Why is it that Apple will not aloow a carrier service other that At&t?

There are US Soldiers over seas who would love to get there hands on apple products but once again no love for us. First we can get things mailed to us now you will not allow us to get you iPhone. Windows suck and we would live Apple Products. So what do we do???? There are other carriers who would get more users that AT&T, T-Moblie is worldwide. Millions of people as with AT&T?????

I think the stumbling block for Verizon was far more to do with the wish to continue V-cast, their proprietary media-sharing service from which they make a lot of money, while Apple would have wanted to continue dependence on iTunes. That, in itself, would have been an inevitably serious conflict of corporate needs.
But I suspect Verizon is smarting from the loss of customers to AT&T, not just because of the number who jumped ship in the first wave of iPhone customers, but those who will not renew their contracts later. Verizon can't fail to know that as much as the iPhone has it's problems, it IS the device the cellphone industry is going to be measured against for some time, and while many manufacturers and cell providers are going to hurry to catch up, the iPhone will continue to develop from the starting point we see now. The fact they are pushing the Chocolate as doing what the iPhone can do shows they have realized they are in some degree of trouble and need to deflect the attention somewhat.
All in all though, unlike all their Mac, iPod, iTunes/media efforts, the iPhone was never a device Apple could wholly control, since it relies entirely on a cellphone infrastructure to not only deem what it can do and can't do, but how it goes about it. The resulting product is a synergy of the good and bad points from both companies... which isn't an entirely inspiring thought!

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    The AppleTV update was not mandatory. It is not applied automatically, and will continue to function without an update. Others have reported successfully exchanging updated AppleTVs for models with earlier versions of the OS when there was a problem with the update.
    Anybody whose equipment does not match Apple's specifications (e.g. those with TVs that do not have built-in HDMI ports, or that cannot accept a 720p signal) should be very wary of installing any updates. As these are not supported displays, Apple is unlikely to test updates on them, and it is possible that an update will cause loss of function. It would be wise to wait to hear from others with similar TVs before you decide whether to apply an update. This also means that if you own an unsupported TV, it is possible that you will not be able to get access to future updates that include features that you would like to have.
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    Has anyone out there used a competitive device with less cumberson overhead? Surely this is not the best American technology can produce.
    Thanks for your comments.
    Ray Zachary

    Thanks to all who responded. You are all absolutely correct. However, this Ipad was a gift to my wife who was dying of cancer in the hospital and wanted some entertainment. So I started it out with her Apple ID. After she passed away I moved from Sacramento to Austin and eventually proceeded to get the Apple ID changed from my wife's to mine. Meanwhile when she was in the hospital I opened an Itunes account in my name to buy movies for her. That was the first mistake.
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    The botom line is that I am stuck with three Apple IDs and three passwords. I am told by Apple there is nothing they can do about this as IDs cannot be changed or destroyed. I can quit using them or start a new account but when I try to do that the system keeps remembering too many things from the past and resists.
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    Thanks for your comments.

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    Welcome to the Support Communities. This article is from about a year ago:
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    ...Found HERE.

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        Hello Leisabee!
    I am so excited for you to get your iPhone 5. I know how eager we all are to have this phone!  I know you mentioned you ordered on 9/14, did you receive a confirmation letter by chance?
    You can also check your order status here: http://bit.ly/rqEisu
    That is really just right around the corner and time will fly by! I promise.  If you have any other questions, just let us know!
    Follow us on Twitter @vzwsupport

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    What other software can I download in order for me to listen to the music on this web-page?

    Systran wrote:
    I recently had wanted to sign-up for an e-card web-site.  However, when I clicked on the web-page, I am NOT ABLE TO HEAR ANY MUSIC.  The message shown is that Apple does not support MIDI music.
    Please don't tell my wife this, she's been working with MIDI on her Mac(s) since the turn of the century...
    The statement from that web site is completely incorrect. What they probably meant was that their software doesn't support Mac. IMHO this is a sign of either ignorance or lack of concern on the part of the site creators. Back in the dark ages a lot of PC apps didn't support Mac but not these days.
    Get into your Mac Help window and search MIDI. There's plenty of info there on how your Mac supports MIDI.

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    Diane Gallacher

    A 12 month warranty and a year 1 year warranty are the same correct, but a 1 year warranty and a 1 year guarantee are totally different.  I sell products in work which have a 1 year guarantee and a 9 years warranty, guarantee means if anything goes wrong with the product in the first year you will get a straight replacement. Warranty means the product will depreciate in value each year.  If you spend £1000 on an item which has 10 years cover divide £1000 by 10 years and your product is depreciating in value each year by £100. so if you had a problem after 2 years and were outwith your guarantee you item would be worth £800 which the manufacturer will give you a credit note so you can purchase an item up to the value of £800 or you can put another £200 to it yourself to either get the same product or a product at the same value you purchased your first item.  Guarantee and warranty are 2 totally different covers.
    Is there also not a cover in the uk on all electrical products for a 5 year term no matter what the product? this one i am unsure of but have been told this is the case.

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    yeah thats what im saying my battery does fit this criteria, on the site they specify no model numbers nor do they say what serial numbers are subject to replacement, implying any battery that has X symptoms is eligible for replacement. ya know ? The site says:
    Battery exhibits low charge capacity/runtime when using a fully charged battery with a battery cycle count (as shown in System Profiler) of less than 300.
    And thats exactly what my battery is doing. I guess if i go to the nearest apple store and have a apple genius look at this and agree with me they will go around the warrantee and get me a new battery anyway. thing is, the nearest apple store is like 5 hrs away and ugh.... ya know ?

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