Why does my iMac take a lot longer to start than my Macair?

I have both an iMac 24 inch circa 2008 & a Macair circa 2010, both running OS X 10.9.2. Wnen  starting up the Macair only takes moments whereas the iMac can take three or four minutes. Is there a reason for this?  It is really not much of a problem but has me wondering.

I've done another scan of the disk and permissions repair. I had done it before but it didn't change anything.
My dropbox is full, but it was long before I had this startup problem. I became slow after an OSX update (?).
I get that kind of message on the console:
com.apple.launchd (com.apple.systemStarter) failed to count the number of files in "system/library/Startup items": no such file or directory (14 times)
and this:
com.apple.WindowServer 14:18:57 iMac de Philippe.local WindowServer... <error>: KCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint5° to catch errors as they are logged.
The next message is at 14:27:11

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    STAT #3 id=2 cnt=44 pid=1 pos=1 obj=0 op='PARTITION RANGE SINGLE PARTITION:   (cr=7414 pr=0 pw=0 time=0 us cost=7 size=9823 card=47)'
    STAT #3 id=3 cnt=44 pid=2 pos=1 obj=590979 op='TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID BA_PGM_SLS_DTL PARTITION: KEY KEY (cr=7414 pr=0 pw=0 time=0 us cost=7 size=9823 card=47)'
    STAT #3 id=4 cnt=44 pid=3 pos=1 obj=590982 op='INDEX RANGE SCAN BA_PGM_SLS_DTL_PK PARTITION: KEY KEY (cr=7408 pr=0 pw=0 time=10 us cost=6 size=0 card=1)'
    WAIT #3: nam='SQL*Net message from client' ela= 3104 driver id=1650815232 #bytes=1 p3=0 obj#=-1 tim=2845770355048It looks to me like the first three fetches return 31 rows in very little time, but the last fetch takes about .4 seconds and does about 7354 buffer gets to get the remaining 13 rows. Does anyone have an idea what might cause this?
    - Bobby

    I goofed. The types of two of the bind variables got reversed:
    Wrong type
    Right type
    Once I fixed this the query reads hardly any blocks at all just as I would expect. I guess the first three fetches got lucky and hit some blocks with matching data. The last fetch must have read through a bunch of index blocks needlessly because it wasn't using all the values in the where clause.
    Here are the predicates with the right plan and wrong:
           filter(("BPSD"."INV_NBR"=:V_INV_NBR AND "BPSD"."CUST_NBR"=:V_CUST_NBR AND
                  "BPSD"."CUST_CNTL_LOCN"=:V_CUST_CNTL_LOCN))Having reviewed this I believe this is what Jonathan Lewis meant by a hidden coercion of the data type of one of the columns. The column PRIM_CUST_NBR had to be converted to a number to compare it with the mistyped bind variable and so none of the columns after that one in the index could be used in the range scan.
    - Bobby
    Edited by: Bobby Durrett on Jul 9, 2012 3:17 PM
    Edited by: Bobby Durrett on Jul 10, 2012 8:23 PM

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    Thanks for your comments.

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    Steve Anderson5 wrote:
    I'm not sure this will help but it's worth a try - leave your 24" on overnight go to the "Energy Saver" in Preference set the computer to "Never" Sleep and un-check the box at the bottom to keep the hard drive active. It's OK to put the "Display" to sleep. In the wee hours of the morning the Mac will run certain maintenance programs automatically that may help out your slow boot up. I have a 24"it boots from a cold start in about 30 seconds with several fire wire drives cascaded to the FW 800 port. Maybe you have tried this approach just thought I'd chime in.
    Hope it helps,
    Good advice Steve (and the Ancients).
    Another option I have used in the past to handle system maintenance is MacJanitor, but it is not made specifically for Intel Macs, and can be buggy. I have found this alternative though, you may want to check it out rather than leave your iMac on 24hrs a day:
    the site also has this:
    Let us know how it goes.

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    I have a 21" Imac, purchased 2010. If I don't login to a user account within five minutes of start up the IMac shuts down.  It used to go to a sleep mode.
    My OS is Mavericks, 10.9.3.  I also have the latest security update.  A message comes on the start screen within one minute.  It reads, if you are having trouble entering your password press the start button to shut down, then press again to enter a recovery OS.  If I login within 5 minutes of start all is well.
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    Do you mean the external hard drive is not mounted on the iMac desktop?
    Check if Disk Utility sees the drive. Applications / Utilities / Disk Utility. If the external shows up in the left column, select it and click on Mount.
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    or interfearing from other wifi networks which use the same channel
    or microwave or dect phones which also operate on the 2.4Ghz band

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    when I start my 17" iMac intel duo core it takes way too long to start-up. This is a recent phenomena. Before (presumably before I did something to the computer to cause this) the start-up time was very quick as it should be. I've 2 GB of RAM - so I know it's not a RAM issue. I've lots of hard disk storage left too. I just can't figure out what's taking it so long, nor do I know how to remedy the cause.
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    Note that i've tried all steps listed in troubleshooting in the iMac User's Guide, and they don't work.
    1. Has anyone any thoughts about how to revert to the quick start-up times?
    2. Does anybody know what keys to hold so that when you power on the iMac you can choose which operating system to start in?
    Any help is appreciated,

    Auto login meaning that you do not type in your name and password when you first boot up. Do you have a lot of fonts installed on this machine? There may be something or many things set to auto launch when you sign in and depending on what it is may take a while to load up. Anit-virus software? Go to your Apple menu in the top left corner of the Finder and go to your System Preferences. Click on Accounts, your user, then Login Items. There it will show you a list of all the applications that launch when you sign in.

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    Relaunch the Finder, then from the Finder menu bar, select
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    Well, there are many different reasons why it does this. It might shut off due to power voltage problems, system overheats, or there is a System Problem. The reason it might be hard to boot up is because your power button might not work properly or your system hard drive is damaged.
    <Email Edited by Host>

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    Ok, I solved it.
    I followed this steps:
    1- Turn Off Wi-Fi from the Wireless menu item
    2- From the OS X Finder, hit Command+Shift+G and enter the following path:
    3- Within this folder locate and select the following files:


    4- Move all of these files into a folder on your Desktop called ‘wifi backups’ or something similar – we’re backing these up just in case you break something but if you regularly backup your Mac you can just delete the files instead since you could restore from Time Machine if needed.
    5- Reboot the Mac
    6- Turn ON WI-Fi from the wireless network menu again

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    System Preferences - iCloud - check mark Find my Mac.

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