Widescreen & FCP 5

Please tell me if I am crazy:
Back when I had iDVD 5 (in the good old days), if I exported my widescreen (anamorphic) video from Final Cut Pro 5.0 to be inserted into my iDVD project, I had to use a nifty feature called the "Anamorphizer" ... which ran a script and added the correct tags to my movie so that iDVD would recognize it as a widescreen flick.
Now, when I upgraded to iDVD 6, I DISTINCLY remember no longer needing to use the Anamorphizer (handy as it was). I believe that iDVD had fixed itself. I deleted the Anamorphizer program (after reciting the appropriate eulogy) and made widescreen movies without it.
Some time has passed, I am back at it again and: lo and behold, the widescreen ease I thought I had purchased with my iDVD 6.2 upgrade has vanished. I had to download the Anamorphizer again (which still works) because iDVD is not recognizing my FCP export as being a widescreen film.
So, my question is: was I crazy? Has iDVD ever supported anamorphic video exported from FCP ? Or did it, and then did it stop ?

You're not crazy Damon!
Apple have still not resolved that issue. I know about Anamorphizer, but I can recommend that you have a look at MyDVDEdit:
which resolves the problem once and for all - or at least until Apple extract their digit over this issue. It is a bit of a lengthy workaround but at least you know that your DVD will be saved (and be automatically viewed) in 16:9 letterbox without the viewer having to adjust his/her set.
MyDVDEdit is donationware (freeware with a begging letter) and IMO worth a few bucks in his tin.
No, I have no connecrtion with him - just a satisfied customer!

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    I have a second monitor, widescreen, FCP can use it as an HDTV monitor because like all computer monitors, it is progressive and has the required pixels to display the image. I use the RAW setting for that monitor so the video is displayed dot for dot.
    The rule given to me years ago was always shoot the best possible video. Then you can do what ever you want in post. You can't improve a poor image, but, you can down convert a great one.
    HDV has a smaller file size than DV and a smaller bandwidth. I really enjoy editing in it, now that FCP supports it. (it really sucked when I had to use 3rd party software to prepare HDV for editing in FCP)
    When I am done with my edit, I just leave it to cook overnight with compressor. I have a folder of all the output I need the next day. Mpeg2, AC3, Portable media player, an HDV master to put to tape, and if it is needed then an animorphic DV file.
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    I perhaps should mention that I haven't done this myself, and that I'm just trying to think through how it should be done, for what it's worth!
    You're taking 1080 lines and making them be 576. If you just scaled from one to the other you who end up with a blur of the two fields mixed together. If there's much horizontal movement that might not be a good thing. Deinterlacing Best will probably do its best to mix the lines where there seems to be no motion, and ignoring the one field if there is a lot of motion. At least that's how I think it ought to work.
    As there's going to be motion a lot of the time I would argue that just dropping one of the fields would be as good as any other way. Pick either field in the deinterlace options.
    I just played around with the 16:9 settings in FCP, and it seemed to have a mind of its own! I wrestled with it and convinced the video clip to fill the document area. I'm sure there is a better way to make that work.
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    You mean 720x480 Anamorphic, yes?
    Here's what I do...
    File - Export - QT Conversion
    Then, click OPTIONS and change size to 420x270.
    That will force 'widescreen' no letterbox.
    Then, I load that to youtube directly and IT takes care of the letterboxing.
    Good luck,

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    -Evan Jacobs

    It sounds like you are editing in a 4:3 sequence.
    Your sequence must be 16:9, then export as current settings.

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    probably better to nest the layered dissolves sequence and apply the widescreen matte to the nest
    alternatively, as you suggest, just create your own widescreen matte with slugs, or make a matte in photoshop (or you can download a widescreen matte generator plugin from Dave Slater's ProAppTips website at http://proapptips.com/tips/filemgmt/singlefile.php?lid=23 ... i think you'll need to register to access the page)
    hope it helps

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    Please help me if you can!
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    You can use "export using quicktime conversion". Under video, select PAL DV. Then under size select custom and force the size to be 854 x 480. That will make your final .mov file display as 16x9.
    if you have quicktime pro you can take the original clip you exported earlier and open it, hit command J, then under the video track you will see controls on how to display your video. Make the ratio equal to 16:9 and hit save.

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    Wrong forum. This is the FCP X forum. You should post your question in the Final Cut Studio one.


    I'm so very sick of this! I've tried many times to capture and set FCP to capture in widescreen but it refuses. it captures in full screen. When it plays in FCP, it will play in WS but, for example, like when I just had to FORCE QUIT IT, i have to re-import my video files and all 118 of them are fullscreen, which means i have another 4 hours of RECAPTURING!! and this is the second time I've had to do this.
    How do I get the thing to capture in WS, i've got Sequence preset in DV NTSC 48 Anamorphic and Capture preset in DV NTSC 48 kHz Anamorphic..... what am i missing! I"m also capturing in a Non-Controllable Device. The video camera is a HDV Handycam HDR rx1 and it shoots in widescreen.

    the reason i was asking for more information was mainly to solve the MAIN problem.... ie you told me browser window, now yeah, you guys know what that is, OF COURSE it's called a browser window. That's as obvious as water is wet.
    Well check this out. I call the "Browser Window" a "Library".... which makes since to me, as it holds my video files. Then a "going to the browser file and making sure the anamorphic setting is on" leads me EVERYWHERE!!! including left clicking on the video's themselves and the audio/video settings and making sure that the settings are on... meanwhile all i was asking for was
    "The browser is what holds your videos, and you wanna scroll to the right and you will see anamorphic, if there is not a check, click on it and there WILL be a check.... and problem is Solved"
    Thanks. and good night to you.
    P.S. I hope your not teachers.
    you remind me of my Social Science Teacher. When someone asked about the constitution, which was in the chapter we were studying. she said and i quote "How do I know, I didn't right the constitution" and promptly moved on.

  • Creating 16:9 Widescreen DVD's from FCP 5 16:9 project

    Hi would appreciate advice
    I'm running Final Cut Studio with iDVD5. I have created a 16:9 project. All the Video / Audio etc settings are set to DV-PAL Anamorphic (16:9) with the Anamorphic check box ticked. Can Apple please tell me (can't find info in FCP or iDVD help) the proper way to Export the finished 16:9 FCP 5.0 Timeline so as to create 16:9 iDVD's. I understood it was suppose to happen automatically but when I Export the Timeline, Quicktime Movie keeps converting to 4:3. I've tried setting it to DVD- PAL 48kHZ Anamorphic but it still seems to revert to 4:3 (and takes 2 hours to create QT movie) What am I doing wrong? Do I need to resize in the Export Settings to say 1080 x 576...Or is using the Anamorphicizer as suggested in iDVD forums the proper way to do it? Why is it so hard I thought it was suppose to be easy....thats why I upgraded to FC Studio and iDVD 5...Please tell me the CORRECT way/settings to produce 16:9 DVD's please?

    I believe the problem is there is no problem.
    Don't bother resizing. That will just make more problems.
    Widescreen DV is the same format as Normal DV. The 16x9 format is just a playback property which you enable from whatever app you're using for playback. All you need to do is tell iDVD that the footage is supposed to be in 16x9. I don't use iDVD that much since getting DVDStudioPro so I can't tell you exactly how to do this, but I believe it's a simple checkbox or the like.
    Why not use compressor to create a high quality widescreen MP2 and AIF file then import them into DVD Studio Pro? DVD studio is just as easy to use as iDVD once you complete the tutorial and you will have much more control over your presentation. It's a great program to learn if you have FCP studio already.
    Hope this helps.

  • FCP/FCE anamorphic to iDVD widescreen - A simple solution?

    I have seen a lot of discussions about how hard it is to get anamorphic material from FCP/FCE into iDVD. There seem to be a few complex workarounds using third party software etc.
    Today I suddenly came to think about a possible very simple solution.
    1. Export to QuickTime from FCP/FCE
    2. Open the clip in QuickTime Pro
    3. Choose the Window menu and choose Show Movie Properties
    4. Select the Video Track and click the Visual Settings tab
    5. Uncheck Preserve Aspect Ratio
    6. Change the width to 854 (DV-NTSC) or to 1024 (DV-PAL)
    7. Save the clip and quit QuickTime
    8. Open iDVD and start a new 16:9 Widescreen project
    9. Import your modified QuickTime clip
    10. Author and burn your DVD
    Is it really this easy? Are there any downsides to doing it this way? The modified QuickTime clip's Movie Info in QuickTime says: Format: DV, 720 x 576 (1024 x 576)
    I just tested this workflow, and the finished DVD looked fine.

    I gave the usual dimensions for Standard Definition DV Anamorphic as an example. The actual dimensions for DV Anamorphic NTSC and PAL are: 720x480 and 720x576, but when stretched, the right width is 854 and 1024 as mentioned in my first post. The dimentions you are mentioning are for High Definition 1080i/p
    If you are editing 720p, the dimentions are: 1280 × 720.
    This might be of help:

  • Viewers in the US are going to see it in widescreen (16/9 bars in FCP) ?

    I thinking to use the filter in FCP to put 16/9 bars on my 4/3 DV footage.
    The output is a sport DVD.
    I am wondering if the majority of the viewers in the US are going to see it in widescreen, meaning with black bars on the left and right (and obviously on the the top and bottom)?
    In other words, does anyone knows how many people in the US have a widescreen TV? 20% of the viewers? 80%?
    Is it a better idea to do a 16/9 crop? Meaning blow the image up and crop off the top and bottom? Considering the process will obviously drop the image quality done..

    In other words, does anyone knows how many people in the US have a widescreen TV?
    Are you expecting to sell/give this to everyone in the US? ...
    Most DV doesn't look all that wonderful on an HDTV. Enlarging it to fill a 16:9 frame BEFORE it gets enlarged again by the TV to fill a screen MUCH larger than what the DV format was ever intended to fill is not a process to yield crisp and compelling images ... but, why not give it a try and see if it meets your standards?

  • Converting HDV FCP projects to burn standard widescreen PAL DVDs

    I film and edit HDV footage from my sony hdr-hc1e on Final Cut Pro 6. I want to be able to burn PAL DVDs of my projects that will work on a normal DVD player.
    In the past I have exported using quicktime conversion from FCP and used the size PAL 16:9 which gives 1024 x 576 size video files. Then my problem was these would not show up as widescreen in iDVD so i was advised to use an application 'Anamorphisizer'. That worked and i was able to make widescreen DVDs. I don't know what changes I've made but Anamorphisizer no longer works. I feel there should be a much simpler way anyway. Anyone know one?
    Thanks very much,
    Message was edited by: Ross Harrison

    Hi Ross
    Just thinking but I started a PAL project
    Capture my material
    In Browser - I expanded this on it's right side and far to the right I could select anamorphic. I did for each Captured sequense and the movie project.
    Think that this worked after Export as QuickTime.mov
    • No QT-conversion
    • Not Selfcontained.
    Yours trying to remember Bengt W

  • FCP 6 export widescreen SD - iDVD 7 widescreen plays 4:3

    Exporting DV anamorphic, plays in QT as widescreen, iDVD menu is widescreen, BUT the exported video plays 4:3.

    Hello Todd,
    apparently the anamorphic flag got lost somewhere, or is just not seen by iDVD. You can try to trash iDVD preferences, repair permissions, make a new iDVD project ... if that doesn't help you can try to re-install iDVD.
    I personally would simply make a disk image, then fix the error with myDVDedit (http://www.mydvdedit.com/). I know this may sound stupid but you'll need to correct the DVD anyways, since iDVD always outputs as "16x9 pan-scan & letterbox".
    hope this helps

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