Why no swc file exported?

Q1. I am new in flash CS4. I have tried to export an simple flash which just contains a square to .swc file using Publish and Export Movie, but there only has one .swf file exported. No .swc is found. I already selected the export to .swc file in Publish Settings, however the result is same. Any one can help me?
Q2. I have tried to export a .swc file on the Library Panel. It works. However, when I import it into Flash Builder. I can't find any new component in the Custom Component Panel in Flash Builder. Anything I did wrong?

experiencing the same with CS5.5 .... publish progress bar shows for a second, then nothing ... no error message at all

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    Why wont PDF files export to word, excel? Please help. I am trying to get time sensitive to school. 

    Thanks Sara. I was only able to upgrade to 11.0.6 but that fixed the problem.
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  • Why are my files exporting so small? (15 mb RAW files exporting to 2 mb JPEG)

    I'm trying to export RAW files into JPEG for a client and haven't experienced this issue before. I shot on large format RAW and original files are around 15 mb. When I export them in lightroom they end up around 2 mb. I know that I can still print large files from this but I'm worried that my (wedding) clients will see the file size and worry about enlarging prints, etc. Is there a way to export them so they are larger? I'm currently exporting at 100%. Help please!

    ayyo wrote:
    I'm trying to export RAW files into JPEG for a client and haven't experienced this issue before. I shot on large format RAW and original files are around 15 mb. When I export them in lightroom they end up around 2 mb. I know that I can still print large files from this but I'm worried that my (wedding) clients will see the file size and worry about enlarging prints, etc. Is there a way to export them so they are larger? I'm currently exporting at 100%. Help please!
    File size really doesn't provide useful information. And since JPG is compression, I see nothing unusual about a 15mb original RAW exported as 2mb JPG. If you are worried about file size, then you are not looking at the right numbers.
    You need to look at number of pixels in the original image, and number of pixels in the exported file. Anything else will lead you in the wrong direction.

  • Why is my swf exporting as a small blank file?

    I am very new to After Effects.  I created an animated banner with text effects, images and movie files.  It is 1 minute long.  I am trying to export this to an SWF so I can add dynamic links in Flash.  When the file had less layers, it rendered and saved just fine, but now that it is completed with many more layers (28 layers) and is full length it will not export properly.
    Let me clarify.  When I export to SWF it goes through the motions, creates the files and everything, but when I open the SWF (either in a browser or in Flash) it is blank.  When I get the properties of the file, it is only 23 bytes large.  What am I doing wrong?  I have tried to ignore and to rasterize unsupported content with the same result.
    FAQ Checklist answers
    I'm using After Effects Cs6 version
    I just installed updates yesterday.
    I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
    Source files are mostly png and jpg.  There is one wmv file, but I don't know any other details about it. (I'm a newb)
    No error messages
    I am exporting to SWF
    The file exported properly before I added additional layers and effects
    Quicktime version
    I closed all other running software to test the export, I even restarted my computer.
    No 3rd party add-ons for AE
    Intel Core i7 2.8Ghz, 12GB DDR3 RAM (1600Mhz), 500GB Hard drive, Nvidia GeForce GT 240 video card
    No 3rd party I/O hardware
    No OpenGL features
    Final output has the issue, I can play the file within AE without any issues.
    Render Multiple Frames Simultaneously is not enabled
    See steps I've taken in description at the beginning of post.

    After Effects CS6 (11.0) has a bug with exporting SWF files that is fixed in After Effects CC (12.0), as mentioned in the "a few choice bug fixes" section here:
    But why are you exporting to SWF at all?
    If you're exporting for further use in Flash, export to one of the video formats that Flash can import, preferably F4V. SWF is not a good choice for video. (You can, of course, in Flash create a SWF that embeds or links to an F4V file; that works well.)
    Also, this part of your checklist seems wrong:
    I'm using After Effects Cs6 version
    I just installed updates yesterday.
    If you installed the updates, you'd be using After Effects CS6 (11.0.2), not 11.0.0. Choose Help > Updates now to install the updates. There are a lot of bug fixes in the most recent updates.

  • Why does iPhoto (9.0/11) not retain the Event name when exporting more than one event? (using File - Export - Album name with number).

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    Exporting a single Event retains the Event name which is what I'd expect. But highlighting more than one event and exporting it renames the images to Events 001.JPG, Event 002.JPG etc.
    I was recently on holidays and had all my events nicely split on Dad's computer but when I went to export it I couldn't retain any of this information. Now I have to replicate this all again on my computer.
    It wasn't possible to export the entire library as the external drive was fat32 format an I didn't want all of it. It would be nice to export a bunch of events to someone and have it retain the name.
    Does anyone have a work around or will this be fixed at some point by Apple?

    Why does iPhoto (9.0/11) not retain the Event name when exporting more than one event? (using File -> Export -> Album name with number).
    Exporting a single Event retains the Event name which is what I'd expect. But highlighting more than one event and exporting it renames the images to Events 001.JPG, Event 002.JPG etc.
    I was recently on holidays and had all my events nicely split on Dad's computer but when I went to export it I couldn't retain any of this information. Now I have to replicate this all again on my computer.
    It wasn't possible to export the entire library as the external drive was fat32 format an I didn't want all of it. It would be nice to export a bunch of events to someone and have it retain the name.
    Does anyone have a work around or will this be fixed at some point by Apple?

  • Why can't I File-export-render video into a mpeg 4 rendering into a small .mov file format in cs6?

    I create short videos using the PS frame animation panel. I used to be able to FILE-export-render video- and choose MPEG-4 Video in the settings panel which would render my file into a small .mov file. Now in CS6 the new render video panel does not have that option. I tried the QT options in the export window and my file is hugh! The H.264 option gives me an .mp4. I put the .mp4 into my web page via Dreamweaver and my video does not play when uploaded into the sever. The video plays fine in Dreamweaver before I upload to the server. After I upload to the server I just get a Q and no video on my web page.  If I render the same file in CS5 I am able to view it in my web page. ADOBE WHY DID YOU CHANGE YOUR EXPORT VIDEO RENDERING OPTIONS in CS6?

    This is a user-to-user Forum, so even though several Adobe employees do thankfully contribute do not assume you are talking to »Adobe«.

  • Why Photoshop Elements 11 File-Export menu item disabled?

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    To Dup:
    bring up the tool and a photoshop project file
    ensure my license is up to date
    ensure this tool is updated
    File Export is disabled
    try may other files, get same result

    I have no idea what it has ever been used for (Save As usually being the route to export to a different format), but it exists and is greyed out in PSE12 as well. I suspect a hangover from an old version.
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children
    If this post or another user's post resolves the original issue, please mark the posts as correct and/or helpful accordingly. This helps other users with similar trouble get answers to their questions quicker. Thanks.

  • Why can´t I Export my H264 file as a VMW file in quick time 7. The program only does 30 seconds?.

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    Why can´t I Export my H264 file as a VMW file in Quick time 7pro. The program only does 30 seconds of the file?
    The Windows Media codec you are using is running in the "demo" mode. To export full clips you must purchase or upgrade to one of the export capable codec components like those included in the "Studio" or "Studio Pro HD" software package.

  • Why won't .MOV files export from Lightroom?

    Why won't .MOV files export from Lightroom?

    The will.
    Or at least they can, and do, sometimes, if you have good MOV karma..
    Why not supply a little more info, like:
    * Which OS
    * Which version of Lightroom
    * History of MOV files.
    * Export format.
    * Do other video types export OK
    * How many different MOV files have you tried - all with the same history?
    and of course:
    * What, exactly, happens, when you try?

  • Why Flash CS6 cannot export ai file?

    Why Flash CS6 cannot export ai file?

    They didn't make it that way.  Being an adopted product, they probably still need time to add features like that if they are possible.

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    Why can't I export my newsletter from CS into a psf file all of a sudden?

    We can't know. You are not providing any relevant details - program versions, system information, PDF settings used and so on.

  • Why does File- Export process jpgs where I have made no changes?

    Hi, I'm new to Lightroom.  I would like to make LR my photo management software of choice for managing my huge personal collection of photographs.  I've flagged keepers and tagged photos accordingly: Food, people names, etc.
    What I would like to do now is find all photos marked with the tag "JapanVacation2009" and export them to disk so I can bring them to a friend's house and share them.  When I click File->Export, I see that even though I've make tone and exposure changes to less than 1% of my my photos, LR reprocesses every photo!
    What I want is that for photos where I have made some kind of change, yes, please process and create the new version of the photo.  For photos where I have made no change except for adding tags, please, please, just copy the file into the export directory!!! It's faster AND I really didn't want my photos reprocessed.
    I am sitting here waiting for these files to be exported (reprocessed)-- this is taking forever!  I generally take my photos in jpg because I'm really going to make very few changes to my photos-- I know that I could take them in RAW, but I find this inconvenient for my workflow.
    Please help. If I can't find a resolution, I'm going to have to investigate something like Picasa.
    LR gurus, what do I do???

    Folders are irrelevant to LR as an organisational tool. LR will search, create collections or smart collections based on whatever criteria you set.It is a very quick and effective organisational tool once you have learnt how to use it.
    When exporting from LR to a lossy format such as a jpg if the file is already compressed and you re compress it then this will result in further loss of quality. That is always the case when using JPGs. If you export at 100% ( no further compression) then no loss of quality will occur due to compression, but obviously re processing a processed 8 bit format such as a JPG will always result in some quality loss. If you have made no changes to the original JPG in LR and then export it at 100% then LR just produces a copy of the original and no loss of quality will occur.  JPG should really be treated as a finished format and no further processing applied. If you wish to process your images then retain the RAW file, or if scanning, scan to a 16 bit file such as TIFF to minimise any quality loss as a result of processing.
    Exporting times are very quick from LR as long as your machine is well set up and has enough RAM. 600 images with few changes dependent on the size of the image would only usually take a few minutes to export to a disk dependent on the speed of the disk. Obviously if you are exporting to a slow hard drive, to things like DVD's and CD's, have little RAM or lots of other applications running in the background this can slow things down, there are lots of tips around here and elsewhere on how to set up your computer to get the best out of LR.

  • Why are my my Keywords not transferring to files when I do a File/Export in Lightroom4?

    Hello all,
    I have been trying to export some files (all morning - note my frustration) to a new stock agency, but when I do a File>Export my Lightroom 4 generated Keywords are not in the files.  I have tried to problem solve this on my own and looked online but I am having no luck at all.  I am not very savy with all of this keywording protocol to start with.  I am sure it is something simple like a box that needs to be checked or unchecked but I could sure use some help with this.
    J. Paul

    Dorin, thanks for your (and everyone elses relpy).  I am not sure I am following you exactly on this.   I see a drop down menu for Will Export in Keyword Tags.  Is this what you are referring to?  I tried this and it would export some of my keywords but not all.  In some cases when I clicked on Will Export my Keywords dissapeared so obviously no Keywords would export.  Maybe I am just not understanding how Kewording is supposed to work in Lightroom.  I just always select a file and enter all the appropriate Keywords and I am done.

  • Error in file export when order of elements in build array changes

    Hi everyone,
    A while ago I wrote a vi file which does the following:
    At first it initializes a camera and chooses a region of interest (ROI). Data out of the ROI will be discarded.
    Then it raster scans a motor stage in x and y direction, in bidirectional mode (meaning that x alternates between scanning from left to right and right to left as y is inreased).
    For each point of the scan, the spectrum is collected, which is then integrated in lambda to give an idea of the total intensity.
    Then the intensity is plotted, along with the spectrum at each point.
    The final results are exported in a text file.
    The problem:
    If I flip the order of the wires in the "build array" before the file export, placing the Total Count (intensity) wire in place of the Spectrum wire, the file export fails. What I mean by "fails" is that the .txt file contains characters that look like chinese!
    Why is that?
    I attach my .vi as well as two screenshots which demostrate the problem.
    Go to Solution.
    correct.png ‏182 KB
    Wrong.png ‏180 KB
    1.7z ‏119 KB

    mikeporter wrote:
    Hey Jeff... The changes you recommend are all good (and necessary) but the thing I'm stuck on is that regardless of what happens to the floating point data, there's that built-in VI that changes it to string representations of the numbers. And as I understand it, that is where the problem is.
    PS: Coming to NI Week?
    Not this year
    What scared me was the sgls on a SLs with no wire branch to force a data copy which, would force LabVIEW to preserve the sgls since the SL might need to be used again then, they get all mixed up building arrary out of mixed coerced sgls and dbls.  With the potential of a miss-reussed buffer (not uncommon in 2011) confusing the string operations in the write to spreadsheet.   The problem of course, must exist outside of write to spreadsheet file since it only exhibits with a build array element order change.  Or, we all are halucinating (Possible alternate theory)  

  • Premier Pro CC and Media Encoder crashing on long file export.

    Please forgive the length of this inquiry. But it is complicated and has a lot of variables.
    I have an hour long mixed format timeline both Red 3K footage and Black Magic ProRes 1080P footage that I want to make a DVD from and it takes forever and crashes half way through. I have tried doing it every way possible and the only way I was able to get even a partial export was using the "MPEG 2 DVD" export option in Premier CC. It goes fast at first telling me it will take about 2 hours but even though it starts quickly doing about 15 fps it slows down to less than 1 fps and finally just stops and crashes my Cuda Core enabled Macbook Pro Laptop.
    I really don't know who to ask about this since there are so many different variables. I never had a problem like this on my MBP with PP6 on a 4K timeline exporting to DVD or Blue Ray or to H-264 or Even Prores. But I wasn't mixing formats either. But on this project the first 20-30 minutes of footage goes through fine in a couple of hours but something seems to be bogging down the system on longer projects. My work around was to break the project up into multiple exports and combining them on the DVD timeline but I can't do this on every project. I thought maybe it was a corrupted clip somewhere in the timeline but when I broke the timeline up into several parts I had no problems.
    I did notice a dramatic variance in the time it took to export footage based on the sequence settings. A one minute timeline comprised Red 3K footage and ProRes 1080P footage Here are some sample export results:
    From a Red raw 3K timeline 2880x1620  with 1080P Prores footage upscaled 150%)
    to .m2v Mpeg 2 720x480 format    1:48 Minutes ***
    to .mov  Prores 422HQ  1080P                         22 Minutes
    to .mov H.264  1080P                    22 Minutes
    to .m2v Mpeg 2 1080P                                                22 Minutes
    From a 1080P timeline Prores footage at 100%  (Red footage downscaled to 67%)
    to .m2v Mpeg 2 720x480 format                         13 Minutes
    to .mov  Prores 422HQ 1080P                             13 Minutes
    to .mov H.264  1080P                                                             14 Minutes
    to .m2v Mpeg 2 1080P                                                            14 Minutes
    Since I am going to DVD,  I chose the fastest option  Red to m2v Mpeg 2 720x480 format which only took 1:48 per minute. Why? I have no idea. Maybe someone here knows the answer. But again these numbers are for a ONE MINUTE clip when I tried to convert the whole hour timeline to  the 720x480.m2v DVD File the Red timeline froze my computer after several hours even though I had set sleep mode to “Never” and turned the display off manually and I had to convert it in multiple chunks. In 20-30 minute chunks it did go fast about 1:48 per minute like the test indicated. But I would like to be able to convert the whole hour and not to have to try to stitch the clips together in my DVD authoring program.
    I don’t want to have to avoid using multiple formats on the same timeline or waste time transcoding everything to the same format.
    Can anyone give me any suggestions as to why the computer is crashing or bogging down in long exports and what timeline settings I should be using?
    I have plenty of room on my Scratch Disk and 8 Gig of RAM and according to my Activity Monitor during the export process  have about 800 Meg of System Memory during export but the CPU Usage is 98% and in my Activity Monitor I see under “Process Name” ImporterRedServer flashing up at the top of the list about every second during export.
    Why .720x480 mpeg DVD setting is so much faster than all the other export codecs?
    And if there are any other settings I can use to get higher speed exports in HD? 14x1 seems a little slow especially since every time it crashes I have to start over.

    Since a long time I did not encounter the crash of Media encoder with
    long file export.
    But I take care of a lot of details before the export :
    - clean up Media cache and Media Cache Files within PP CS6 and/or CC,
    - delete all render files with Preview Files,
    - rendering of sequences until the rendering is completed,
    - PP CS6 and/or Pp CC opened during export to AME and/or Encore CS6,
    I guessed to leave Adobe but this company remains the last with a
    serious authoring software (Encore CS 6).
    I tested :
    - Avid Media Composer, Final Cut Pro X, both are very good software but
    no really authoring software for these video editing softs.
    Th only way is to "flood" Adobe with "bug reports" and "wish forms"
    which are not very easy to use.
    And also to call the Adobe support day by day until they send they
    escalate the bug.
    Le 16/05/2014 16:51, alainmaiki a écrit :
          Premier Pro CC and Media Encoder crashing on long file export.
    created by alainmaiki <https://forums.adobe.com/people/alainmaiki> in
    /Premiere Pro/ - View the full discussion

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