Why cant this computer ever read a new application??!?!

whenever I download a new application, for example this time it was a Windows Media Player, it says the document could not be opened. "Script Editor cannot open files in the 'Script Editor Document' format." It says that ALL THE TIME. whats up? what do i need to do?

On any file like that, highlight it, right click on it, or do a Get Info on it, you'll see options, including "Open with...", chose that and select what to open it with.
For instance if it's a ".dmg" file, choose DiskImageMounter...
, or Disk Utility. You can select the little box that says "Always Open with" to have it work right.
Your DB is messed up is all.

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    Yes, you can do this. Drag the music track to the background and start adding your pictures. A great way to do this is to use beat markers so your photos will change on the beat.
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    Jeff,<br /><br />This is a user to user forum. We can't tell you why policy makers do what <br />they do.<br /><br /><br /><[email protected]> wrote in message <br />news:[email protected]..<br />> Why was this program included with Adobe reader? I did not want Photoshop <br />> elements installed on my computer. If I had a choice to accept the <br />> download or not that would be fine but the choice was not even given to <br />> me. This program was piggybacked onto reader without my approval. If I <br />> want an Adobe product I will go and get it but I do not appreciate having <br />> the product loaded on my computer in this manner. It is bad enough that we <br />> have to use Reader to view PDF's as this is a bloated product. I do not <br />> want other Adobe products forced on my computer as well. end of rant.

  • Why does this class not read and write at same time???

    I had another thread where i was trying to combine two class files together
    I managed to do it myself but when i run the file it does not work right. If i write a file then try and open the file it says there are no records in the file, but if i close the gui down and open the file everything get read in as normal can anybody tell me why?
    import java.io.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import bank.BankUI;
    import bank.*;
    public class testing extends JFrame {
       private ObjectOutputStream output;
       private BankUI userInterface;
       private JButton SaveToFile, SaveAs, Exit; //////////savetofile also saves to store need to split up and have 2 buttons
       private Employee record;
    //////////////////////////////////////from read
    private ObjectInputStream input;
       private JButton nextButton, openButton, nextRecordButton ;
       private Store store = new Store(100);
         private Employee employeeList[] = new Employee[100];
         private int count = 0, next = 0;
    /////////////////////////////////////////////from read end
       // set up GUI
       public testing()
          super( "Employee Data" ); // appears in top of gui
          // create instance of reusable user interface
          userInterface = new BankUI( 9 );  // nine textfields
          getContentPane().add( userInterface, BorderLayout.CENTER );
          // configure button doTask1 for use in this program
          SaveAs = userInterface.getSaveAsButton();
          SaveAs.setText( "Save as.." );
    //////////////////from read
    openButton = userInterface.getOpenFileButton();
          openButton.setText( "Open File" );
             // anonymous inner class to handle openButton event
             new ActionListener() {
                // close file and terminate application
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
          // register window listener for window closing event
             // anonymous inner class to handle windowClosing event
             new WindowAdapter() {
                // close file and terminate application
                public void windowClosing( WindowEvent event )
                   if ( input != null )
                   System.exit( 0 );
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addWindowListener
          // get reference to generic task button doTask2 from BankUI
          nextButton = userInterface.getDoTask2Button();
          nextButton.setText( "Next Record" );
          nextButton.setEnabled( false );
          // register listener to call readRecord when button pressed
             // anonymous inner class to handle nextRecord event
             new ActionListener() {
                // call readRecord when user clicks nextRecord
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
    //get reference to generic task button do Task3 from BankUI
          // get reference to generic task button doTask3 from BankUI
          nextRecordButton = userInterface.getDoTask3Button();
          nextRecordButton.setText( "Get Next Record" );
          nextRecordButton.setEnabled( false );
          // register listener to call readRecord when button pressed
             // anonymous inner class to handle nextRecord event
             new ActionListener() {
                // call readRecord when user clicks nextRecord
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
    ///////////from read end
          // register listener to call openFile when button pressed
             // anonymous inner class to handle openButton event
             new ActionListener() {
                // call openFile when button pressed
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
          // configure button doTask2 for use in this program
          SaveToFile = userInterface.getSaveStoreToFileButton();
          SaveToFile.setText( "Save to store and to file need to split this task up" );
          SaveToFile.setEnabled( false );  // disable button
          // register listener to call addRecord when button pressed
             // anonymous inner class to handle enterButton event
             new ActionListener() {
                // call addRecord when button pressed
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                   addRecord(); // NEED TO SPLIT UP SO DONT DO BOTH
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
    Exit = userInterface.getExitAndSaveButton();
          Exit.setText( "Exit " );
          Exit.setEnabled( false );  // disable button
          // register listener to call addRecord when button pressed
             // anonymous inner class to handle enterButton event
             new ActionListener() {
                // call addRecord when button pressed
                public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                   addRecord(); // adds record to to file
                   closeFile(); // closes everything
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addActionListener
          // register window listener to handle window closing event
             // anonymous inner class to handle windowClosing event
             new WindowAdapter() {
                // add current record in GUI to file, then close file
                public void windowClosing( WindowEvent event )
                             if ( output != null )
             } // end anonymous inner class
          ); // end call to addWindowListener
          setSize( 600, 500 );
          setVisible( true );
         store = new Store(100);
       } // end CreateSequentialFile constructor
       // allow user to specify file name
    ////////////////from read
      // enable user to select file to open
       private void openFile()
          // display file dialog so user can select file to open
          JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
          fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );
          int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog( this );
          // if user clicked Cancel button on dialog, return
          if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
          // obtain selected file
          File fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
          // display error if file name invalid
          if ( fileName == null || fileName.getName().equals( "" ) )
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Invalid File Name",
                "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          else {
             // open file
             try {
                input = new ObjectInputStream(
                   new FileInputStream( fileName ) );
                openButton.setEnabled( false );
                nextButton.setEnabled( true );
             // process exceptions opening file
             catch ( IOException ioException ) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Opening File",
                   "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          } // end else
       } // end method openFile
    public void readRecord() // need to merger with next record
          Employee record;
          // input the values from the file
          try {
         record = ( Employee ) input.readObject();
                   employeeList[count++]= record;
                   store.add(record);/////////ADDS record to Store
              System.out.println("Count is " + store.getCount());
             // create array of Strings to display in GUI
             String values[] = {
                        String.valueOf( record.getDateOfBirth()),
                        String.valueOf( record.getID()),
                             String.valueOf( record.getStartDate()),
                        String.valueOf( record.getSalary()),
                        String.valueOf( record.getAddress()),
                           String.valueOf( record.getNatInsNo()),
                        String.valueOf( record.getPhone())
    // i added all those bits above split onto one line to look neater
             // display record contents
             userInterface.setFieldValues( values );
          // display message when end-of-file reached
          catch ( EOFException endOfFileException ) {
             nextButton.setEnabled( false );
          nextRecordButton.setEnabled( true );
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "No more records in file",
                "End of File", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          // display error message if class is not found
          catch ( ClassNotFoundException classNotFoundException ) {
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Unable to create object",
                "Class Not Found", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          // display error message if cannot read due to problem with file
          catch ( IOException ioException ) {
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                "Error during read from file",
                "Read Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
       } // end method readRecord
       private void getNextRecord()
               Employee record = employeeList[next++%count];//cycles throught accounts
          //create aray of string to display in GUI
          String values[] = {String.valueOf(record.getName()),
              String.valueOf( record.getStartDate() ), String.valueOf( record.getAddress()),
         String.valueOf( record.getNatInsNo()),
         String.valueOf( record.getPhone()),
             String.valueOf( record.getID() ),
               String.valueOf( record.getDateOfBirth() ),
         String.valueOf( record.getSalary() ) };
         //display record contents
         //display record content
    ///////////////////////////////////from read end
    private void SaveLocation()
          // display file dialog, so user can choose file to open
          JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
          fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY );
          int result = fileChooser.showSaveDialog( this );
          // if user clicked Cancel button on dialog, return
          if ( result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION )
          File fileName = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); // get selected file
          // display error if invalid
          if ( fileName == null || fileName.getName().equals( "" ) )
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Invalid File Name",
                "Invalid File Name", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          else {
             // open file
             try {
                output = new ObjectOutputStream(
                   new FileOutputStream( fileName ) );
                SaveAs.setEnabled( false );
                SaveToFile.setEnabled( true );
              Exit.setEnabled( true );
             // process exceptions from opening file
             catch ( IOException ioException ) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error Opening File",
                   "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          } // end else
       } // end method openFile
       // close file and terminate application
    private void closeFile()
          // close file
          try {
              //you want to cycle through each recordand add them to store here.
                                            int storeSize = store.getCount();
                                            for (int i = 0; i<storeSize;i++)
    input.close();// from read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
             System.exit( 0 );
          // process exceptions from closing file
          catch( IOException ioException ) {
             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error closing file",
                "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
             System.exit( 1 );
       } // end method closeFile
       // add record to file
       public void addRecord()
          int employeeNumber = 0;
          String fieldValues[] = userInterface.getFieldValues();
          // if account field value is not empty
          if ( ! fieldValues[ BankUI.IDNUMBER ].equals( "" ) ) {
             // output values to file
             try {
                employeeNumber = Integer.parseInt(
                   fieldValues[ BankUI.IDNUMBER ] );
                        String dob = fieldValues[ BankUI.DOB ];
                        String[] dateofBirth = dob.split ("-"); // what used to put between number chnage to /
                        String sDate = fieldValues[ BankUI.START ];
                        String[] startDate = sDate.split ("-");
                        String sex = fieldValues[ BankUI.GENDER ];
                        char gender = (sex.charAt(0)); // check if m or f prob check in employee
    if ( employeeNumber >= 0 ) {
                  /* create new record =String name, char gender, Date dob, String add, String nin, String phone, String id, Date start, float salary*/
                    record  = new Employee(
                    fieldValues[ BankUI.NAME ],
                    new Date(     Integer.parseInt(dateofBirth[0]),
                        fieldValues[ BankUI.ADDRESS ],
                        fieldValues[ BankUI.NATINTNO ],
                        fieldValues[ BankUI.PHONE ],
                        fieldValues[ BankUI.IDNUMBER ],
              new Date(     Integer.parseInt(startDate[0]),
              Float.parseFloat( fieldValues[ BankUI.SALARY ] ));
                        if (!store.isFull())
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "The Store is full you cannot add\n"+
                         "anymore employees. \nPlease Save Current File and Create a New File." );
                             System.out.println("Store full");
                        System.out.println("Count is " + store.getCount());
                                  // output record and flush buffer
                                  //output.writeObject( record );
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                       "Account number must be greater than 0",
                       "Bad account number", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
                // clear textfields
             } // end try
             // process invalid account number or balance format
             catch ( NumberFormatException formatException ) {
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                   "Bad ID number, Date or Salary", "Invalid Number Format",
                   JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
             // process exceptions from file output
             catch ( ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ArrayException ) {
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error with Start Date or Date of Birth\nPlease enter like: 01-01-2001",
                    "IO Exception", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
                      // process exceptions from file output
             catch ( IOException ioException ) {
                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Error writing to file",
                    "IO Exception", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
          } // end if
       } // end method addRecord
       public static void main( String args[] )
          new testing();
    } // end class CreateSequentialFile

    Sure you can read and write at the same time. But normally you would be reading from one place and writing to another place.
    I rather regret avoiding the OP's earlier post asking how to combine two classes. I looked at the two classes posted and realized the best thing to do was actually to break them into more classes. But I also realized it was going to be a big job explaining why and how, and I just don't have the patience for that sort of thing.
    So now we have a Big Ball Of Tar&trade; and I feel partly responsible.

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    I am sorry Teresa but which Adobe software or service is your inquiry in reference too?

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    installed it and blankety blank software would not properly. Sometimes it would load the FF Browser but any attempt to go between websites would take forever. Sometimes all I would get is a single tab showing and the
    windows 7 Aero icon would spin itself silly. I would try to put it in safe mode but the same results as above. Finally after losing several buckets of sweat I read that my Anti-Virus software could be blocking FF. I thought why would it stop blocking this version when it had allowed previous versions w/o problems. I go to software rules and change it from auto to allow. I re-installed the v31.00 and it worked........... for 3days.
    Today, It started acting up again. This time I would be reading a webpage and the mouse would not scroll or I would attempt to exit out a tab. No go. So I exit out of FF and tried to go back in. FF resorted back to my first experience. I went back to look if Norton 360 had changed the rules on me AGAIN. No everything was like it was before. I have now re-installed it 3 times today. Finally after re-installing for a 4th time I hit restart FF and everything is back to normal. I was under the impression when I hit restart I would lose all my profile settings(Bookmarks)/ But everything is back to normal..........for the time being. I have never had this much problems before. If it was a virus why would IE work like a champ but not FF.
    Anyway I pray A FF expert can lead me down the paths of righteouness sake.

    Some problems occurs when your Internet security program was set
    to trust the previous version of Firefox, but no longer recognizes your
    updated version as trusted. Now how to fix the problem: To allow
    Firefox to connect to the Internet again;
    * Make sure your Internet security software is up-to-date (i.e. you are running the latest version)
    * Remove Firefox from your program's list of trusted or recognized programs, then add it back. For detailed instructions, see
    '''[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/configure-firewalls-so-firefox-can-access-internet Configure firewalls so that Firefox can access the Internet.]''' {web link}

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    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> New-Service -Name RunSafe -BinaryPathName C:\Users\3steveco33_01\Skydrive\Documents\Adminstartup.ps1
    -DisplayName 'Active Protraction Service' -Description Safety and Security -StartupType Manual -Credential 'Admin_01' -Depen
    ********** ******* '-DescriptionSafetyandSecurity-StartupTypeManual-Credential'Admin_01'-DependsOnSystem
    dsOn System
    New-Service : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'and'.
    At line:1 char:1
    + New-Service -Name RunSafe -BinaryPathName C:\Users\3steveco33_01\Skydrive\Docume ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [New-Service], ParameterBindingException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewServiceCommand
    As can be plainly seen here there is no positional paraaaaameter with the argument and as indicated in the error message...WTF
    As can be plainly seen here there is no positional paraaaaameter with the argument and as indicated in the error message...WTF It work yesterday...I deleted it last night with a successful operation message and today this....it is more than frustrating....I
    am clever, tenacious and persistent...and this one now has me stumped...!

    Hi S.mcknight,
    It seems you have solved this issue, if there is anything else regarding this iisue, please feel free to post back.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here.
    Best Regards,
    Anna Wang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Why does this video keep opening in new tab for no apparent reason

    This annoying MacDonalds promotional video keeps opening in a new tab for no apparent reason:
    I don't do anything. I'm just reading a web page and a new tab will open with this video playing. Any idea what is going on here?

    When does the window open? What were you doing at the time?
    What are your HomePage, and Newtab pages?

  • Why cant i connect wirelessly to my new Epson SX235W printer

    I have just bought an Epson SX235W printer but cant connect wirelessly to it

    Try it and see, if you need more info before you start try googling this phrase;
    Epson RX520 Mac Software,
    which if done right will take you to this page Where you will find OSX sotware for your Epson.

  • Why cant I sign in to my new ipad

    I got a new Ipad and it is asking for the passcode I put in the old passcode from my ipad 1 and it did not work

    Hi there Bonilla;
    Do you have another HP account in existence?
    when someone has this issue, mos of the time they have an existing Snapfish HP account.
    Let's do this to make sure that is not your case;
    1. Go to www.snapfish.com and click on "log in" at the top right.
    2. On the splash screen that comes up click on the "forgot your password" link and submit your email.
    3. You should receive an email with a link and a temporary password.
    4. Click on the link and log in with the temp password.
    5. Change your password to something that has at least 6 characters (at least 1 of those should be a number).
    6. Go back to www.eprintcenter.com and click on Sign In.7. On the next screen do not put your email or password, but click on the small Snapfish below.
    8. On the splash screen that comes up log in with your email and the password you just created at Snapfish. This will merge your HP accounts and you should be able to log in to www.eprintcenter.com normally after that.
    Let me know the outcome I will do my best to help you if you still facing this issue after this;

    You can say THANKS by clicking the KUDOS STAR. If my suggestion resolves your issue Mark as a "SOLUTION" this way others can benefit Thanks in Advance!

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    You can go about this in two ways:s
    1 - copy the Photos Library to an external HD that is formatted OS X Extended (journaled) or use Time Machine or one of the backup apps that Larry mentioned.
    2 - Click on the All Photos album in the sidebar, select all of the photos by typing Command+A and exporting the to the EHD using the File ➙ Export Unmodified Original... menu option with the following settings:
    This will give you a folder for each Moment (like iPhoto's Events) with the name of the Moment as a folder title which will be the date of that Moment:
    The first method as described buy Larry is the better one as it will keep your organizational efforts, keywords, titles, projects, etc., intact.

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    Moving this discussion to the Adobe Reader forum.

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