Why can't they fix the publishing problem?

Everyone is having the same trouble for about a year now.
I still can't publish updates, it creates all the pages fine, then after it says "publishing will continue in the background", it crashes iWeb.
I have delete the iWeb preferences plist, still crashes.
Any idea? Anyone?

Uploading manually to your iDisk loses these features in iWeb '08 as well.
Uploading to any server can produce varying results depending on the time of day, your internet connections performance, server activity, bandwidth etc.
I have a MobileMe account but I don't use it for serious publishing - just to quickly test sites on the web.
.Mac was originally intended for people to host a small personal site. Although they give you all that storage space, its not all intended for only websites. The bandwidth, response time and reliability of the Apple server is not so good as my commercial hosting service which also has prompt and efficient tech support.
I don't usually let a site grow any bigger than about 25 MB. After it has grown to that size or less, I start a sub site(s) on a separate domain file(s) so that it becomes quicker to load it into iWeb and publish.
If you/when you upgrade to iWeb '08, you will be able to publish your photos to your iDisk via an iPhoto gallery and link to it using a web widget. You can, of course, do this with what you have - without the neat widget of course.

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    IE uses a different security model and Addon Model to the other browsers.
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    Uninstall any unwanted addons or check with the vendors website for updates.
    Start>Control Panel>Action Center to view any error messages and recommended solutions.
    Post consumer questions about IE to http://answers.microsoft.com (Help>Online support menu from IE)... Include with your questions the FULL address of any websites you are having issues with.

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    You're not talking to Apple here, only other users like yourself. If you want to address Apple you can file feedback here.

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    theatreus wrote:
    I would like to calmly and rationally talk for a moment. On the internet and with people so invested in a company's products that can be hard to do. I find it very irritating reading people saying it is a hoax while I'm sitting here with a bent plus myself. First off, most people don't take major mainstream news companies seriously anymore. So CNNMoney isn't where anyone needs to be researching. However there are multiple other people who demonstrate this problem. So check YouTube and remember you'll find what you search for. So, if you search for iPhone 6 plus doesn't bend you'll find videos of people trying to prove it doesn't bend. It is getting ridiculous, XBOX VS PLAYSTATION, Creationists vs Evolutionists, iPhone vs Android. Seriously, I have a friend with an HTC One M8 and another friend who just got the regular iPhone 6. I told the guys about the reasoning behind the bend. "All aluminum bodied phones do it" my iPhone friends says yep that's true and my HTC friend comes over and asks me to bend his phone. I said no at first because i was afraid i might actually break it... He never put a case on his phone btw... He talked me into it and I couldn't bend it at my full force i barely saw it arch. After much more research I found out why that might be. THE ONE THING APPLE KEEPS PUTTING OFF. The screen on high end Android devices is Gorilla glass very hard to break and hard to bend. Maybe it is time I go back to Android. Logically they have better phones when you don't think about if its Apple or Android. Well I am sure I will get hate messages and grammer corrections and really intelligent comebacks but I don't care honestly.
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>
    Prove you have a bent Plus.  Post a picture, but be advised, I work for a technology company and if you post a picture of a bent phone that can be easily found through Google, I'll report you.

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    This file seems to offer as many issues as problems it's supposed to solve.
    Fix your problem in 20 seconds, 15 if you copy and paste the 2 strings below:
    - Open a new tab in Firefox
    - Type "about:config" in the Address Bar (without the quotes)
    - Click "I'll be careful, I promise!"
    - Type "dom.ipc" in the Filter field on top of the page
    - 6 lines of parameters should appear, ignore the first and the last ones
    - Double-click on the 4 lines in the middle to change their value to "False"
    - Close the tab, close Firefox, restart Firefox

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