Why name Pages Pages?

Why name pages pages if Pages 5.5.2 cannot open older versions of Pages?
This like MS of the '90's, creating new software that cannot open old software by the same name.
At least Apple should supply a converter or pay someone to write one.
Many of us re-use documents at a later date. This incompatibility requires pages(old)>pdf>pages 5.5.2 "hand" conversion. Really not the ease of use that I would expect. Please correct me if I am wrong and I would love it.

Use Pages 4.3/iWork '09 for the most features & best compatibility.
If you previously had iWork '09 or '08, those apps are still in your Applications folder in a folder named iWork '09 unless you deliberately deleted them. Be aware that you will not be able to open documents saved with the new versions unless you export them as iWork '09 or revert them to a previously saved version. If you did delete them & have a Time Machine backup that includes your Applications folder you can restore them from there. In the past the iWork apps have not worked well when copied from another drive, but some users have reported that this works for them, especially if the apps were originally purchased from the Mac App Store. If you originally installed them from the retail disk, find the disk & reinstall them & then update to iWork 9.3.
If none of that applies, I suggest you buy the retail box of iWork '09 from a third party such as Amazon.com or eBay. Be sure to run Software Update after installing & before running any of the applications. You can download the standalone updater from this page.

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    Automator isn't really the best solution to this. It's possible to do it with AppleScript, and granted, anything you can do in AppleScript can be put into an Automator workflow.
    There seems to be three possible ways to mark the bottom of the document:
    1) Insert carriage returns to position the very last paragraph (the name of the document) at the bottom. Drawback: if your document takes up all of the final page, then you'd have to create a blank page to accomodate the name. Also, determining the exact number of returns to insert isn't very easy.
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    3) Create a text box at the bottom of the last page. Here's a little script that will do that.
    As for triggering the script, the simplest way is probably to use the AppleScript utility to enable the system AppleScript menu, and put the script in the Pages scripts folder. Then it'll be available whenever you're running Pages.
    -- Assumptions:
    -- - units are inches
    -- - pages are 8.5 x 11
    property pageHeight : 11.0
    property pageWidth : 8.5
    tell document 1 of application "Pages"
    set bottomMargin to bottom margin
    set leftMargin to left margin
    set theBottom to pageHeight - bottomMargin
    -- Apparently, the new text box will be created on the page which is visible
    reveal page (page count)
    if path exists then
    -- if you prefer Unix-style pathnames, then use
    -- set docName to path
    set docName to path as POSIX file as text
    -- Might want to prompt user to save here.
    -- otherwise, fall back on the document name, typically "untitled"
    set docName to name
    end if
    make text box with properties {object text:docName ¬
    , vertical position:theBottom, horizontal position:leftMargin ¬
    , height:bottomMargin, width:(pageWidth - left margin - right margin)}
    tell result
    -- Some optional formatting
    set alignment of object text to center
    set italic of object text to true
    set font size of object text to 18
    set font name of object text to "Palatino"
    end tell
    end tell
    Titanium PowerBook   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

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    That is not legit, it is a scam to gain access to your computer and information.
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    Ok, I have solved some issues I found with the previous script and Automator configuration.
    The Filter Finder Items action apparently uses kMDItemKind to determine the file type, and if you choose a PDF file without an extension, this action will not pass the file to the Bash script. Result: 0.
    The mdls command, for the same reason will always fail to get a page count when it encounters a extensionless PDF file.
    Remove the entire mdls/egrep command sequence from the script.
    Wrote a shell function that runs Python, imports the CoreGraphics module, and returns the page count for PDF files with/out extensions. The function takes as its argument, the input PDF filename, which it passes into Python as a command-line argument ($1). It returns a page count.
    Replace entire Bash script in Automator with the following code.
    New Bash Script
    # Requirement: Install Skim PDF reader
    # Location: http://skim-app.sourceforge.net
    # Usage: progname.sh sample.pdf
    # Author: VikingOSX, August 2014, Apple Support Community
    function PDFpagecnt () {
    /usr/bin/python -c \
    "import sys
    from CoreGraphics import *
    pdfdoc = sys.argv[1]
    provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithFilename(pdfdoc)
    pdf = CGPDFDocumentCreateWithProvider(provider)
    print('{}'.format(pdf.getNumberOfPages()))" "${1}"
    function ASDialog () {
    `osascript <<-AppleScript
        set pdfFile to "${1}"
        set evens to "${2}"
        set odds to "${3}"
        set msg to ""
        set msg to msg & "PDF Processed: " & pdfFile & return
        set msg to msg & "Front Pages: " & tab & evens & return
        set msg to msg & "Back Pages: " & tab & odds
        tell application "System Events"
            display dialog msg with title "Processing Complete" giving up after 20
        end tell
        return quit
    pagecnt=$(PDFpagecnt "${pdfFile}")
    for mypdf in "$@"
        for page in $(seq 1 $pagecnt)
            if [[ $((page % 2)) == 0 ]]; then
                #even extractions
                `${skimPDF} extract "${pdfFile}" "${basename}""_Front"$((even)) -page ${page}`
                #odd extractions
                `${skimPDF} extract "${pdfFile}" "${basename}""_Back"$((odd)) -page ${page}`
    ASDialog "${pdfFile}" $((--even)) $((--odd))
    exit 0

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    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    In Firefox 4 [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Safe_mode Safe mode] disables extensions and disables hardware acceleration.
    * Tools > Options > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]

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    Get your date in this format in XML.
    Then there are lot of functions, you can apply on this to get the formatted date you wanted.

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    Hi Faynus! You can put it in the header or footer. Use Insert Page number in the menu. You need to have the insert point in the footer if you want it there. you can get the PAges User Guide by going to the menu > Help > Pages User Guide. YOu have the info about headers and footers there

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    Hi @kots 
    I suspect your question would be better answered in the HP Enterprise Business Community, as your HP Printer is a commercial model.
    My technical expertise is with consumer products and software, I am sure the commercial folks would be happy to help if you re-post your question for them to answer. The HP Enterprise Business Community is an HP Forum designed for the Commercial and Enterprise customers to help one another. I am sure you will find some HP folks there to help too.
    Click here to view the Printing and Digital Imaging. When the page opens you will see the option to 'Log in' or 'Register Now' on the right. The commercial forums are separate from the consumer boards, thus you will need to register if you don't already have a commercial account.
    You may find the HP LaserJet M2727 Multifunction Printer series page helpful while you wait for somebody in the commercial Forum to respond to your inquiry.
    Best of luck.
    Please click the Thumbs up icon below to thank me for responding.
    Please click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Sunshyn2005 - I work on behalf of HP

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    That seems simple enough.
    Thanks for your help Joey...much appreciated.
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    They are all part of one Section. Just as you do not (hopefully) rip pages out at random from books, the pages of a Section are linked by the text that flows from one to the other.
    If you want to move or delete particular page/s Insert a Section Break at the end of the page before.

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