OMG, why doesn't iPad support flash?

I know, some browsers can decode flash while surfing, but it's just not the same!!!!! The internet is overflowed with flash. Come on Apple let's use it....
Considering to buy a tablet from another manufacturer!

You do know it's not a matter of Apple letting you use Flash, right?  It would be up to Adobe to make a version of Flash for iOS, which they never did.
You do know that Adobe has stopped development of all mobile versions of Flash, don't you?  That means no more Flash for any Android tablet you may buy.
Get the facts before rambling on about nothing...

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    Why doesn't Apple support Adobe Flash player on the iPad?  Very irritating!

    Look to the right under More Like This and you will see that you are beating a dead horse. Instead of doing a search for your issue you will be one of the obligatory 5 or 6 folks who ask this same inane question here every bloody day.
    So there is you answer, just read a few of the links to the scores of other threads here on this very topic and you will have all of the answers. The primary one being that there is no Flash from Adobe for iOS devices. Never has been, and since Adobe gave up trying to make Flash that worked, likely never will be.

  • Why doesn't Apple support Adobe Flash Player?

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    No Flash for iPads, iPhones, or iPods
    Here's why there's is no Flash available for iDevices or other mobile devices. Adobe was unable to provide a product that was suitable to the needs of battery powered mobile devices used for Internet browsing. Existing Flash technology used too much memory, ate battery life, and was buggy. Simply put Flash did not work well on mobile devices.
    Apple's Steve Jobs led the escape from Flash dependency when Apple introduced the iPhone, and later introduced the iPad. There was a hue and cry over the omission. Time proved Jobs was right on target.
    So this is why there is no Flash for your iPhone or iPad or iPod nor for most SmartPhones. Flash has been abandoned by many sites in favor of supported technologies such as HTML5 or by providing their own custom app.
    Here is Steve Jobs official comment on his momentous decision to omit Flash from iDevices: Steve Jobs on Flash.
    Here is Adobe's later announcement to cease development of Flash for mobile devices: Adobe on Mobile Flash. Adobe is not providing Flash for Apple iOS devices, and they no longer provide Flash for any other cellular phones. Flash is officially gone.
    Now, you are not necessarily out on a limb. There are some apps that can display some Flash, but don't count on there ability to display anything using Flash.
    A sample of Apps that can display some Flash content:
      1. Puffin
      2. SkyFire
      3. Photon Flash
      4. Browse2Go
      5. Swifter
    Also, note that many sites that use Flash provide their own app for accessing their material. So check with your favorite sites and find out if "there's an app for that."

  • Does the iPad support flash player yet?

    Does the iPad support flash player yet?

    As has been said here many times now, Adobe has ceased development on all versions of their mobile Flash player, and since the chances are vanishingly small that Apple will ever develop their own, iOS devices will probably never natively support Flash content or apps. If Flash capability is criticial to your needs, you'll probably want to choose another device, though even Android and Windows phone and tablet devices are less and less capable of Flash support.

  • Why doesn't the new flash player I downloaded work on my mac?

    I download the last new flash player on my mac under Lion and I can't open some website like adobe websites

    Hi Sunil,
    I try and the file attach is the result: a white page.
    I uninstall it yesterday and download the last version on adobe
    it's on firefox, I can use safari but I need to reload many time to have something
    Le 27 sept. 2011 à 13:09, Sunil_Bhaskaran a écrit :
    Re: Why doesn't the new flash player I downloaded work on my mac?
    created by Sunil_Bhaskaran in Flash Player - View the full discussion
    After downloading, you need to run the installer.
    Could you please visit this site:
    If Flash Player is installed in your machine, it will give you the version number.
    In the following link, you have step-by-step instructions on installing Flash Player on Mac:
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Flash Player by email or at Adobe Forums
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

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    FCE certainly does support high def (HD) video.
    The problem is that your Canon G12 shoots video as H.264 .mov files, which cannot be edited directly in FCE.
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    Why be so sarcastic and unhelpful? A legitimate question has been asked and someone in the community will be able to give an answer - there may be a technical reason at this stage.
    Unfortunately, on this occasion neither you nor I are able to explain why.

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    iPads and Mac computers are different hardware and software platforms.
    No Flash for iPads, iPhones, or iPods
    Here's why there's is no Flash available for iDevices or other mobile devices. Adobe was unable to provide a product that was suitable to the needs of battery powered mobile devices used for Internet browsing. Existing Flash technology used too much memory, ate battery life, and was buggy. Simply put Flash did not work well on mobile devices.
    Apple's Steve Jobs led the escape from Flash dependency when Apple introduced the iPhone, and later introduced the iPad. There was a hue and cry over the omission. Time proved Jobs was right on target.
    So this is why there is no Flash for your iPhone or iPad or iPod nor for most SmartPhones. Flash has been abandoned by many sites in favor of supported technologies such as HTML5 or by providing their own custom app.
    Here is Steve Jobs official comment on his momentous decision to omit Flash from iDevices: Steve Jobs on Flash.
    Here is Adobe's later announcement to cease development of Flash for mobile devices: Adobe on Mobile Flash. Adobe is not providing Flash for Apple iOS devices, and they no longer provide Flash for any other cellular phones. Flash is officially gone.
    Now, you are not necessarily out on a limb. There are some apps that can display some Flash, but don't count on there ability to display anything using Flash.
    A sample of Apps that can display some Flash content:
      1. Puffin
      2. SkyFire
      3. Photon Flash
      4. Browse2Go
      5. Swifter
    Also, note that many sites that use Flash provide their own app for accessing their material. So check with your favorite sites and find out if "there's an app for that."

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    Adobe has not made a version of Flash for the iPad.
    Kappy explains why.
    5 Flash Player Alternatives
    Top 4 browsers supports flash player on iPad and iPhone
     Cheers, Tom

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    So, I'm all set to use my Mac Mini and begin my family archives project - or so I thouhgt. I found that Quicktime and iMovie don't read MPEG-2!! Then I was relieved to find that there is a plug-in that works with Quicktime Pro that will read MPEG-2. I spent the $50 to download these 2 programs and sure enough Quikcktime Pro will now read the MPEG-2 files from my Samsung unit. However, there is no sound!!!
    Is Apple purposely making it impossible to do what I'm trying to do?
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    If I can't hear my little girl sing on these movies, then this whole project is a big waste of time and money!!
    I hope someone from Apple can give me some answers.
    A frustrated father,
    R. Leifield

    FWIW, MPEG is a distribution format, not an editing format. The best way would be to convert VHS to DV, edit it in iMovie and burn THAT to DVDs.
    Sure, MPEG is a nice compressed format taking much less space than DV but the compression takes away quality.
    IMO the best approach with MPEG source would be to edit (yes, it CAN be edited) it with apps like MPEG Streamclip (very limited editing features) or Capty MPEG Edit EX (more features) and author the edited MPEGs via apps like Toast, DVDSP, Capty MPEG Edit, Sizzle etc. THEN you won't lose any quality (unless some of the GOPs have to be re-encoded, that is).
    BTW, unlike QT Player, MPEG Streamclip can play also AC3 or PCM audio in MPEG files.
    See also:

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    why doesen't ipod have flash or java

    jose141 wrote:
    why doesen't ipod have flash or java
    Do a forum search.  This has been discussed over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
    There is no need to add yet another thread on this very, very, very tired subject.

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    Because they don't, maybe.
    User to user forum, no Apple here.
    We have no idea why Apple does anything, all anyone here can do is speculate.

  • Why doesn't the new flash player I downloaded work? Tried it several times. Firefox 6.0.2.

    Every time I've tried to watch a youtube video in the past week it asks me to update my adobe flash player. I've tried at least 5 times over the course of several days and now I'm convinced that it isn't me. Apparently, you can't get tech support from adobe without spending money and if you ask me that sounds like a scam.
    Every time I download it I've followed the instructions perfectly. I'm using Firefox 6.0.2. After downloading it and closing my browser like it asks, I click "retry" then "finish" and it opens up a new firefox window that says I'm running the new adobe flash player. I'll try to watch a video and it doesn't work. It seems like a frivolous thing to spend this much time fixing but I want to watch the OU/FSU game online next week and I'm afraid this issue won't be sorted out in time

    I was having the same issue with installing Flash player in both Firefox 6.0.2 and Explorer 9 -- the Task Manager would show the installer running as a process, but it would never actually install anything. It would just sit there until I killed it or rebooted.
    It seems that there are multiple versions of the separate installers needed. The installer that worked for me in Firefox was
    install_flash_player_10.exe -- a 3,017KB file
    and for Explorer, it was:
    install_flash_player_10_active_x.exe -- a 3,054KB file.
    Neither of those files was sent by the main updater page, nor did that page offer the 239KB uninstall_flash_player.exe, which is needed to uninstall the previous Flash version before one can even begin to try to update it. I had to pound through the messages in the forums to find links to those "full" installers.
    It is working now in both browsers, but jeepers creepers, it shouldn't take all day to find the installers for something that gets updated as often as Flash does.

  • Why does Firefox not support flash in Vista any more?

    I have a laptop with Vista on it and all year long I have had a hell of a time putting up with the new glitches in Firefox.
    I simply want the damn thing to be able to use the flash plugin. Every single ******* time Firefox updates, I lose the ability to view flash content. Clicking on the "install missing plugins" logo takes me through *seemingly* successful installs, but it doesn't really install and the next time I load firefox it still says "click here to install missing plugin."
    I have also downloaded the executable from adobe and run that (as an administrator, with firefox closed out) and I still get a *successful* installation that results in total failure, e.g. it's still not installed.
    Several firefoxes ago I found a website where I could download the two files needed (the dll and the other file) and I manually placed them in the plugins folder which allowed me to use flash until the damn update to the next firefox release wiped it out. The place I downloaded those files from no longer hosts them, so I'm SOL.
    Please either start to support Vista again, or declare that you aren't going to. I'm sick and tired of firefox nowadays, even though I've been using it since before version 1.1.
    Please, please, please just fix this problem.

    There are 2 versions of Adobe Flash; an '''ActiveX version''' for IE only and a '''Plugin version''' for most other browsers including Firefox. On a Windows system, you should always update both individually. '''''You do not have the Plugin version installed in Firefox; if you did, you would see "Shockwave Flash (version)" in Add-ons > Plugins.'''''
    #'''Using Firefox''', go to the following direct download link and SAVE the download to your desktop so you can find it later:
    #When the download is finished, close Firefox (File > Exit '''''OR''''' Firefox button > Exit)
    #Click or double-click on the file you just saved to your desktop
    #*In the installation window that appears, click the box to the left of "I have read and...." to place a check mark in the box
    #*The "Install" button in the lower right corner will now be highlighted, click it.
    #*The installation is quick.
    #Start Firefox and test your installation here:
    #Direct link ActiveX version for IE '''''only''''':
    <u>NOTE: You no longer need to place Flash components in the Mozilla Firefox\plugins folder. Doing so, will leave you with an outdated plugin and a possible conflict between competing versions of the Plugin.</u> Most current plugins are recognized by/installed into Firefox through Windows registry entries. In a clean installation of current Firefox versions, the plugins folder is no longer created in the Mozilla Firefox program application folder. However, the folder can be created and any plugins placed there will be used. It is best not to have the plugins folder unless absolutely necessary to make a particular plugin work.
    You can get both versions on the following page, but there is no link directly to it. Click on item ''6. Download and install Adobe Flash Player (Firefox)'' near the top of the page, then scroll down to "Advanced Troubleshooting" just following the Firefox information; the links are in item 1 under that heading:
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''

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