Why is Pinterest taking up 24gb of space on my IPad?

I'm sure it's all of my boards but if I delete the app I delete my boards right?

What is "Other"
It’s generally a combination of local caches from apps, browsers, mail, Messages, Reading List, saved games, app-specific documents and data, notes, and voice memos.
You can backup and restore to reduce "other" but they will start building up over time.

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    Try this,
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    (Win XP SP2 & above) - START/ALL PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/Command Prompt
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    http://osxdaily.com/2011/10/18/itunes-other-capacity-taking-up-tons-of-space-fix /

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    Hello Davisesq
    Check to see what is taking up so much space on your iPad by going to Settings > General > Usage or plug it into to your computer and look on iTunes to see that capacity.
    iPhone, iPad, and iPod: Understanding capacity
    -Norm G.

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    all the best

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