Why do I need to catch this exception?

Hello all
This is a question about exception handling. I have to build a diary application that lets you save reminders on particular dates using xml. Just to make it a little tougher, I was not allowed to use the Calendar class. This is the code I wrote:
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*; 
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import java.io.*;     
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.*;                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
import static java.lang.Math.*;
public class CalendarAssignment extends JFrame implements ActionListener
     int MonthLength [] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
     public JButton [] days = new JButton[43];
     private JLabel lbl, reminderlbl;
     private JPanel top, grid, remindercenter, reminderbottom;
     private JFrame reminderframe;
     private JTextField year1, reminderinput, dayno;
     private JComboBox months;
     private Container container;
     private JButton fetch, save, cancel;
     private Document doc;
     private File file;
     private Node node;
     private String year, month, day;
          public static void main( String[] args ) {
               CalendarAssignment c = new CalendarAssignment( );
               c.setSize( 400, 300 );
               c.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
               c.show( );
          public CalendarAssignment( ) {
               int CurrentYear, CurrentMonth;
               String YearString, MonthString, Now;
               Date today;
               container = getContentPane( );
               container.setLayout( new BorderLayout( ) );
               SimpleDateFormat DateFormatter;
               DateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat( "MM.yyyy" );
               today = new Date( );
               Now = DateFormatter.format( today );
               MonthString = Now.substring( 0,2 );
               YearString = Now.substring( 3,7 );
               CurrentMonth = Integer.valueOf( MonthString );
               CurrentYear = Integer.valueOf( YearString );
               top = new JPanel( );
                    String [] items = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
                                  "July", "August", "September", "October", "November",
                                  "December" };
                    months = new JComboBox( items );
                    months.setEditable( false );
                    months.setSelectedIndex( CurrentMonth - 1 );          
                    year1 = new JTextField( );
                    year1.setText( YearString );
                    year1.setEditable( true );
                    year1.setHorizontalAlignment( year1.CENTER );
                    fetch = new JButton( "Fetch Month" );
                    fetch.addActionListener( this );
                    top.setLayout( new GridLayout( 1, 3, 20, 0 ) );
                    top.add( months );
                    top.add( year1 );
                    top.add( fetch );
               grid = new JPanel( );
                    grid.setLayout( new GridLayout( 7, 7, 0, 0 ) );
                    String [] week = { "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" };
                    for ( int a = 0; a < 7; a ++ ) {
                              JLabel lbl = new JLabel( week[a], JLabel.CENTER );
                              grid.add( lbl );
                    for ( int i = 0; i < 42; i ++ ) {
                              days[i] = new JButton( );
                              grid.add( days[i] );
                              days.addActionListener( this );
                    DrawCalendar( CurrentMonth, CurrentYear );
                    container.add( top, BorderLayout.NORTH );
                    container.add( grid, BorderLayout.CENTER );
          private void DrawCalendar( int SelectMonth, int SelectYear ) {
                    int DisplayMonthLength, Buttons;
                    String ButtonID = "";
                    int OffSet = MonthStart( SelectMonth, SelectYear );
                    DisplayMonthLength = MonthLength [SelectMonth - 1];
                    if ( SelectMonth == 2 )
                         DisplayMonthLength += LeapYear( SelectYear );
                    for ( Buttons = 1; Buttons < 43; Buttons ++ ) {
                         if ( ( Buttons <= OffSet ) || ( Buttons > ( DisplayMonthLength + OffSet ) ) ) {
                              ButtonID = "";
                              days[Buttons-1].setEnabled( false );
                         else {
                              ButtonID = Integer.toString( Buttons - OffSet );
                              days[Buttons-1].setEnabled( true );
                    days[Buttons-1].setLabel( ButtonID );
                    grid.add( days[Buttons-1] );
          private int LeapYear( int year ) {
                    int FourHundred, OneHundred, Fourth;
                    FourHundred = year % 400;
                    OneHundred = year % 100;
                    Fourth = year % 4;
                    if( ( ( FourHundred == 0 ) ) || ( ( OneHundred != 0 ) && ( Fourth == 0 ) ) )
                         return ( 1 );
                         return ( 0 );
          private int MonthStart( int Month, int Year ) {
                    int OffSet, LastMonths, BeforeOrAfter, Years;
                    int AllDays = 0;
                    int YearDays = 365;
                    int YearMonths = 12;
                    BeforeOrAfter = Year - 2006;
                    Years = abs( BeforeOrAfter );
                    if( BeforeOrAfter != 0 )
                         BeforeOrAfter = BeforeOrAfter / Years;
                    switch( BeforeOrAfter ) {
                         case 1:
                              for( int a = 2006; a < Year; a ++ ) {
                                   AllDays += YearDays + LeapYear( a );
                              AllDays += LastMonthsCalc( Month, Year );
                         case -1:
                              for( int a = 2005; a > Year; a -- ) {
                                   AllDays += YearDays + LeapYear( a );
                              for( LastMonths = YearMonths; LastMonths >= Month; LastMonths -- ) {
                                   AllDays += MonthLength[LastMonths - 1];
                                   if( LastMonths == 2 )
                                        AllDays += LeapYear( Year );
                              if( Month > 1 )
                                   AllDays += ( LastMonthsCalc( Month, Year ) );
                    OffSet = AllDays % 7;
                    if( BeforeOrAfter ==( -1 ) )
                         return( 6 - OffSet );
                    else if( OffSet > 0 )
                         return( OffSet - 1 );
                         return( 6 );
          private int LastMonthsCalc( int Month, int Year ) {
                    int Counter;
                    int days = 0;
                    for( Counter = 1; Counter < Month; Counter ++ ) {
                         days += MonthLength[Counter - 1];
                         if( Counter == 2 )
                              days += LeapYear( Year );
                    return( days );
          public void CreateReminder( String buttonID, String yearID, String monthID ) {
                    reminderframe = new JFrame( );
                    reminderlbl = new JLabel( );
                    reminderframe.setLayout( new GridLayout( 2, 1, 0, 0 ) );
                    remindercenter = new JPanel( );
                         reminderlbl = new JLabel( "Please type in reminder to be saved for " + buttonID + " " + monthID + " " + yearID + ":", JLabel.CENTER );
                         reminderinput = new JTextField( 30 );
                         reminderinput.setHorizontalAlignment( reminderinput.CENTER );
                         reminderinput.setEditable( true );
                         remindercenter.setLayout( new GridLayout( 2, 1, 0, 0 ) );
                         remindercenter.add( reminderlbl );
                         remindercenter.add( reminderinput );
                    reminderbottom = new JPanel( );
                         save = new JButton( "Save" );
                         save.addActionListener( this );
                         cancel = new JButton( "Cancel" );
                         cancel.addActionListener( this );
                         dayno = new JTextField( buttonID );
                         dayno.setEditable( false );
                         dayno.setEnabled( false );
                         dayno.show( false );
                         reminderbottom.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) );
                         reminderbottom.add( save );
                         reminderbottom.add( cancel );
                         reminderbottom.add( dayno );
                    reminderframe.setSize( 500, 75 );
                    reminderframe.add( remindercenter );
                    reminderframe.add( reminderbottom );
                    reminderframe.pack( );
                    reminderframe.show( );
          public void SaveReminder( String dayID, String yearID, String monthID ) throws Exception {
                    file = new File( "Diary.xml" );
                    doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance( ).newDocumentBuilder( ).parse( file.toURL( ).toString( ) );
                    String year = yearID;
                    String month = monthID;
                    String day = dayID;
                    //System.out.println( year );
                    //System.out.println( month );
                    //System.out.println( day );
                    CreateEntry( doc.getDocumentElement( ) );
                    writeXmlFile( );
          public boolean CreateEntry( Node node ) {
                    Node searchNode;
                    searchNode = getYear( node );
                    if( searchNode == null ) {
                         Element newNode = doc.createElement( "Year" );
                         searchNode = node.appendChild( newNode );
                         newNode.setAttribute( "Id", year );
                    node = searchNode;
                    searchNode = getMonth( node );
                    if( searchNode == null ) {
                         Element newNode = doc.createElement( "Month" );
                         searchNode = node.appendChild( newNode );
                         newNode.setAttribute( "Id", month );
                    node = searchNode;
                    searchNode = getDay( node );
                    if( searchNode == null ) {
                         Element newNode = doc.createElement( "Day" );
                         searchNode = node.appendChild( newNode );
                         newNode.setAttribute( "Id", day );
                    node = searchNode;
                    String entry = reminderinput.getText( );
                    Node textNode = doc.createTextNode( entry );
                    node.appendChild( textNode );
                    return true;
          private Node getYear( Node node ) {
                    node = node.getFirstChild( );
                    while( node != null ) {
                         if(node.getNodeName( ).equals( "Year" ) && String.valueOf( node.getAttributes( ).item( 0 ).getNodeValue( ) ) == year )
                              return node;
                              node = node.getNextSibling( );                    
                    return null;
          private Node getMonth( Node node ) {
                    node = node.getFirstChild( );
                    while( node != null ) {
                         if( node.getNodeName( ).equals( "Month" ) && String.valueOf( node.getAttributes( ).item( 0 ).getNodeValue( ) ) == month )
                              return node;
                              node = node.getNextSibling( );                    
                    return null;
          private Node getDay( Node node ) {
                    node = node.getFirstChild( );
                    while( node != null ) {
                         if( node.getNodeName( ).equals( "Day" ) && String.valueOf( node.getAttributes( ).item( 0 ).getNodeValue( ) ) == day )
                              return node;
                              node = node.getNextSibling( );                    
                    return null;
          private void writeXmlFile( ) throws Exception {
               Source source = new DOMSource( doc );
                    Result result = new StreamResult( file );
               Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance( ).newTransformer( );
               xformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.INDENT,"yes" );
               xformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM,"Diary.dtd" );
               xformer.transform( source, result );
          public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) {
                    String IDButton = e.getActionCommand( );
                    String IDYear = year1.getText( );
                    Object IDMonthObj = months.getSelectedItem( );
                    if( e.getSource( ) == fetch ) {
                         String YearText = year1.getText( );
                         int YearNumber = Integer.valueOf( YearText );
                         int MonthsIndex = months.getSelectedIndex( ) + 1;
                         DrawCalendar( MonthsIndex, YearNumber );
                    else if( e.getSource( ) == cancel ) {
                         reminderframe.hide( );
                    else if( e.getSource( ) == save ) {
                         String IDDay = dayno.getText( );
                         String IDMonth = String.valueOf( IDMonthObj );
                         SaveReminder( IDDay, IDYear, IDMonth );
                    else {
                         String IDMonth = String.valueOf( IDMonthObj );
                         Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit( ).beep( );
                         int n = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, "Set reminder on this date?", "Question", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION );
                         if( n == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION ) {
                              CreateReminder( IDButton, IDYear, IDMonth );
If you compile it, you will realise that I get an error about exception handling. My lecturer gave me an example code of how to do the same thing without using a GUI:
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.*;
public class CallDOM
     Document doc;
     File file;
     Scanner input;
     int year, month, day;
     String currentYear, currentMonth;
     public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception
          CallDOM cd=new CallDOM();          
     CallDOM() throws Exception
          file=new File("Diary.xml");
          //create DOM from file
          doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(file.toURL().toString());
          input=new Scanner(System.in);
          System.out.println("1) Create entry");
          System.out.println("2) Read entry");
          System.out.println("3) Show Diary");
          System.out.println("4) Quit");
          int choice=input.nextInt();
                    case 1: GetDate();CreateEntry(doc.getDocumentElement());break;
                    case 2: GetDate();ReadEntry(doc.getDocumentElement());break;
                    case 3: ShowDiary(doc.getDocumentElement());
               System.out.println("1) Create entry");
               System.out.println("2) Read entry");
               System.out.println("3) Show Diary");
               System.out.println("4) Quit");
     public void GetDate()
          System.out.println("Enter date (dd mm yyyy)");
     public boolean ReadEntry(Node node)
          node = getYear(node);
          if(node==null) return false;
          node = getMonth(node);
          if(node==null) return false;
          node = getDay(node);
          if(node==null) return false;
          node = node.getFirstChild();
          return true;               
     public boolean CreateEntry(Node node)
          Node searchNode;
          searchNode = getYear(node);
               Element newNode = doc.createElement("Year");
               searchNode = node.appendChild(newNode);
          node = searchNode;
          searchNode = getMonth(node);
               Element newNode = doc.createElement("Month");
               searchNode = node.appendChild(newNode);
          node = searchNode;
          searchNode = getDay(node);
               Element newNode = doc.createElement("Day");
               searchNode = node.appendChild(newNode);
          node = searchNode;
          System.out.println("Enter Text");
          String entry=input.next();
          Node textNode = doc.createTextNode(entry);
          return true;               
     public void ShowDiary(Node node)
          Stack<Node> stack=new Stack<Node>();
          Node child;
               node = stack.pop();
                    child = node.getLastChild();
                         child = child.getPreviousSibling();
     private boolean ProcessNode(Node node)
                                        currentMonth+"/"+currentYear+": ");
               return false;
          return true;               
     private Node getYear(Node node)
                    && Integer.valueOf(node.getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue())==year)
                         return node;
               node = node.getNextSibling();                    
          return null;
     private Node getMonth(Node node)
                    && Integer.valueOf(node.getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue())==month)
                    return node;
               node = node.getNextSibling();                    
          return null;
     private Node getDay(Node node)
                    && Integer.valueOf(node.getAttributes().item(0).getNodeValue())==day)
                    return node;
               node = node.getNextSibling();                    
          return null;
     private void writeXmlFile() throws Exception
        Source source = new DOMSource(doc);
        Result result = new StreamResult(file);
        Transformer xformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
        xformer.transform(source, result);
}My question is, why does the exceptions in the example code not need to be caught? And why do I have to catch the exceptions in my code? Several exceptions are thrown in the example code, but there is no catch statement.
Thanks for any advice!!

Since your question didn't come with any relevant details, and since you have huge steaming piles of irrelevant code, all I can give is a general answer to "Why do I need to catch this exception?"
[url http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/exceptions/index.html]Exception tutorial at http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/exceptions/index.html
Here's a quick overview of exceptions:
The base class for all exceptions is Throwable. Java provides Exception and Error that extend Throwable. RuntimeException (and many others) extend Exception.
RuntimeException and its descendants, and Error and its descendants, are called unchecked exceptions. Everything else is a checked exception.
If your method, or any method it calls, can throw a checked exception, then your method must either catch that exception, or declare that your method throws that exception. This way, when I call your method, I know at compile time what can possibly go wrong and I can decide whether to handle it or just bubble it up to my caller. Catching a given exception also catches all that exception's descendants. Declaring that you throw a given exception means that you might throw that exception or any of its descendants.
Unchecked exceptions (RuntimeException, Error, and their descendants) are not subject to those restrictions. Any method can throw any unchecked exception at any time without declaring it. This is because unchecked exceptions are either the sign of a coding error (RuntimeException), which is totally preventable and should be fixed rather than handled by the code that encounters it, or a problem in the VM, which in general can not be predicted or handled.

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    You may find the information in the article below helpful.
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    -Griff W. 

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    Please read this whole message and be sure you understand all of it before doing anything. Back up all data before making changes to your settings.
    Write down the server addresses.
    Click Cancel to close the Advanced sheet. Unlock the preference pane, if necessary, by clicking the lock icon in the lower left corner and entering your password. Open the DNS tab again and change the server addresses to the following:
    That's Google DNS. Click OK, then Apply.
    In Safari, select
    Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. If you’re using another browser, empty the cache. Test. Any difference?
    1. If you lose Internet access after making the above change to your network settings, delete the Google servers in the Network preference pane, then select the TCP/IP tab and click Renew DHCP Lease. That should restore the original DNS settings; otherwise restore them yourself.
    2. I’m not advocating Google or anything else as a DNS provider; the server addresses are offerred merely for testing purposes. There may be privacy and technical issues involved in using that service, which you should investigate personally before you decide whether to keep the settings. Other public DNS services exist.

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    Hi all,
    I need to catch an exception in a JSP before the errorPage handles it. Have tried with try-catch but it seems like the exception is thrown to the errorPage anyway. Do you know of any technique to handle this.
    In other words: I would like to specify program logic for one exception within the JSP itself. Let us say Customer.Authenticate() throws an Exception when the given e-mail is not included in customer-DB. I would like to append logic instead of being redirected to errorPage.
    Anyone done this, can it even be done?

    I would try keeping the error page as it is and still adding the logic in the catch block. If that does not help, then remove the error page and use <jsp:forward> (after your logic) in the catch block to explicitly go to the error page.
    or if you want to process that logic anyways in case of an exception, try adding your logic in the finally block.

  • Not able to catch the exception

    I'm trying to run an ADF page (Test.jspx) . The only page content I have is an embedded BI report.
    I have used a report executable in my page definition.
    A sample code snippet is:
    <biContent id="biExecBinding1" connectionId="TMBIPresentationServerConn" path="/shared/TMSharedFolders/MOT_SalesAccount" type="biReportContent" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/bi/report/bindings">
    Here TMBIPresentationServerConn is the name of the connection of the BI Server.
    If BI Server is down, on running my page , an exception is being thrown by the framework.
    I want to catch this exception and perform my own logic, but since i am using a binding context for report , i am not able to catch this exception.
    Could you please let me know how can i catch the exception if BI is down?

    (as I suspected from your first post)
    You are using a version of JDeveloper that isn't available to the general public, and are asking about it on a public forum. You should use the internal Oracle forum - I don't know the URL, because I am one of the unwashed general public ;)

  • Why do I need Quick time 7 and Quicktime 10 ?

    I have just migrated from iMac5 (2.16 GHz) Mac OS 10.4.11 Quicktime 7.6.4 to a new imac 3.06 Mac OS 10.6.2 Quicktime 10.0.
    Some of my quicktime files play ok but others prompt me to download quicktime version 7. Why do I need to do this ? (There seem to be a lot of problems with this looking at the forums). All the files play on the old mac. Why isn't Quicktime forward compatible or why is there no import facility so that you can make your old files compatible ?
    Or am I missing something ?

    Some of my quicktime files play ok but others prompt me to download quicktime version 7. Why do I need to do this ?
    Because your system thinks you are missing specific codecs required for the playback of certain compression formats. In some cases this may be an installation problem in which the codec was "lost" or "orphaned" during the update process. In others it may be a need to update the component to work properly under the dual QT X/7 framework installed under the Snow Leopard OS. You need to check the Inspector/Finder Info or similar window to determine what specific codec is causing the problem and then re-install or update that specific codec/component/package.
    (There seem to be a lot of problems with this looking at the forums).
    Most of the problems are "self-inflicted" by individuals who, rather than studying the problem symptoms, analyzing them to determine their cause, and then fixing the problems, elect to immediately delete and re-install software -- often attempting to mix components from different operating systems and/or update versions of the software in their haste.
    All the files play on the old mac. Why isn't Quicktime forward compatible or why is there no import facility so that you can make your old files compatible?
    I am running both Leopard and Snow Leopard variations of QT v7.6.6 and all of my "old" files have remained compatible -- to include MPEG-2 video and a limited number of third-party supported compression formats. Since my configurations continue to work properly, my first guess is that you have an unresolved configuration problem or inability for your QT X 64-bit routines to communicate/switch properly with the 32-bit routines as required for your content.
    Why do I need Quick time 7 and Quicktime 10?
    Technically, you probably don't. However, as an old QT 7 Pro user who likes many of the QT 7 Player controls/options/features better than QT X's new but more basic features, I maintain both in active service and tend to use QT 7 as the default player of most of my work flows. Still, this is up to the individual. I am in no hurry to rush the changeover from an older but still more reliable QT technology to a more modern, but as yet, less mature and well tested "new" QT technology. In short, I feel it best to make the most of both dispensations during the development of this "new" version of QT.

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