Why doesn't iPad PPTP client support compression?

When using iPad or iPhone as a PPTP client they don't make any use of the compression protocol available and offered by the PPTP server?
Why is that????

Because they don't, maybe.
User to user forum, no Apple here.
We have no idea why Apple does anything, all anyone here can do is speculate.

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    Why be so sarcastic and unhelpful? A legitimate question has been asked and someone in the community will be able to give an answer - there may be a technical reason at this stage.
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    Try using a different browser like Firefox or Chrome.
    Mozilla Firefox Web Browser — Free Download
    Google Chrome

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    You do know it's not a matter of Apple letting you use Flash, right?  It would be up to Adobe to make a version of Flash for iOS, which they never did.
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    No Flash for iPads, iPhones, or iPods
    Here's why there's is no Flash available for iDevices or other mobile devices. Adobe was unable to provide a product that was suitable to the needs of battery powered mobile devices used for Internet browsing. Existing Flash technology used too much memory, ate battery life, and was buggy. Simply put Flash did not work well on mobile devices.
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    So this is why there is no Flash for your iPhone or iPad or iPod nor for most SmartPhones. Flash has been abandoned by many sites in favor of supported technologies such as HTML5 or by providing their own custom app.
    Here is Steve Jobs official comment on his momentous decision to omit Flash from iDevices: Steve Jobs on Flash.
    Here is Adobe's later announcement to cease development of Flash for mobile devices: Adobe on Mobile Flash. Adobe is not providing Flash for Apple iOS devices, and they no longer provide Flash for any other cellular phones. Flash is officially gone.
    Now, you are not necessarily out on a limb. There are some apps that can display some Flash, but don't count on there ability to display anything using Flash.
    A sample of Apps that can display some Flash content:
      1. Puffin
      2. SkyFire
      3. Photon Flash
      4. Browse2Go
      5. Swifter
    Also, note that many sites that use Flash provide their own app for accessing their material. So check with your favorite sites and find out if "there's an app for that."

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    I have a folder of photos I have renamed.
    Filename is not the same as Title.
    If there is an entry in the title field already, you can change the filename forever, but you're not changing the title. To change the title you need to do that in an app that edits the metadata - like iPhoto, for instance.

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    Ask Apple. We wouldn't know:

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    Welcome to the Support Communities. No, I don't think the iPad 2 should have Siri while it's still in Beta on iPhone 4S:
    ...Perhaps when Siri's bugs have been fixed and it's out of Beta, Apple will put Siri on the iPad 2.

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    In case you didn't catch the sarcasm from the responders above, Apple has "it sorted."  The processor in iPad 2 is not as fast as the new models and they made the decision iPad 2 could not accommodate Siri.  It's like buying a car and the next model years car coming out with a more powerful engine.  Do you expect the car company to give you that more power engine?  Of course not.  As the shelf life of technical products moves quickly, no manufacturer retrofits all models with all features, because not all models can handle all features.  If you want Siri on your iPad, sell the one you've got and get a newer one.  Problem solved.
    Oh and if you used the search bar, you'd see volumes on this question, which has been asked over and over.

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    If that works better for you, use it by all means. Certainly both browser and proxy should be set the same way. I found that pipelining did not help with Mac browsers, but did help with Windows browsers with a proxy that supported it.

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    A frustrated father,
    R. Leifield

    FWIW, MPEG is a distribution format, not an editing format. The best way would be to convert VHS to DV, edit it in iMovie and burn THAT to DVDs.
    Sure, MPEG is a nice compressed format taking much less space than DV but the compression takes away quality.
    IMO the best approach with MPEG source would be to edit (yes, it CAN be edited) it with apps like MPEG Streamclip (very limited editing features) or Capty MPEG Edit EX (more features) and author the edited MPEGs via apps like Toast, DVDSP, Capty MPEG Edit, Sizzle etc. THEN you won't lose any quality (unless some of the GOPs have to be re-encoded, that is).
    BTW, unlike QT Player, MPEG Streamclip can play also AC3 or PCM audio in MPEG files.
    See also:

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    This is a user forum.  There is no one here from Apple to answer or support design dessions.  Apple calls AppleTV a "hobby" rather than a product.  They have never made it a major focus so if they are cutting courners it is not suprising.  ATV is deffinetly not an enterprise grade product.  It is ment for home use so I am not supprised it does not support it.

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