Why don't my sony headphones work properly?

i get audio and hear people on the other end just fine on skype, but they have trouble hearing me.  i sound far away.  not sure if my voice isn't translating to the built in audio receiver on the headphones or if it's being picked up by the receiver on the laptop.  they are sony pc gaming headphones that i also use on playstation.

they are model 98085, i think.

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    Thank you for your reply.
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    Go to Solution.
    AVIs.zip ‏3466 KB

    Does my code work fine? I attache the vi as well. I modify my code that is very similar with yours, but it is working fine as well. I put here for your reference. 
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    LV7.1/8.2/8.2.1/8.5/8.6/9.0/2010/2013; testing system development
    Please Mark the solution as accepted if your problem is solved and donate kudoes
    AVI Ex1.vi ‏43 KB

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