Why it's so inefficient to generate XML from SQL queries?

I am learning to use Oracle9i XML DB to generate XML document using SQL queries. According to the document, there are multiple ways to do it (SQLX, DBMS_XMLGEN, SYS_XMLGEN, XSU). I am using SQLX to do it, but find it's so inefficient. Could someone point out what could be the problem?
I generate XML from TPC-H database, using the query as shown below. The indexes and primary key/foreign keys are created and specified. The system is Pentium IV 2GHz, Linux 2.4.18 with 512MB memory and 1GB swap. With database size 5MB, it spends about 300 seconds (TKPROF result) to generate the XML document. But for 10MB TPCH database, I cannot get the xml document after a long time. I find that all almost physical memory are used up by it. Therefore I stop it.
It seems that nested-loop join is used to evaluate the query, therefore it's very inefficient. I don't know whether there is a efficient way to do it.
Wish to get your help. Thank you very much!
Chengkai Li
XMLATTRIBUTES ( r_regionkey AS "regionkey", r_name AS "name", r_comment AS "comment"),
XMLATTRIBUTES ( n_nationkey AS "nationkey", n_name AS "name", n_regionkey AS "regionkey", n_comment AS "comment"),
XMLATTRIBUTES ( s_suppkey AS "suppkey", s_name AS "name", s_address AS "address", s_nationkey AS "nationkey", s_phone AS "phone", s_acctbal AS "acctbal", s_comment AS "comment"),
XMLATTRIBUTES ( p_partkey AS "partkey", p_name AS "name", p_mfgr AS "mfgr", p_brand AS "brand", p_type AS "type", p_size AS "size", p_container AS "container", p_retailprice AS "retailprice", p_comment AS "comment", ps_availqty AS "ps_availqty", ps_supplycost AS "ps_supplycost", ps_comment AS "ps_comment")))
WHERE ps.ps_partkey = p.p_partkey
AND ps.ps_suppkey = s.s_suppkey
WHERE s.s_nationkey = n.n_nationkey
XMLATTRIBUTES ( c_custkey AS "custkey", c_name AS "name", c_address AS "address", c_nationkey AS "nationkey", c_phone AS "phone", c_acctbal AS "acctbal", c_mktsegment AS "mktsegment", c_comment AS "comment"),
XMLATTRIBUTES ( o_orderkey AS "orderkey", o_custkey AS "custkey", o_orderstatus AS "orderstatus", o_totalprice AS "totalprice", o_orderdate AS "orderdate", o_orderpriority AS "orderpriority", o_clerk AS "clerk", o_shippriority AS "shippriority", o_comment AS "ps_comment"),
XMLATTRIBUTES ( l_orderkey AS "orderkey", l_partkey AS "partkey", l_suppkey AS "suppkey", l_linenumber AS "linenumber", l_quantity AS "quantity", l_extendedprice AS "extendedprice", l_discount AS "discount", l_tax AS "tax", l_returnflag AS "returnflag", l_linestatus AS "linestatus", l_shipdate AS "shipdate", l_commitdate AS "commitdate", l_receiptdate AS "receiptdate", l_shipinstruct AS "shipinstruct", l_shipmode AS "shipmode", l_comment AS "comment")
WHERE l.l_orderkey = o.o_orderkey
WHERE o.o_custkey = c.c_custkey
WHERE c.c_nationkey = n.n_nationkey
WHERE n.n_regionkey = r.r_regionkey

Oracle Reports was the orginal way to do this in an Oracle Apps environment. However, the XML Publisher team built a tool called data templates to do this as well. You can read several articles on how to use data templates on the XMLP blog. Here's the first arcticle in a series: http://blogs.oracle.com/xmlpublisher/2006/11/08#a127.

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    If you are using 9iR2 you do not need to do any of this..
    You can create an XML as an XMLType using the new SQL/XML operators. You can insert this XML into the XML DB repository using DBMS_XDB.createResource. You can then access the document from the resource. You can also return the XMLType containing the XML directly from the PL/SQL Procedure.

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    I was wondering if somebody could help with regards to the following:
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    We want to have a stored procedure(PL/SQL) that accepts an order number as an input parameter(the procedure
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    Any information would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanking you,

    Here is an example of some code that i am using on Oracle 817.
    The create_file procedure is the one that creates the file.
    The orher procedures are utility procedures that can be used with any XML file.
    PROCEDURE create_file_with_root(po_xmldoc OUT xmldom.DOMDocument,
    pi_root_tag IN VARCHAR2,
                                            po_root_element OUT xmldom.domelement,
                                            po_root_node OUT xmldom.domnode,
                                            pi_doctype_url IN VARCHAR2) IS
    xmldoc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    root xmldom.domnode;
    root_node xmldom.domnode;
    root_element xmldom.domelement;
    record_node xmldom.domnode;
    newelenode xmldom.DOMNode;
    xmldoc := xmldom.newDOMDocument;
    xmldom.setVersion(xmldoc, '1.0');
    xmldom.setDoctype(xmldoc, pi_root_tag, pi_doctype_url,'');
    -- Create the root --
    root := xmldom.makeNode(xmldoc);
    -- Create the root element in the file --
    create_element_and_append(xmldoc, pi_root_tag, root, root_element, root_node);
    po_xmldoc := xmldoc;
    po_root_node := root_node;
    po_root_element := root_element;
    END create_file_with_root;
    PROCEDURE create_element_and_append(pi_xmldoc IN OUT xmldom.DOMDocument,
    pi_element_name IN VARCHAR2,
                                            pi_parent_node IN xmldom.domnode,
                                            po_new_element OUT xmldom.domelement,
                                            po_new_node OUT xmldom.domnode) IS
    element xmldom.domelement;
    child_node xmldom.domnode;
    newelenode xmldom.DOMNode;
    element := xmldom.createElement(pi_xmldoc, pi_element_name);
    child_node := xmldom.makeNode(element);
    -- Append the new node to the parent --
    newelenode := xmldom.appendchild(pi_parent_node, child_node);
    po_new_node := child_node;
    po_new_element := element;
    END create_element_and_append;
    FUNCTION create_text_element(pio_xmldoc IN OUT xmldom.DOMDocument, pi_element_name IN VARCHAR2,
    pi_element_data IN VARCHAR2, pi_parent_node IN xmldom.domnode) RETURN xmldom.domnode IS
    parent_node xmldom.domnode;                                   
    child_node xmldom.domnode;
    child_element xmldom.domelement;
    newelenode xmldom.DOMNode;
    textele xmldom.DOMText;
    compnode xmldom.DOMNode;
    create_element_and_append(pio_xmldoc, pi_element_name, pi_parent_node, child_element, child_node);
    parent_node := child_node;
    -- Create a text node --
    textele := xmldom.createTextNode(pio_xmldoc, pi_element_data);
    child_node := xmldom.makeNode(textele);
    -- Link the text node to the new node --
    compnode := xmldom.appendChild(parent_node, child_node);
    RETURN newelenode;
    END create_text_element;
    PROCEDURE create_file IS
    xmldoc xmldom.DOMDocument;
    root_node xmldom.domnode;
    xml_doctype xmldom.DOMDocumentType;
    root_element xmldom.domelement;
    record_element xmldom.domelement;
    record_node xmldom.domnode;
    parent_node xmldom.domnode;
    child_node xmldom.domnode;
    newelenode xmldom.DOMNode;
    textele xmldom.DOMText;
    compnode xmldom.DOMNode;
    xmldoc := xmldom.newDOMDocument;
    xmldom.setVersion(xmldoc, '1.0');
    create_file_with_root(xmldoc, 'root', root_element, root_node, 'test.dtd');
    xmldom.setAttribute(root_element, 'interface_type', 'EXCHANGE_RATES');
    -- Create the record element in the file --
    create_element_and_append(xmldoc, 'record', root_node, record_element, record_node);
    parent_node := create_text_element(xmldoc, 'title', 'Mr', record_node);
    parent_node := create_text_element(xmldoc, 'name', 'Joe', record_node);
    parent_node := create_text_element(xmldoc,'surname', 'Blogs', record_node);
    -- Create the record element in the file --
    create_element_and_append(xmldoc, 'record', root_node, record_element, record_node);
    parent_node := create_text_element(xmldoc, 'title', 'Mrs', record_node);
    parent_node := create_text_element(xmldoc, 'name', 'A', record_node);
    parent_node := create_text_element(xmldoc, 'surname', 'B', record_node);
    -- write the newly created dom document into the buffer assuming it is less than 32K
    xmldom.writeTofile(xmldoc, 'c:\laiki\willow_data\test.xml');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Index Size error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'String Size error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Hierarchy request error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Wrong doc error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Invalid Char error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Nod data allowed error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'No mod allowed error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Not found error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'Not supported error');
    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20120, 'In use attr error');
    dbms_output.put_line('exception occured' || SQLCODE || SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 100));
    END create_file;

  • How to generate XML from SQL query

    possible ways to generate XML from SQL qury.
    i want to generate XML of following query. "Select * from emp,dep wher emp.deptno=dept.deptno"

    Can you try:
    SQL> set pages 0
    SQL> set linesize 150
    SQL> set long 9999999
    SQL> set head off
    SQL> select dbms_xmlgen.getxml('Select * from emp,dep wher emp.deptno=dept.deptno') from dual;
    It works fine for me.

  • Generate XML from SQL

    Hi I wan to create XML from SQL using XMLElement and XMLAttribute as per below Format
    *<field name="AccountNumber">TEST01</field>*
    is it possible?
    Thanks in advance
    waiting for yours positive reply

    Parth Panjabi wrote:
    Thanks in AdvanceWhy don't you open Oracle docs and read it. If you want to beautify, XMLSerialize supports INDENT:
    SQL> SELECT XMLSerialize(document
      2           XMLElement("ROWS",
      3             XMLAgg(
      4               XMLElement("ROW",
      5                 XMLElement("field",
      6                   XMLAttributes('AccountNumber' AS "name")
      7                 , ename
      8                 )
      9               , XMLElement("field",
    10                   XMLAttributes('CBAccountNumber' AS "name")
    11                 , null
    12                 )
    13               )
    14             )
    15           )
    16         )
    17  FROM EMP
    18  WHERE deptno = 10
    19  /
    <ROWS><ROW><field name="AccountNumber">CLARK</field><field name="CBAccountNumber
    "></field></ROW><ROW><field name="AccountNumber">KING</field><field name="CBAcco
    untNumber"></field></ROW><ROW><field name="AccountNumber">MILLER</field><field n
    SQL> SELECT XMLSerialize(document
      2           XMLElement("ROWS",
      3             XMLAgg(
      4               XMLElement("ROW",
      5                 XMLElement("field",
      6                   XMLAttributes('AccountNumber' AS "name")
      7                 , ename
      8                 )
      9               , XMLElement("field",
    10                   XMLAttributes('CBAccountNumber' AS "name")
    11                 , null
    12                 )
    13               )
    14             )
    15           )
    16          INDENT
    17         )
    18  FROM EMP
    19  WHERE deptno = 10
    20  /
        <field name="AccountNumber">CLARK</field>
        <field name="CBAccountNumber"/>
        <field name="AccountNumber">KING</field>
        <field name="CBAccountNumber"/>
        <field name="AccountNumber">MILLER</field>
        <field name="CBAccountNumber"/>

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    Yes, XML could be generated as here : http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/articles/building-xml.html
    You can merge this XML with the form template and generate the form.
    Hope this helps.

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    Hi Mark
    the next release of XMLP will have last page only support. The problem is that at the template layer you do not know how many lines are going to fit on the page, so you never know what is going to be the last page. The only way around it for now is to specify the number of lines to a page and then check when all the lines have been rendered and then render the remit portion.
    I have a sample invoice that does the same, drop me a mail, you can work out the email from my name and the fact I work for XMLP Im sure.

  • Generating XML from database

    I'm a total newbie in XML DB and need advice on generating XML from database.
    The situation is the following: there is a legacy web application which uses an XML document as a configuration file. This document conforms to some well-defined schema. For instance:
         <title value="TITLE" />
         <subtitle value="SUBTITLE" />
         <style url="default.css" />
              <widget id="1" opened="true" />
              <widget id="2" opened="false" />
    It contains portions of static data which are common for all users as well as dynamic personal data.
    Dynamic data comes from two sources:
    1) security considerations (for instance, not all widgets are available for some users) - thus the "master" configuration content must be filtered, but not otherwise modified;
    2) user preferences (for instance, user can set widget2 to be opened by default) - thus values of some attributes must be different for each user. When the user saves her preferences, the entire document with new values is posted back to server.
    We want to try to store user preferences, apply security and generate personalized configuration documents using XML DB.
    So we need advice on storage models and generation procedures - which should be more efficient and easy to support or extend.
    Please note, that there is no requirement to actually store data as XML.
    Thanks in advance!
    P.S.: Sorry for the incomplete initial post.
    Edited by: WxD on 27.09.2010 11:45

    See this link for more details

  • Generating XMLs from CSVs using DOM parser......

    I am trying to generate XMLs from CSV files using DOM parser. XMLs are getting generated but the problem is that i am using Encoding "ISO-8859-1" but XMLs are getting generated in UTF-8 encoding.
    Please refer to the code below and advice. (where are the code tags gone ????? )
    Source domSource = new DOMSource(document);
    ByteArrayOutputStream xmlStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    Result result = new StreamResult(xmlStream);
    Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
    transformer.transform(domSource, result);
    generatedXml = new String(xmlStream.toByteArray(), "*ISO-8859-1*");

    Use transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.ENCODING, "ISO-8859-1") to specify the character set.

  • Hide name space of generated xml from xml bean

    how can i hide the namespace of the generated xml from xml bean, cause im having problems with jaxb parses.

    The targetNamespace is for webservice and not for the user defined classes.
    Sorry for the confusion
    "Ajay" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    There is a targetNamespace attribute in the autotyp ant task. But there
    was a bug in 8.1. Contact the support for a patch.
    The following mail explains that
    This looks like a bug. There is an undocument, not officially
    supported workaround: add the following java doc
    to yours source code -
    * @wlws:webservice targetNamespace="http://foo.bar"
    public class MyService {
    Details here:
    "Mark Fine" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    The attribute targetNamespace (of the autotype task) doesn't seem to putany
    information into the types file and later my deployment descriptor (viathe
    source2wsdd task) contains an invalid targetNamespace attribute with a
    <web-service name="IndexService"
    I don't think this causes any problems but there should be a way tospecify
    the namespace.
    Has anyone else seen this is WLS8.1?
    "Siva" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    By default the autotype or the servicegen ant task seem to be creating anamespace
    from the java package name (like java:com.ventaso.external.common) for
    of user defined java classes. Is there a way to change this to name
    I want
    ? Specifying the targetnamespace doesn't seem to help.

  • Generate XML from tree

    I am trying to generate XML from a JTree. Does anyone know how I would go about it? I have been looking on google for examples but I can't find anything that would help.

    Have a method that takes a Node as its parameter. (I'm supposing you want each tree node to map to an element, but you didn't give any details.) Generate the opening tag for the element. Then for each child of the Node, pass the child to this same method recursively. Finally, generate the closing tag for the element.
    To get things started, call that method and pass it the root node of the tree.

  • How to add doctype when generating XML from an arbitrary data structure

    I was reading SUN's tutorial "Working with XML - PART IV: Using XSLT". Inside this tutorial, in 3, it talks about how to generate XML from an arbitrary data structure making use of a XMLReader and a Transformer. The example only shows adding elements. Is there a way to add DTD information in the XML generated, i.e. <!DOCTYPE ... >? What APIs can I use?

    The simplest way seems to me is to use a XSL file for that. The <xsl:output> attributes doctype-system and doctype-public generate the DTD declaration <!DOCTYPE YOUR_ROOT SYSTEM "yourDTDfile.dtd"> and <!DOCTYPE YOUR_ROOT PUBLIC "yourDTDfile.dtd">, respectively.
    When calling transformerInstance.transform() the XSLT processor performs the identity transformation - it just copies elements, attributes, content, processing instructions and comments to the result stream.
    If you're using an xsl file for your transformation already, simply add <xsl:output doctype-system="yourDTDfile.dtd"/> to your existing XSL file.
    If you're only using the identity transformation you'd need to change the line of code where you obtain the transformer instance from the TransformerFactory to:
    t_factory.newTransformer(new StreamSource("test.xsl"));
    and use this as test.xsl:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
       <xsl:output doctype-system="yourDTDfile.dtd"/>
       <!-- this is the identity transformation -->
       <xsl:template match="*|@*|comment()|processing-instruction()|text()">
             <xsl:apply-templates select="*|@*|comment()|processing-instruction()|text()"/>
    </xsl:stylesheet>Good luck.

  • Generating XML from Database using XSQL

    Hi ,
    I have been using Reports as an intermidiate to generate XML (by giving concurrent program o/p type as XML). Now, i want it to be done from SQL or PL/SQL. I am able to achieve this using XSQL functions. I placed the SQL in a .sql file and registered it as a concurrent program. It was giving me XML output.
    I have two problems here.
    1. How can i know whether i have generated valid xml or not?
    2. When i am linking this concurrent program to XML Publisher, publisher is not able to read thie output from the concurrent prograam. It is erroring out. Why?

    Save the XML file - try to open it with IE and/or Firefox.
    If that doesn't work you know already something is wrong.
    You may try to cut&paste it into notepad and save as UTF-8.
    Then try it out with the Template Builder for Wrod.
    If you can't figure it out and run the report with a SMALL dataset six (ie. 1)
    and post it here.

  • Generating XML from Oracle DB

    While generating XML data from Oracle relational database, using the following SQL statement,
    SELECT XMLElement("Date", VioDate)
    FROM TableName
    WHERE VioId= 10;
    I am getting the result as :
    There four small squares coming before the xml element.
    Can anyone let me know why I am getting this and how to correct it.
    I am using Oracle SQL Developer version 1.2.1 Build MAIN - 32.13 to run the above statement.

    Probably an issue about how the client "implicitly" converts an XMLType to display its lob content.
    You may use getStringVal() or getClobVal() methods to get the content :
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Lun. Mars 29 16:28:39 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connecté à :
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> select xmlelement("TEST", 'ABC') from dual;
    SQL> select xmlelement("TEST", 'ABC').getclobval() from dual;

  • How to generate XML from relational data : PL/SQL or Java

    I'm new to Oracle XML and would appreciate some advice. I've been asked to generate XML documents from data stored in relational tables. The XML documents must be validated against a DTD. We will probably want to store the XML in the database.
    I've seen a PL/SQL based approach as follows :
    1.Mimic the structure of the DTD using SQL object types 2.Assign the relational data to the object type using PL/SQL as required
    3.Use the SYS_XMLGEN package to render the required XML documents from the SQL objects
    However, creating the object types seems to be quite time consuming (step 1 above) for anything other than the simplest of XML documents.
    I've also seen that there is the Java based approach, namely :
    1. Use the XML generator to build Java classes based on a DTD.
    2. Use these classes to build the required XML
    On the face of it, the Java based approach seems simpler. However, I'm not that familiar with Java.
    Which is the best way to proceed ? Is the PL/SQL based approach worth pursuing or should I bite the bullet and brush up my Java ?
    Is it possible to use a combination of PL/SQL and Java to populate the dtd generated java classes (step 2 of the Java approach) to reduce my learning curve ?
    Thanks in advance

    To help answer your questions:
    1) Now, in 9iR2, you can use SQL/XML as another choice.
    2) You can also use XSU to generate the XML and use XSLT to transform it to a desired format instead of using object views if possible.
    3) XDK provide Class generator support to populate XML data to Java classes.

Maybe you are looking for

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