Widget on my desktop?

Can I put a widget on my Desktop? I need to put my calendar on my desktop but I don´t how to do that.
Thanks in advance!
Andres N

Andres N.,
I hope I am reading your post correctly. If not, please correct my misunderstanding so that other readers can offer better advice.
You might take a look at PandoCalendar at this link — Panda Systems.
It will give you a calendar on your desktop and provides some options for customization. There is also a Help file for the application.
It is Freeware so you can test it to see if it meets your needs.
No Alibi.

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    Assuming you are using iPhoto....
    You want to select the event that has the photo in it then click once on the photo so it is highlighted with a yellow ring around it and then click and drag it to the desktop.
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    GL !

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    Garret, the only way to put Dashboard widgets on the desktop and select the level they live in (so they don't float over everything) is to use either Amnesty Widget Browser or Amnesty Singles. Both are shareware.
    Disclaimer: I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link [my company developed Amnesty].

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    Hello, welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Click on the widget on your desktop. Now, hold down your OPTION key (and keep it held) while moving the mouse over the widget -- an X in a circle should appear in the top left corner of the widget. Click the X to close the widget and remove it from your desktop.

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    The Class.forName method throws a class not found exception, so ...as the compiler has told you ...you need to catch it or otherwise handle it.
    It "must be caught, or declared to be thrown".
    try {
    }catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
    }Here, I have 'caught' it.

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    With Dashcode made available, widget development is already 'on the desktop' (i.e. readily available). If you simply want the widget to be on your desktop then I don't know what else you can do.

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    Because you are using the "devmode" trick to move the widget to desktop, it is impossible for you to move it behind any of your applications -- it will always remain on top.
    The only way to put a widget on the desktop AND control what layer it appears in is to use the shareware products Amnesty Widget Browser or Amnesty Singles. With these products, you can place the Weather widget on the desktop and make it "not always on top."
    Disclaimer: I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link [my company developed Amnesty].

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    I also had this problem, and was directed towards this reply. I then searched google for your well-written question, and was led to this answer.
    http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/34031/how-to-get-rid-of-a-widget-stuck- on-the-desktop-instead-of-the-dashboard

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    Hello fortworth
    Have a look at Amnesty or Amnesty Singles in the following Macworld article for *Turning widgets into applications*:
    or this one *How to get Dashboard widgets on your desktop*:

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    With Dashcode made available, widget development is already 'on the desktop' (i.e. readily available). If you simply want the widget to be on your desktop then I don't know what else you can do.

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    The free WidgetRunner app allows you to specify whether each widget should float on top, act like a normal window, or be pinned to the desktop:

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    What update did you install?
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    Are you saying that a calculator is on your desktop? It may not be a widget. Check your startup item list. Also what happens when you right-click it?

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