Why theres no proper Basis area on the Wiki?

I was wondering why theres no proper Basis/Technical area on the wiki?

I think theres plenty of demand for a basis area on the wiki.
How can i request a "Basis corner" on the wiki?...  how can i campain?? maybe someone can creare a stick post on the SAP Netweaver Administrator area to gather votes.
Im also interested in becoming a moderator for the SAP Netweaver area, whats the best approach? who is the right person to contact?

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    Hi Atiq
    Now that's concerning.....!!!
    This error usually shows up when the workflow is not able to resolve the outcome of the decision....no branch is there for the selected decision.
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    Did anyone play around with the standard decision task?
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    I think you've missed the point of the original poster's post. There are many people here who have the same issue, and have explained themselves rather well. It would be one thing if the issue involved different error messages (and god forbid Apple provided meaninful messages for anything) or different physical problems or different attempts to solve the problem. I've read a number of these posts, many made within the past week, the majority since about mid-December, and all of them appear to be relatively similar.
    Indeed, I am having the same issue, and have been since (as far as I can tell) late-December. My iPod works perfectly normally when not connected to my PC, but as soon as I connect it, iTunes, the iPod software, and even Windows itself will not recognize it as an iPod. The device appears to start normally, then reaches the "Do not disconnect" screen and remains there, causing whichever programs are currently attempting to mount the drive to hang (this includes Explorer and the iPod software). I am unable to stop these programs or unmount the iPod until either a) a timeout is reached or b) I manually disconnect it. I have come here as a last resort before calling Apple, as I have already read many of the support articles and attempted the fixes they provided, with no success. I have read through many posts on this board regarding similar issues, and none of the fixes provided by you or anyone else have been effective.
    In short, while your posts may help those who have never diagnosed computer or device problems in the past, or who have not read through Apple's online help area, they are not the absolute answer to everyone's problem, and they are not specific enough to be of any assistance to those who have already narrowed the problem down. In this post in particular, you do little more than assault the original poster for suggesting that perhaps there is some other explanation for the plight of these users. One may be led to believe that you work for Apple and are attempting to cover up a known bug in the software or hardware so as to avoid the mass replacement of devices. While this conclusion is not altogether likely, your attitude and actions do not lead one to believe otherwise.
    There could be any number of similarities to bring to light, and posts like yours prevent people from doing so. Perhaps it has something to do with the current version of iTunes, the iPod update software, the iPod service, a patch for Windows, or even dirt in the iPod's data port.
    For those of you who are also experiencing the same problems the original poster and I are having, if you have already tried any or all of the following with no success, please reply to this post:
    1. Restarting iPod (either connected or not connected to PC)
    2. Ensuring that the iPod is fully charged
    3. Restarting PC
    4. Reinstalling iTunes and/or iPod software
    5. Attempting to mount iPod in "Disk Mode"
    6. Attempting to mount iPod with iPod service stopped
    7. Running diagnostic tests on iPod (on restart, hold Select+Previous to reach diagnostic menu), all of which pass
    8. Changing between Firewire and USB cables
    9. Changing between Firewire and USB ports which are known to work properly
    Thank you.
    home built, foo   Windows XP Pro  

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    There is also a blog related to this topic:
    <a href="/people/nadim.razvi/blog/2007/07/06/business-kpis">/people/nadim.razvi/blog/2007/07/06/business-kpis</a>

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    See if these links help:
    This is the forum to discuss general questions and feedback for Microsoft Office Clent, better to post your question to the forum of Microsoft Office 365 Community:
    The reason why we recommend posting appropriately is you will get the most qualified pool of respondents, and other partners who read the forums regularly can either share their knowledge or learn from your interaction with us. Thank you for your understanding.
    Ethan Hua CHN
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thank you
    Susan Macdonald
    <Subject Edited by Host>

    We are fellow users here on these forums, you're not talking to iTunes Support nor Apple - I've asked the hosts to remove your email address from your post's title (it's not a good idea to post personal info).
    Was there a problem with the item that you bought ? Purchases are generally considered final (unless there is a problem with them), but you can try the 'report a problem' page to contact iTunes Support and see if they will credit or refund you : http://reportaproblem.apple.com
    If the 'report a problem' link doesn't work then you can try contacting iTunes support via this page : http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/- click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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    it's not gone.
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  • Why there is no output after running the procedure

    Hello everyone,
    SQL> set serveroutput on size 1000000
    SQL> set echo on
    SQL> set feedback on
    SQL> declare
      2     n number(19);
      3     v_startday varchar2(100) := '7/1/2013';
      4     v_owner varchar2(100) := 'SLIMSINTDM';
      5     v_audit_tab audit_var := audit_var();
      6     v_table_name varchar2(40);
      7     type cur_type is ref cursor;
      8     v_cur cur_type;
      9     v_first_name varchar2(100);
    10     v_last_name varchar2(100);
    11     v_out_tab varchar2(100);
    12     v_lab_code varchar2(10);
    13     v_sql varchar2(20000);
    14     v_sql_1 varchar2(10000) := q'[
    15     select distinct au.first_name, au.last_name,
    16     :v_table_name table_name, lab_code
    17     from laboratory l
    18     join app_user_security aus on AUS.owning_lab_id = l.lab_id
    19     join app_user au on AU.APP_USER_ID = AUS.APP_USER join ]';
    20     v_sql_2 varchar2(10000) := q'[ t on (t.ADDED_BY = AU.APP_USER_ID
    21     or t.last_modified_by = au.app_user_id)
    22     where lab_locale = 'en_AU'
    23     and (t.added_date > to_date(:v_startday, 'MM/DD/YYYY')
    24     or t.last_modified_date > to_date(:v_startday, 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
    25     order by last_name, first_name
    26     ]';
    27  begin
    28     n := 0;
    29     for i in (select table_name from all_tables where owner = v_owner order by table_name)
    30     loop
    31         v_table_name := substr(i.table_name, 1, instr(i.table_name, '_JN') - 1 );
    32  --  dbms_output.put_line('v_table_name: ' || v_table_name ||' ; i.table_name: ' ||i.table_name);
    33         v_sql := v_sql_1 || i.table_name || v_sql_2;
    34  --  dbms_output.put_line(v_sql);
    35         begin
    36            open v_cur for v_sql using v_table_name, v_startday, v_startday;
    37            loop
    38               fetch v_cur into v_first_name, v_last_name, v_out_tab, v_lab_code;
    39               exit when  v_cur%NOTFOUND;
    40               n := n + 1;
    41               v_audit_tab.extend;
    42               v_audit_tab(n) := audit_type(v_first_name, v_last_name, v_out_tab, v_lab_code);
    43            end loop;
    44            close v_cur;
    45         exception
    46           when others then
    47              if sqlcode = -1030 then -- insufficient privs
    48                 dbms_output.put_line('No privs for ' || USER || ' on ' || i.table_name);
    49  --                  exit;
    50              end if;
    51         end;
    52     end loop;
    53      for x in (select * from table(v_audit_tab))
    54      loop
    55        dbms_output.put_line (x.first_name ||','||x.last_name||','||x.table_name||','||x.lab_code);
    56      end loop;
    57  end;
    58  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Question here ,  developer can't find any output (results) as expected after running this procedure, so is ther anything wrong?
    Thank you very much.

    There is a good chance that there is another error other than -1030 but it is  going into the bit bucket never to be seen.  Check out Oracle Magazine articles on PL/SQL (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/issue-archive/index-087690.html) for some good coding practices. Part 6, PLSQL: Error Management is relevant to exception handling. 
    You could use a PRAGMA EXCEPTION INIT(InsufficientPriv,-1030); in the declaration section and then do the following:
      WHEN InsufficientPrivs THEN
         dbms_output.put_line('No privs for ' || USER || ' on ' || i.table_name);
        dbms_output.put_line('Other Error: '||SQLERRM);
    or following your example
       when others then
           if sqlcode = -1030 then -- insufficient privs
               dbms_output.put_line('No privs for ' || USER || ' on ' || i.table_name);
               -- raise;if you want to exit this block and not continue.
               dbms_output.put_line('Other Error: '||SQLERRM);
               -- raise;if you want to exit this block and not continue.
           end if;

  • Does anyone know why there is a moving shadow under the calendar app in my dock?

    It started blinking randomly and I am wondering if it means anything. I am including 2 pictures, to show the two images it would change to. Any help would be appreciated.
    I realize that it probably nothing, but I have been having issues as of late with my macbook pro, so I thought I would see if anyone had any suggestions.

    sailprice a écrit:
    Is there a 64 bit version of PSE 10?  I'm having printing problems and not sure if that is the reason?
    No 64 bits version for PSE10. I think You'd better start a new discussion with more details about your printing problems.

  • Does anyone know why there is a slight lag in the brush tool in CS6?

    This is not a huge problem, but it is annoying.  I have 8 gig of ram and a nvidia NX8600Gt vid card - never had problems in CS5.5 and expected CS6 to be better, but it is not.  Am I the only one experiencing this problem?

    The normal suspect is the video card driver.  CS6 puts a lot more demands on video card.  Make sure driver is current, and keep looking for latest updates.

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    Just make sure you turn off the camera first, then disconnect the USB cable. You should be fine.

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