Why did iTunes double my songs?

I was syncing my iPhone and I went to listen to my music and realized I had doubles of all of my songs. I was just wondering if there is a way that I can delete the duplicates.

I've been going thru manually deleting them from my library.

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    I haven't seen this question posted yet, but feel free to direct me to any pertinent posts.
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    I have noticed this too. I filled up my phone VERY fast yesterday.
    and deleting is not easy, lots of left swipe DELETE action, took a while.

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    Hello shirley236,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
    Best of luck,

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    I am sorry to see you are having problems
    I suggest you contact the forum mods they may  be able to get this problem sorted for you this is a link to them http://bt.custhelp.com/app/contact_email/c/4951
    They normally reply by email or phone directly to you within 3 working days they will take personal ownership of your problem until resolved and will keep you informed of progress
    They are a UK based BT specialist team who have a good record at getting problems solved
    This is a customer to customer self help forum the only BT presence here are the forum moderators
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

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    Hemihouse5 wrote:
    The iTunes Match tutorial says you can share all music, even music you added from other sources. Is this a lie?
    No, it was not a lie but the music must be in the iTunes library. It doesn't matter what the source for the music is, though.
    Hemihouse5 wrote:
    If I download music from other sources, the music is added to my library right alongside any other music I have on my phone. There is no way to get it into iTunes if I didn't buy it there.
    I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. Do you not know how to add music to the iTunes library? It is very easy: pull down File > Add to library. You can add any supported file format to iTunes, not everything has to be purchased from the iTunes Store.

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    Dear loeezy,
    Sorry you felt offended by my post. That was not my intent and I never suggested you were stupid.
    Your post was a bit confusing because you were describing unrelated things.
    I was simply trying to explain a few things to help you out. Seems it did not work.
    My apologies.
    Please check out exactly the directions I wrote about "import settings".  I believe you will find the active button, "import settings" next to "ask to import CD" which is next to the words "when you import a CD:" under the heading, "General" in the pull-down menu, Preferences. 
    Yes, I understand what the Import Settings are and how to change them.
    However, Import Settings has nothing to do with burning a CD or selecting file types for adding to a playlist.
    Since it is not needed for making a playlist or burning a CD, I don't understand why it would "annoying".
    If you are burning a data or MP3 CD and only want specific file types, then you need to know what format of the files you add to a playlist are but that still has no relevance to what your current Import Settings are.
    And no, iTunes will NOT "convert the file as needed" if you want one song in both formats.
    If you are burning an audio CD, the result is one format. Audio CD.
    That is why I wrote, "If you are burning an audio CD the format is irrelevant", because iTunes will convert AIFF, WAV, MP3, AAC & Apple Lossless to audio CD format.
    Next time read the question thoroughly, make sure you do have the right version, and test what the the person is saying
    I did read thoroughly and understand exactly what you wrote.
    In the end, seems all you really needed was how to view the Kind column.
    Seems you have sorted out your issue so good luck.

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    Hi Wartman73,
    If some of your songs are not appearing in iTunes Match, I would first give this article a run through to see if that resolves the issue:
    iTunes Store: Troubleshooting iTunes Match
    Have a good one!
    - Ari

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussion
    I'm sorry to hear of your problems. However, I wonder if iTunes screwed up your computer? Perhaps there's another, core issue with your Hard Disk? Have you run any Hardware Diagnostics?

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    I have the exact same problem... Please someone solv this! Or get going on getting us iTunes for linux... How hard can it be?

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    Are you burning as mp3 CD or Audio CD?.
    If mp3 CD - then iTunes may remove the .aac audio files. (Just a thought)

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    You'd have had more luck if you'd moved your library files out to your external drive as well as the media. That way, when you'd reinstalled all you would have needed to do was use SHIFT-start iTunes and point it at the library on the external.
    Next time you reinstall Windows backup the entire *Documents and Settings* or Users folders from the C:\ drive so that after the rebuild you can restore anything you discover you still want from your old profile.
    Better yet do these backups before something goes wrong, say once a month. The following tool is great for general backups of any specifc set of folders, not just iTunes.
    *Fast backup for iTunes library (Windows Only)*
    Grab SyncToy 2.1, a free tool from MS. This can be used to copy your entire iTunes library (& other important data folders) onto another hard drive or network share. You can then use SyncToy periodically to synchronise or echo your library to the backup. A preview will show which files need to be updated giving you a chance to spot unexpected changes and during the run only the new or updated files will be copied saving lots of time. And if your media is all organised below the main iTunes folder then you should also be able to open the backup library on any system running the same version of iTunes.

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    Can we help you with something?

  • Why did itunes steal my money

    I bought a tv episode for $1.99, but itunes charged me $2.15.
    I also bought 4 apps for 99 cents each, but itunes charged me $1.07 each
    Why is itunes charging me extra money for stuff?

    Why do you accuse people of stealing your money without understanding what has happened?
    Why would you do this?
    Maybe you should have a basic understanding before making accusations of theft.

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    If you tried to pay for a purchase on your credit card and for some reason the money wasent in the bank at the time of purchase it will decline your card untill you put more money in the account to pay for the download it declined the first time.

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