Who is Ophelia?

Just ran the update on InDesign CC 2014 on 2/13/15.
I get a message on start up now that scares me. I'm sorry Ophelia but who are you?

And, what happened to the disable the welcome screen?
I find the welcome screen annoying and useless.

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    No, there isn't a way for you to see anything about who has saved progress.

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    Thanks & Regards,

    This seems to be a commercial product. For the best chance at finding a solution I would suggest posting in the forum for HP Business Support!
    You can find the Commercial Jetdirect board here:
    Best of Luck!
    You can say thanks by clicking the Kudos Star in my post. If my post resolves your problem, please mark it as Accepted Solution so others can benefit too.

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    Hi Syed,
    As Gordon and Rahul said, it is painful for you if you import closed transactions.
    Try to compromise your client that to use the old system for last year/old reports.
    Its always good practice to import the Opening balance and even the open documents only.
    If you have partially open items, then import the document for open quantities only.
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    Yes. I would clarify your statement about the "shared" iTunes Library though. If you want each iOS device to have its own music library, you should create separate user accounts for them. Read:
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    iMovie 11 tutorials:
    and also these:

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    The discussion of Jailbroken Devices is against the Terms of Use of this Forum.


    how can i see the user who launched the 2kes on a specific company? Unfortunaltely the transaction has no log at all .
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    Thanks and Regards

    try T-code ST03N. Mark the ABAP instance you are using, go to "detailed analysis/business transaction analysis" and enter the selection parameters according to your requirement.
    Best regards, Christian

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    HLower wrote:
    I have been working on my website www.goodimage.com and trying to get it to auto update via templates for months.
    When you update a template, it should ask if you want to update the pages created from the template. When you click Update, all pages connected to the template are updated on your local computer. Dreamweaver does not automatically upload the pages that have been updated. You have to do that yourself by selecting the pages in the Files panel and uploading them to your remote server.

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    Windows Server 2008 R2
    Active Directory Domain
    Windows 7 workstations
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    Is that possible? Any drawbacks or concerns?

    Hi Tod,
    Based on my research, other than viewing group membership in ADUC, we can use this PowerShell cmdlet
    Get-ADGroupMember GroupName and Net Group GroupName to view members in a group:
    However, these commands can only be used on Domain Controllers or when connecting to DCs remotely. That’s because accounts and account membership are stored on Domain Controllers, therefore we can only view group membership on DCs.
    More information for you:
    Viewing the Direct Members of a Group
    Net group
    Best Regards,

  • Who has deleted emails from shared mailbox ?

    Hi Guys,
    We have a shared mailbox and is accessed by more than 5 users.
    Some one did something and the emails got deleted. I see them in recoverable deleted items folder.
    Can anybody let me know how to find out who has deleted them ?
    FYI - we do not have auditing enabled on this mailbox prior to deletion.
    But using the MFCMAPI, I was able to figure out the last modification time (which is same for all the emails in this folder)
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    Can you guys let me know how to check who accessed the shared mailbox at a particular time ?
    Thank you in advance.

    If you did not enable the mailbox auditing logging for the mailbox, I am afraid there is no event to record the operations.
    Mailbox audit logging
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Simon Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can't see who has replied to the thread in the forum, its pointess?

    What's the point in creating a system where you can't see who has replied to the thread? Its absolutely F**CKING pointless? Does anyone at Adobe have any brains or are they all sitting with their heads up their backsides?
    Surely before you release such garbage you test for these very simple issues, right?
    osgood_(NOT M Golding) If anyone at Adobe is monitoring this please get my screen named changed to what it was previously as well.

    It needs a 'latest reply' on the posted list page like the old version otherwise you have no idea if anyone has replied to the post or not without opening it.
    Latest reply: May 3, 2014 2:17 AM by . osgood_
    The line below is not that necessary in the order of priority, which for all intense and purposes is quite useless. I don't really care about how long ago something was posted or where it was posted but an indication to show 'updated' posts and by who is vital.
    9 minutes ago in Dreamweaver support forum
    Why do we even need 'Dreamweaver support forum'. We already know that's where we are! I guess a selection of posts from other forums may appear in a 'general' postings list somewhere, but who really cares - if I'm asking a question related to DW that's the forum I'm going to, not a general list as I don't care a monkey knackers what's been posted in Fireworks or InDesign or Illustrator. If I did I'd go to those forums.
    If you are tracking several postings it is going to become hugely annoying for both the person who has asked the question and the people helping the original poster as many replies will potentially go unnoticed and not resolved.
    And what's with the silly horizontal scroll bar being created for long lines of text? That's annoying too.
    Plenty of teething issue you need to get your head around over the next few weeks.

  • Who has a brand new Mac with Lion?

    I've been reading about all these issues with Lion. (yes i realize most people who are happy don't post) Most of the time when someone has an issue someone else says that their system must have been screwed up prior to the upgrade or they did something wrong, or have software that causing the issue, etc. I'm wondering if any of you are having issues with Lion on a brand new Mac? A new computer that came with Lion or at least a brand new computer that you installed Lion on as soon as you took it out of the box. Something NEVER used without Lion.
    Seems to me that if the vast majority of brand new Macs that come with Lion installed are working great then the problems people are seeing may in fact be something that already existed in their system prior to the upgrade. But if people with brand new virgin Macs are having issues with Lion then it HAS to be system bugs.
    I think this information could be a good indicator if the OS has a ton of bugs or if it simply does not get along well with possible existing bugs your computer may already have.
    I have two 2009 Macs and I'd love to upgrade to Lion because i like to keep my systems current but honestly I'm afraid too!!

    I bought my iMac (mid 2011 model) in July (brand new) and have Lion 7.1 installed. I have found many things which I would class as being "a different way of doing things from what I am used to", through "oddities (some annoying)", and a few that are clearly bugs, such as the Magic Mouse pointer going AWOL for about 45 secs. once per day, very short mouse battery life (eg., a few days), Mail not showing the addressee when doing a word search. But I have not had any killer problems like many of the other posters such as Wifi not working. I just grit my teeth and hope that Apple will soon get things straight.
    Someone said that Lion should have been classed as a beta release and I think there is some truth in that. However, it is important to realise that the people who post here are the ones with problems, not satisfied customers. How many Lions have been sold? A million?
    I was put off initially when I got my iMac and was glad that at that time it came with Snowleopard, but I took the plunge and am glad that I did. I like many of the features in Lion.

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    I'm sorry but the iPad does not work with a mouse, there is no cursor on the iPad and the iPad was designed as a touch screen device so a mouse will not work.
    I really don't know what to suggest other than this new device, and it might be worth a look. I assume that the child can use his hands for a keyboard.

Maybe you are looking for