Why no voice on the map directions

I have no sound on my maps navigation?

I was navigating using Maps.  When I began charging the phone using the USB connector in my car, the voice disappeared.  Same thing happened using MapQuest.  When I engaged Siri, the voice did not disappear when plugging or unplugging the charge cable.  I consider this to be a bug.  I use iPhone 4S, IOS 7.0.3

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    I know that it is possible to turn off the voice for turn-by-turn directions completely (in the settings menu), but is there a way to temporarily silence the voice from the maps app itself? For example, if I am driving to the freeway from my house I know how to get there and do not want my phone talking to me, but I would like to keep the directions active and turn on the voice once I need it later in the directions. Is there an easy way to do this without going to the settings app each time?

    I don't think there's any way to do it, but I'd like that feature as well: on long trips I listen to an audiobook and when I'm travelling routes that I already know well, I mostly want to use navigation to route around any traffic that might occur.
    In both cases, the voice directions aren't welcome, and I can get by with the on-screen display… and in other GPS navigation software or hardware I've had, muting the voice was an easily accessed option.  (Garmin USA on the iPhone, for example, has a 'mute' icon available right on the maps display).
    I've requested that feature at http://www.apple.com/feedback/iphone.html - you may wish to do the same.

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    There is no Face time, I messages and the maps are not working even!

    Is turn by turn navigation available in your country. See http://www.apple.com/au/ios/feature-availability/#maps-turn-by-turn-navigation

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    If you mean turn-by-turn navigation it is currently not available in your country.  See list below...
    Maps: Turn-by-Turn Navigation
    Czech Republic
    Hong Kong
    New Zealand
    San Marino
    South Africa
    South Korea
    See also iOS 6 Feature Availability.

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    Hi think, currently you can check, what map data files there's in your device by browsing device in Nokia Ovi Suite. Just click arrow on top of the phone icon and check what map data files there's in the device.
    Unfortunately, we don't have yet functionality to show, what version maps there's in device.
    Cheers, Samuli

  • HT4528 My wife had a problem with her iPhone 5C with no voice on th Maps app.  I visited my local Apple store and they said the problem was in iCloud.  We did a new install and it works great now.  Now my iPhone 5 has the same problem.

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    I had major issues with the iPhone 4s battery, however it’s resolved.
    The tech who set the phone up at the Apple store did so with little training.
    if you have a mobile me account. First go and move all your data to the cloud by going on your computer and logging in at me.com/move. The cloud has replaced mobile me, so there is no need for those two accounts
    Also make sure that for any of your email accounts you set them up to fetch, not push. My tech person set them all to have the email servers push data to the phone. The new iphone4s antenna is extremely strong so it will continually try to access stuff that is pushed–***** a lot of battery life doing this. It makes it worse if you have exchange 2010 accounts. Something about changes made to exchange really suck battery life from devices that access such accounts.
    turning of locator and the push notifications from facebook--they have a lot!

  • '' Prints only print'' never map directions on PC.

    I have both a picture of printer on my bookmark bar.  When I want to print the whole page exactly like it is......but the printer only printer the wording not the picture directions.  I have printed receipes very good with both pic & directions.  I have a Tosiba Chromebook laptop.  I have changed all ink so that is not the problem.  Also have not figured out how to get the HP appt??  thanks so much for your help.

    Hello @mattesmom1,
    Welcome to the HP forums.
    I understand that you are having problems printing map directions from your Chromebook.
    I would like to help.
    A lot of map/direction sites are designed differently then a recipe site.
    With a recipe, the images are on teh web page.
    With the directions/map sites, the image is not static.
    That is why often you can zoom in or out on the map.
    On the Web page that you are trying to print from, there should be a print option.
    This will be separate from the ones you normally use.
    This will bring up a printer friendly version of the directions.
    This should then print the image along with the written direction.
    If I may, what site are you trying to print the map directions from?
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • Will Google voice activated maps/direction ever be available on the 3G/3Gs?

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    Depends on what the contracts look like with Google and Verizon...
    There is some exclusivity to the OS updates for Droid that Verizon will have first crack at...meaning that for example the 2.0 OS was first given to Verizon's Droid device and other Android phones still have 1.6 and 2.0 won't be available to the other devices until December...
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    So...it could be possible that the new work done by Google for the Maps is a Verizon only perk from their new partnership...

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    I am using the IPhone 4
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    Message was edited by: EVELYN ESKRIDGE

    Clarifications... when you say "... only  some calls..."  and "... someone says they called..." - are these all from from one caller?
    After following all these fine suggestions and eliminating them systematically, consider that this kind of stuff is as old as the cellphone system. A few possibilities that occur to me just regarding the network system:
    you are in a habitually dead spot area. I have one in my own house!
    you travel through many of these dead zones (traditionally called 'low-coverage' areas) - remember how big a deal the coverage maps were to us?
    there is an issue with your network service provider's back-end system (my first thought - above)
    keep plugging away amigo! I'll bet you get this solved.

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    For me the breaking point was when the local Corporate Store clerk lied to be about their return policy.  He even documented the information he gave me and that didn't matter to management or corporate.  I made a decision to switch to the iPhone and was specifically told I had 30 days to evaluate weather I could make the transition from android to iOS.  If I couldn’t for any reason, I could just return the phone and pay the $35 restocking fee and we were then free to choose from one of the many androids.
    After weeks of challenges and countless hours spent with first tier then second tier then a product specialist we all came to the documented conclusion that the iPhone, on Verizons network could not support data and voice at the same time... Every other smart phone on Verizons network could and always has... the IPhone on ATT's network can support both voice and data at once... but Not On Verizons network...
    Each tech I spoke with seemed shocked and in utter disbelief that this could be so. They blamed ATT for harboring special privileges hold over from their exclusive relationship with Apple.  Which is not true.  Then they blamed Apple for delivering handicapped phones to Verizon on purpose. Well, with an Apple Product Manager on the phone listening in on a Verizon Tech giving me this among other excuses why I could not be on the phone and using google at the same time,  the Apple Rep finally jumped in and very politely cleared up any miss information the Verizon tier 2 support rep was fumbling out.
    So after I had done everything in my power to make the phone work the way I had understood it would.  And had every reason to believe it would.  As did every Verizon rep I spoke with at first until they did a little research and found Verizon had deliberately been hiding this fact from customers.  So I conceded to go back to the Android world for now and let Verizon sort out this glaring deficit hopefully in the near future…  Though every support rep concluded that there was no mention of this being fixed or even a problem so not to hold my breath…
    I couldn’t have been more shocked or infuriated when I went to exchange the “still in the plastic mint condition iPhone” I was told I had to have brought it back in the first 14 days… I pleaded and argued, even directed the manager to the notes entered in verizon’s own support documentation regarding my case and he said “well I see here where you were told that but that rep was wrong”.   That may be so but I based my entire testing and evaluation timeline based on the dates the rep clearly and admittedly told me!   The store manager said there was nothing he could do. 
    Now I mentioned I’m a Network Solutions Provider and being able to be on the phone doing a support call and using my cellular internet at the same time are an absolute must for me to be able to preform my job.  Every Verizon smart phone I have ever owned had been able to do this.  Now I am told I am STUCK in a two year contract with an inadequate  device that I cannot exchange and therefore functionally useless to me. 
    Verizon corporate nor the store manager cared one bit about my position.  They stood behind a little register tape that by signing my credit card receipt I now owed them two more years of my life and now they could care less weather I had a functioning solution or that I had been a loyal customer for over 17 years. Or that I had brought entire small business offices to them for cell services. Just stood there and held a copy of my receipt and said, well  you signed it so here is what it will cost ya to get out of it! 
    He got out a calculator and started running numbers for what I would have to pay to fix this situation… What I would have to pay to even leave Verizon and go get cell service from someone else.  It felt dirty … seedy… like being at some 3rd world used car lot where some shyster had gotten someone wrapped up in a contract and now was going to squeeze the life out of a customer even though they couldn’t’ even deliver the service they implied you were going to get in the first place. 
    In 30 years of being a small business owner I have never encountered an organization that had less integrity or more unscrupulous business practices… 
    I see post after post of Verizon  Customer Support  reps answering threads… funny I haven’t found one where a user honestly thanks the rep for actually helping them out…….  Please Verizon Customer Support, show me you actually can look at a situation and see an equitable solution where a Customer and the Share Holders can both win…..

    Well if this information was as ubiquitous on the web as you suggest, I am puzzled why it took three weeks of troubleshooting with many levels of Verizon support before we collectively concluded this was the situation...
    Regarding Reading what I sign... Thanks for that advice though in this situation I was handed a stylus and told to sign a Signature Pad at the check out counter... ONLY AFTER I signed (for the purchase only)  was I presented with this return policy conveniently nested in a 3 foot long reciept consisting of paragraphs of Helvitica 6 type set info...   I made the assumption that the sales person could correctly  answer a direct question regarding the policy I  inadvertently signed for when authorizing the credit card charge...   Even more concerning is that when by my actions and constant communications with Verizon, my intent was clearly based on the information I had gotten from the sales rep.  and if I was given misinformation it would seem Verizon could show some integrity and support the situation with some equitable solution rather than hiding behind contracts collected from sales staff who do not tell customers the truth..... 
    >> Minor edit <<
    Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator

  • Im trying to find out were I can go and submit a email to add to all the other people who cannot stand this new maps app. I want the google app back now or they need to make it the exact same. I hate that you have to close it out and redo the whole direct

    Hello. Ive never even wanted to use my time to do this. But this maps app is absolutly discusting. There are a couple cool things but for the most part its horrible. I drive for a living. So I use maps app all the time. This has affected how I do my job. Ill either get a android phone soon if apple doesnt fix this problem. I dont like that you have to redo your directions each time you shut your phone off instead of starting off were your current position is. I dont like that you cant swipe to the next turn you have to make so you can see ahead. I have no use for the 3D option. Thats cool for some and I understand that. But please take it back it to the way the old maps worked but keep the voice navigation. I do like the maps sceem. But people if this is not were I need to post this please let me know. email [email protected] email me people please if you can help me or tell me were to find were I can email apple so they can see this complaint. I dont want to sound like a complainer cause im not. I just dont like this new maps app. I love apple products. IOS is awesome.

    They are actively working to improve the Apple Maps app.
    It is extremely unlikely that you will get the Google Maps app back, as the built in app.  Google may release an app one day in the app store.
    You can alos look for other Map apps in the app store.

  • Why is my iPhone telling me to go right and on the map it show to make a left uturn? I think this needs to get addressed quickly before anymore serious problem arise and it's on ios6

    Well I use my iPhone to direct to where I need to go especially now with ios6 maps since then I can drop Tom Tom app and not pay the yearly fee, but it's kinda hard when my iPhone tell me to make a right turn and on the map it clearly show me to make a left u turn and never a right turn what's so ever. This issue I think need to be addressed ASAP before someone gets injured making a turn. This type of issues can put people at risk and should be taken serious. I have other issues non related to maps, but this mainly the only one I care about because it is a danger to people.

    I have done that and it is definitely on.  My husband has the exact same phone and I upgraded his IOS at the same time, but this problem is not happening to his phone (we are also on the same plan, so our service should be the same).  Our settings appear to be identical and my phone is showing the 3G symbol at the top, so I can't understand why it won't access the network.
    I've turned it on and off twice and have reset all settings with my iTunes account, but it still isn't working.
    I'm not a complete idiot with this sort of stuff - I have tried all the obvious things.

  • Why does the map app say it takes 8 hours to travel 25 miles?

    The map app says it takes 8 hours and 17 minutes to drive from Naperville, IL, to Midway Airport.  An alternate route only takes 49 minutes.

    If I selected walking, why would a longer alternate route only take 59 minutes.
    I just got directions for the same route and got reasonable results.  Whatever the problem was it appears to have been corrected.
    Thank you all for your comments.

  • Can you use voice command to get map directions

    Does the iphone 4 have the ability to use a voice command to get map directions----then display the map?

    You need a third-party app like: TomTom or Navigon. There are others in the app store.

  • TS3899 In my iPad 2 with IO6 today I can not send emails from my gmail account, they go to the outbox directly...why? How can i solve this problem? ..I restarted the IPad but the problem was not solved. Please help.

    In my iPad 2 with IO6 today I can not send emails from my gmail account, they go to the outbox directly...why? How can i solve this problem? ..I restarted the IPad but the problem was not solved. Please help.

    1. What version of the Mac OS are you running (Apple > About this Mac)?
    2. What version of the iOS are you running (Settings > About)?
    3. Do you use MobileMe/ iCloud or another server based sync solution like Google or Yahoo?
    4. Do other changes to synced information like Address Book content sync successfully back and forth?
    Based on your description it sounds like you have a 1 way sync issue.  Events sync fine between the iOS devices and fine from the computer to the iOS devices but not from the iOS devices to the computer.
    Backup your computer and iOS devices before doing anything else:
    Ensure all the devices in use are fully up to date: Apple > Software Update / Settings > General > Software Update
    Make separate backups of critical data:
    Backup your computer Addressbook: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=AddressBook/4.0/en/ad961.html
    Backup your computer iCal: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2966
    Reset syncing on your Mac: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1627
    Reply back if that does not resolve your issue.
    Hope that helps.

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