Why i can't PASTE in write boxes? Is F.16 problem? Is better to go back in F.15?

Why i can't PASTE in write boxes?

Does it work if you drag the text to another tab?
Try to select the text and hover on the destination tab with the left mouse button pressed to open that tab.<br />
You can't scroll, so the text area needs to be visible.
Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
*Do not click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.

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    M_E_G wrote:
    With the latest version of iTunes, my library screen has changed completely and I no longer have a Summary tab to select manual syncing of my iPod when I plug it into my computer.
    That would be Manually manage, not Manually syncing.
    Click the drop down arrow at top left the Show menu.
    Then iTunes menu View > Show sidebar.
    Select the iPod then you can select the Summary tab.

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    Denis Beelog wrote:
    Why can't I copy an image from photoshop, i can't paste it in anoter computer program ?
    Assuming Windows...
    You can, assuming you select around the pixels you want to copy, and the selected region isn't too large.
    There are a variety of ways you can get the copy operation wrong, e.g., by not having the proper layer selected or similar.
    And there's a secret setting to enable Photoshop to export its clipboard no matter how large the selected pixel set is.  Note the setting I have bolded below.  Keep in mind that by making this setting you may be subjecting all the software on your computer that registers to receive clipboard data to datasets that are larger than it might expect.  In other words, there could be a downside.  That being said, I haven't had any problems on my Windows 8 system.
    # Photoshop "special items" user-specific configuration file
    #  Must be named PSUserConfig.txt and be put here:
    #   %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 Settings\PSUserConfig.txt
    #  All possible entries:
    #   AllowAsyncIO
    #   AllowOverScrolling
    #   AllowUserConfigFile
    #   ClipboardMaximumSize
    #   DragBoundingBoxOpacityPercent
    #   EnableGestureRotation
    #   FileStreamDefaultSize
    #   ForceProgress
    #   FullPreviewMaxSize
    #   GPUAllowGLXP64
    #   GPUAllowPBOs
    #   GPUCheckerBoardNodeInBlitPipe
    #   GPUDiableMainWindow
    #   GPUDisallowAdvancedGLRendering
    #   GPUDisallowAppleClientStorage
    #   GPUDisallowCanvasImposters
    #   GPUForceLinearCheckerBoardNodeInBlitPipe
    #   GPUIgnoreMemoryRequirements
    #   GPUShouldNotScootATISelections
    #   GPUUseAceNodeInBlitPipe
    #   GPUUseFloatTextures
    #   GPUUseVBLSync
    #   MemoryAlignment
    #   PDFAllowHugeFiles
    #   PDFPresentationAllowHugeFiles
    #   PreserveEXIFMakerNotes
    #   RecentFilesSlowTimeout
    #   SpringKoadedKeyTime
    #   SyncSmartUploads
    #   TrackPadAllowGestures
    #   UseStagingServer
    #   UseSystemStylus
    #   VMCompressPages
    #   VMDisableBuffering
    #   VMForceBuffering
    # Enable Overscrolling:
    AllowOverScrolling 2
    # Remove the clipboard export size cap
    ClipboardMaximumSize 0

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    1) I try to compile my HelloWorld.java using command prompt,
    javac HelloWorld.java
    But it won't work; by right it should create a HelloWorld.class. When I go to Configure/Options/JDK Profile, it is already showing JDK version 1.6.0_07. My environment variables show User variables and System variables with C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_07\bin. This is where my JDK is stored, but I don't know why I can't use javac. It keep saying
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    Things tend to move fasterYep... until something goes wrong... then you're completely stuffed, because you have no idea what's actually happening, because the idjit IDE is hiding all the gory details... it doesn't even tell you what it's doing, let alone how it's doing it, or what to do when it fails.
    Another argument for the command line is that it's simple. There are 16 distinct dialogues involved in adding a new jar to a library in jBuilder... There may well be less than 16 characters in the equivalent edition to the equivalent build command line. That's an extreme case, I admit, but it goes to disprove the notion that IDE's are simpler for noobs.
    Also, it's easier to get help on command line usage... because it's all text based you can just copy & paste the problematic command and it's output, and the eggspurts (tm) can do likewise with a response... and there are limited number of command lines out there... and *nix, windows, and mac cover maybe 99.5% of java users... and the eggspurts are likely to know all three (colectively if not as individuals) fairly well, because they deal with them all day every day.
    My belief is that noob's are better off at the command line until such time as they need (not just want to play with) a visual debugger... at which time its time to download netbeans and eclipse, and see which one suits you better... if you have money to splurge I'd also evaluate intelliJ... But avoid jBuilder, 2008 is total carp! The FREE eclipse is (IMHO) "nicer to use", and it has a LOT less bugs.
    Cheers. Keith.

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