Why no PSE "Plus" for Mac version?

...because Adobe and Apple hate each other over the Flash issue?
But seriously, PSE Plus is such an amazing feature, but for whatever reason it is, it's unavailable on the Mac version of the PSE, which is a real pain.
I thought with the recent update to version 8, Adobe would add this long lost feature but apparently this is still not done.
Anybody knows why and should I give up hope or keep waiting?

We dont offer Membership feature for PSE 8 Mac version and hence no Plus services in Mac. Feel free to send us a Feature Request for the same as they helps in understanding the expectations and making engineering decisions for the next release.

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    Good Morning
    PSE 8 for windows, does it have the same smart brush tool than for MAC version?

    Yes, it does.

  • Installing trial version PSE 8 for Mac

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    You may have already set one up with a password from your original utility disk.
    If not there are a number of video tutorials available on line.

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    Yes, there's no bridge in PSE 9, but you can keep on using Bridge CS4 if you don't want to use organizer. The only problem is that you can't update the raw converter in Bridge anymore, so you won't see thumbnails for newer camera models:

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    You have to update bridge separately from PSE, and bridge ships with a pretty old version of ACR. Just go to Help>Updates in bridge and it will update itself for you.

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    This shouldnt have been the case. I am sorry that you are experiencing this issue.
    Can you please try to do the following:
    1. When your system date is in year 2008 and you are able to work successfully with PSE Editor, go to Help Menu inside Editor and click on the link saying Help->Deactivate...
    2. Select the option to erase serial number and deactivate the product.
    3. This will quit PSE Editor as well.
    4. Launch PSE Editor again and now supply the serial number which Adobe gave to you again...
    Hopefully, this error message wouldnt come now...Please keep me informed...

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    (tried this four times with the same result each time)
    Conclusion: because the most recent backup to RAID filled that disk, PSE 8 cannot access the scratch disk on the RAID backup disk.
    (This, even though I removed over 80 GB of old video files from the archive.)
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    1. Should I first remove the original PSE 8 - or just the plists?
    2. how to find the original serial number?
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    Mac Pro 1,1 (2.66 Ghz Quad Core Xeon), OS 10.5.8

    Good call but it didn't work: tried deleting those plists twice.  Still get "disk not available" message w/ immediate PSE quit.
    Further: I ran Diskwarrior on my "home" drive, the cloned "home" drive AND the RAID backup. 
    This included Directory repair, File Check and Hardware Check on all three volumes.
    Also repaired permissions on "home" drive and cloned drive.
    I then repeated the attempt to launch PSE 8 on my "home" drive and the cloned "home" drive: same result. (failure)
    Sidebar: While running Disk Utility to repair permissions, I happened to click on the "RAID" button and found that
    one drive is listed as "Failed" and the other is listed as "Degraded." 
    Just in case that has anything to do with the PSE 8 failure to launch: I am now using Disk Utility to rebuild that RAID set.  This takes 4 hours and will wipe it clean.  I'll try in the morning once again to launch PSE 8 and get back with result.

  • I used to use PS "actions" are they in PSE 8 for Mac?

    I have been using an old version of Photoshop for Mac. Under  the Windows heading there was an Actions option where I could "record" some actions to edit photos and the"play" it to perfrom the same actions on different photos.
    In PSE 8 for Mac I see that under Guided Edit there is an Action player with 4 presets, none of which suit my purposes. It says that I can add (from where I don't know) or create my own actions sets by referring to the Help menu. When I search the help menu for " Create Action set" I get 15 topics and none of them seem to be about creating actions sets.
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    Help appreciated.

    When you save an action from photoshop 7, you should be able to
    choose the place for saving (i.e. desktop).
    The default place for saving actions is very often in the ps7 application folders.
    Something like: Applications>Photoshop 7>Presets>Photoshop Actions.
    As far as what actions from ps7 work in pse8, try to record steps in your
    action that are available in pse8. Something like unsharp mask will work,
    but not a command such as convert to cmyk. There are alot of commands
    that are not on the pse8 menus that do work such as a layer mask or trim.
    It would be good idea to test your actions in pse8, before installing a whole bunch and
    finding that half of them don't work.
    You could make test action for this purpose. In ps7, record an action
    such as Image>Trim.
    Name this action set Test (you can name the actual actions anything you want)
    and put it in your pse8 photo creations>photo effects folder.
    Then delete (move to your desktop) the MediaDatabase.db3 and start pse7
    (this will take a while to rebuild the effects panel).
    The Test action should be visable in the effects panel after selecting
    photo effects and show all. It wiil just be a black thumbnail named Test.
    From now on when you want to test an action, just replace the Test action
    with another action named Test, but with the action steps your testing
    and no need to delete any files (database).
    By testing your actions in this way, you avoid the hassle of making a
    xml file and a png thumbnail for an action that may not work.
    When installing actions that have been tested, you also need a xml file
    and a png thumbnail file in addition to the action. (look at xml and png
    files already in the photo effects folder for examples).
    You don't have worry about the jpeg files, as elements generates these itself.
    It's a good idea to delete (move to desktop) the the MediaDatabase.db3
    and the ThumbDatabase.db3 anytime you install actions other than the Test action.
    After you start pse8 and everything works, you can delete those files from your desktop.
    There is also an action player in pse8 under guided edit>automated actions.
    As tempting as it may be to test actions with the actions player, i would avoid that.
    One very good reason is that some of commands that are in pse8 don't work with
    the actions player, for example, any of the transform commands.
    In addition to texaschicksblog mentioned above, you may also want to read this pdf:
    Hope some of this helps.

  • PSE 8 for Mac won't Install; running Snow Leopard 10.6.2

    When PSE 8 was released for the Mac, I bought a copy from Amazon.  I am running Snow Leopard 10.6.2 on two 24" iMacs and one MBP 15.3.  The Adobe installer would hang about three quarters through the installation.  I'm running PSE 6 for Mac without a problem.  I returned the software to Amazon without a problem.
    A month or two later I downloaded a trial version from Adobe's web site thinking perhaps the DVD I had gotten from Amazon was possibly defective.  Nope.  Same problem trying the trial version.  It just hung about three quarters through the install on all three machines.
    I'm running Photoshop Extended CS 3 with Snow Leopard and have no problems.
    What gives?
    Linnie K

    I wouldn't know.  The first copy I bought from Amazon and returned.  The second one was downloaded from your web site as a trial and I removed all the bits and pieces after killing an hour with the installer.  I didn't think I could download the trial version a second time.
    I'm using a Mac with Snow Leopard 10.6.2.  My Photoshop Extended CSS3 and PSE 6 work just fine.  I'm afraid that if I deleted all you had suggested, I would have trouble reinstalling the two apps I just mentioned.  From what I've read on various forums,, Mac users (not all) are still having difficulty installing PSE 8.
    BTW, this is the only app I've had any problem installing on my system.  I deliberately waited for v. 10.6.2 to install the newer OS as there were earlier incompatibilities.
    [email protected]
    Putting the fun in dysfunctional for more than half a century...

  • ? Camera raw 4 & pse 6 for mac

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    Please help if you can.

    Here are the mac updates for PSE:
    I've forgotten, but I think you can do 5.6 for PSE 6/mac, although 5.5 is the last version listed. Follow the directions in the read me for where to put the plug-in, but if it says you can overwrite the existing plug-in, that's just wrong. You have to remove the older plug-in before putting the new one into the folder.

  • PSE 6 for Mac: Only have one shape in the Cookie Cutter tool

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    Actually, I found the answer...disregard my question. Newbie error. Thanks for understanding!

  • PSE 7 for Mac

    When is PSE 7 for Mac coming out, roughly? I've heard it it usually 6 months behind the Windows version. Is this still true?
    In particular, I'm waiting for the "Auto find faces for tagging" feature. Interestingly, Picasa Web Albums offers this feature too: http://picasa.google.com/features-nametags.html.
    Thanks for any insight.

    Tricia and Barbara, thanks so much for the replies. That's a bummer!
    I've been looking around for a photo management solution on the Mac that basically:
    - is like Photoshop Album/Photoshop Elements Windows with quick and easy drag and drop tagging and intuitive user interface
    - [KEY] has tags and captions that are written to my files as IPTC or XMP metadata
    - has "auto find faces for tagging" feature like Picasa Web Albums
    - allows full-screen reviewing of images with quick rating/marking of "picks" in that mode
    - can handle 30-60K photos either by allowing me to easy have and manage multiple catalogs
    - can upload to Flickr Pro
    - can batch rename files using flexible variables/tags from EXIF data (like Photo Mechanic)
    - can batch export with variable sharpening (like Photo Mechanic)
    I checked out Apple's iPhoto and Aperture, Photo Mechanic, iView Media Pro but none come close to offering the above feature set. Seems to me there are better photo management apps on Windows... PSE 7 and Google's Picasa.
    Any suggestions? I suppose I could try using PSE 7 Windows in a Windows VMware virtual machine (or try CrossOver Mac) but then it'll be slow.
    Thanks in advance for any additional feedback or advice.

  • Does the Acrobat for windows license key work for Mac version?

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    My question is, will the key (if I purchase) work for Mac version?

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  • Cannot select iTunes videos for sync with Sony Bridge for Mac version 3.6

    I have a Sony xperia T.
    I am running Sony Bridge for Mac version 3.6 (the latest I think)
    I would like to sync a couple of movies to my phone so I can take them with me when travelling, but the itunes library movies are "greyed out" and I cannot select them to enable them to sync.
    I cannot see why.
    Also some of my music is the same - some albums are "greyed out" and cannot be selected.
    Anyone else seen this and worled out the solution ?
    if so - please advise !

    They are probably DRM protected, if so, you wont be able to transfer them 
    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

  • PSE 6 for Mac, how to install the new layer mask tool

    I just bought the new PSE 6 for Mac, whew what a change in the color of workspace.
    My classmates and I are wondering how to install the free layer mask tool that Sue Chastain has on her About site.
    Or perhaps first, has anyone used it and do you like it?
    Do you put it here?
    Havent been to this great forum for a while, been busy, I miss you all, and shall try to visit more often.
    I remember when I was a beginner at this, I learned so much here and you all were amazing help!

    Hi Barbara,
    Its this one,
    So I assumed afterwards that it wasn't for Mac. So I went ahead and installed the older action for my PSE 4.
    I was hoping it was platform agnostic, but when I looked at this, the difference between the 2 versions,
    Not knowing where the Previews folder was, threw me overboard.
    And I didn't read all the way down Sue's page, as my old brain got ahead of my eyes.
    So I really dont know what to do next with this, some of my classmates are wondering the same thing.
    Thank you,

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