White cross over new Application

I have been working on a new application with XCode, and found how to create a new icon for the application - but now there appears a white cross over the icon when I run it. I am using XCode 2.5 on Leopard 10.5.5. Even if I have the default NSApplication icon (with the ruler and the paint brush) the white cross still appears. Any ideas what I have done.
Looking at previous posts, the only semi-relevant one is here: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=7704016&#7704016 - but it doesn't solve the issue (I took the *.icns file, renamed it without the file extension, but same problem).
??? - I'll try to set my avatar to the cross I am talking about. Thanks - JN

I strongly suggest posting to the software development forum under OS X Technologies.

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    Hi Jaun,
    Are you running in an admin account?
    In Finder do a Get Info on those 2 Apps & see if they're Locked or what rights it says you have.

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    hello, it sounds like the library is damaged.
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
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    Do you remember the days when Apple wrote robust code ?  The latest updates have not been great. 
    Maybe the programers are outsourced to a foriegn country now or Noobs out of school ?
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    After Edit:
    Here's  what happens if I attempt to use the Redeye reduction tool:
    As you can see Mavericks may have made some improvements but overall it does not get the job done as it used to.
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    Where in that other topic is the manufacturer of the graphic card or even a graphic card mentioned.?  You may have known what kind of card you had but we're not mind readers.
    Since it appears to be a incompatibility between that particular card, Mavericks and iPhoto you should keep telling Apple about it by contacting them via
    whichever is appropriate for your particular situation.  It's the squeaky wheel that gets the attention.

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    VALIDATE_FEE_CATEGORY_3=Feecategory with this FeeCategory does not exist
    VALIDATE_ACADEMIC_TERM36=Academicterm with this EffectiveTermStart does not exist
    VALIDATE_ACADEMIC_TERM36_CASDEL=Cannot delete Academicterm while dependent Specialexchange exists
    VALIDATE_ACADEMIC_TERM37=Academicterm with this EffectiveTermEnd does not exist
    VALIDATE_ACADEMIC_TERM37_CASDEL=Cannot delete Academicterm while dependent Specialexchange exists
    VALIDATE_CURRENCY23=Currency with this Currency does not exist
    VALIDATE_CURRENCY23_CASDEL=Cannot delete Currency while dependent Specialexchange exists
    VALIDATE_FEE_CATEGORY_3=Feecategory with this FeeCategory does not exist
    VALIDATE_FEE_CATEGORY_3_CASDEL=Cannot delete Feecategory while dependent Specialexchange exists
    These constraints are found in the Entities .xml files  as shown below.  We are using a re-usable business components .jar file to import them in.
          <Attr Name="_DBObjectName" Value="UNIQUE_FEE_CATEGORY"/>
        <AttrArray Name="Attributes">
          <Item Value="its.sis.uwbm.AREdit.entityobjects.Specialexchange.Currency"/>
          <Attr Name="_referencedKey" Value="UNIQUE_ACADTERM_CODE"/>
          <Attr Name="_isForeign" Value="true"/>
          <Attr Name="_DBObjectName" Value="VALIDATE_ACADEMIC_TERM36"/>
        <AttrArray Name="Attributes">
          <Attr Name="_referencedKey" Value="UNIQUE_ACADTERM_CODE"/>
          <Attr Name="_isForeign" Value="true"/>
          <Attr Name="_DBObjectName" Value="VALIDATE_ACADEMIC_TERM37"/>
        <AttrArray Name="Attributes">
          <Attr Name="_referencedKey" Value="UNIQUE_CURRENCY_CODE"/>
          <Attr Name="_isForeign" Value="true"/>
          <Attr Name="_DBObjectName" Value="VALIDATE_CURRENCY23"/>
        <AttrArray Name="Attributes">
          <Item Value="its.sis.uwbm.AREdit.entityobjects.Specialexchange.Currency"/>
          <Attr Name="_referencedKey" Value="UNIQUE_FEECAT_CODE"/>
          <Attr Name="_isForeign" Value="true"/>
          <Attr Name="_DBObjectName" Value="VALIDATE_FEE_CATEGORY_3"/>
        <AttrArray Name="Attributes">
        Is this a known bug (I have searched and havent found it) and is there anything that I can do about it without having to manually add the messages?

    Hi Everyone:
               I have done some further testing.  We are using a re-usable Business Components .jar file to access our entities.  We import the .jar file into the project and create the ViewObjects and ViewLinks from that .jar file.
                It APPEARS that a test case using the HRSchema and using the Entities & Associates generates the constraint error messages, but when I use the .jar file of re-usable business components imported into the project, those constraint error messages are not created in the ApplicationResources_en.properties file.  I have created two testcases as well as the re-usable .jar file that I can send to you to show what I mean. 
                This behaviour seems to have shown up in 11.1.2 as there was no problem before this.
                 Please let me know where you'd like me to upload the testcases.
                 Thank you.

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    Updated the BIOS and then went into and checked the BIOS, and even checked for simple sound to just have my time wasted. Any help would be great.
    Thanks in advance.

    Did you check if mute isnt enabled?
    Press FN + ESC to enable or disable mute
    Go to control panel -> sound -> Playback tab
    Check if the devices in the playback tab are activated and set as default device
    Additionally click right to ensure that options are marked like; show hidden devices, show disabled devices
    The sound card is from Realtek.
    So you can download the Realtek HD audio driver from Realtek driver page
    Before installing new driver, uninstall installed Realtek driver from control panel -> programs & features

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    That's not a feature of iPhoto. You'll need an external editor for that kind of work:
    In order of price here are some suggestions:
    Seashore (free)
    The Gimp (free)
    Graphic Coverter ($45 approx)
    Acorn ($50 approx)
    Pixelmator ($50 approx)
    Photoshop Elements ($75 approx)
    There are many, many other options. Search on MacUpdate or the App Store.
    You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto.

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    Will it boot in Safe Mode? See
    What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode? (Mac OS X)
    May be a solution on one of these links.
    The X Lab (Troubleshooting & Maintenance of OS X)
    OS X Routine Maintenance & Generic Troubleshooting
    Prevent Mac Disasters
    Kernel Panic
    Mac OS X Kernel Panic FAQ
    Mac OS X Kernel Panic FAQ
    Resolving Kernel Panics
    12-Step Program to Isolate Freezes and/or Kernel Panics
     Cheers, Tom

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    ok ok. As you can see by the title of the post, I had originally intended to submit them to jira, but got lazy. However, today's a new day and the feature requests have been filed as follows:
    #10, #11 don't really need to be filed.
    @Peter, yes pd means you. -- it's got a nice ring to it, but I'll stick with Peter until I hear otherwise.
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    - e

  • Networking via cross-over ethernet

    I have two PCs both running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. Both are fully updated.
    One connects via wireless adapter to a router at the other end of my house (not practical to connect it via ethernet).
    The router gets my ISP signal and is my Internet access point.
    The other PC is in the same room but has no wireless adapter (I know I could just get one, but that is not what I want to do here).
    The two PCs are close enough that I can easily connect them directly to each other with an ethernet cable.
    I tried a regular cable but connecting gave me problems so I used a cross-over cable to connect them.
    My original intent was to be able file access & sharing of the (let's call it guest PC) and the one with the wireless internet access (let's call it the host).
    When I rebooted both I was able to open the explorer and see the host computer from the guest and vice versa on the Network list. I allowed file sharing and everything looked great.
    I mapped the user and file locations from the guest that I wanted in the host PC as a network drive on the host.
    Since I wasn't regularly using the guest, it went to sleep and I could not re-establish the mapped network drives nor the shared file connection. That was a pain, so I set out on another option.
    I set up a Home network in the guest PC that is now accessing the Internet.
    OK, I'm not exactly sure how I did that. I kept creating unidentified public networks and finally was able to create a private one on the guest that connects (I'm not sure if it was by sharing or merging) to the Internet. It has to be somehow shared
    because (as I mentioned above) the guest has no wireless adapter and no other way to get Internet except by sharing the host PC's wireless access.
    Well, the drives that I had mapped before setting up the Internet sharing suddenly work again fine.
    But, AND HERE'S MY CURRENT PROBLEM, I cannot see the guest computer from the host in the explorer (or the other way either).
    I tried then to just join the host computer's HomeGroup, but I can't. I can't join a HomeGroup created on the guest either. 
    I'd like to be able to view and share my files across both the host and guest.
    I'd even like to be able to remote access the guest desktop from the host. (I know I can do that with LogMeIn, TeamViewer, VNC, and other programs).
    I also know I can share files using Hamachi (but it does not give remote desktop control so I can't run programs).
    Can anybody help me on this? Or is it impossible to use a cross-over ethernet connection between two PCs and have them both share files and be visible either browsing on the Network or in a HomeGroup?

    Thanks, I have never solved this. I did check your links. At one point at least I was able to share my wireless connection, but I don't know how I did it and now I have even lost that trying to fix the fact that I could not actually network the two PCs.
    Again, both running Windows 7. One has wireless adapter & connects to Internet through router - no problem there.
    Second PC has no wireless adapter. I wanted to use cross over ethernet cable to connect it directly to the one that has Internet access. The idea was twofold: first, setting up a peer to peer local network with both PCs on it so I could directly open &
    share files from one to the other. I fiddled so much that now I'm getting a message that the PC without the WiFi adapter does not have a valid IP address.
    My second (and actually more important goal) was to allow the PC without the WiFi adapter to share the other PC's Internet connection. I did something with the merging option that made it work but I don't know for the life of me what it was. I kept having
    trouble with the new network defaulting to Public and I could not change it to Private. That gave me all kinds of problems trying to create and join a HomeGroup. I could create them in each PC but neither could join the other's created HomeGroup.
    Now I'm back to square one, or even worse since I can't get either of my goals solved. If it's impossible to network them P2P I'd at least like to share the Internet connection using the cross-over cable as I had it for a few days.

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    Nokia C7 with Belle

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    The Author of this posting offers the information contained within this posting without consideration and with the reader's understanding that there's no implied or expressed suitability or fitness for any purpose. Information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as rendering professional advice of any kind. Usage of this posting's information is solely at reader's own risk.
    Liability Disclaimer
    In no event shall Author be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of use, data or profit) arising out of the use or inability to use the posting's information even if Author has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
    Hmm, I don't know, does it really matter whether the link between devices can be used?  (Laugh)
    As the other posters have noted, many (newer) devices now support auto MDI/MDIX, but some don't.  (Also, on devices that do, auto negotiation might be required to be enabled.)  Some older devices sometimes have "special" uplink ports or manual method to switch the port's MDI/MDIX setting, and for those, too, you can use a strait through cable.
    If none of the above, however, you'll need a cross over cable for "similar" device types, i.e. those whose tx/rx pins, on the port, are the same.
    You need a cross over cable if both sides are MDI or MDIX (i.e. the same), straight cable if both sides are different.

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