Why my NetBeans IDE display chinese???

i just installed j2sdk1.4.2
when i open Net Beans IDE, i found the words are chinese!
but i want to change it to English!!who can help to solve this problem?
thans !!

Are you sure that you didn't d/l the Chineese version of NB?
No other idea...

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    when i download mp3 files in chinese language it wont display the character it will just show up with different weird character i use the newes os how do fix this

    Try with:
    NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL16UTF16Edited by: AP on Aug 25, 2010 3:13 AM

  • Netbeans Issue: Servlet do not display Chinese UTF-8 properly

    Netbeans Issue: Servlet do not display Chinese UTF-8 properly
    Java Version: JDK1.5.0_01, JRE1.5.0_01 (International version)
    Netbeans Version: Netbeans IDE 4.0
    OS: Windows XP Personal Edition
    Dear Sirs,
    First at all thanks for reading this post. I am having the following issue. I am creating an application using html pages and servlets. I am using Chinese and English languages on them (html encoding UTF-8).
    I created a project in Netbeans and added an idex.html screen reporting to a servlet. Both index.html and in the servlet generated html page contains the line:
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    Additional, I setup the character code settings in Netbeans:
    (tools-options-Java sources-Expert-default encoding=UTF-8
    When I run the project, index.html displays itself perfectly, with the Chinese characters displayed properly. The problem comes when the html created servlet is displayed, which instead of the Chinese characters some strange characters are displayed (�� instead of Chinese).
    I have tried different encodings from http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/intl/encoding.doc.html without any luck. I also setup the encoding of the file itself (using right click-properties in the project menu of Netbeans).
    Also, when I am editing the servlet, the characters are displayed properly. I type them directly without any issue, but then the display is wrong at runtime.
    Also, just in case this have something to do with the problem, my PC was bought in US, therefore the default character set is not Chinese. I had to install the Chinese typing stuff later on. But like I said earlier, the html page is displayed properly, so I really think is some problem with Netbeans.
    After a week trying to find a solution, I decided to post it here in the hopes that someone will show me the way of the light.
    Thanks in advance for any ideas or help provided

    Hi, thanks for your help. However I think the problem his more complex than it seems. Here is my doPost method (the important parts anyway):
    response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); //Not necessary because the next line should take care of it, but anyways...
    response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8; pageEncoding=UTF-8");
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    out.println("<meta http-equiv='Content-Language' content='en-us'>");
    out.println("<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8; pageEncoding=utf-8'>"); //Again not necessary line, but anyways
    out.println("this is a test &#20320;&#22909; this is a test");
    This servlet is called from a html file. Also, when I load this in the browser, I right click on the screen and I can see that UTF-8 is setup allright. Doing some detective job I found that:
    - If the editor displays the characters perfectly and...
    - Other html pages (no servlets) in the same application can display chinese characters well and...
    - I have configured the encoding as UTF-8 in the servlet properties and in general properties and...
    - The file "web.xml" contains the encoding UTF-8 in its first line then...
    ...my only guess is that something goes wrong during the building of the project itself (ant?). Unfortunately I have no idea about configuring ant to that level, but I began to think that the problem may be there, during the compilation...
    Any ideas?
    Once more, thanks for any help or advice provided.

  • Sun Studio (12,1) is unable to find a supported version of the Netbeans IDE

    Hi all,
    We're working on upgrading both the hardware and software on our application currently, and part of this involves upgrading our compiler to Sun Studio 12.1. I downloaded
    from the Sun website and we installed it into the following location on our server:
    I successfully compiled all my code using the compiler, however, when I try to launch the debugger by typing ./sunstudio in the 'bin' directory, I get the following error:
    Sun Studio is unable to find a supported version of the NetBeans IDE.
    Sun Studio requires a NetBeans IDE version 6.5.1 with NetBeans C/C++ module (cnd
    2) enabled.
    Sun Studio looks for a valid NetBeans IDE installation in the following order:
    1) Location specified with --netbeanshome command line option
    2) At /opt/compiler/sunstudio12.1/netbeans
    I have seen references to executing 'prepare_system' on forums while I was trying to investigate this, but when our sys admin folks try to execute the command, it does not work (command not found). They've mentioned that they expected a prepare_system script in the directory where we untarred the downloaded sun studio tarfile, but it is not there:
    drwxrwxr-x 4 59001 staff 1024 Aug 20 2009 .
    drwxr-xr-x 3 yu12 lifecad 1024 Jul 2 09:48 ..
    drwxrwxr-x 4 59001 staff 1024 Aug 17 2009 LEGAL
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 59001 staff 3985 Aug 19 2009 SS12u1_README-pkgs.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 59001 staff 5598 Aug 20 2009 SS12u1_README-pkgs_ja.html
    -rw-r--r-- 1 59001 staff 4155 Aug 20 2009 SS12u1_README-pkgs_zh.html
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 59001 staff 517979136 Aug 6 2009 SunStudio12u1-SunOS-SPARC-pkgs.sh
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 59001 staff 11814 Aug 6 2009 install_patches.sh
    drwxrwxr-x 5 59001 staff 96 Aug 17 2009 patches
    I can see a netbeans directory was created as part of the install, but I'm not sure why sun studio thinks netbeans is not available (afraid my knowledge about netbeans is practically non existent):
    {opt/compiler/sunstudio12.1/netbeans}ls -l
    total 6062
    drwxr-x--- 2 root root 512 Apr 5 11:14 bin
    drwxr-x--- 7 root root 512 Apr 5 11:14 cnd2
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 5254 Mar 5 2009 CREDITS_ja.html
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 5175 Mar 5 2009 CREDITS_pt_BR.html
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 4908 Mar 5 2009 CREDITS_zh_CN.html
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 5434 Mar 5 2009 CREDITS.html
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 1717 Mar 5 2009 DISTRIBUTION.txt
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 6 2009 dummy
    drwxr-x--- 2 root root 512 Apr 5 11:14 etc
    drwxr-x--- 7 root root 512 Apr 5 11:14 gsf1
    drwxr-x--- 6 root root 512 Apr 5 11:14 ide10
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 1845 Mar 5 2009 LEGALNOTICE.txt
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 64275 Mar 5 2009 LICENSE.txt
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 37141 Mar 5 2009 moduleCluster.properties
    drwxr-x--- 7 root root 512 Apr 5 11:14 nb6.5
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 15822 Mar 5 2009 netbeans.css
    drwxr-x--- 8 root root 512 Apr 5 11:14 platform9
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 6141 Mar 5 2009 README_ja.html
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 5692 Mar 5 2009 README_pt_BR.html
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 5122 Mar 5 2009 README_zh_CN.html
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 5155 Mar 5 2009 README.html
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 2913280 Mar 5 2009 THIRDPARTYLICENSE.txt
    drwxr-x--- 5 root root 512 Apr 5 11:14 websvccommon1
    Our server details are:
    {opt/compiler}uname -a
    SunOS a03714 5.10 Generic_142900-03 sun4v sparc SUNW,T5440
    Any advice appreciated on how to get the debugger working. Ideally, I'd prefer not to uninstall / reinstall if at all possible as we're about to start system testing our executables, and I think a reinstall would require more unit teting and delays to our project (yikes!). But any input would be appreciated here.

    Hi David,
    First off - thanks for the response. I do have some follow up questions if you don't mind though:
    1. When you say the install is corrupted, do you suspect
    - the file I downloaded from the website either was corrupted, or was not the correct file for my platform
    - the procedure used to install the software was incorrect
    - something else
    2. Is there a logfile that the sun studio install creates which would indicate an error during the installation procedure? I'm sure our admins who performed the install would have shouted if an error was logged... but on the offchance that the installation does not 'shout loudly' for some errors, I'd like to see a log of the error. At a minimum, I'd expect it to say why the install failed, and what we need to modify to ensure a successful install next time 'round.
    3. I successfully compiled my code using the C compiler from the install. My unit tests also look good... does this suggest that the install was at least a partial success, and would you suspect that my recompiled executables are reliable, despite the fact that I cannot launch the IDE?
    4. Today, one of our admins telnetted to our unix server - not via exceed by the way, but he did try the following test:
    - set his display env variable (he knew he would not get a display however)
    - executed the sunstudio script
    He did not get the netbeans error, and the process appeared to be running (as I mentioned, without a display) until he killed it. I've asked if they can repeat the test using an exceed session. I thought there may be something on his $PATH that I did not have - unfortunately this was not the case (although, he may have access as 'root' to something that I require to launch the IDE). My question is, would you expect this behaviour if the install was corrupted?
    Let me know what you think.

  • Displaying Chinese Characters in a JLabel

    I wish to display Chinese characters in a JLabel WITHOUT setting the JLabel's font. The following code works fine under Java 1.4.x for Mac OSX, and Java 1.5 for Windows. However, the characters do NOT display properly under Java 1.4.x for Windows. Does anyone have any idea why? I really need to get this to work under 1.4.x for Windows without having to call JLabel.setFont(...). Maybe it's a known bug in 1.4.x that has a workaround (hopefully)?
            javax.swing.JFrame frame = new javax.swing.JFrame("Chinese Test");
            JLabel label = new javax.swing.JLabel("\u54C8\u7F57", javax.swing.JLabel.CENTER);
            frame.getContentPane().add(label, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
            frame.getContentPane().setSize(200, 200);
            frame.setLocation(50, 50);
            frame.setSize(200, 200);

    1. I do not wish to set the Font on the label(s) because we have localized our application in many languages using a custom localization scheme and I do not want to change all of the code.
    2. Yes, I have all the forms of Chinese installed on my Windows system.
    3. I found that if I use an HTML string of the form: <html><body><font face="SimSun">\unicode chinese chars...
    then THAT WORKS. The JLabel renders the String in Chinese. This might be a good option for us.
    4. All of it works automatically without the need for an HTML String under Java 1.5 because evidently 1.5 has built-in support for setting the proper font on the widget after analyzing the unicode characters.
    - Eric

  • Swing application with JavaHelp crashes outside Netbeans IDE.

    Hi guys I have developed a small swing application in Netbeans IDE. I used the following code inside the IDE for JH.
    public void createHelp()
           try {
                   URL hsURL = new URL("jar:file:eDictionaryHelp.jar!/eDictionaryHelp/eDictionary.hs");
                   hs = new HelpSet(null, hsURL);
           catch (Exception ee)
            // Say what the exception really is
            System.out.println( "HelpSet " + ee.getMessage());
            System.out.println("HelpSet "+ helpHS +" not found");
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(new JFrame(), ee.getMessage(), "Error", ERROR_MESSAGE);
            hb = hs.createHelpBroker();
       }When I run the program inside the IDE and and click on the corresponding MenuItem.. JavaHelp comes up as it should! No problems with that.
    But when I build the project and tried to run it from the .jar file in the PROJECT_HOME/dist/ the swing got displayed till this function was called. and then it simply crashed.
    Investigating further and commenting out one line at a time and compiling I found out that whenever the hs = new HelpSet(null, hsURL); is encountered, the app crashes (it doesnt throw any error).
    But as I said this is not the case when i run and compile inside the IDE. I only get this problem when running the app from outside the IDE.
    I have tried all kinds of combinations of the URL .. for eg ( I am aware of Bug 4149782)
    ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
    try {
                   URL hsURL = HelpSet.findHelpSet(cl, helpHS);
    .What can be the problem guys? Any suggestions?

    Anyone has an answer on this?
    I am facing the same problem.. I am using NetBeans 5.5
    arijit_datta, do u have a solution for this problem already?

  • How to build jms files using netbeans ide

    i am using the latest netbeans ide to build a simple jms java file,
    but i am getting this:
    Compiling 10 source files to
    C:\wrox\pro_jms\Chapter04\AccountsDepartment.java:4: package
    javax.jms does not exist
    import javax.jms.*;
    C:\wrox\pro_jms\Chapter04\AccountsDepartment.java:11: cannot find
    the netbeans ide i am using is jdk_1.6, which when i use directly to
    compile in command line mode, works. can anyone tell me why this is

    I take it that you are trying to build a Java applicaiton that uses JMS API. To do it in netbeans using SUN OpenMQ I usually follow those steps:
    1) I create a new project
    2) I add JMS library. This is a library that I had created in netbeans using Library Manager. It consist of jms.jar ( this jar file contains the definition of JMS API). Next jar file is the implemention of the JMS API, in case of SUN OpenMQ it's imq.jar, but if you're using a different JMS provider it may be a different file. The last jar file in my JMS library is usually fscontext.jar, this jar file provides JNDI access to a file based store. Again if you're using something like ldap then it would be a different jar file.
    That's basicly it - Tom

  • Ip phone 7911 Line Text Label can't display chinese

    My customer use Callmanager version, Already install cm-locale-zh_CN- file in the callmanager. ip phone setting user locale select chinese.
    customer want to display chinese name in phone, i found Directory Number Configuration can select Line Text Lable. I set chinese name.but displayer Unrecognizable Code in 7911 and 7912G. If I wrote english name,It display fine. I set chinese name,ip phone 7945 and 7975 display is ok.anyone have ideas?

    Hi Mohie,
    I was referring the bug
    linetextlabel is not supported in 6921/6961
    Symptom:CUCM Admin page shows Linetextlabel setting for line of 6921/6961.
    6921 and 6961 don't support Linetextlabel setting, so CUCM needs to remove this field.
    6921/6961: 8.5.3
    Workaround:Ignore linetextlabel field
    Further Problem Description:Only 6941 in 6900 series supports linetext label.

  • BEGINNER - NetBeans IDE

    In NetBeans IDE >> Palette Window >> JFrame properties, I set the background color to (for example) blue but when I run with F6 key, the appearing window is always at gray color. Why?
    Thanks in advance

    hi ,try this
    put a JPanel on the JFrame and set background color property of the JPanel .

  • Display Chinese Word In Crystal Report's Cross-Tab

    Hi all,
    I am trying to display chinese word in my cystal report. It can be display correctly in detail, page header or formula. But when come to cross-tab, it just will show some funny symbol on it. any idea?
    i am using Crystal report xI release 2.
    Thank You

    I solve it.Just for your reference, change the font type inside cross-tab.

  • Display Chinese Character in SQLPLUS

    Anyone have any idea how to display a chinese character from the database? Is it possible to display from sqlplus.

    It is possible to display Chinese characters in SQL*Plus. The reference manual at http://www.oradoc.com/ora817/server.817/a76966/toc.htm would be a good starting place to learn more.
    - CJ

  • Display Chinese character in iText

    hi all I need to display Chinese character in my pdf file
    I have iTextAsian.jar on my libraries , but the Chinese character did not show up
    nested1.addCell(new Phrase(chinessname));

    I download freetype-2.1.10,
    and I get ./configure --enable-static
    ./configure: make: not found
    how to continue ... inorder to create your owner font
    by the way I download the new extrajars-2.1.zip, this new jar supporting Chinese characters . but my first font is not working second font is work fine I don't know why?
    first one
    BaseFont bfChinese = BaseFont.createFont("STSong-Light", "UniGB-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); not working
    //second one
    BaseFont bfChinese= BaseFont.createFont("MSungStd-Light", "UniCNS-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);
    Thank you!

  • How can i display chinese character in asp?

    oracle character set is we8mswin1252
    sqlplus display chinese character normally.
    when i export the oracle table into microsoft excel,the excel can display chinese character normally.
    but when i write code in asp.The IE can not display the chinese character?
    who would tell my why?
    Message was edited by:

    here's a link to the SQL Developer forum: SQL Developer

  • Preverification Error while using kXML with Netbeans IDE

    Hello All,
    I am using Netbeans IDE for wrting a program that parses a xml using
    kXML and display some results on screen.
    The Netbeans IDE gives the various obfuscation levels.
    The code is properly compiled at any level less than the
    highest obfuscation level. If I compile it at HIGH obfuscation level then it gives the following error-----
    Error preverifying class e
    VERIFIER ERROR e.a(Ll;)Lorg/kxml/kdom/Element;:
    Cannot find class org/kxml/kdom/Element
    D:\Netbeans_Workspace\TestObfuscation\nbproject\build-impl.xml:269: Preverification failed with error code 1.
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 4 seconds)
    How can we obfuscate the program using highest level of obfuscation.

    Thanks Peace,
    But I am facing the same problem even when I use the source java files of kXML and include those in my project and use them as additional classes to my class.
    It again builds properly when I don't use the highest obfuscation level.
    But if I try to obfuscate using Level HIGH it throws the same error.
    However when I try to run this project from J2ME Wireless Toolkit, it is running fine on the emulator.
    I guess the error is something specific to Netbeans IDE. Have anyone of you encountered such a bizzare error.

  • Webservices usin java-netbeans ide

    Hi frnds
    Currently i am creating a webservice using java. I am using netbeans4.1 IDE. When i checked the example given in the quick start guide of Netbeans i am getting an error like cannnot find the Wscompil.class. Here iam pasting the build output
    Created dir: C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\classes
    Created dir: C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\META-INF
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\META-INF
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
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    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
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    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
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    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\lib
    Compiling 3 source files to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\classes
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web\WEB-INF\classes
    Copying 3 files to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web
    Copying 1 file to C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\build\web
    C:\Documents and Settings\sandeep.e\ws\HiWS\nbproject\build-impl.xml:226: taskdef class com.sun.xml.rpc.tools.ant.Wscompile cannot be found
    BUILD FAILED (total time: 10 seconds)
    Can anyone please telll me why this is happening? The jar files necessary is present in the library, eventhough it is showing the error.
    Thanks in anticipation

    This is a forum for matters concerning the Java programming language, not for the NetBeans IDE. Try to find a NetBeans forum for your NetBeans problems.
    I believe there's one on nabble.com and another on java-forums.org.

Maybe you are looking for