Widgets Hierarchy.

I'm building a JTree that uses a custom renderer. This renderer creates a number of other widgets to display a node: a JPanel, a button, a JTable, ... The tree is displayed as usual in a JScrollPane contained in a JFrame. Everything is displayed as spected.
But if I try to go down the wiget hierarchy from the JFrame using the getComponents method from Container I cannot find the components created by the renderer. The only child of the JTree happens to be just one CellRenderPanel that has no components itself.
The question is where are those components and how can I access them???
Thanks a lot for your help.
(Actually I'm trying to build a JTree which nodes can be expanded. So each node includes a button to hide/show details. I want to selected the display mode without entering in edition mode by clicking on the button. Edition mode is activated by double click. )

Because the components aren't added, they're rendering delegates.
Read the "How to use..." links from the API docs for JTable, JList and JTree to see how it works.

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  • Rosegarden audio issues

    ive got some problems with rosegarden:
    when i do:
    jackd -d alsa -d hw -r 44100 -p 2048 -n 2
    jackd 0.118.0
    Copyright 2001-2009 Paul Davis, Stephane Letz, Jack O'Quinn, Torben Hohn and others.
    jackd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
    JACK compiled with System V SHM support.
    loading driver ..
    apparent rate = 44100
    creating alsa driver ... hw|hw|2048|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
    configuring for 44100Hz, period = 2048 frames (46.4 ms), buffer = 2 periods
    ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
    ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
    ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
    ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
    (or run graphical jack client then
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    Thorn - 1
    System Locale: pl_PL
    Qt translations path: /usr/share/qt/translations
    Qt translations loaded successfully.
    RG Translation: trying to load :locale/pl_PL
    RG Translations loaded successfully.
    Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-16x16"
    Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-32x32"
    Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-48x48"
    Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-64x64"
    Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-128x128"
    NOTE: Found stylesheet at ":/rosegarden.qss", applying it
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    AlsaDriver::AlsaDriver [begin]
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    PluginFactory::instance(dssi): creating new DSSIPluginFactory
    LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - discovering plugins; path is [/home/irtomek/.dssi] [/usr/local/lib/dssi] [/usr/lib/dssi]
    cannot lock down memory for RT thread (Nie można przydzielić pamięci)
    JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK sample rate = 44100Hz, buffer size = 2048
    JackDriver::initialiseAudio - creating disk thread
    JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 2 JACK physical outputs
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    JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out R" to "system:playback_2"
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    JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "system:capture_1" to "rosegarden:record in 1 L"
    JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "system:capture_2" to "rosegarden:record in 1 R"
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    ALSA Client information:
    14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0) (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]
    extractVersion: major = 1, minor = 0, subminor = 21, suffix = ""
    AlsaDriver::versionIsAtLeast: is version 1.0.21 at least 1.0.14? yes
    extractVersion: major = 2, minor = 6, subminor = 33, suffix = "ARCH"
    AlsaDriver::versionIsAtLeast: is version 2.6.33-ARCH at least 2.6.20? yes
    Using low-resolution system timer, sending a warning
    Current timer set to "system timer" with timer checks
    WARNING: using system timer with only 300Hz resolution!
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    PluginFactory::instance(ladspa): creating new LADSPAPluginFactory
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    Available track ids are:
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    Renamed 128:3 to General MIDI Device
    LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - done
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    WARNING: AlsaDriver::renameDevice: Cannot find device 1 in port map
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    RosegardenDocument::openDocument: Successfully opened document "/home/irtomek/.local/share/rosegarden/autoload/autoload.rg"
    Object::connect: No such slot Rosegarden::AudioInstrumentParameterPanel::updateAllBoxes() in src/gui/editors/parameters/AudioInstrumentParameterPanel.cpp:81
    Object::connect: (receiver name: 'Audio Instrument Parameter Panel')
    Object::connect: No such signal Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in src/gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentMover.cpp:58
    Object::disconnect: No such signal Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in src/gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentMover.cpp:65
    Object::connect: No such signal Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in src/gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentPencil.cpp:61
    AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like "" requested for device 0
    AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: nothing suitable available
    AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like "" requested for device 1
    AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: nothing suitable available
    Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice: Having a look at device 1000
    Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice: Having a look at device 10000
    Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice: Having a look at device 0
    Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice(0): device is a MIDI device
    rosegarden: could not connect to socket
    rosegarden: Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu
    Rosegarden: WARNING: No accurate sequencer timer available (and kernel is new enough for RTC addendum)
    MAIN WINDOW DISPLAY WARNING: type 2 text<h3>System timer resolution is too low!</h3>
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family LilyPond-feta-rosegarden at size 12, got family LilyPond-feta-rosegarden (exactMatch 1)
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family LilyPond-feta-nummer-rosegarden at size 12, got family LilyPond-feta-nummer-rosegarden (exactMatch 1)
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family LilyPond-parmesan-rosegarden at size 12, got family LilyPond-parmesan-rosegarden (exactMatch 1)
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family bitstream vera serif at size 12, got family Times New Roman (exactMatch 0)
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family luxi serif at size 12, got family Times New Roman (exactMatch 0)
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family times new roman at size 12, got family Times New Roman (exactMatch 1)
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family fughetta at size 12, got family Verdana (exactMatch 0)
    Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "fughetta"
    Comparing current version "10.02" with latest version "10.04.2"
    MAIN WINDOW DISPLAY WARNING: type 4 text<h3>Newer version available</h3>
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family georgia at size 12, got family Georgia (exactMatch 1)
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family inkpen2 at size 12, got family Verdana (exactMatch 0)
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family inkpen at size 12, got family Verdana (exactMatch 0)
    Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "inkpen2,inkpen"
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family inkpen2 text at size 12, got family Verdana (exactMatch 0)
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family inkpen text at size 12, got family Verdana (exactMatch 0)
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family comic sans ms at size 12, got family Comic Sans MS (exactMatch 0)
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family maestro at size 12, got family Verdana (exactMatch 0)
    Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "maestro"
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family opus at size 12, got family Verdana (exactMatch 0)
    Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "opus"
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family opus text at size 12, got family Verdana (exactMatch 0)
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family petrucci at size 12, got family Verdana (exactMatch 0)
    Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "petrucci"
    ALSA Client information:
    14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0) (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family sonata at size 12, got family Verdana (exactMatch 0)
    Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "sonata"
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family steinberg notation at size 12, got family Verdana (exactMatch 0)
    Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "steinberg notation"
    SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family xinfonia at size 12, got family Verdana (exactMatch 0)
    Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "xinfonia"
    CompositionModelImpl::segmentAdded: segment 0xb4c85070 on track 0: calling setTrackHeights
    Object::connect: No such signal Rosegarden::NotationWidget::changeAccidental(Accidental, bool) in src/gui/editors/notation/NoteRestInserter.cpp:95
    NotationTool::findActionInParentView: Can't find ActionFileClient in parent widget hierarchy
    NotationTool::invokeInParentView: No action "no_accidental" found in parent view
    NotationWidget::setSegments() - total segments: 1
    Object::connect: No such slot Rosegarden::Panned::updateScene() in src/gui/editors/notation/NotationWidget.cpp:427
    Object::connect: No such slot Rosegarden::NoteRestInserter::handleEventRemoved(Event *) in src/gui/editors/notation/NotationToolBox.cpp:108
    Object::connect: No such slot Rosegarden::NotationWidget::slotEnsureTimeVisible(timeT) in src/gui/editors/notation/NotationWidget.cpp:457
    Object::connect: Parentheses expected, slot Rosegarden::NotationView::
    Object::connect: (sender name: 'dummy_1')
    Object::connect: No such slot Rosegarden::NotationView::slotToggleAnnotations()
    Object::connect: (sender name: 'show_annotations')
    Object::connect: No such slot Rosegarden::NotationView::slotToggleLilyPondDirectives()
    Object::connect: (sender name: 'show_lilypond_directives')
    NotationScene::layout: from 0 to 0
    Object::connect: No such signal Rosegarden::NotationView::changeTempo(timeT, tempoT, tempoT, TempoDialog::TempoDialogAction) in src/gui/application/RosegardenMainViewWidget.cpp:426
    Object::connect: (receiver name: 'App')
    Object::connect: No such signal Rosegarden::NotationView::staffLabelChanged(TrackId, QString) in src/gui/application/RosegardenMainViewWidget.cpp:466
    Object::connect: (receiver name: 'View')
    Object::connect: No such signal Rosegarden::NotationView::editTimeSignature(timeT) in src/gui/application/RosegardenMainViewWidget.cpp:470
    Object::connect: (receiver name: 'App')
    actualSubordering = 0 suborderingExact = 1
    WARNING: SegmentNotationHelper::splitIntoTie(): (*i)->getDuration() != eventDuration (3840 vs 0), changing eventDuration to match
    NotationScene::layout: from 0 to 0
    NotePixmapFactory::calculateNoteDimensions: selected
    NotePixmapFactory::calculateNoteDimensions: selected
    actualSubordering = 0 suborderingExact = 1
    NotationScene::layout: from 0 to 7680
    actualSubordering = 0 suborderingExact = 1
    NotationScene::layout: from 0 to 0
    actualSubordering = 0 suborderingExact = 1
    NotationScene::layout: from 0 to 0
    actualSubordering = 0 suborderingExact = 1
    NotationScene::layout: from 0 to 3840
    actualSubordering = 0 suborderingExact = 1
    NotationScene::layout: from 0 to 3840
    NotePixmapFactory::calculateNoteDimensions: selected
    actualSubordering = 0 suborderingExact = 1
    NotationScene::layout: from 0 to 3840
    NotePixmapFactory::calculateNoteDimensions: selected
    NotePixmapFactory::calculateNoteDimensions: selected
    actualSubordering = 0 suborderingExact = 1
    NotationScene::layout: from 0 to 0
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1000
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1001
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1002
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1003
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1004
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1005
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1006
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1007
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1008
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1009
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1010
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1011
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1012
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1013
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1014
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 1 : channel = 2 : id = 1015
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10000
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10001
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10002
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10003
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10004
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10005
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10006
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10007
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10008
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10009
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10010
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10011
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10012
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10013
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10014
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10015
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10016
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10017
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10018
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10019
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10020
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10021
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10022
    SoundDriver: setMappedInstrument() : type = 2 : channel = 2 : id = 10023
    SoundDriver::initialiseAudioQueue -- new queue has 0 files
    JackDriver::stopTransport: resetting m_haveAsyncAudioEvent
    Object::connect: No such slot Rosegarden::TextInserter::handleEventRemoved(Event *) in src/gui/editors/notation/NotationToolBox.cpp:91
    storing window geometry for notation view
    NotePixmapFactory::~NotePixmapFactory: makeNotesCount = 68, makeRestsCount = 5
    NotePixmapFactory::~NotePixmapFactory: makeNotesCount = 68, makeRestsCount = 5
    I cant hear anything when i add some tunes ! !
    can you help me ?

    Glad that the article helped. As you probably noted, the "system tips" are for the PC, as I know almost nothing of Mac's. I am sure there are similarities, but also differences, just because of the way that the OS's differ.
    Audio playback problems CAN interfere with total playback in the Timeline. As Premiere sees the Timeline as a single unit, and just feeds the Audio & Video streams to the proper hardware, if one stream has an issue, it will very often affect the playback of the other too.
    If you have any Mac-specific tips for Audio at the OS level, please add them. Others will benefit.
    Thanks, and good luck,

  • Updating components in jpanel

    Hi, all
    I have a report application which will update me system utilization in several jpanel. Those panels stored in a hashtable and I programmed it refresh each 5 minutes. Here is how I do it.
    Step 1: remove all
    Step 2: show progress
    mypanel.add(<updating message in jlabel>);
    mypanel.add(<a progressbar>);
    Step 3: add new content
    mypanel.add(<a graph in jlabel>);
    mypanel.add(<a jtable with data>);
    The problem is the old content still remains when progress bar appeared. Didn't I just remove all components in step 1? How can I have a empty panel with only progress bar?
    Vincent Chen

    Damn, I found what the problem is, but if I gave the solution to the OP, that would mean confessing I have followed the link, and admitting to belong to the "not worth mentioning" category!Well, since my cover's blown anyway, let's caugh it up:
    Your have an attrubute searchType of type SearchType, you initialize it to reference a new SeearchType() , and you use its status for the search, however you never add the instance in the panel's widget hierarchy. Instead you add a new SearchType() .
    Same for attribute style :
    searchType = new SearchType();
    style = new Style();
    this.add(new SearchType(), c);
    this.add(new Style(), c);
    // in event handler
                                    *At this point, the instance referenced by searchType has never been displayed, so the checkbox, combobox, and whatnot that the user has interacted with are not the ones whose state you read.

  • Using ToolTips and mouseListeners

    I found a strange mouse-input behavior in my Swing application.
    The application consists of a JInternalFrame with an extended JPanel inside. The mouse-listening happens at the frame-level.
    Normal detection and processing of mouse-events is OK.
    As soon as I add a setToolTipText-statement in the constructor of my JPanel, mouse-events are blocked. They are NOT received anymore by the frame-level.
    Has anybody already encountered this ? And more importantly, how can this problem be solved, avoided or bypassed ?
    Thanks for any ideas.

    There's been a thread on this subject these very days, I cannot find it though.
    One of the regulars here, probably camickr, was explaining that once a MouseListener is added on any component in the hierarchy (and I seem to remember the wording was "and this can happen innocently like by setting a tooltip"), the MouseEvent does not bubble up the widget hierarchy.
    Indeed the tooltip behavior is provided by the system, by listening to mousenetered()/exited() to handle mouse hovering.
    I cannot imagine one good reason to listen for MouseEvents "at the frame level", but that's probably caused by my lazyness or lack of imagination.
    Still, you may want to do that with a GlassPane, that would listen to MouseEvents, but still propagate them to components underneath.
    Make sure to check [this article|http://weblogs.java.net/blog/alexfromsun/archive/2006/09/a_wellbehaved_g.html] on how to make a "well-behaved glasspane", before going that route, as there are several difficulties along the way.
    Edited by: jduprez on Jul 24, 2009 12:31 PM - remove incorrect references to MouseMotionEvent and Listener

  • CS3 floating palette title renaming.

    I'm having a problem dynamically renaming the title ( tab ) of one of my palettes at run-time. In CS2 this was quite simple since the tab area of a palette was accessible through the widget hierarchy ( i.e. kTabAreaWidgetID & kPanelTabWidgetID ).
    Since the move to CS3 this is no longer the case. My panel is wrapped in a
    kOWLHostedTabAwarePalettePanelWrapperBoss which itself is contained within another level of hierarchy ( the palette itself which contains the tab and menu widgets ). This top level of hierarchy seems to be shrouded in mystery since it does not show up in the "Panel Edit Mode" of the debug build of InDesign.
    I can navigate the hierarchy of the panels using the 'PaletteRef' object and
    PaletteRefUtils, but after the palette is create there does not seem to be any way of changing the title.

    This code works for us:
    InterfacePtr<IApplication> app(gSession->QueryApplication());
    InterfacePtr<IPanelMgr> panelMgr(app->QueryPanelManager());
    IControlView* panelControlView = panelMgr->GetPanelFromWidgetID(panelWidgetID);
    PaletteRef palRef = panelMgr->GetPaletteRefContainingPanel(panelControlView);
    CFStringRef cfTitle = <your new title>;
    SetControlTitleWithCFString(palRef.GetOWLControl(), cfTitle);
    SetWindowText(palRef.GetOWLControl(), "New title");

  • Is there ANY way to have a static widget over the top of a question slide?

    I have a popup reference widget that I made and put it in a master slide and set it to ply on top, BUT if I add it to a question slide, the text from the question shows over it.
    Any way to have a widget always be on the absolute top?
    Click on the MSDS tab at bottom reveals popup, but the question text appears over the widget even though it is in a master slide set to shop on top.

    Once your widget is on the slide, it has complete control over the display tree. So what you can do is to move up the parent hierarchy until you find the slide (parent.parent.parent) and then re-parent yourselft or you popup window on top of the hierarchy by just calling addChild(). That works well for the static widgets. You just need to deal with the position being different on the slide so you'll have to juggle with localToGlobal() and globalToLocal().

  • Spry widget menu bar as a library item - problems

    I created a spry vertical menu bar and made it a library item.  The original works great, however when I insert the library item into its own div tag on another page, the submenus will not pop out, either in DW or the browser view. The div tag is the correct size and I made the z index high enough. Here is the code of the page that works properly:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>DM Consulting Dry Dock Training</title>
    <link href="css styles/drydock2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarVertical.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    background-image: url(images/vertborderblue2.jpg);
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    <div id="container">
      <div id="header"><img src="images/header_title_white.png" width="645" height="116" alt="header" /></div>
      <div id="logo"><img src="images/drydock_logo_blktxt.png" width="154" height="119" alt="logo" /></div>
      <div id="mainContent">
        <div id="content">
          <p><span class="bolder1">D</span><span class="bolder1">M Consulting </span><span class="lineheight">provides Dry Dock Training, Dry Dock Conferences,<br />
            Dry Dock Software and Dry Dock Consulting      for:</span></p>
            <li class="lineheight"> Dock Masters</li>
            <li class="lineheight">Docking Officers</li>
            <li class="lineheight">Dry Dock Crews</li>
            <li class="lineheight">Engineers</li>
            <li class="lineheight">Naval Architects </li>
            <li class="lineheight"> Port Engineers</li>
            <li class="lineheight">Program/Project Managers</li>
            <li class="lineheight">Marine Surveyors</li>
            <li class="lineheight">Owners' Representatives</li>
            <li class="lineheight">On-site Representatives</li>
            <li class="lineheight">Consultants</li>
            <li class="lineheight">Others Involved or Interested in
              the <br />
              Dry Docking of Ships and Vessels</li>
          <div id="testimonials">&quot;The course was excellent, straight forward and comprehensive. Instruction was great, expected <br />
            &quot;death-by-power point&quot; but was pleasantly surprised.
            I am better acquainted w/dry dock basics after the
            course and can trust the accuracy of the training
            based on the extensive experience of the instructors. Thank you!
            Very informative, very thorough.&quot;
              - David, Australia<br />
          <div id="movie">
            <object width="560" height="340">
              <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/qLGUZEkbAwA?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0" />
              <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
              <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />
              <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/qLGUZEkbAwA?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed>
          <div id="moreTestimonials">&raquo;&raquo;&raquo; click here for more testimonials &laquo;&laquo;&laquo;</div>
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    Here is the code for the page that DOESN'T work:
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          <h2><span class="bolder1">Training Course Schedule</span><span class="bolder1"></span></h2>
          <p><br />
          Class sizes are limited so please register early. Early registration and payment provides the best value.<br />
      <br />
    <p class="underline"><strong>4-7 October 2010  •   Honolulu, HI, USA </strong></p>
          <div id="schedulephoto"><img src="../images/conference-rm_train_s.jpg" width="250" height="123" alt="image" /></div>
          <p>The training will be held in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, USA. <br />
            <a href="Registration_Hawaii.html">Registration form</a><br />
            <br />
          <p class="underline"><strong>15-18 November 2010   •   Virginia Beach VA, USA</strong></p>
          <p>The training will be held in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA. <br />
            <a href="Registration_Virginia.html">Registration form</a><br />
            <br />
          <p class="underline"><strong>11-14 May 2011  •   London, United Kingdom</strong></p>
            The training is held in conjunction with the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA). Registration and payment will be made directly to RINA. <br />
            Visit RINA's <a href="http://www.RINA.org.uk" target="_blank">website</a> and go to &quot;Events&quot; or call +44 (0) 20 7201 2401.<br />
      <br />
          <p><strong>Your Location</strong></p>
          <p>Training tailored to your organization's needs, including training at your facilities, <br />
            is also available.    </p>
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              <li><a href="#drawings.html" title="Dry dock course drawings">Course Drawings</a></li>
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    I understand about having the script and  link element that connect my page to the dependent files in the SpryAssets folder in the header and the JavaScript function cal at the bottom on each page. I don't know what else to do - HELP!

    Welcome to the Dreamweaver world!
    Well, having your index.html page at the top/root level is important, as that is the default page by which people will enter your site.
    Having other pages in folders is fine...I do it all the time in order to keep departments or categories of information sorted.
    One characteristic of having pages in folders is that the hierarchy of files in folders (perforce) puts them at different depths in the site.
    This is not inherently a bad thing! Just one to remain aware of. When you look at your site files in the Files Panel, you can see a graphical representation of those different levels.
    But the nature of a library item is that it is identical in all its instances, which is what makes it useful...change it in the library, and it changes site-wide. The down-side of that identity is that when your files are at different depths in the hierarchy, their links back to, say, home (or any other same file) will change depending on the depth. You can see this if you make a link on a page, then drag the page (in the Files Panel) to a different depth...say, into a folder when it started at root level, or vice versa. Check the link, and you will see that it automatically adapted to the new path.
    Library items do not do that; they do not change, so some of your links will be 'wrong' when you refer to pages that have different paths than the ones originally set up in the library item... because of the change in hierarchy.
    All this is, of course, reliant on your creation of the site in the first place, as defining the root folder's location on your computer gives Dreamweaver a starting point for handling (juggling?) all the location-information for your site's files.

  • Creating a Hierarchy of Tables

    Hello everyone,
    I've started building a GUI application in Java, and I was looking for a way to display expandable, nested tables.
    What I mean is having an option to click certain squares, causing sub tables to be displayed in the row below, moving the lower rows of the original tables down in order to maintain visibility of the whole table (I don't want the new table to cover and hide parts of the original table).
    This is my first project involving tables. I assumed this subject would be a part of Swing as it's an advanced Widget, but I'm open to suggestions of other, better packages if necessary.
    If my request was not worded clearly enough, I will gladly elaborate.

    Thank you very much for both replies.
    Walter, unfortunately I'm not willing to pay for this project, so I'm afraid Jide is probably off reach. Thanks for the offer though.
    splungebob, I've tried the example and as a matter of fact I did not quite get the "nesting" part- it seemed rather irrelvant to the subject of hierarchy. Perhaps I just did not get it, but it didn't seem like the kind of widget I'm looking for.
    So, my original request still stands. I imagine it is possible to work with an ArrayList of JTables, but I'm worried the code will get messy pretty quickly, and am looking for an elegant solution.

  • Is it possible to create Qt Widgets inside After Effects using the SDK?

    I would like to use Qt to create Dialogs and Widgets inside AfterEffects.
    I started out with the Panelator example in the SDK. I can include QtGui into the project, but as soon as I create any object with QObject as a base-class After Effects crashes immediately with the following error: '[...] could not be loaded (48::46)'
    When I try delay load QtCore.dll and QtGui.dll I can at least start the plugin and see, that the crash happens in the initializer of the QObject.
    I use
    VS 2010
    QT 4.8.5
    and my buildenvironment is x64
    I was wondering if there is any kind of incompatibility of embedding Qt in After Effects (due to linker/compiler setting or defines or something like this).
    This is the debugger output:
    My code in the Panel-constructor function:
        int argc = 0;
        char *argv[1] = {""};
        QApplication* a = new QApplication(argc, argv); // THE ERROR OCCURS IN THIS LINE. for a test I exchanged it to QWidget* w = new QWidget(); and it happens as well.
        QWidget* w = new QWidget();
    Outside of AfterFX Qt works fine and I also can delay-load QtGui and QtCore.
    If anyone of you already has experience in using QT in AfterEffects, I would really appreciate your help!
    Thanks in advance.

    It finds QtGui and QtCore, it misses out some other dependencies further down in the hierarchy of USER32.DLL:
    Which doesn't seem to disturb if I don't include and use QT:

  • Hierarchial Table Display

    Hi all.
    A user has requested a hierarchial table display, consisting of header rows and detail rows, both with multiple but different columns.
    Something like the old FM REUSE_ALV_HIERSEQ_LIST_DISPLAY.
    For example:
    Purch. Order   Vendor   Name
       Item   Description        Material    Quantity   UoM
    3800000001     123456   Widgets R Us
       20     Blue Widget        WID001            2    EA
       20     Red Widget         WID002            5    EA
       30     Green Widget       WID003            4    EA
    3800000002     654321   Widget Warehouse
       20     Blue Widget        WID001            3    EA
    I have had a look at Table with Tree (DEMO_TABLE_WITH_TREE), but from what I can see this UI only allows a single column for the hierarchy structure.
    Does anyone know how to achieve a multi-column hierarchial display in a table ?  Any suggestions or comments appreciated.
    Thanks & regards,

    Refer this article: [ALV and Standard Table as Hierarchy in Web Dynpro ABAP|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/c060fcb4-2c62-2b10-d2b2-f32407a5cc6f].
    I hope it helps.

  • Getting a widget's REAL state

    Hi folks,
    I'm trying to determine a widget's REAL state.
    The widget is in a gridfield which has been set to FS_DISABLED, but
    the field's state is FS_USAGESTATE.
    Is there an easy way to a widget's effective state taking into account all
    it's containers? I'd rather not recurse up through the parents checking
    their state, because in some of our windows, that hierarchy is quite
    Thanks in advance.
    Duncan Kinnear,
    McCarthy and Associates, Email: duncanMcCarthy.co.nz
    PO Box 764, McLean Towers, Phone: +64 6 834 3360
    Shakespeare Road, Napier, New Zealand. Fax: +64 6 834 3369
    Providing Integrated Software to the Meat Processing Industry for over 10 years

    Not quite true. You also have an HttpServlet; Thanks for the response, but I'm afraid I don't have an HttpServlet - my code is not inside a servlet, but is in a method that gets called by a servlet, passing the request and response as parameters. I can't alter the method signature.
    I assume getRealPath in HttpRequest is deprecated due to problems with multiple web-applications running alongside each other, so my initial thought of initialising a static field from the servlet's init method and using that may cause problems in future.
    It looks like I'll have to use a properties file, but would prefer not to have to do that.

  • How to redraw Tree widget after mouse scrolling multiple times?

    We have a tree widget which is loaded with around 2000 nodes up to 4 levels. We have Parent – child hierarchy up to 4 levels. Tree loading is fine for first time. But when we start scrolling using mouse on the tree widget tree gets scroll but node names are shown up as blank. We are searching for API function which can allow tree to redraw it fine after scroll.This is the issue we are getting on MAC Indesign CS4 only, it is working fine on Windows.

    Well said! And you said it about six weeks ago. And 4 other people said "Me Too." - I guess we're screwed.
    I guess it's time to switch to GMail.
    Such a trivial thing, but it irritates me every single time.

  • Hi Guys,  I am using the full width video widget on a site. The widget was working perfectly however I have just added additional content to the site and re-uploaded and now the video is not working! Please help I have tried everything and am freaking out

    Hi Guys,
    I am using the full width video widget on a site. The widget was working perfectly however I have just added additional content to the site and re-uploaded and now the video is not working! Please help I have tried everything and am freaking out as this web-site has been payed for by my client.

    Many thanks.
    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

  • Where can I find a tutorial about Show Folders Hierarchy?

    I have Permiere Elements 11 which also has the Elements Organizer as part of the program. And I have Photoshop Elements 10 also. The Elements Organizer with the video editing program is what I'm interested in though. I think my folder hierarchy is not right. I'd like to straighten it out but I don't know how. Can someone direct me to a tutorial on how to work with the Folders Hierarchy.
    This might be a different question, but it might be related to my confusion about the Folder Hierarchy in the Organizer. On June 10 I was copying some photos from my hard drive to the Organizer - probably a dumb thing to do. While I was doing this, the Pictures folder (View and organizes digital pictures) no longer took me to all my photos on the hard drive. The Pictures folder is under Personal Folder, Documents, Music, Control Panel on the Windows 7 desktop to the right of the Start Menus stuff.
    When I click on Pictures now I get two folders: Adobe and Pictures. The Adobe folder has these values - Size: 0 bytes; Contains: 0 Files, 1 Folder; Created: Monday, June 10, 2013; Attributes: Read-only (only applies to files in the folder. I deleted the Abobe folder several times but it keeps coming back.
    What I would really like to do is to restore my Pictures folder to its original state so that I will have access to all my hard drive photos immediately instead of clicking around in those folders. I vaguely think that something I did to the folder hierarchy in the Optimizer has messed up other things on my computer.

    You wrote, "So if you moved the files, what you need to do is move them back..."
    I don't know how to do this. Could you tell  me how. I moved about 50 photos into the Organizer. Now I know I should not have done this. I'd like to correct the mistake.
    When I click on the Show Folder List icon this is what I see:
    My Pictures
         My Videos
                   Program Data
    This makes no sense to me. But I could live with it - except perhaps something I did has made my PrE11 impossible to work with. When I put new clips via the memory card into the program, they do not go into the Timeline. All I get is an error message.
    I like the Adobe programs and don't want to give up on them, especially since my problems probably have been self-imposed.

Maybe you are looking for

  • EDI Mapping to ORDERS IDOC - urgent

    Hi All, My scenario is creation of sales orders in R/3 using inbound EDI messages. Source is the Seeburger external definition(ORDERSV9)(Copied object into my name space) and the target message is the orders IDOC(R/3)(imported). my question is: we ha

  • Groupware Integration with Third party Email and calendar server

    Hi All, We are trying to integrate email, calender and other standard collaboration features with EP7.0. As per the standard provided by SAP, only Lotus Notes and Exchange transports are provided by SAP. I would appreciate if some one can guide on ho

  • Need help with dependent lists boxes with ADF.

    Hello, I am doing a project that use tree dependent list boxes. Ex. State----> College----> List of courses of the college chosen above-----> The way this should work is when I select the state automatically I want it to change to the correspondent l

  • Travel expense accounting program

    hi all I need to ask about travel expense accounting program. The standard feature TRVPA does not have "expense type". The requirement is to settle trips based on expense type, any idea how this  can be achieved by user exits or other features?

  • How can I get Record Count in JDK1.3 version

    Hi, I am using a JSP page which communicates with the database and fetches a query using a record set. How can I display 10 records per page using JDK1.3. Lets say the query fetches 15 records.I want the first 10 records to be displayed and a "Next"