Why is asynchronous database access so much slower?

Hi, I have an AIR app that loads and parses a data file
(approx 170 MB) and stores the parsed data in a database using the
built-in SQLite functionality. I have two implementations: one
synchronous, another asynchronous, both use transactions. The
synchronous one takes approx 5 minutes to complete. The
asynchronous takes approx 2.5 hours. The choice thus seems to be
between having an unresponsive program for 5 minutes, or having to
wait too long.
Did anyone else observer this significant difference? Is
there a 'known' reason for it? Is there anything that could
potentially be done to reduce the run time of the asynchronous

Thanks for posting your code; that helps a lot. I think
you'll find it instructive to watch CPU usage during the two demos.
Here's what's going on.
In the synchronous code, you are keeping the application busy
100% of the time because as soon as each insert is complete you
immediately schedule the next one. That's efficient although, as
you note, it makes the application unresponsive for too long a
period of time.
In the asynchronous code you are also waiting for each insert
to complete before scheduling the next one. The work done behind
the scenes for each insert is therefore greatly expanded:
1) An event is posted from the UI thread to a background
worker thread, scheduling the insert
2) The background thread wakes up
3) The insert executes on the background thread
4) The background thread posts an event containing the
results back to the UI thread
5) The UI thread eventually processes that event, delivering
it to your code
As you can see, there's a tremendous amount of overhead to
this. This is not really the way the async API is intended to be
used. Instead, try one of the following strategies:
A) Don't wait for each statement to complete before running
the next one. They'll queue up and run in order, but because the
background thread can process many at once, it runs much faster.
B) Chunk your synchronous inserts, e.g., run 100 inserts
every 100 msec or so. (You'll have to measure to find optimal
Hope this helps.

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    Out of 1GB RAM only 160 is allocated to shared pool, buffer cache, large pool and java pool. This is too low.
    Enable SGA_TARGET_SIZE and let Oracle decide the optimum value for different pools according to the workload. If performance is satisfactory you can disable SGA_TARGET_SIZE and the optimum values are stored in the spfile or otherwise you can continue with automatic memory management.

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    Some comments on the code
    public class getResultSet{ // Class names should start with a capital letter and be nouns
    private Connection con = null;
    private Statement st = null; // Statements are transient and should probably not be a member variable
    private String dsn = "jdbc    b2j:net:xxx";  // dsn, user, pass should be final
    private String uname = "xxx"; 
    private String pwd = "xxx"; 
    private String query = "";  // Seems you're not using this
    ResultSet results;   // This really shouldn't be declared here
    public void ResultS()throws Exception{ // Method should start with a lower-case letter and be a verb/* The client code is supposed to call this, then the other method?
    Very fragile. I'm guessing NullPointerExceptions occur if ResultS
    is not called first. Have the other method call this one as necessary.
    con = DriverManager.getConnection(dsn, uname,
    uname, pwd);
    st =
    st =
    catch (SQLException e) {  
    public ResultSet getResults(String query){      
    results = null;
    results = st.executeQuery(query);
    catch(SQLException sqle){   
    return results; // It's a bad idea to return ResultSets as that leaves resources open
    } // Where's the cleanup? You're leaving ResultSet, Statement, Connection open
    >It is probably slow because opening connections takes a long time. You may or may not need a connection pool depending on your app. Perhaps you can just open a connection at the beginning and leave it open until your app finishes. That should reduce the overhead and still be very simple.

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    With the information given that is the only possible approach.
    You could provide a middle layer which would then handle some of the interactions for you. For instance by keeping a connection pool.
    Additionally if your databases are not actually distributed (and the same vendor) then you could do most of the work in a stored procedure. You could also do this if some of the data is relatively static and by using a server side replication process.

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    Hello there, bobbiefromIRL.
    The following Knowledge Base article goes over some great steps for troubleshooting your issue:
    iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8: Fix unexpected quits or launch issues
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Options%20window All about Tools > Options]
    [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Keyboard%20shortcuts Keyboard Shortcuts]
    [http://kb.mozillazine.org/About:config_entries about:config Entries]
    [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Safe%20Mode Safe Mode]
    [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Problematic_extensions Problematic Extensions/Add-ons]
    [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/performance/ Slow Performing Extensions/Add-ons]
    [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Troubleshooting%20extensions%20and%20themes Troubleshooting Extensions and Themes]

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