WiFi Calling (again!) - Others experience....?

I've recently been set up for wifi calling on a new Galaxy S6 but I've come across a couple of potential issues. I wondered if anyone else had experienced them, or whether it's specific to me: 1) Outgoing calls are reported on BT and Virgin landlines as 'International', which I find for many people screams 'spam call' and therefore they won't answer. 2) Whilst people I call can hear me fine, I get a very pronounced echo of my own voice which is hugely distracting. The latetr may be due to my slow internet connection (2Mbs down, 0.5Mbs up), but I'm sure I remember reading somewhere that 0.5Mbs up and down was all that was required. I'd be keen to hear if others have experienced these problems....

This is a new service and thus is subject to many bugs at this time. EE know the issues and are working with manufacturers to fix the issues which on the android phones seems to be software related. There are issues which people have reported before but thanks for taking the time to report your own problems. 

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    I can go to another network that would give me an app for calling and texts. No Wifi calling but at least I would have connectivity when I am in my office which has no EE coverage. EE can't offer me Wifi calling or even a promise of it in the future neither can they offer me an app as an interim measure. Crap really.

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    In Settings> Messages
    make sure iMessage is turned on, and
    in Settings> Messages> Send & Receive...
    make sure you have your phone number listed under "you can be reached by imessage at"

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    Hello ajs42548,
    The article linked below details how to go about using FaceTime. In order to use FaceTime over Wi-Fi, just verify that you are connected to a Wi-Fi network prior to initiating the call.
    iOS: Using FaceTime

  • Wifi calls not working anymore help please

    Hi ,
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    Hi James thanks for the advise I tried calling them yesterday and they ran me through loads of tests to do and still don't have wifi calls as they have said either a problem with carrier settings or ios8.4 and might have to wait for Apple to do an update before it works for me again not happy as I rely on wifi calls as I have no signal at work or at home without it.

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    They're planning on releasing it in mid-2015:
    Verizon Wireless (NYSE: VZ) plans to introduce Wi-Fi calling in the middle of next year but does not see an urgent need for it, according to Verizon Communications CFO Fran Shammo.
    Speaking at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Media, Communications and Entertainment Conference, Shammo noted that Apple's (NASDAQ: AAPL) new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus support Wi-Fi calling. He said Verizon needs to do "some technological work in our network to make it available," and it should come around the middle of next year.
    However, he said Wi-Fi calling was "never a top priority" for Verizon. "We built our voice platform so extensively [that] there was never a need for us to tell our customers, 'Oh, our network is not good enough so you need to go on Wi-Fi to complete your call.'"
    He noted that when a call goes onto a Wi-Fi network, it's difficult for Verizon to guarantee the quality of service on that call, which is what Verizon has built its brand reputation on. That's a major reason Verizon waited so long to launch Voice over LTE service--it wanted to make sure it had adequate coverage that could replicate the voice experience of calls on its 3G CDMA network. Verizon has just started rolling out VoLTE service.
    Other carriers are moving ahead with Wi-Fi calling plans. Ralph de la Vega, CEO of AT&T's Mobile & Business Solutions Group,  said last week that AT&T will launch Wi-Fi calling in 2015 but that the carrier will use it only as a complement to Voice over LTE or 3G-based calling. "We don't have this burning desire" to use it to enhance coverage, he said.
    The comments were notable in light of T-Mobile US' (NYSE:TMUS) announcement this week that heavily emphasized Wi-Fi calling and using personal routers to create Wi-Fi coverage areas in subscribers' homes. T-Mobile is the first and only U.S. carrier to support Wi-Fi calling on the new iPhone. Sprint (NYSE: S) also launched a Wi-Fi calling service for its Android smartphones this past February.
    In terms of other hot topics, Shammo said Verizon would not be leasing phones, as Sprint is doing with its "iPhone for life" offering with the new iPhones. Under that program, individual customers will pay $20 a month for a 16 GB iPhone 6, instead of $30 under normal financing. At the end of 24 months, they can trade in their iPhone for a new iPhone. The iPhone 6 Plus will cost $25 per month under this program instead of $35 under normal financing. If a customer wants an iPhone with more internal storage they will pay more per month. The leasing program applies to families as well.
    Shammo said Verizon offers its Edge handset-financing and early-upgrade program but that the "majority" of Verizon customers are still choosing subsidized handsets paired with two-year contracts. In contrast, AT&T said sales through its similar Next program represented around 50 percent of all smartphone sales in the second quarter.
    Shammo also touched on whether Verizon might sell its wireless-tower assets, saying the company remains open to it. In the past, doing a deal "always came down to price and terms and conditions," which he said have become more favorable. He said that Verizon's network is experiencing high demand and that the company would like to retain the flexibility to add towers or add network gear to existing towers. "It's an option for us," he said. "We continue to look at it, and we'll see what happens."
    Last week at a separate investor conference, Verizon Communciations CEO Lowell McAdam also said the company would be open to selling some of its towers if the price was right. "Those deals are coming to us a little more now, and if an opportunity presented itself to increase shareholder value" Verizon would be interested in pursuing it, McAdam said, according to Reuters. McAdam said Verizon received interest in its towers two years ago, but the bids weren't high enough.

  • Wifi calling broken after update to ios 8.1

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    Could somebody please help me with this?

    I read theT Mobile reply.  It sort of gives answer.  The issue is that 8.1 requires that you have an E911 address that is same as WiFi site.  Your T mobile network validates the address and only then allows WiFi calling.  I assume it is a safety feature that Tmobile has not made clear.  I wasted a lot of time with unnecessary network resets before gleaning from response the real goal.  You cannot just have an E911 address.  It has to be current each time you access a new WiFi site.

  • Wifi calling - new registration problems

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    Similar issue here too.Enabled wifi calling on the samsung S6, but got no wifi calling icon.Got email messages from EE saying I can now use wifi calling, but still not working and no icon.Called EE was told it was not activated at their end. (strange as I got the activated texts)?Was told they had activated it and after disabling wifi calling on the phone, I should re-boot the phone and re-enable wifi calling and it would then work....It didn't. But I got 2 more messages telling me I could now use wifi calling.Called EE again, and was told I would have to wait upto 24 hrs for it to work.Not too impressed so far, as It is touted as being Wifi calling ready and "simple" just switch it on.Will wait and see if it works tomorrow, but not convinced as yet. 



    Well, based on the "tone" I read from your initial message, I would sugges that you start looking at other carriers now.  AT&T does not anounce dates that things will be released until they are sure that the dates will be met.  So far, AT&T has indicated that they will try to get something released in 2015, but the year is only half over, so it could still take most of that last 6 months before it is available, we don't know, and AT&T won't say until they know they are ready to release it.  Take a look at Microsoft.  Several months ago, they annouced that Windows 10 would be released on July 29th.  Now they are not saying that, and implying that the release date may slip.  AT&T is not the only company which will not pre-announce things until they are sure they will be ready to meet that date.  Yes, it sucks that we don't know when that feature will be available to us, but that's just the way it is.
    As for the "lecturing" you thought you received, almost any place on the internet will give you the same "lecture" (many of them much less politely than ).  Typing in all caps is consider "shouting" in internet terms (and has been for more than 25 years), and it is harder to read than typing in mixed case.  In a printed format, text case and punctuation are the only "body language" your reader has to determine the nature of your message, unlike face-to-face communications.

  • When is wifi calling coming out?

    It's been months since wifi calling came out for iOS 8, but it still hasn't come to AT&T. )): iOS 9 is about to be released soon, but still no sign of it at all. By any chance it's coming soon, AT&T — or coming at all? It's been a long awaited feature and I am really excited about getting my hands on it. Continuity is a feature I heard on iOS 9 that allows you to take calls and texts through your Mac and iPad — which requires wifi calling enabled (through your cellular connection). I hope it's a feature for an AT&T iPhone, because I think it's very convenient.

    Hey, Charise, What if someone calls me from my doctor's office, or a bank, or a polical organization?  They don't use FaceTime. What AT&T customers want is to be treated with respect.  Your front line CSR people are mostly very nice, but company policies like this suggest that at the highest level, you don't give a hoot about our end user experience, as long as we pay our bills.  Get Mr de la Vega to host a town hall and see what customers really think and what our real problems are.

  • TMO Torch 9810 reboots on WiFi calling access

    As of yesterday, my new (May) T-Mobile Torch 9810 is rebooting continually when WiFi is on. The 9810 reboots spontaneously the moment it connects to UMA (WiFi calling) over WiFi (a T-Mobile only feature). I've been using UMA forever, have not recently made any changes to the unit, or my network or router. When I turn WiFi off, the Torch works normally. It started doing this after I did my customary daily three finger salute restart. Anyone seen this before? I have not yet called technical support.
    I can find some references to spontaneous reboots both here and at the T-Mobile support site, so I have reinstalled the operating system twice (latest update, 7.1 Bundle 998), replaced the micro-SD card, wiped the handset, reverted to OS 7.0 Bundle 1948 (which does not have UMA, and has no problem accessing WiFi) then re-upgraded to 7.1 Bundle 998 (which does have UMA), but it is still rebooting like crazy when UMA is accessed. Never seen this before, I've been using UMA since 2007, before the Torch I had a 9700. My other handsets (Nokia and Samsung, both with UMA) have no problem. Anybody?

    I have just noticed the same thing.  I first noticed it last night when my device spontaneously rebooted.  When it came back to life it rebooted again.  I had just installed an updated version of an app and I thought maybe it was related to that.  The device came back up the second time and was fine so I didn't give another thought.
    However, today I was on wifi calling all day.  I noticed it dropped off this evening so I cycled the wifi off and back on.  When it tried to reconnect it rebooted.  It continuously rebooted every time it tried connecting to wifi calling even in safe mode.  The only thing I could do was unplug my router so that I could have enough time to access the Mobile Network settings and set the device back to Mobile Network Preferred.  Once I did that the problem went away.
    I don't know what is going on but it seems to be some kind of network issue.  I can't find anything in the device logs, though.  I can't call support since I'm on a corporate account and I'm on a newer OS than T-Mobile supports (  I've been on this OS for a couple weeks now with no issues.  This particular issue started just last night.
    1. Please thank those who help you by clicking the "Like" button at the bottom of the post that helped you.
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  • WIFI Calling - outgoing volume is very low

    Hello, I was recently given a Samsung S5 from my work for business use.I work reguarly from home, and the coverage is poor from inside my house! I recently looked on the EE website and found that i could upgrade the software on my phone to enable WIFI calling.I managed to do this which was very straightforward. The problem is now that although i can receive and make calls very easily through WIFI, the outgoing call volume is very low and people are struggling to hear me properly. To check it was WIFI causing this, i disabled WIFI and made the call again in an area of my house where i can get some reception. The volume was fine. So the issue is clearly with WIFI calling. I am not aware of a way to adjust my outgoing voice volume but i hope you can help.This causes me alot of issues and unecessary stress. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Alan Craddock

    I think I may have stumbled onto a fix. When looking at the call settings to type my post, above, I noticed there was a check box to enable/disable 'Noise reduction' (cuts out background noise, apparently). This was on. I switched it off, and the volume on WiFi calling is now OK. To find this setting in Android, go the the call screen, choose 'Settings', then 'Call'...uncheck the box labelled 'Noise reduction'. Hopefully there's some equivalent setting for those of you unfortunate enough to be using an Apple device ;-) Crash

  • WiFi Calling icon not received

    I had a text message from EE to tell me that I can now use WiFi Calling, and telling me to go to ee.co.uk/wificalling to set it up. I did, and I've turned on WiFi Calling in settings a couple of days ago, but I've still not received the icon people are talking about to show that WiFi calling is enabled. What am I missing? is there something else I should have done? I even texted WiFi Calling to 150 and got a text back telling me again to go to ee.co.uk/wificalling to set it up. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It's a Galaxy S5 bought directly from EE over the phone about a year ago. Thanks.

    Call 150 as I think there have been recent problems with setting up wifi calling. I had the same problem on my S6, and dreaded calling 150 as it's usually such a nightmare. However, I called earlier in the week and in this case it was simple and effective. Spoke to a normal advisor, who put me through to John in second line tech support. He sent some settings as a text message whilst I was on the call, and before I put the phone down the wifi calling icon had appeared at the top of my screen. It's been working fine ever since. Despite my historic dislike of calling 150, in this case it was quick, easy, and above all - it worked. Good luck.

  • WiFi Calling - Only available on iPhones purchased directly form EE

    I have been in touch with EE Tech Support as they cannot seem to get WiFi Calling enabled on my iPhone. After more than 5 calls to various levels of Tech Support, today I am told that WiFi Calling on an iPhone 6 is only available if the phone was bought from EE stores or website. I don't believe the support guy and feel like I am being fobbed-off. Anyway, I am writing on this forum to see if anyone else has had this response? I cannot believe that Apple would use this feature in their product launch keynote and then agree with EE that it should only be available to phones bought direct. Doesn't make sense. I'd love to know what you think.

    I have been getting the following message on screen, even though I am not trying to send a message or anything: Sorry, the number you are sending to does not contain enough digits. Please check the number and try again. … but I have done a reboot since and it appears to have stopped showing.

  • Is there any valid reason why Wifi calling is not enabled and we have to wait until mid 2015?

    It seems like it shouldn't have anything to do with the carrier since its completely off their network. It is a feature and function of the device. I've been living in a dead zone for over a year and was excited to hear Wifi calling was coming with the iOS 8 update. After updating today I found out that Verizon has no plans to enable a feature that Apple has made available now until mid 2015. According to the CFO Fran Shammo, "We built our voice platform so extensively [that] there was never a need for us to tell our customers, 'Oh, our network is not good enough so you need to go on Wi-Fi to complete your call." I know I'm not alone here in an area not covered by Verizon and as tempting as it is to buy their $250 network extender I'd much rather use a FREE alternative that is available NOW and has NO BEARING ON VERIZON'S SPOTTY NETWORK that I have the misfortune of living in.

    Tidbits wrote:
    Would love to have every carrier offer coverage everywhere.  Verizon may be the best nationwide, but they don't cover everywhere. When I travel WiFi calling works great in places with little to no coverage no matter what carrier I was using.  I end up using my T-Mobile lines when I travel to those locations.
    I find places that don't have Verizon coverage tend to be the same areas that don't have broadband internet which renders wi-fi calling moot. Yes there are areas in my county that have poor or no service. As I aid these places do not have broadband internet either. So what good is wi-fi calling to them?
    As far as T-Mobile I'd have to drive 70 miles just to get to a 4G area and over 40 miles to even get to an area that provides T-Mobile edge. Now if I'm using wi-fi for both calling and data then what am I paying T-Mobile for?

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