Why doesn't Bridge open?

I just bought a new Dell desktop, XPS8100. When I insert a disk with pictures into the computer I get a dialogue box that allows me to download the images using Adobe Bridge CS4. When I select that option the dialogue box disappears but Bridge does not open. If I open Bridge and I go to File to get photos, Bridge does not see the disk drive. If I plug in a flash drive or a card from my camera Bridge does recognize it. I've got thousands of images that are on disks and I'd like to get started. Can anyone tell me what my problem stems from, or offer any solutions?

This may be due to a hidden copy of Bridge running in the background.
Look in Task Manager > Processes and if you find Bridge there kill it.
Then,  in Preferences, deselect the option to start Bridge at log-on.

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    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

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    Left-click a JavaScript link to avoid getting a blank tab.
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    * Tabberwocky: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/14439
    * Tab Mix Plus: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/1122

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    Hi OB,
    Menu > Pages > Preferences > General
    Times New Roman is one of my Custom Templates in Template Chooser.
    Those settings give me that template when I launch Pages 5, also with Menu > File > New (command n).
    Anything different about your set up?
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