White screen after chime.

Hey guys,
A friend told me her laptop was screwed so I said I would have a look at it. If it was a software issue it would be fixed already. However, I turn the laptop on, I get the chime, and then the white screen stays stuck. I have tried all the keyboard combinations, nothing new comes up. I put in a Windows disk to see if I could boot into anything but nothing then and now that the disk is stuck in there, I can hear it whirl up for a bit.
Anyone know a solution? Video card out? HDD dead? Logic board fried? I have looked around for ages and need a definitive answer.
This is the mid 2009 MacBook Pro. Thanks.

First get the disk out. To do that ,hold the power button down untill the macbook shuts down, then power back up and hold down the key at the top right of the keyboard. It has an arrow pointing up. that ejects the disk. Now white screen. Do you get an apple logo in the middle or a spinning wheel at all.,or a folder with a question mark. After you get the disk out, try a shut down and then power up holding down the shift key. You can also do this when powering up. Hold down the apple and opttion keys along with P and R. let it chime 3 times and release the keys. You can also power down, unplug the power cord and remove the battery, then hold the power button down for 5 seconds, then put the batteryand power cord back in and try it. What I gave you is the basics for checking a no boot  problem.

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    Thank you,

    See if you can boot into the Safe Mode using your normal account.  Disconnect all peripherals except those needed for the test. Shut down the computer and then power it back up after waiting 10 seconds. Immediately after hearing the startup chime, hold down the shift key and continue to hold it until the gray Apple icon and a progress bar appear and again when you log in. The boot up is significantly slower than normal. This will reset some caches, forces a directory check, and disables all startup and login items, among other things. When you reboot normally, the initial reboot may be slower than normal. If the system operates normally, there may be 3rd party applications which are causing a problem. Try deleting/disabling the third party applications after a restart by using the application un-installer. For each disable/delete, you will need to restart if you don’t do them all at once.
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    Welcome to Apple Discussions. Sorry about your Mac-less holiday!
    An FYI, Macs don't use Bios, they use the more modern Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI).
    Just an idea for you. There is an entire Apple Discussion forum dedicated to Boot Camp and Windows XP.
    Whereas, not everyone here with an Intel iMac has installed, tried to install or has experience with BC & XP, everyone there has or at least has an interest. You may attract help more quickly there. And that would be where the Boot Camp pros hang. This has probably happened to others.
    The Forum is at the bottom of the main Apple Discussions page under Windows Compatible Technology.
    Here is a link;
    Forum: Boot Camp Public Beta
    Good luck!

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    Resetting the NVRAM/PRAM
    Wiping and installing OSX
    Disc recovery
    Internet Recovery
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    Hi all,
    I have a 2011 quadcore i7, 4GB RAM MacBook Pro which has recently and suddenly developed this annoying fault. A perminant white screen after the Apple logo and spinwheel. I have removed the hard drive (from my early 2011 MacBook Pro) and did a clean install of Lion (10.7) and I know the harddrive is fine and functional as my Mac Pro is able to boot from it and works perfectly, put the same drive back into the MacBook Pro and same, start up chime - Apple Logo - Flash, screen stays white. So its not Harddrive and most likely not a software problem (as the drive has been whiped and OSX reinstalled.) Any thoughts that it may be a bust motherboard or graphics card?
    Already tried:
    Safe Boot
    Single-user Mode
    Verbode Mode
    Resetting the NVRAM/PRAM
    Wiping and installing OSX
    Disc recovery
    Internet Recovery
    Many thanks in advance

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    Reinstalling Mavericks, Lion/Mountain Lion Without Erasing the Drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD: Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions: Upon startup select Disk Utility from the main menu. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions as follows.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion, Mavericks: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion, Mavericks and click on the Continue button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.

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    Try a PRAM reset:
    Power off, power on holding the following keys:
    Continue to hold thee keys till you here the start chime 2 times hen release.

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    Reinstall Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks without erasing drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported then click on the Repair Permissions button. When the process is completed, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks
    OS X Mavericks- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Mountain Lion- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Lion- Reinstall Mac OS X
         Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet
                     if possible because it is three times faster than wireless.

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    No nothing like that happened, I'm sure, but I actually spent the day looking for a fix. Luckily, I had the idea of taping the spring down because I though the screen didn't touch it. Turns out I was right, but however, I found out that the screen I ordered was broken in a way, because it still had the white screen after the taping. Just to make sure, I tried the other screen to clarify if the taping worked or not. I did the home and lock button restart, and up popped the apple logo. So, that means that the screen I got from the seller was either a rip-off, or was just broken somehow in process of making, or delivering in some matter. Unfortunately, I think I can't ship it back unless for alot of money because the person I got it from comes from China. I live in the USA. So that's gonna be a matter to work with myself. Thank you for trying to help.

  • [Solved] White screen after KDE 4.11.1 upgrade

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    I try to remove completely kde with:
    pacman -Rsnc kde
    and seeing that reinstalling I get the same result, I also tried to clean up the cache pacman packages listed by the command:
    ls kde*4.11.1*
    so I redownload and reinstalled with:
    pacman -Syu kde
    without solution. I also tried to do what is recommended in the wiki, that is in addition to eliminating .kde4, I run:
    $ rm ~/.config/Trolltech.conf
    $ kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental
    without solution.
    Thinking then it might be the partition / almost full, I checked with:
    but the partition is not filled even for half of the 30gb that is available.
    I checked some logs and these are the outputs:
    > http://pastebin.com/GESX81PV
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Load Kernel Modules.
    Mounting Configuration File System...
    [[32m OK [0m] Mounted Configuration File System.
    [[32m OK [0m] Found device SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series.
    Mounting /Windows...
    Mounting FUSE Control File System...
    [[32m OK [0m] Mounted FUSE Control File System.
    [[32m OK [0m] Mounted /Windows.
    [[32m OK [0m] Found device WDC_WD10EALX-009BA0.
    Mounting /Dati...
    [[32m OK [0m] Mounted /Dati.
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Local File Systems.
    Starting Trigger Flushing of Journal to Persistent Storage...
    Starting Recreate Volatile Files and Directories...
    Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data...
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Bluetooth.
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Trigger Flushing of Journal to Persistent Storage.
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Recreate Volatile Files and Directories.
    Starting Update UTMP about System Reboot/Shutdown...
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Update UTMP about System Reboot/Shutdown.
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen.
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data.
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target System Initialization.
    [[32m OK [0m] Listening on CUPS Printing Service Sockets.
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Paths.
    [[32m OK [0m] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket.
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Sockets.
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Timers.
    Starting Restore Sound Card State...
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Basic System.
    Starting Network Manager...
    Starting CUPS Printing Service...
    [[32m OK [0m] Started CUPS Printing Service.
    Starting Catalyst's fglrx kernel' module builder...
    Starting Login Service...
    Starting D-Bus System Message Bus...
    [[32m OK [0m] Started D-Bus System Message Bus.
    Starting Permit User Sessions...
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Permit User Sessions.
    Starting Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit...
    Starting K Display Manager...
    [[32m OK [0m] Started K Display Manager.
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Catalyst's fglrx kernel' module builder.
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Sound Card.
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Restore Sound Card State.
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Login Service.
    Starting Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles...
    Starting Authorization Manager...
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles.
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Authorization Manager.
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Network Manager.
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Network.
    Starting Network Time Service...
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Network Time Service.
    [[0m[31m* [0m] A start job is running for Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit
    [K[[1;31m*[0m[31m* [0m] A start job is running for Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit
    [K[[31m*[1;31m*[0m[31m* [0m] A start job is running for Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit
    [K[ [31m*[1;31m*[0m[31m* [0m] A start job is running for Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit
    [K[ [31m*[1;31m*[0m[31m* [0m] A start job is running for Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit
    [K Starting Daemon for power management...
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Daemon for power management.
    Starting Disk Manager...
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Disk Manager.
    [ [31m*[1;31m*[0m[31m*[0m] A start job is running for Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit
    [K[[1;31mFAILED[0m] Failed to start Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit.
    See 'systemctl status plymouth-quit-wait.service' for details.
    Starting Getty on tty1...
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Getty on tty1.
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Login Prompts.
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Multi-User System.
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Graphical Interface.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Sound Card.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Bluetooth.
    Stopping Disk Manager...
    Stopping Daemon for power management...
    Stopping Authorization Manager...
    Stopping Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles...
    Stopping CUPS Printing Service...
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Graphical Interface.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Multi-User System.
    Stopping Network Time Service...
    Stopping Catalyst's fglrx kernel' module builder...
    Stopping Login Service...
    Stopping D-Bus System Message Bus...
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Login Prompts.
    Stopping Getty on tty1...
    Stopping K Display Manager...
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped K Display Manager.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Daemon for power management.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Getty on tty1.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped D-Bus System Message Bus.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Disk Manager.
    Stopping Permit User Sessions...
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Authorization Manager.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Network Time Service.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Network.
    Stopping Network Manager...
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Catalyst's fglrx kernel' module builder.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Login Service.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Network Manager.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped CUPS Printing Service.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Permit User Sessions.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Basic System.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Paths.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Timers.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Sockets.
    [[32m OK [0m] Closed CUPS Printing Service Sockets.
    [[32m OK [0m] Closed LVM2 metadata daemon socket.
    [[32m OK [0m] Closed /dev/initctl Compatibility Named Pipe.
    [[32m OK [0m] Closed Delayed Shutdown Socket.
    [[32m OK [0m] Closed Device-mapper event daemon FIFOs.
    [[32m OK [0m] Closed udev Control Socket.
    [[32m OK [0m] Closed D-Bus System Message Bus Socket.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target System Initialization.
    Unmounting Debug File System...
    Unmounting FUSE Control File System...
    Stopping Update UTMP about System Reboot/Shutdown...
    Unmounting POSIX Message Queue File System...
    Unmounting Huge Pages File System...
    Stopping Setup Virtual Console...
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Setup Virtual Console.
    [[32m OK [0m] Unset automount Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System Automount Point.
    Stopping Apply Kernel Variables...
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Apply Kernel Variables.
    Unmounting Configuration File System...
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Encrypted Volumes.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Swap.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Local File Systems.
    Unmounting /Windows...
    Unmounting /Dati...
    Unmounting Temporary Directory...
    Stopping Journal Service...
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Remote File Systems.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Update UTMP about System Reboot/Shutdown.
    [[32m OK [0m] Unmounted Temporary Directory.
    [[32m OK [0m] Unmounted POSIX Message Queue File System.
    [[32m OK [0m] Unmounted FUSE Control File System.
    [[32m OK [0m] Unmounted Huge Pages File System.
    [[32m OK [0m] Unmounted Configuration File System.
    Stopping Load Kernel Modules...
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Load Kernel Modules.
    [[32m OK [0m] Unmounted Debug File System.
    [[32m OK [0m] Unmounted /Windows.
    [[32m OK [0m] Unmounted /Dati.
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Unmount All Filesystems.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped target Local File Systems (Pre).
    Stopping Remount Root and Kernel File Systems...
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.
    [[32m OK [0m] Stopped Journal Service.
    [[32m OK [0m] Closed Journal Socket.
    Starting Show Plymouth Reboot Screen...
    Starting Store Sound Card State...
    Unmounting /...
    [[32m OK [0m] Started Store Sound Card State.
    [[32m OK [0m] Reached target Shutdown.
    Sending SIGTERM to remaining processes...
    Sending SIGKILL to remaining processes...
    Hardware watchdog 'iTCO_wdt', version 0
    Unmounting file systems.
    All filesystems unmounted.
    Deactivating swaps.
    All swaps deactivated.
    Detaching loop devices.
    All loop devices detached.
    Detaching DM devices.
    All DM devices detached.
    Storage is finalized.
    > http://pastebin.com/fbgh2ayu
    journalctl -p 3 --since=today
    -- Logs begin at mar 2013-07-30 13:16:10 CEST, end at lun 2013-09-16 08:52:14 CEST. --
    set 16 08:43:14 arch dhcpcd[346]: eno1: ipv6rs_sendprobe: sendmsg: Cannot assign requested address
    set 16 08:43:14 arch ntpd_intres[338]: host name not found: 0.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:43:14 arch ntpd_intres[338]: host name not found: 1.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:43:14 arch ntpd_intres[338]: host name not found: 2.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:43:14 arch ntpd_intres[338]: host name not found: 3.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:43:18 arch ntpd_intres[338]: host name not found: 0.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:43:18 arch ntpd_intres[338]: host name not found: 1.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:43:18 arch ntpd_intres[338]: host name not found: 2.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:43:18 arch ntpd_intres[338]: host name not found: 3.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:45:03 arch login[308]: pam_systemd(login:session): Failed to connect to system bus: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
    set 16 08:45:04 arch kdm[351]: :0[351]: pam_systemd(kde:session): Failed to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused
    set 16 08:45:04 arch kdm[351]: :0[351]: pam_close_session() failed: Cannot make/remove an entry for the specified session
    set 16 08:45:04 arch systemd-coredump[1103]: Process 309 (X) dumped core.
    [1;39m-- Reboot --[0m
    set 16 08:46:11 arch dhcpcd[346]: eno1: ipv6rs_sendprobe: sendmsg: Cannot assign requested address
    set 16 08:46:12 arch ntpd_intres[337]: host name not found: 0.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:46:12 arch ntpd_intres[337]: host name not found: 1.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:46:12 arch ntpd_intres[337]: host name not found: 2.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:46:12 arch ntpd_intres[337]: host name not found: 3.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:46:16 arch ntpd_intres[337]: host name not found: 0.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:46:16 arch ntpd_intres[337]: host name not found: 1.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:46:16 arch ntpd_intres[337]: host name not found: 2.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:46:16 arch ntpd_intres[337]: host name not found: 3.pool.ntp.org
    set 16 08:48:02 arch login[305]: pam_tally(login:auth): pam_get_uid; no such user
    > http://pastebin.com/zmgj4AGq
    Xorg.0.log has no errors.
    How can I resolve it?
    Last edited by Fregtux (2013-09-20 08:35:13)

    Fregtux wrote:
    Thanks Thaodan! I deleted /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER and I solve the problem! I also restore .kde4_backup and at the moment have no issue.
    Small question: I noticed that there are also kdecache-kdm and kdecache-root. I should remove it or doesn't matter?
    Thanks for the help!
    THANKS, my White Screen was caused by a combination of issues but this solution worked for me.
    My Problem -
    I am not sure exactly what caused my white screen, I was playing around with /etc/profile & /etc/sudoers
    What I changed -
    sudoers - I added my user group to sudoers and allowed sudo to execute applications using xauth in home dir
    profile - changed umask to 133 ( I hate execute bit ) and default text editor to nano
    What Happened -
    Tried to reload via source but no changes where taking effect so I rebooted. 
    Upon reboot I could not login to KDE, it would keep looping back to the KDM after I entered by password for my user, however it would let me login as root ( after I enabled root login ).
    I figured this was a permission issue so I changed umask back to 022 in /etc/profile, I was then greeted with the White Screen after login.  I read numerous posts about how to fix this, most said to reinstall kde and delete /tmp, none of this worked.
    I deleted /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER and now I am back in business ( I had to re set the widgets, i.e. panel ).
    I was so excited that I had to write a post about it!
    Thanks again!

  • Menu will not loop and reverts to a white screen after 30 secs

    I'm using Encore CS4 to create a picture DVD (a la Ken Burns!). I used the generic Beach background under the travel tab for the menus because I thought it was fitting. Anyway the duration of the menu is 30 secs. I can not for the life of me figure out how to change the duration. The "loop forever" button is disabled when I click on the menu background. Even if I change the duration time it will always go to a white screen after 30 secs (the audio will continue to play however and the pictures I used for buttons are visible)
    Any suggestion or ideas on why this is happening? I checked and as far as I can see there are no overrides anywhere in my project. Everything I've found online stated to click the loop forever button...but that isn't an option.
    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    One thing to think about, with regards to your Audio. You might want to make sure that you being with a fade-up and end with a fade-down. That way, should it loop, you do not get a noticeable cut in the Audio. Now, your user will probably have chosen a Button and activated it before, but should they have not, the music "appears" to flow. I normally use the same music for all Menus, and these little pieces contain a lot of repetition in them. That helps to create the appearance that its the same piece that plays THROUGH all Menus, when it's really just one separate piece for each. The pieces are such that you can jump into, or out of, each and one has to listen carefully to tell that it's not continuous. I keep dozens of these little pieces handy, or create new ones with the same characteristics, in SmartSound. You just have to choose the right compositions.
    Good luck,

  • My MacBook Pro won't go beyond a white screen, after I pushed the restart button. How can I get it to a login? I have routinely backed it up, but don't know how to bring that up, nor if I have a boot file on that external disk. Help!

    My MacBook Pro won't go beyond a white screen, after I pushed the restart button. How can I get it to a login? I have routinely backed it up, but don't know how to bring that up, nor if I have a boot file on that external disk. Help!

    Take each of these steps that you haven't already tried. Stop when the problem is resolved.
    To restart an unresponsive computer, press and hold the power button for a few seconds until the power shuts off, then release, wait a few more seconds, and press it again briefly.
    Step 1
    The first step in dealing with a startup failure is to secure the data. If you want to preserve the contents of the startup drive, and you don't already have at least one current backup, you must try to back up now, before you do anything else. It may or may not be possible. If you don't care about the data that has changed since the last backup, you can skip this step.
    There are several ways to back up a Mac that is unable to start. You need an external hard drive to hold the backup data.
    a. Start up from the Recovery partition, or from a local Time Machine backup volume (option key at startup.) When the OS X Utilities screen appears, launch Disk Utility and follow the instructions in this support article, under “Instructions for backing up to an external hard disk via Disk Utility.” The article refers to starting up from a DVD, but the procedure in Recovery mode is the same. You don't need a DVD if you're running OS X 10.7 or later.
    b. If Step 1a fails because of disk errors, and no other Mac is available, then you may be able to salvage some of your files by copying them in the Finder. If you already have an external drive with OS X installed, start up from it. Otherwise, if you have Internet access, follow the instructions on this page to prepare the external drive and install OS X on it. You'll use the Recovery installer, rather than downloading it from the App Store.
    c. If you have access to a working Mac, and both it and the non-working Mac have FireWire or Thunderbolt ports, start the non-working Mac in target disk mode. Use the working Mac to copy the data to another drive. This technique won't work with USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth.
    d. If the internal drive of the non-working Mac is user-replaceable, remove it and mount it in an external enclosure or drive dock. Use another Mac to copy the data.
    Step 2
    If the startup process stops at a blank gray screen with no Apple logo or spinning "daisy wheel," then the startup volume may be full. If you had previously seen warnings of low disk space, this is almost certainly the case. You might be able to start up in safe mode even though you can't start up normally. Otherwise, start up from an external drive, or else use the technique in Step 1b, 1c, or 1d to mount the internal drive and delete some files. According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of available space on the startup volume (as shown in the Finder Info window) for normal operation.
    Step 3
    Sometimes a startup failure can be resolved by resetting the NVRAM.
    Step 4
    If a desktop Mac hangs at a plain gray screen with a movable cursor, the keyboard may not be recognized. Press and hold the button on the side of an Apple wireless keyboard to make it discoverable. If need be, replace or recharge the batteries. If you're using a USB keyboard connected to a hub, connect it to a built-in port.
    Step 5
    If there's a built-in optical drive, a disc may be stuck in it. Follow these instructions to eject it.
    Step 6
    Press and hold the power button until the power shuts off. Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed to start up, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Use a different keyboard and/or mouse, if those devices are wired. If you can start up now, one of the devices you disconnected, or a combination of them, is causing the problem. Finding out which one is a process of elimination.
    Step 7
    If you've started from an external storage device, make sure that the internal startup volume is selected in the Startup Disk pane of System Preferences.
    Start up in safe mode. Note: If FileVault is enabled in OS X 10.9 or earlier, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Post for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to start and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on certain Macs.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know the login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    When you start up in safe mode, it's normal to see a dark gray progress bar on a light gray background. If the progress bar gets stuck for more than a few minutes, or if the system shuts down automatically while the progress bar is displayed, the startup volume is corrupt and the drive is probably malfunctioning. In that case, go to Step 11. If you ever have another problem with the drive, replace it immediately.
    If you can start and log in in safe mode, empty the Trash, and then open the Finder Info window on the startup volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name.) Check that you have at least 9 GB of available space, as shown in the window. If you don't, copy as many files as necessary to another volume (not another folder on the same volume) and delete the originals. Deletion isn't complete until you empty the Trash again. Do this until the available space is more than 9 GB. Then restart as usual (i.e., not in safe mode.)
    If the startup process hangs again, the problem is likely caused by a third-party system modification that you installed. Post for further instructions.
    Step 8
    Launch Disk Utility in Recovery mode (see Step 1.) Select the startup volume, then run Repair Disk. If any problems are found, repeat until clear. If Disk Utility reports that the volume can't be repaired, the drive has malfunctioned and should be replaced. You might choose to tolerate one such malfunction in the life of the drive. In that case, erase the volume and restore from a backup. If the same thing ever happens again, replace the drive immediately.
    This is one of the rare situations in which you should also run Repair Permissions, ignoring the false warnings it may produce. Look for the line "Permissions repair complete" at the end of the output. Then restart as usual.
    Step 9
    If the startup device is an aftermarket SSD, it may need a firmware update and/or a forced "garbage collection." Instructions for doing this with a Crucial-branded SSD were posted here. Some of those instructions may apply to other brands of SSD, but you should check with the vendor's tech support.  
    Step 10
    Reinstall the OS. If the Mac was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you’ll need the Apple ID and password you used to upgrade.
    Step 11
    Do as in Step 9, but this time erase the startup volume in Disk Utility before installing. The system should automatically restart into the Setup Assistant. Follow the prompts to transfer the data from a Time Machine or other backup.
    Step 12
    This step applies only to models that have a logic-board ("PRAM") battery: all Mac Pro's and some others (not current models.) Both desktop and portable Macs used to have such a battery. The logic-board battery, if there is one, is separate from the main battery of a portable. A dead logic-board battery can cause a startup failure. Typically the failure will be preceded by loss of the settings for the startup disk and system clock. See the user manual for replacement instructions. You may have to take the machine to a service provider to have the battery replaced.
    Step 13
    If you get this far, you're probably dealing with a hardware fault. Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store, or go to another authorized service provider.

  • I got a white screen after cleaning itouch, I got a white screen after cleaning itouch, I got a white screen after cleaning itouch, I got a white screen after cleaning itouch

    I got a white screen after cleaning itouch.  the itouch will still sycn & registars on my computer - is there something that i can do?

    This usually means some software on the phone went catastrophicly wrong thus the need of partial erase.  Could you send me a private message of your palm profile email address?  Have you installed anything to the phone outside our app catalog?  Keep me posted.

  • TS3274 My iPad has a white screen after trying to restore.  I try and restore again and  the same thing happens and we are back at the white screen.  How can I get it back.

    My iPad has a white screen after trying to restore.  I try and restore again and  the same thing happens and we are back at the white screen.  How can I get it back?

    type HT4097 in the search bar. its unable to update or restore iOS. Follow the instructions and if that does not work then id go to the local apple store.

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    How to permanently fix a 'White Screen" after resetting and restoring? 2nd generation ipod

    There are two different resets. The reset you did involved holding the sleep/wake & home button.
    The other reset will do exactly what it says. That reset is located in Settings - General - Reset.

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