Why won't my TV DVD Player read my IDVD?

I created an IDVD using the Revolution template with 6 Subfolder slide shows.  Everything was indicated to be successful.  When I tried to play it on my TV's DVD, the DVD couldn't be read the disc (It was a Verbatim 4.7 GB DVD+RW). I spoke with Apple IT Support for quite some time and they were unable to help me find a solution.  Second issue: When I played the IDVD back on my Mac, the typeface and the images were not sharp.  To test the sharpness of my images I looked at them in IPhoto and they were very sharp.  Can anyone help solve these problems please? 

DVD+RW is the probably not supported by your player. Use a DVD-R instead. Also create a disk image of the project first before burning, test it with DVD Player, then burn with Disk Utility at slow speed (2-4x).
You'll need to understand that still images and video are two different beasts and that the conversion from hi-res stills to highly compressed video is problematic at best. Also, viewing on your Mac is different from viewing on TV. One thing you try is to set encoding to "Best Performance" if your content doesn't exceed 60 min.
If you are not happy with the results you can try other software such as Photo to Video or Fotomagico.

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    Mpeg 2-DVD exported from Pr.
    Codecs: Mpeg video, Mpeg layer
    Duration: 1:10:26
    Encore DVD transcode status: Don't Transcode
    Encore Project/assets
    2 Menus
    1 Mpeg video
    1 Timeline
    Format: DVD
    Output: DVD disc
    Source: Create Using current project
    4.7 gb disc
    Has 510mb free
    All regions
    Unlimited copies
    First Play and title button are a menu
    Check build is good.
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    Just an Update, I've tried many things to no avail still have a few others to try. Being a Large file it takes a while to try things.
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    So any help is greatly appreciated
    whether it be a specific issue you know of dealing with used Macs and issue similar to mine
    or just on the "NO Title" error as a separate issue. I'm hoping this "No Title" is something simple and unrelated,  I've already burned through about 13 discs and even more pain pills for the headaches!!

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    When you say DVD Player (standalone) or do you mean Apple DVD Player? Could be many things from a bad burn to the drive you are trying it in is going bad/dirty. When you are copying it with Toast why are you trying to copy it, why not just burn another copy off the build?
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    don't understand: mount the disk image.....MOUNT?
    Double click on the disk image to open/mount it.  DVD Player will now recognize it and be able to playit.
    Differenct manufactures add different amounts of dye to their products thus creating a variety of burn quality. The manufactures that have been recommended have been found to contain the highest concentration of dye and have provided best results.  This website is a comprehesnive review of disk manufatures and quality: Blank DVD Media Quality Review – The Digital FAQ – Media Guides & Services    You'll see the Sony, once in the top category has stopped producing their own disks in 2010 and is not considered a top brand. But if you've been getting good results then....
    As for burning the slower the burn the more time the laser has to burn each bit in the disk which results in fewer burn errors. These are just recommendations gleamed from the experience of the heavy users here, many of them professionals. 

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    I didn't reply to the other topic I posted here, but that problem (I think) is fixed.  It turned out to be a size problem.  I just reencoded the main movie at a lower bitrate and that problem should be resolved.
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    So, I have traded one problem for another.  When I posted my previous topic, that disc I burned played on my PS3.  Part of the video was cut off but it played at least.  I can get the disc to play on my computer though.  I don't know if it is reading it as a folder or what.
    I have tried redoing the project from scratch twice.  I removed all the assets, started a new project and carefully imported all the menus, videos and subtitles one at a time to be sure I didn't do anything wrong.  I looked for any settings that could be screwing things up but I couldn't find any.  I think I burned three or four discs that have all turned out the same.
    Are there any specific settings that I might be missing?  Why would my disc not be playing in my PS3?
    Please help me finish this project.

    I am using a PC, Windows 7 64bit.
    The burner is an LG WH08LS20.
    The media is Verbatim DataLifePlus Inkjet Printable DVD+R DL discs.
    The problem is I have created many, many discs using Encore that have played perfectly fine on my PS3.  In fact, just a couple days ago when I created the last topic I created a dvd that played fine on my PS3.  It had problems with cutting off parts of the video like I said, but at least it played.
    I don't think I am doing anything different in the creation of these discs now.  I am completely stumped.
    When I put the disc in my ps3 nothing happens.  The dvd doesn't load automatically.  And there is no option under "video" to select it. 
    Do you have any ideas that could help me fix this problem?

  • Burned DVD won't play in DVD player?

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    Are there different formats you can burn it in? Am I not using the correct format?
    I am using a DVD-RW disk.
    Any help is appreciated! Thanks.

    In iTunes you create a Playlist from the tracks you want and then select it and 'Burn Playlist to disc', just dragging the files in the Finder is just copying the files across and not making a playable CD.

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    any advice would be appreciated.

    Hi, I recently made a 500-picture slideshow in iMovie, imported it into iDVD and then burned it. the dvd plays on computers and in my playstation, but won't play on my sony dvd player, which usually doesn't have a problem playing projects that i made on my computer.
    any advice would be appreciated.

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    next i downloaded FLV Crunch and converted the MP4 to VOB(mpeg 2) format. burnt to another disk, same error.
    i did some google searching and they talk about VIDEO_TS directories (which i see on my store bought movie dvd's). is there some directory structre that makes movies playable on a DVD player connected to a TV?
    i can play the dvd's on my Mac Mini from the internal DVD drive, so that seems to indicate the file structure is ok.
    Any other thoughts?

    bullinchinashop wrote:
    I've created the movie using iPhoto to create a slide show movie. i renamed the resulting file from M4V to MP4 and burned to a DVD-R disk. inserted into the samsung dvd player and got the error message, even though the samsung is supposed to support mp4.
    next i downloaded FLV Crunch and converted the MP4 to VOB(mpeg 2) format. burnt to another disk, same error.
    i can play the dvd's on my Mac Mini from the internal DVD drive, so that seems to indicate the file structure is ok.
    Any other thoughts?
    Why use mp4 if it to be played on a DVD Player?
    Save the project as a DV mov file and burn the DVD again in the usual DVD format of mpeg2.

  • Burned DVD won't play on DVD player

    I have downloaded a 22 minute video that I would like to burn to a DVD to play in my DVD player.  I have attempted on both DVD-R and DVD+R.  They burn to the disc but will not play on the DVD player.  The error message states that playback may not be available on this disk.  I have used the windows support search to problem solve on my own but have had no success.  I have ensured that I am selecting the CD/DVD player option to utilize the Mastered format.  I have gone into my option and have no filters on.  I have the video format on NTSC since I am from Pennsylvania/US.  I have not tried to burn it on slow or medium speed because it does burn to the DVD without problem it just won't playback on the DVD player.  What do you recommend as my next course of action for troubleshooting.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    I would suspect that the video is not DVD Mpeg2 compliant.  Depending on the DVD player, some will play other formats, also.  If there are no video authoring programs on the computer, try Windows Movie Maker (free) to see if the video needs too be converted to DVD Mpeg2 standards.
    {---------- Please click the "Thumbs Up" to say thanks for helping.
    Please click "Accept As Solution" if my help has solved your problem. ----------}
    This is a user supported forum. I am a volunteer and I do not work for HP.

  • Jpeg images produced by Ps CS3 won't play via DVD player

    When I burn my jpeg digital camera images to CD or DVD, they display without problems on my TV via the DVD player.
    However, when I process them using Ps CS3 (e.g. rotate, enhance etc.) then save them as jpeg images, they will not play when transferred to CD or DVD, giving a message 'jpeg decoding error'. They do display OK in the PC.
    This does not happen when the camera originals are processed using Adobe Photoshop Elements 2. They all display properly.
    Why do jpeg images created with Elements work, but those created with Ps CS3 not? Am I not setting some preference or other correctly?
    I run Windows XP SP3 on an HP Pavilion PC with 512 Ram.

    Did you set the button routing manually, or leave "Automatic" set instead?
    Try unchecking the "Route Buttons Automatically" in the menu editor, and you will see a set of icons appear with a central number & 4 extensions going Up/Down/Left/Right.
    These are the available options for navigation - just drag the pointer from the button to the button you want to link it to and all will be fine.
    When previewing, never
    i ever
    just use the mouse. DVD players do not have mice, and navigation is done with the remote unit - so try previewing with the simulated remote control instead to avoid problems recurring!

  • DVD from DVDSP won't play in dvd player?

    I shot some HDV footage on a Sony-Z1, edtied it in FCP 5.1, exported a Quicktime movie (HDV 1080i50) from FCP, took this QT file to Compressor 2.1 and made a H.264 6.75Mbps.mov. In DVDSP I have made both a HDDVD and also tried to make a new project and a DVD as a SP (the exported files used were a MPEG-2 6.2Mbps 2-pass 16:9.m2v, both 1080i (HVD res) and 1080i (std. res)). Have tried to burn all of the different DVDSP projects on DVD -R and +R's . Also tried to change the settings for Red laser and Blue laser. All of the DVD's works on various computers, but none of them works on a HD DVD player. Have tried several different dvd players.
    Does anybody know what might be the problem???
    Best regards,
    Martin Thaulow

    If you look through these forums you will notice that no one has come up with any answers for compatability PlayBack problems.
    I have looked for years and read the entire manual but still Im making great DVDs for my Macs but watch out if you give them to any one else,
    Im about to figure out how I can get the most out of DVD burning in Toast, at least I know the DVDs will play anywhere!

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