Words
        uncapitalizedSentenceColor =;    // Color, Uncapitalized Sentences
    //Autocorrect preference panel
        autoCorrect = true;                            // Enable Autocorrect
        autoCorrectCapitalizationErrors = false;    // Autocorrect Capitalization
    // Missing (Language, Misspelled word pairs)
    //Display Performance preference panel
        defaultDisplaySettings = ViewDisplaySettings.typical;    // Preserve Object-Level
        persistLocalSettings = false;
    // Missing (antialiasiing, greek below
    //Story Editor Display preference panel
        textColor =;                // Text Color
        backgroundColor = InCopyUIColors.white;            // Background
        smoothText = true;                                // Enable Anti-Aliasing
        antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.grayAntialiasing;    // Type
        cursorType = CursorTypes.standardCursor;    // Cursor Type
        blinkCursor = true;                                // Blink
    // Missing (Font, Size, Line Spacing & Theme)
    //File Handling preference panel
        includePreview = true;                        // Always Save Preview Images with Doc
        previewSize = PreviewSizeOptions.medium;    // Preview Size
        preferPDFWhenPasting = false;                // Prefer PDF When Pasting
        copyPDFToClipboard = true;                    // Copy PDF to Clipboard
        preservePdfClipboardAtQuit = false;            // Preserve PDF Data at Quit
    // Missing (Enable Version Cue)
    //    Optical margin (hanging punctuation, outside margins)
        opticalMarginAlignment = false;
        opticalMarginSize = 12;                // pts
    //Wrap Up (do at end of script)
    //Units & Increments preference panel
    //Must do this to make sure our units that we set are in points. The vert and horiz
    //units that get set default to the current measurement unit. We set it to points
    //so we can be sure of the value. We'll reset it later to the desired setting.
        horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.picas;    // Ruler Units, horizontal
        verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;    // Ruler Units, vertical
    //    These two flags are turned off to avoid the error message about
    //    missing image links when InDesign opens an ad. This can especially
    //    be a problem when doing batch processes.
        checkLinksAtOpen = false;            // checkbox: true/false
        findMissingLinksAtOpen = false;        // checkbox: true/false

  • Object - Text Frame Options

    Why do my Object, text frame options, inset spacing settings change when I close and open my document.I set my inset spacing to 0.125 an all and when I close the document and open it later it is all set back to 0.  Any suggestions?  My defalut settings are 0.125

    I did this.  I open in design but no doc's set inset to .125 and  then open a doc and it is set to 0.125.  I use it and save it when I open it again it is set at 0.  But the pages I created previously are set to 0.125.  Could it be something else in a default somewhere?

  • Text Frame Options. Room for Side Heads added without warning

    Hi -
    I just got asked this and have no clue how to help. Anyone know what this is?
    Every now and then, my Frame file will –apparently on its own – reset most of its text frames into having room for side heads.  Makes for lots of bad labels on graphics – everything’s suddenly offset and scrolling off the bottom.
    This will happen suddenly.  It will usually be only one or two chapters in a book, but if I ignore it has been known spread like the black death throughout the book.
    The only solution I’ve found so far has been to revert to a backup or touch each text frame individually.  Setting properties for two at a time messes up location on the page.

    HI -
    Here's what I heard back.
    I believe it’s for everything except main text flow, including headers&footers on master pages, and special elements on unused master pages.
    It appears to be spontaneous, but I can’t guarantee that.
    I don’t use MIFs, and I’m pretty sure no one else does.
    Yes to formatting imports , because we frequently change variables in one chapter and copy them back to the rest (esp date doc was last edited – not same as print date per our regulatory agency.)   Likewise conditional text.  We know not to copy from a file into itself in a book, although it has happened and we do exchange manuals between revisions at times.

  • Why are InDesign text frames uneditable, or converted to outlined objects, when opened in CS4?

    When opening a CS3 Layout in CS4 to make client text changes, all the text frame box edges (on their appropriate layers) are shown as dotted lines, and none of the type is editable!
    I restored the old version, and opened in CS3 old version, and the same thing applies! Arggggh - there must be a frame preference that I don't know about or an instruction accidentally given.
    How do I convert the text boxes back to editable regions? Got a deadline and am miffed.
    I am a 20 year veteran of Pagemaker/Indesign/CS and this has never happened to me before!

    Dotted lines for frame edges means that the item is on the Master Page. That’s why you can’t edit items, because they are on the Master, not on the numbered page. Either Command-Shift-click on the object to edit it or edit it on the Master Page. You should find out why so much of the document was built on the Master Page. Either the designer meant this to be a template for multiple existing or future pages, or someone just wasn’t paying attention and didn’t realize they were designing on the Master.

  • InDesign Text Field Options

    I want to create a variety of text fields in InDesign for an interactive PDF with options such as font, font size, date, numbers only, alignment, etc, options that are all available in Acrobat.
    The idea is to create all the text fields in InDesign without the help of Acrobat as we have a lot of forms and we always have a lot of changes in the forms.
    Currently, when we have changes in the forms, we have to do them in InDesign, export, and then do all the form fields in Acrobat again, which is a terrible worklflow.
    Is there any possibility to do these text field options in InDesign?
    Thanks for any help!

    @Steve – I found no time for testing this, but maybe a script by Marijan Tompa (TOMAXXI) could be of great help.
    Read about here: hp
    Download recent version 1.8 of tomaxxiFORMS (scroll down a bit if necessary):

  • Text Frame Options

    Hi, I am using CS6 in Saudi-Arabia. When I put a new text frame with more than one column on a page, the cursor automatically jumps to the right column. In English texts I can't get it to start on the top of the left column. Who can help?

    Are using indesgn ME?, try to draw text frame with Type Tool (T) and not ME Type Tool, and make sure the language is english on control panel.

  • Adding a graphic or photo behind a text frame in InDesign CS

    Hi Everyone,
    I'm hoping I can get some help please on a problem I'm having. I'm switching from QuarkxPress to InDesign CS -  after having it for nearly six years! - thought it was time learn InDesign. So far, I really like it. But, I've discovered a small problem I never encountered with Quark but I'm having it with InDesign. I have placed a vector graphic separately behind a Headline text frame (also tried a photograph). For some reason, the vector graphic totally covers up the Headline text. I have tried "send to back," that didn't work, it still covered the text. I made sure that there was no fill color at all. I even tried putting the graphic on a separate layer "behind" the Headline text and that still won't work. Could someone please help me. I would so appreciate it.

    Does your image use text wrap? Unlike Quark, by default InDesign's text wrap affects text both in front and behind the wrapped object. This is good becasue if you use transparency you want the text onthe very top to prevent unwanted outlining or rasterization at ooutput. You can change the behavior to mimic Quark in the application preferences, or you can open the text frame options for a frame you don't want to be affected and check the box to Ignore Text Wrap.
    The other posiblility is a stacking order problem. If your text is on a master page it will be behind any objects onthe same or higher layer on the document page. On any given layer, master objects are always behind live objects on the page.

  • Text will NOT align to top of text frame

    The text is low in the text frame even though the vertical justification is set to align TOP in the text frame options and the first baseline offset is set to Ascent in baseline options. There is no baseline shift or inset set and align to baseline grid is NOT selected. Any ideas how to fix it so the text is at the top of the box? Thanks!

    @gtingley – did you try:
    1. Copy/Paste the text frame to a fresh document?
    2. Export as IDMS (snippet) file and place it again?
    Just out of fun, did you try to copy/paste the text to a new text frame? Is a object format applied to the text frame? (Just fishing in the dark.)

  • Multiple columns within a single text frame

    Is it at all possible to make a single text frame containing first a single column followed by two columns?
    Why: I need to have my heading expanding across my two column body text. What's important is that I need the two column body text to automatically drop whenever I type (or paste) in more text in my heading. Like it would if the heading and body text was in a single column.
    My text frame options (I work in CS3) do not give me this option, I can only work in one "frame set". I have tried fixing this problem with combinations of tables, multiple text frames and text wrap, but nothing really works.

    Thank you Peter.
    Yes I did try it.
    InDesign CS3 just gives me this alert:
    I also tryed copying the files (HeadStraddler.jsx and HeadStraddler.indl) into a folder like you suggested.
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe InDesign CS3\Scripts\Scripts Panel\Version 4.0 Scripts\HeadStraddlerForCS2.
    But I just get the same alert.

  • Cursor events in text frame

    hi, i am new to pluigin concept.
    i am creating one tracking plugin,for that i need where ever cusor goes the character style has to applied.
    pls tell how to make cursor events in Indesign Text frame.

    You were looking for the wrong text. Look just for the initial number, ^\d+, nothing else. Then use the loop counter to change the numbers, as in this code:
    app.findGrepPreferences = null;
    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = '^\\d+'
    numbers = app.selection[0].parentStory.findGrep();
    for (i = numbers.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        numbers[i].contents = String(i+1)
    Select the frame that holds your text and run the script.

  • How to make separate/individual text frame from one parent frame in indesign with javascript

    Hi all,
    Please suugest - how to make separate/individual text frame from one parent frame in indesign with javascript.

    @Larry – ah, your interpretation could be the right one…
    May I rephrase the question:
    "How to split threaded text frames to single ones?"
    "SplitStory.jsx" or "BreakFrame.jsx" under Scripts/Samples indeed could be the answer.
    From the comments in the code of "BreakFrame.jsx":
    //Removes the selected text frame (or text frames) from the
    //story containing the text frame and removes the text contained
    //by the text frame from the story.
    //If you want to split *all* of the text fames in the story, use the
    //SplitStory.jsx script.

  • How do I unthread text frames in CS4 InDesign Mac?

    I've looked everywhere and tried what I found in Adobe help. I can't FOR THE LIFE OF ME figure out how to unthread text frames in InDesign CS4 [Mac].
    Please help. I know it must be simple.
    Thank you,

    Run the SplitStory scipt thats in the samples in the scripts panel.
    A waord of caution, though. Splitting a threaded story caused ID to treat the text at the top of each frame as a new paragraph, even if it was caninued from a previous frame. This can result in unwanted changes like an indent, if such is called for in the paragraph style, or an extra number or bullet item in a list.

  • How to disable Incopy option for a text frame

    Hi All,
    I encounter a document contains a lot of text boxes out of them one has a strange textframe. On right click this textframe I am unable to view 'Incopy' option.
    Isn't it strange?
    Does anyone know how to do it ?
    Please help.

    Hi Peter,
    I have tried to recover the document as suggested in the post you refere. My problem is still same.
    I figured out that, the story is bound to a xml structure with lots of tags according to the xml structure. If I do 'untag frame' then I am able to export this frame as Incopy story. Still I didn't know what exactly is the issue. As I am able to export other text frames which has tagged content.
    Is it related with tagged content which is tightly bound with xml tags ? Any ideas ??

  • How to enable the script label of a text frames in indesign using applescript

    hi all,
    am using Indesign CS2 with applescript..
    Using script I have to open a template in indesign and flow the word document into it...
    I can able to flow the word document into the template using "Place" command..but script labels of the text frames gets disabled...
    I need the script labels to be enabled...
    can anybody help me
    thanks in advance

    Script labels can't be disabled, so I'm not sure what your problem is -- perhaps seeing some code could help. Could it be that you're referencing a page item by label, but it is not responding because the item is part of a group?
    Shane Stanley <[email protected]>
    AppleScript Pro Sessions <>

Maybe you are looking for